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Taşkent begliğinin toprak mülkiyeti tarihinden (19. yüzyılın başı)

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 115, 107 - 125, 30.09.2023


Makale, 19. yüzyılın başlarında Taşkent'teki arazi mülkiyeti konularını arşiv belgelerine ve tarihi kaynaklara dayalı olarak vurgular ve analiz eder. Araştırılan: Bölgedeki toprak sorunlarının çözümünde İslam hukukunun etkisi, İslam hukukunun uyumlaştırılması ve tarımda yerel gelenekler. Yukarıdaki analize dayanarak, Rus İmparatorluğu'nun işgalinden önce Taşkent'te kendine özgü ve tam teşekküllü bir toprak mülkiyeti yasal kurumunun olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Kokand Hanlığı'nın yasal kurumunun bir parçası olan ve şeriat yasalarına ve ilkel olarak eski tarım geleneklerine dayanan. Çalışma tarihselcilik ilkesine dayalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışma sırasında mikrotarihsel bir yaklaşım, karşılaştırmalı, sistematik, içerik analizi ve problem-kronolojik yöntemler kullanılmıştır.


  • Abu Ubaidullāh Tāshkandī. Khulāsat al ahvāl. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 2084. [in Persian]
  • Geyns, A. Sobranie literaturnyh trudov. Tom ІІ. Sankt-Peterburg. Tipographiya MM Stasyulevicha. 1898. [in Russian]
  • Grodekov, N.I. Kirgizy` i karakirgizy` Sy`r-Dar`inskoj oblasti. Tipo-lit. S.I. Lakhtina, Tashkent. 1889 [in Russian]
  • Idarov, S. Pozemelnoe pravo i podatnaya sistema po magometanskomu zakonodatelstvu. - Tashkent. // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1872, № 41. [in Russian]
  • Muhammad Sālih Kāra khwāja oghli Tāshkandī. Tārīkh-i Jadīda-yi Tāshkand. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 7791. [in Persian]
  • Muhammad Yunus Tāib. Tārīkh-i Ali-quli Amir Lashkar. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 12136. [in Persian]
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-1008, List 1, f. 84.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-1043, L. 1, doc. 3, 495, 496, 886.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, l. 1, f. 13.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 14.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 15.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 16.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 8.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-17, L. 1, f. 13271.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-17, L. 1, f. 32663.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-19, L. 1, f. 22513.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-715. L. 1, f. 23.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund R-2678, L. 1, f. 167.
  • Postanovleniya musulmanskogo zakonodatelstva o dolshikakh. // Turkestanskiy sbornik. V. 459. – Sankt-Peterburg. 1888. [in Russian]
  • Schuyler, E. Turkistan: notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja (Vol. 2). Scribner, Armstrong & Company. 1876.
  • Tārikh-i Azizī. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 11108. [in Persian]
  • Teterevnikov, A. N. Ocherk o vnutrennei torhovle Kirhizskoi stepi [Essay on the Internal Trade of the Kyrgyz Steppe]. 1867. [in Russian]
  • Velyaminov-Zernov, V. V. (1856). Historic Tidings about Kokand Khanate from Mukhammed-Ali up to Khudayar-khan. The Works of the Oriental Department under the Imperial Archeology Society. Part two. Spb, 329-370. [in Russian]
  • Zatsepin, D.K. O sposobakh izmereniya zemli u tuzemtsev Turkestanskogo kraya. // Ejegodnik Turkestanskogo kraya. 1874. [in Russian]
  • Secondary Literature Qādirī, Abdulla. O‘tgan kunlar [Days Gone by]. Historical novel. Ghafur Ghulom. Tashkent. 1974. [in Uzbek]
  • Abdurasulov, U. A. Pravovaya I Fiskal'naya Dinamika Zemlevladeniya V Horezme (XIX-Nachalo XX v.). Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriya i sovremennost', (4), 2015. 32-46. [in Russian]
  • Babadzhanov, B. M. Kokandskoe khanstvo: vlast’, politika, religiia. Tokio-Tashkent. 2010. –744 s. [in Russian]
  • Chekhovich, O. D. O nekotoryh voprosah istorii Srednej Azii XVIII–XIX vv. Voprosy istorii, 1956, (3). 84-95. [in Russian]
  • Isogaı, K. I. (2011). Seven Fatwa Documents from Early 20th Century Samarqand: The Function of Mufti in the Judicial Proceedings Adopted at Central Asian Islamic Court (< Special Feature> Theory and Practice of Sharia Courts: between Universality and Localization). Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, 27(1), 2011, pp. 259-282.
  • Hinc, V., & Davidovich, E. A. Musul'manskie mery i vesa s perevodom v metricheskuju sistemu. Materialy po metrologii Srednevekovoj Srednej Azii. Moskva. 1970. [in Russian]
  • Levi, S. C. The Rise and Fall of Khoqand, 1709-1876: Central Asia in the Global Age. University of Pittsburgh Press. 2017.
  • Madzhlisov A. Agrarny`e otnosheniya v Vostochnoj Bukhare XIX-nach. XX v. - Dushanbe-Alma-Ata: Irfon, 1967. [in Russian]
  • Materiali po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu rayona reki Chu i nizovev reki Talasa Chernyaevskogo i Aulieatinskogo uezdov. Sir-Dariinskoy oblasti. Tashkent: Tipolitografiya V.M. Ilina, 1915. [in Russian]
  • Materiali po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu. Sir-Darinskaya oblast. Kazalinskiy uezd. Tashkent: Tipolitografiya V.M. Ilina, 1913. [in Russian]
  • Morrison, A. Amlākdārs, Khwājas and Mulk Land in the Zarafshan Valley after the Russian Conquest. In Explorations in the Social History of Modern Central Asia (19th-Early 20th Century) Brill. 2013, pp. 23-64.
  • Morrison, A. Russian rule in Samarkand 1868-1910: A comparison with British India. Oxford university press. 2008.
  • Nabiev, R. N. Iz istorii Kokandskogo hanstva. Tashkent: Fan, 1973. 261. [in Russian]
  • Sartori, P. Colonial legislation meets sharīca: Muslims' land rights in Russian Turkestan. Central Asian Survey, 29(1), 2010, pp. 43-60.
  • Sartori, P. Visions of Justice: Sharīʿa and Cultural Change in Russian Central Asia (p. 408). Brill. 2016.
  • Soliev, P. XVIII-XXI asr iqtisodiy va tujjoriy munosabatlar. // Maorif va o‘qitg‘uvchi. № 1. 1929. [in Uzbek]
  • Sultonov, U. Toshkent Qoqon xonligi tarkibida (the analyses of information in “Tarikhi jadidayi Toshkand” va “Khulosat al-ahvol”). // O’zbekiston tarikhi, vol. 2. 2007, 57-67. [in Uzbek]
  • Sultonov, U. A. Toshkent vaqf khŭjaligida an’analar, islohotlar va muammolar (XVI–XX asr boshlariga oid tarikhiĭ hujjatlar asosida). Doktorlik dissertatsiyasi avtoreferati. Toshkent. 2016. [in Uzbek]
  • Troickaja, A. L. Materialy po istorii Kokandskogo hanstva XIX veka. Po dokumentam arhiva kokandskih hanov. Moskva. 1969. [in Russian]
  • Vohidov, Sh. Qo‘qon khonligida tarikhnavislik (genezisi, funktsiyalari, namoyandalari, asarlari). Akademnashr. Toshkent. 2010. [in Uzbek]
  • Ziyaev, H. O‘zbekiston mustamlaka va zulm iskanjasida (XIX asr ikkinchi yarmi – XX asr boshlari). Toshkent. 2009. [in Uzbek]
  • Zhuvonmardiev A. XVI-XIX asrlarda U`rta Osiyoda er-suv masalalariga doir. Toshkent. 1965. [in Uzbek]

Ташкент бегіліктерінің жерге иелік ету тарихынан (19 ғ. басы)

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 115, 107 - 125, 30.09.2023


Мақалада 19 ғасыр басындағы Ташкенттегі жерге меншік мәселелері мұрағат құжаттары мен тарихи дереккөздер негізінде айшықталып, талданған. Зерттелді: Мұсылман құқығының өлкедегі жер мәселесін шешуге әсері, егіншіліктегі мұсылман құқығы мен жергілікті әдет-ғұрыптарды үйлестіру. Жоғарыдағы талдаулар негізінде Ташкентте Ресей империясының шапқыншылығына дейін жер иеленудің өзіндік және толыққанды құқықтық институты болған деген қорытындыға келеді. Қоқан хандығының құқықтық институтының бір бөлігі болған және шариғат заңдарына және егіншіліктің ертеден келе жатқан дәстүрлеріне сүйенген. Зерттеу тарихшылдық принципі негізінде жүргізілді. Зерттеу барысында микротарихи көзқарас, салыстырмалы, жүйелік, мазмұндық талдау және проблемалық-хронологиялық әдістер қолданылды.


  • Abu Ubaidullāh Tāshkandī. Khulāsat al ahvāl. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 2084. [in Persian]
  • Geyns, A. Sobranie literaturnyh trudov. Tom ІІ. Sankt-Peterburg. Tipographiya MM Stasyulevicha. 1898. [in Russian]
  • Grodekov, N.I. Kirgizy` i karakirgizy` Sy`r-Dar`inskoj oblasti. Tipo-lit. S.I. Lakhtina, Tashkent. 1889 [in Russian]
  • Idarov, S. Pozemelnoe pravo i podatnaya sistema po magometanskomu zakonodatelstvu. - Tashkent. // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1872, № 41. [in Russian]
  • Muhammad Sālih Kāra khwāja oghli Tāshkandī. Tārīkh-i Jadīda-yi Tāshkand. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 7791. [in Persian]
  • Muhammad Yunus Tāib. Tārīkh-i Ali-quli Amir Lashkar. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 12136. [in Persian]
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-1008, List 1, f. 84.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-1043, L. 1, doc. 3, 495, 496, 886.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, l. 1, f. 13.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 14.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 15.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 16.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 8.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-17, L. 1, f. 13271.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-17, L. 1, f. 32663.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-19, L. 1, f. 22513.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-715. L. 1, f. 23.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund R-2678, L. 1, f. 167.
  • Postanovleniya musulmanskogo zakonodatelstva o dolshikakh. // Turkestanskiy sbornik. V. 459. – Sankt-Peterburg. 1888. [in Russian]
  • Schuyler, E. Turkistan: notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja (Vol. 2). Scribner, Armstrong & Company. 1876.
  • Tārikh-i Azizī. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 11108. [in Persian]
  • Teterevnikov, A. N. Ocherk o vnutrennei torhovle Kirhizskoi stepi [Essay on the Internal Trade of the Kyrgyz Steppe]. 1867. [in Russian]
  • Velyaminov-Zernov, V. V. (1856). Historic Tidings about Kokand Khanate from Mukhammed-Ali up to Khudayar-khan. The Works of the Oriental Department under the Imperial Archeology Society. Part two. Spb, 329-370. [in Russian]
  • Zatsepin, D.K. O sposobakh izmereniya zemli u tuzemtsev Turkestanskogo kraya. // Ejegodnik Turkestanskogo kraya. 1874. [in Russian]
  • Secondary Literature Qādirī, Abdulla. O‘tgan kunlar [Days Gone by]. Historical novel. Ghafur Ghulom. Tashkent. 1974. [in Uzbek]
  • Abdurasulov, U. A. Pravovaya I Fiskal'naya Dinamika Zemlevladeniya V Horezme (XIX-Nachalo XX v.). Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriya i sovremennost', (4), 2015. 32-46. [in Russian]
  • Babadzhanov, B. M. Kokandskoe khanstvo: vlast’, politika, religiia. Tokio-Tashkent. 2010. –744 s. [in Russian]
  • Chekhovich, O. D. O nekotoryh voprosah istorii Srednej Azii XVIII–XIX vv. Voprosy istorii, 1956, (3). 84-95. [in Russian]
  • Isogaı, K. I. (2011). Seven Fatwa Documents from Early 20th Century Samarqand: The Function of Mufti in the Judicial Proceedings Adopted at Central Asian Islamic Court (< Special Feature> Theory and Practice of Sharia Courts: between Universality and Localization). Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, 27(1), 2011, pp. 259-282.
  • Hinc, V., & Davidovich, E. A. Musul'manskie mery i vesa s perevodom v metricheskuju sistemu. Materialy po metrologii Srednevekovoj Srednej Azii. Moskva. 1970. [in Russian]
  • Levi, S. C. The Rise and Fall of Khoqand, 1709-1876: Central Asia in the Global Age. University of Pittsburgh Press. 2017.
  • Madzhlisov A. Agrarny`e otnosheniya v Vostochnoj Bukhare XIX-nach. XX v. - Dushanbe-Alma-Ata: Irfon, 1967. [in Russian]
  • Materiali po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu rayona reki Chu i nizovev reki Talasa Chernyaevskogo i Aulieatinskogo uezdov. Sir-Dariinskoy oblasti. Tashkent: Tipolitografiya V.M. Ilina, 1915. [in Russian]
  • Materiali po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu. Sir-Darinskaya oblast. Kazalinskiy uezd. Tashkent: Tipolitografiya V.M. Ilina, 1913. [in Russian]
  • Morrison, A. Amlākdārs, Khwājas and Mulk Land in the Zarafshan Valley after the Russian Conquest. In Explorations in the Social History of Modern Central Asia (19th-Early 20th Century) Brill. 2013, pp. 23-64.
  • Morrison, A. Russian rule in Samarkand 1868-1910: A comparison with British India. Oxford university press. 2008.
  • Nabiev, R. N. Iz istorii Kokandskogo hanstva. Tashkent: Fan, 1973. 261. [in Russian]
  • Sartori, P. Colonial legislation meets sharīca: Muslims' land rights in Russian Turkestan. Central Asian Survey, 29(1), 2010, pp. 43-60.
  • Sartori, P. Visions of Justice: Sharīʿa and Cultural Change in Russian Central Asia (p. 408). Brill. 2016.
  • Soliev, P. XVIII-XXI asr iqtisodiy va tujjoriy munosabatlar. // Maorif va o‘qitg‘uvchi. № 1. 1929. [in Uzbek]
  • Sultonov, U. Toshkent Qoqon xonligi tarkibida (the analyses of information in “Tarikhi jadidayi Toshkand” va “Khulosat al-ahvol”). // O’zbekiston tarikhi, vol. 2. 2007, 57-67. [in Uzbek]
  • Sultonov, U. A. Toshkent vaqf khŭjaligida an’analar, islohotlar va muammolar (XVI–XX asr boshlariga oid tarikhiĭ hujjatlar asosida). Doktorlik dissertatsiyasi avtoreferati. Toshkent. 2016. [in Uzbek]
  • Troickaja, A. L. Materialy po istorii Kokandskogo hanstva XIX veka. Po dokumentam arhiva kokandskih hanov. Moskva. 1969. [in Russian]
  • Vohidov, Sh. Qo‘qon khonligida tarikhnavislik (genezisi, funktsiyalari, namoyandalari, asarlari). Akademnashr. Toshkent. 2010. [in Uzbek]
  • Ziyaev, H. O‘zbekiston mustamlaka va zulm iskanjasida (XIX asr ikkinchi yarmi – XX asr boshlari). Toshkent. 2009. [in Uzbek]
  • Zhuvonmardiev A. XVI-XIX asrlarda U`rta Osiyoda er-suv masalalariga doir. Toshkent. 1965. [in Uzbek]


Yıl 2023, Sayı: 115, 107 - 125, 30.09.2023


The article highlights and analyzes based on archival documents and historical sources the issues of land ownership in Tashkent in the early 19th century. Researched: the influence of Muslim law on the solution of land issues in the region, the harmonization of Muslim law and local customs in agriculture. Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that in Tashkent before the invasion of the Russian Empire, there was a peculiar and full-fledged legal institution of land tenure. Which was part of the legal institution of the Kokand Khanate and relied on Sharia law and the primordially ancient traditions of agriculture. The study was conducted based on the principle of historicism. In the course of the study were used a microhistorical approach, comparative, systematic, content analysis and problem-chronological methods.


  • Abu Ubaidullāh Tāshkandī. Khulāsat al ahvāl. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 2084. [in Persian]
  • Geyns, A. Sobranie literaturnyh trudov. Tom ІІ. Sankt-Peterburg. Tipographiya MM Stasyulevicha. 1898. [in Russian]
  • Grodekov, N.I. Kirgizy` i karakirgizy` Sy`r-Dar`inskoj oblasti. Tipo-lit. S.I. Lakhtina, Tashkent. 1889 [in Russian]
  • Idarov, S. Pozemelnoe pravo i podatnaya sistema po magometanskomu zakonodatelstvu. - Tashkent. // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1872, № 41. [in Russian]
  • Muhammad Sālih Kāra khwāja oghli Tāshkandī. Tārīkh-i Jadīda-yi Tāshkand. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 7791. [in Persian]
  • Muhammad Yunus Tāib. Tārīkh-i Ali-quli Amir Lashkar. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 12136. [in Persian]
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-1008, List 1, f. 84.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-1043, L. 1, doc. 3, 495, 496, 886.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, l. 1, f. 13.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 14.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 15.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 16.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-164, L. 1, f. 8.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-17, L. 1, f. 13271.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-17, L. 1, f. 32663.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-19, L. 1, f. 22513.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund I-715. L. 1, f. 23.
  • National Archive of Uzbekistan. Fund R-2678, L. 1, f. 167.
  • Postanovleniya musulmanskogo zakonodatelstva o dolshikakh. // Turkestanskiy sbornik. V. 459. – Sankt-Peterburg. 1888. [in Russian]
  • Schuyler, E. Turkistan: notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja (Vol. 2). Scribner, Armstrong & Company. 1876.
  • Tārikh-i Azizī. Fund of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manuscript, № 11108. [in Persian]
  • Teterevnikov, A. N. Ocherk o vnutrennei torhovle Kirhizskoi stepi [Essay on the Internal Trade of the Kyrgyz Steppe]. 1867. [in Russian]
  • Velyaminov-Zernov, V. V. (1856). Historic Tidings about Kokand Khanate from Mukhammed-Ali up to Khudayar-khan. The Works of the Oriental Department under the Imperial Archeology Society. Part two. Spb, 329-370. [in Russian]
  • Zatsepin, D.K. O sposobakh izmereniya zemli u tuzemtsev Turkestanskogo kraya. // Ejegodnik Turkestanskogo kraya. 1874. [in Russian]
  • Secondary Literature Qādirī, Abdulla. O‘tgan kunlar [Days Gone by]. Historical novel. Ghafur Ghulom. Tashkent. 1974. [in Uzbek]
  • Abdurasulov, U. A. Pravovaya I Fiskal'naya Dinamika Zemlevladeniya V Horezme (XIX-Nachalo XX v.). Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriya i sovremennost', (4), 2015. 32-46. [in Russian]
  • Babadzhanov, B. M. Kokandskoe khanstvo: vlast’, politika, religiia. Tokio-Tashkent. 2010. –744 s. [in Russian]
  • Chekhovich, O. D. O nekotoryh voprosah istorii Srednej Azii XVIII–XIX vv. Voprosy istorii, 1956, (3). 84-95. [in Russian]
  • Isogaı, K. I. (2011). Seven Fatwa Documents from Early 20th Century Samarqand: The Function of Mufti in the Judicial Proceedings Adopted at Central Asian Islamic Court (< Special Feature> Theory and Practice of Sharia Courts: between Universality and Localization). Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, 27(1), 2011, pp. 259-282.
  • Hinc, V., & Davidovich, E. A. Musul'manskie mery i vesa s perevodom v metricheskuju sistemu. Materialy po metrologii Srednevekovoj Srednej Azii. Moskva. 1970. [in Russian]
  • Levi, S. C. The Rise and Fall of Khoqand, 1709-1876: Central Asia in the Global Age. University of Pittsburgh Press. 2017.
  • Madzhlisov A. Agrarny`e otnosheniya v Vostochnoj Bukhare XIX-nach. XX v. - Dushanbe-Alma-Ata: Irfon, 1967. [in Russian]
  • Materiali po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu rayona reki Chu i nizovev reki Talasa Chernyaevskogo i Aulieatinskogo uezdov. Sir-Dariinskoy oblasti. Tashkent: Tipolitografiya V.M. Ilina, 1915. [in Russian]
  • Materiali po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu. Sir-Darinskaya oblast. Kazalinskiy uezd. Tashkent: Tipolitografiya V.M. Ilina, 1913. [in Russian]
  • Morrison, A. Amlākdārs, Khwājas and Mulk Land in the Zarafshan Valley after the Russian Conquest. In Explorations in the Social History of Modern Central Asia (19th-Early 20th Century) Brill. 2013, pp. 23-64.
  • Morrison, A. Russian rule in Samarkand 1868-1910: A comparison with British India. Oxford university press. 2008.
  • Nabiev, R. N. Iz istorii Kokandskogo hanstva. Tashkent: Fan, 1973. 261. [in Russian]
  • Sartori, P. Colonial legislation meets sharīca: Muslims' land rights in Russian Turkestan. Central Asian Survey, 29(1), 2010, pp. 43-60.
  • Sartori, P. Visions of Justice: Sharīʿa and Cultural Change in Russian Central Asia (p. 408). Brill. 2016.
  • Soliev, P. XVIII-XXI asr iqtisodiy va tujjoriy munosabatlar. // Maorif va o‘qitg‘uvchi. № 1. 1929. [in Uzbek]
  • Sultonov, U. Toshkent Qoqon xonligi tarkibida (the analyses of information in “Tarikhi jadidayi Toshkand” va “Khulosat al-ahvol”). // O’zbekiston tarikhi, vol. 2. 2007, 57-67. [in Uzbek]
  • Sultonov, U. A. Toshkent vaqf khŭjaligida an’analar, islohotlar va muammolar (XVI–XX asr boshlariga oid tarikhiĭ hujjatlar asosida). Doktorlik dissertatsiyasi avtoreferati. Toshkent. 2016. [in Uzbek]
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  • Zhuvonmardiev A. XVI-XIX asrlarda U`rta Osiyoda er-suv masalalariga doir. Toshkent. 1965. [in Uzbek]

Из истории землевладения ташкентского беглика (начало XIX века)

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 115, 107 - 125, 30.09.2023


В статье на основе архивных документов и исторических источников освещаются и анализируются вопросы землевладения в Ташкенте в начале XIX века. Исследованы: влияние мусульманского права на решение земельных вопросов в регионе, гармонизация мусульманского права и местных обычаев в сельском хозяйстве. На основании приведенного анализа делается вывод о том, что в Ташкенте до нашествия Российской империи существовал своеобразный и полноценный правовой институт землевладения. Которое входило в состав правового института Кокандского ханства и опиралось на законы шариата и исконно древние традиции земледелия. Исследование проводилось на основе принципа историзма. В ходе исследования использовались микроисторический подход, сравнительный, систематический, контент-анализ и проблемно-хронологический методы.


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Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Güney-Batı (Oğuz) Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Odil Zaripov 0000-0002-2261-1166

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Eylül 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 115

Kaynak Göster

AMA Zaripov O. FROM THE HISTORY OF LAND OWNERSHIP OF THE TASHKENT BEGLIK (BEGINNING OF THE 19th CENTURY). Türkoloji. Eylül 2023;(115):107-125. doi:10.59358/ayt.1301085
Chicago Zaripov, Odil. “FROM THE HISTORY OF LAND OWNERSHIP OF THE TASHKENT BEGLIK (BEGINNING OF THE 19th CENTURY)”. Türkoloji, sy. 115 (Eylül 2023): 107-25.
IEEE O. Zaripov, “FROM THE HISTORY OF LAND OWNERSHIP OF THE TASHKENT BEGLIK (BEGINNING OF THE 19th CENTURY)”, Türkoloji, sy. 115, ss. 107–125, Eylül 2023, doi: 10.59358/ayt.1301085.
MLA Zaripov, Odil. “FROM THE HISTORY OF LAND OWNERSHIP OF THE TASHKENT BEGLIK (BEGINNING OF THE 19th CENTURY)”. Türkoloji, sy. 115, 2023, ss. 107-25, doi:10.59358/ayt.1301085.