Possibility and conditions of modeling heterogeneous (horizontally-layered) earth as homogeneous medium in the Carson problem is considered in the present article. This problem consists of calculation the improper integral determines so called earth or ground return parameters i.e. earth’s contribution to the some parameters of double-wired aerial system, such as intensity of electrical field and mutual impedance and also to the magnetic vector potential of a single aerial wire. As it was proven earlier the Carson integral for heterogeneous earth does not exist in the terms of general value. In the same time numerical computation of Carson integral for heterogeneous (horizontally-layered) earth may face with calculative difficulties. It is shown in the article that in the certain high frequency ranges horizontally-layered ground may be presented as a homogeneous medium having parameters of the upper layer, the corresponding differences and frequencies were evaluated for some earth’s structures and parameters.
Possibility and conditions of modeling heterogeneous (horizontally-layered) earth as homogeneous medium in the Carson problem is considered in the present article. This problem consists of calculation the improper integral determines so called earth or ground return parameters i.e. earth’s contribution to the some parameters of double-wired aerial system, such as intensity of electrical field and mutual impedance and also to the magnetic vector potential of a single aerial wire. As it was proven earlier the Carson integral for heterogeneous earth does not exist in the terms of general value. In the same time numerical computation of Carson integral for heterogeneous (horizontally-layered) earth may face with calculative difficulties. It is shown in the article that in the certain high frequency ranges horizontally-layered ground may be presented as a homogeneous medium having parameters of the upper layer, the corresponding differences and frequencies were evaluated for some earth’s structures and parameters.
Bölüm | Reviews |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Eylül 2015 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2015 |
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