Electromagnetic analysis of hydropower generators is common practice but there is little emphasis on studying the effect of
rotor whirling in the analysis. This paper demonstrates the use of
the unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) curves based on purely dynamic
eccentricity motion for a wide range of whirling frequencies in the
prediction of the steady state UMP in the case of mixed eccentricities
motion. The latter motion type is more realistic in practice. Actual
electromagnetic (EM) simulations are also carried out for these mixed
eccentricities motion cases in order to verify the proposed method. Good
agreement between the UMP from the actual EM simulations and the
UMP predictions are made when low eccentricities exist. The proposed
method is thus very useful since firstly, very few EM software packages
can handle mixed eccentricities motion and secondly, since actual EM
simulations of intricate rotor centre motion are time-consuming, the
proposed method is a big time saver. A modified feature selective validation
(FSV) method, the FSV-UPC, is also applied to assess the similarities and
the differences in the force computations.
Bölüm | Reviews |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Eylül 2015 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2015 |
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