Estimation of Reduced Order Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters of Batteries from Noisy Current and Voltage Measurements
Yıl 2018,
, 224 - 231, 28.10.2018
Barış Baykant Alagöz
Hafiz Alisoy
Identification of reduced order equivalent circuit battery model from current and voltage measurements allows modeling, classification and monitoring of batteries, and these tasks are very essential for battery management systems. This study presents a theoretical study to investigate performance of computer-aided identification of the reduced order equivalent circuit battery model from noisy current and voltage measurement data. The battery model is expressed by fractional order differential equation and time domain solution of this model is numerically calculated according to Grünwald-Letnikov definition of fractional-order derivative. Paper demonstrates an application of this numerical solution in order to fit noisy current and voltage measurement data by using particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. Then, parameters of the equivalent circuit battery model are estimated. Performance of the parameter estimation method is investigated for various noise levels of the synthetically generated current and voltage profiles.
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Yıl 2018,
, 224 - 231, 28.10.2018
Barış Baykant Alagöz
Hafiz Alisoy
- [1] J.X. Chuntin,g C. Mi, B. Cao, J. Cao, "New method to estimate the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries based on the battery impedance model", Journal of Power Sources, Vol.233, 2013, pp.277-284.
- [2] W. Waag, S. Käbitz, D.U. Sauer, "Application-specific parameterization of reduced order equivalent circuit battery models for improved accuracy at dynamic load", Measurement, Vol.46, 2013, pp. 4085–4093.
- [3] C.B. Shin, BATTERIES: modeling, in: Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, vol. I, Elsevier, 2009. pp.510–521.
- [4] X. Hu, S. Li, H. Peng, "A comparative study of equivalent circuit models for Li-ion batteries", Journal of Power Sources, Vol.198, 2012, pp.359–367.
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