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Smart Grid Implementation in Electricity Distribution of Elektroprivreda B&H – Dequirements and Objectives

Yıl 2014, , 100 - 103, 01.09.2014


—In terms of power sector restructuring and electricity market opening there have been significant changes in the functioning of activities at the level of Public Enterprise Elektroprivreda BiH d.d - Sarajevo (EPBiH). Distribution activity in an open electricity market is not a market activity, but the regulated activity, and although does not participate directly in the electricity market, its action must allow unhindered development and functioning of the market in which suppliers competes. The introduction of the smart grid concept in electricity distribution activity is a particularly challenging area of research due to the actuality and importance. The paper presents the elements of the business framework of EPBiH in terms of application of modern technologies in the area of smart grid and the changes that inevitably occur during transition process of energy sector in general


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  • [2] M. Vuksanić T. Marijanić “Implementation of smart grids concept in Croatian power distribution system regarding European practice“, HRO CIRED, 3.(9.) Session (in Croatian), 2012.
  • [3] ERGEG, Regulation for Smart Grids, 2011. [4] M. J. N van Werven., M. J. J. Scheepers “The changing role of distribution system operators in liberalised and decentralising electricity markets, DISPOWER report, ECN-C--05-058., 2011.
  • [5] M. Bošković, T. Cerovečki, Z. Lipošćak Z. “Adaptation of distribution system operator to operation under open electricity market conditions, HRO CIRED, 2.(8.) Session (in Croatian)”, 2010.
  • [6] Last Accessed on 22.02.2013. About power sector in B&H -;;;
  • [7] European Commission, “Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the council, the european economic and social committee and the committee of the regions, „Smart Grids: from innovation to deployment, COM 202 final, Brussels, 2011.
  • [8] T. Jakaša, Dž. Drobić, “Advanced power systems - an overview of European projects”, 20. International Symposium EIS 2011, Šibenik, Croatia, 2011.
  • [9] Internal documentation of Elektroprivreda BiH Sarajevo
  • [10] FERK, General Conditions for Electricity Supply, 2008.
  • [11] KfW Study report, “SCADA/DMS and Related Telecommunication Facilities, Distribution Level”, 2008.
Yıl 2014, , 100 - 103, 01.09.2014



  • 1] L. Oksanen L. “Distribution system operator as an enabler of the electricity market - Connecting small-scale production and demand response”, MSc thesis, Tampere University of Techonology, Finland, 2011.
  • [2] M. Vuksanić T. Marijanić “Implementation of smart grids concept in Croatian power distribution system regarding European practice“, HRO CIRED, 3.(9.) Session (in Croatian), 2012.
  • [3] ERGEG, Regulation for Smart Grids, 2011. [4] M. J. N van Werven., M. J. J. Scheepers “The changing role of distribution system operators in liberalised and decentralising electricity markets, DISPOWER report, ECN-C--05-058., 2011.
  • [5] M. Bošković, T. Cerovečki, Z. Lipošćak Z. “Adaptation of distribution system operator to operation under open electricity market conditions, HRO CIRED, 2.(8.) Session (in Croatian)”, 2010.
  • [6] Last Accessed on 22.02.2013. About power sector in B&H -;;;
  • [7] European Commission, “Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the council, the european economic and social committee and the committee of the regions, „Smart Grids: from innovation to deployment, COM 202 final, Brussels, 2011.
  • [8] T. Jakaša, Dž. Drobić, “Advanced power systems - an overview of European projects”, 20. International Symposium EIS 2011, Šibenik, Croatia, 2011.
  • [9] Internal documentation of Elektroprivreda BiH Sarajevo
  • [10] FERK, General Conditions for Electricity Supply, 2008.
  • [11] KfW Study report, “SCADA/DMS and Related Telecommunication Facilities, Distribution Level”, 2008.
Toplam 10 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Reviews

E. Bećirović Bu kişi benim

M. Musić Bu kişi benim

N. Hasanspahić Bu kişi benim

S. Avdaković Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Bećirović, E., Musić, M., Hasanspahić, N., Avdaković, S. (2014). Smart Grid Implementation in Electricity Distribution of Elektroprivreda B&H – Dequirements and Objectives. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2(3), 100-103.

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