Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2018, , 242 - 246, 28.10.2018



  • Wina Crijns-Graus, “Renewable Energy: Past Trends and Future Growth in 2 Degrees Scenarios”, Energy Procedia, No.100, 2016, pp. 14-21.
  • Order №460 from 26th of October 2016 of Ministry of Energy of Republic of Kazakhstan “About confirmation of forecasting balances of electric power for 2017-2023 years”.
  • National State Standard 32144-2013 “Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in the public power supply systems”.
  • European Standard EN 50160:2010 “Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks”.
  • Makpal Assembayeva, Jonas Egerer, Roman Mendelevitch, Nurkhat Zhakiyev, “A spatial electricity market model for the power system: The Kazakhstan case study”, Energy, No. 149, 2018, pp. 762-778.
  • Kazakhstan Electric Power Industry Key Factors| KEGOC,
  • Nurkhat Zhakiyev, Yerbol Akhmetbekov, Javier Silvente, Georgios M. Kopanos, “Optimal energy dispatch and maintenance of an industrial coal-fired combined heat and power plant in Kazakhstan”, Energy Procedia, No. 142, 2017, pp. 2485–2490.
  • M. Yılmaz, F. Kentli "Increasing of electrical energy with solar tracking system at the region which has Turkey’s most solar energy potential". Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 2015, 3(4), 287-290.
  • K. Kulikova, “How much can Kazkahstan citizens gain from electric power”, Karavan, 19.01.2016,
  • G. B. Nurpeissova, T.B. Nurpeissova, D. V. Panyukova, “Estimation of wind energy resources at Kazakhstan territory for autonomous power supply of low power consumers”, 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2014, SGEM 2014 Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgary, Book 4, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 213-220.
  • G. B. Nurpeissova, D. V. Panyukova, “Autonomous power supply systems based on wind power plants for agroformations”, 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2014, SGEM 2014 Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgary, Book 4, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 49-56.
  • F. Kentli and M. Yilmaz. "Improving Tracking Efficiency of Two-Axis Sun Tracking Systems." Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency. Springer, Cham, 2017. 179-203.
  • Henrique Pombeiro, Maria João Machado, Carlos Silva, “Dynamic programming and genetic algorithms to control an HVAC system: Maximizing thermal comfort and minimizing cost with PV production and storage”, Sustainable Cities and Society, No. 34, 2017, pp. 228-238.
  • Vivek Tomar, G. N. Tiwari, “Techno-economic evaluation of grid connected PV system for households with feed in tariff and time of day tariff regulation in New Delhi – A sustainable approach”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 70, 2017, pp. 822-835.
  • Kenneth K. Zame, Christopher A. Brehm, Alex T. Nitica, Christopher L. Richard, Gordon D. Schweitzer III, “Smart grid and energy storage: Policy recommendations”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 82/1, 2018, pp. 1646-1654.
  • Andrea Michiorri, Jesus Lugaro, Nils Siebert, Robin Girard, George Kariniotakis, “Storage sizing for grid connected hybrid wind and storage power plants taking into account forecast errors autocorrelation”, Renewable Energy, No. 117, 2018, pp. 380-392.
  • Yang Zhang, Pietro Elia Campana, Anders Lundblad, Jinyue Yan, “Comparative study of hydrogen storage and battery storage in grid connected photovoltaic system: Storage sizing and rule-based operation”, Applied Energy, No. 201, 2017, pp. 397-411.
  • K.A. Kavadias, D. Apostolou, J.K. Kaldellis, “Modelling and optimisation of a hydrogen-based energy storage system in an autonomous electrical network”, Applied Energy, No. 227, 2018, pp. 574-586.
  • G. Puglia, M. Moroni, R. Fagnani, G. Comodi, “A design approach of off-grid hybrid electric microgrids in isolated villages: a case study in Uganda”, Energy Procedia, No. 105, 2017, pp. 3089-3094.
  • Kristyna Friedrischkova, David Vala, “Energy-independent concept of a house using an electric vehicle traction”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, No. 49/25, 2016, pp. 535-540.
  • Sebastian Weckmann, Timm Kuhlmann, Alexander Sauer, “Decentral energy control in a flexible production to balance energy supply and demand”, Procedia CIRP, No. 61, 2017, pp. 428-433.
  • Adriano Ferreira, Ângela Ferreira, Olivier Cardin, Paulo Leitão, “Extension of holonic paradigm to smart grids”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, No. 48/3, 2015, pp. 1099-1104.
  • Javad Ansari, Amin Gholami, Ahad Kazemi, “Multi-agent systems for reactive power control in smart grids”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, No. 83, 2016, pp. 411-425.
  • Marat Karatayev, Stephen Hall, Yelena Kalyuzhnova, Michèle L.Clarke, “Renewable energy technology uptake in Kazakhstan: Policy drivers and barriers in a transitional economy”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 66, 2016, pp. 120-136.
  • James MacGregor, “Determining an optimal strategy for energy investment in Kazakhstan”, Energy Policy, No. 107, 2017 pp. 210-224.
  • M. Assembayeva, N. Zhakiyev, Y. Akhmetbekov, “Impact of storage technologies on renewable energy integration in Kazakhstan”, Materials Today: Proceedings, No. 4/3/A, 2017, pp. 4512-4523.
  • Marat Karatayev, Michèle L. Clarke, “A review of current energy systems and green energy potential in Kazakhstan”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 55, 2016, pp. 491-504.
  • Salman Ahmad, Abid Nadeem, Gulzhanat Akhanova, Tom Houghton, Firdaus Muhammad-Sukki, “Multi-criteria evaluation of renewable and nuclear resources for electricity generation in Kazakhstan” Energy, No. 141, 2017, pp. 1880-1891.

Smart Techniques’ Implementation for Small Entities and Central Power Grid in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Challenges and Possibilities

Yıl 2018, , 242 - 246, 28.10.2018


With growth of
renewable energy sources’ use the uncertainty in power grids is increasing
tremendously. Optimal control and the equipment dispatching become challenging
task for both central supplier and power consumer. Implementation of smart
approach gives opportunity to provide such control with less human resources
and power losses. In the article recently used techniques for control and
dispatching in central grid of Almaty is described. Beside that new smart
control methods and their possibilities within power system of Kazakhstan are
reviewed. As a result, best solutions for the power system’s control in both
small entities and central grid are proposed. 


  • Wina Crijns-Graus, “Renewable Energy: Past Trends and Future Growth in 2 Degrees Scenarios”, Energy Procedia, No.100, 2016, pp. 14-21.
  • Order №460 from 26th of October 2016 of Ministry of Energy of Republic of Kazakhstan “About confirmation of forecasting balances of electric power for 2017-2023 years”.
  • National State Standard 32144-2013 “Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in the public power supply systems”.
  • European Standard EN 50160:2010 “Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks”.
  • Makpal Assembayeva, Jonas Egerer, Roman Mendelevitch, Nurkhat Zhakiyev, “A spatial electricity market model for the power system: The Kazakhstan case study”, Energy, No. 149, 2018, pp. 762-778.
  • Kazakhstan Electric Power Industry Key Factors| KEGOC,
  • Nurkhat Zhakiyev, Yerbol Akhmetbekov, Javier Silvente, Georgios M. Kopanos, “Optimal energy dispatch and maintenance of an industrial coal-fired combined heat and power plant in Kazakhstan”, Energy Procedia, No. 142, 2017, pp. 2485–2490.
  • M. Yılmaz, F. Kentli "Increasing of electrical energy with solar tracking system at the region which has Turkey’s most solar energy potential". Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 2015, 3(4), 287-290.
  • K. Kulikova, “How much can Kazkahstan citizens gain from electric power”, Karavan, 19.01.2016,
  • G. B. Nurpeissova, T.B. Nurpeissova, D. V. Panyukova, “Estimation of wind energy resources at Kazakhstan territory for autonomous power supply of low power consumers”, 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2014, SGEM 2014 Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgary, Book 4, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 213-220.
  • G. B. Nurpeissova, D. V. Panyukova, “Autonomous power supply systems based on wind power plants for agroformations”, 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2014, SGEM 2014 Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgary, Book 4, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 49-56.
  • F. Kentli and M. Yilmaz. "Improving Tracking Efficiency of Two-Axis Sun Tracking Systems." Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency. Springer, Cham, 2017. 179-203.
  • Henrique Pombeiro, Maria João Machado, Carlos Silva, “Dynamic programming and genetic algorithms to control an HVAC system: Maximizing thermal comfort and minimizing cost with PV production and storage”, Sustainable Cities and Society, No. 34, 2017, pp. 228-238.
  • Vivek Tomar, G. N. Tiwari, “Techno-economic evaluation of grid connected PV system for households with feed in tariff and time of day tariff regulation in New Delhi – A sustainable approach”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 70, 2017, pp. 822-835.
  • Kenneth K. Zame, Christopher A. Brehm, Alex T. Nitica, Christopher L. Richard, Gordon D. Schweitzer III, “Smart grid and energy storage: Policy recommendations”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 82/1, 2018, pp. 1646-1654.
  • Andrea Michiorri, Jesus Lugaro, Nils Siebert, Robin Girard, George Kariniotakis, “Storage sizing for grid connected hybrid wind and storage power plants taking into account forecast errors autocorrelation”, Renewable Energy, No. 117, 2018, pp. 380-392.
  • Yang Zhang, Pietro Elia Campana, Anders Lundblad, Jinyue Yan, “Comparative study of hydrogen storage and battery storage in grid connected photovoltaic system: Storage sizing and rule-based operation”, Applied Energy, No. 201, 2017, pp. 397-411.
  • K.A. Kavadias, D. Apostolou, J.K. Kaldellis, “Modelling and optimisation of a hydrogen-based energy storage system in an autonomous electrical network”, Applied Energy, No. 227, 2018, pp. 574-586.
  • G. Puglia, M. Moroni, R. Fagnani, G. Comodi, “A design approach of off-grid hybrid electric microgrids in isolated villages: a case study in Uganda”, Energy Procedia, No. 105, 2017, pp. 3089-3094.
  • Kristyna Friedrischkova, David Vala, “Energy-independent concept of a house using an electric vehicle traction”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, No. 49/25, 2016, pp. 535-540.
  • Sebastian Weckmann, Timm Kuhlmann, Alexander Sauer, “Decentral energy control in a flexible production to balance energy supply and demand”, Procedia CIRP, No. 61, 2017, pp. 428-433.
  • Adriano Ferreira, Ângela Ferreira, Olivier Cardin, Paulo Leitão, “Extension of holonic paradigm to smart grids”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, No. 48/3, 2015, pp. 1099-1104.
  • Javad Ansari, Amin Gholami, Ahad Kazemi, “Multi-agent systems for reactive power control in smart grids”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, No. 83, 2016, pp. 411-425.
  • Marat Karatayev, Stephen Hall, Yelena Kalyuzhnova, Michèle L.Clarke, “Renewable energy technology uptake in Kazakhstan: Policy drivers and barriers in a transitional economy”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 66, 2016, pp. 120-136.
  • James MacGregor, “Determining an optimal strategy for energy investment in Kazakhstan”, Energy Policy, No. 107, 2017 pp. 210-224.
  • M. Assembayeva, N. Zhakiyev, Y. Akhmetbekov, “Impact of storage technologies on renewable energy integration in Kazakhstan”, Materials Today: Proceedings, No. 4/3/A, 2017, pp. 4512-4523.
  • Marat Karatayev, Michèle L. Clarke, “A review of current energy systems and green energy potential in Kazakhstan”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, No. 55, 2016, pp. 491-504.
  • Salman Ahmad, Abid Nadeem, Gulzhanat Akhanova, Tom Houghton, Firdaus Muhammad-Sukki, “Multi-criteria evaluation of renewable and nuclear resources for electricity generation in Kazakhstan” Energy, No. 141, 2017, pp. 1880-1891.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gulnara B. Nurpeissova Bu kişi benim

Dina V. Panyukova Bu kişi benim

Adilkhan T. Nurpeissov Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Nurpeissova, G. B., Panyukova, D. V., & Nurpeissov, A. T. (2018). Smart Techniques’ Implementation for Small Entities and Central Power Grid in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Challenges and Possibilities. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6(4), 242-246.

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