Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, , 300 - 310, 30.07.2019



  • [1] Shi, J. and Li, T. C., New Method to Eliminate Commutation Torque Ripple of Brushless DC Motor with Minimum Commutation Time, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60, 6 (2013) 2139-2146.
  • [2] Xiaofeng, Z. and Zhengyu, L., A New BLDC Motor Drives Method Based on BUCK Converter for Torque Ripple Reduction, 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (CES/IEEE), August 2006, Shanghai, China, 1-4.
  • [3] Shi, T., Guo, Y., Song, P.and Xia, C., A New Approach of Minimizing Commutation Torque Ripple for Brushless DC Motor Based on DC-DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 57, 10 (2010) 3483-3490.
  • [4] Viswanathan, V. and Seenithangom, J., Approach for Torque Ripple Reduction for Brushless DC Motor Based on Three-level Neutral-point-clamped Inverter with DC-DC Converter, IET Power Electronics, 8, 1 (2015) 47-55.
  • [5] Carlson, R., Lajoie-Mazenc, M. and Fagundes, J. C. d. S., Analysis of Torque Ripple Due to Phase Commutation in Brushless DC Machines, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 28, 3 (1992) 632-638.
  • [6] Chen, W., Liu, Y., Li, X., Shi, T. and Xia, C., A Novel Method of Reduction Commutation Torque Ripple for Brushless DC Motor Based on Cuk Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, 7 (2017) 5497-5507.
  • [7] Song, J. H. and Choy, I., Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction in Brushless DC Motor Drives using a Single DC Current Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 19, 2 (2004) 312-319.
  • [8] Cao, Y., Shi, T., Liu, Y. and Wang, Z. Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction for Brushless DC Motors with Commutation Time Shortened, IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), May 2017, Miami, FL, USA, 1-7.
  • [9] Fang, J., Li, H. and Han, B., Torque Ripple Reduction in BLDC Torque Motor with Nonideal Back EMF, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27, 11 (2012) 4630-4637.
  • [10] Li, X., Xia, C., Cao, Y., Chen, W. and Shi, T., Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction Strategy of Z-Source Inverter Fed Brushless DC Motor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31, 11 (2016) 7677-7690.
  • [11] Shi, T., Niu, X., Chen, W. and Xia, C., Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction of Brushless DC Motor in Braking Operation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 2 (2018) 1463-1475.
  • [12] Lad, C. K. and Chudamani, R., A Simple Overlap Angle Control Strategy for Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple in a Brushless DC Motor Drive, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 20 (2017) 1406-1419.
  • [13] Niasar, A. H., Vahedi, A. and Moghbelli, H., A Novel Method for Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction of Four-Switch, Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 3, 3 (2007) 83-96.
  • [14] Chuang, H. S., Ke, Y. L. and Chuang, Y. C., Analysis of Commutation Torque Ripple using Different PWM Modes in BLDC Motors, IEEE Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, May 2009, Calgary, Canada, 1-6.
  • [15] Jiang, W., Huang, H., Wang, J., Gao, Y. and Wang, L., Commutation Analysis of Brushless DC Motor and Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple in the Two-Phase Stationary Frame, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, 6 (2017) 4675-4682.
  • [16] Brendsen, C. S., Champenois, G. and Bolopion, A., Commutation Strategies for Brushless DC Motors: Influence on Instant Torque, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 8, 2 (1993) 231-236.
  • [17] Amirthalingam, R. and Mahadevan, B., A New Approach for Minimizing Torque Ripple in a BLDC Motor Drive with a Front end IDO DC-DC Converter, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 25 (2017) 2910-2921.
  • [18] Jogarao, R., Reddy, M. and Ashok, G., Analysis of Commutation Torque Ripple Minimization for Brushless DC Motor Based on SEPIC Converter, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 6, 11 (2016) 5-11.
  • [19] Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Hu, H., Zhao, J. and Gao, C., A New Method to Suppress the Commutation Torque Ripple for BLDC Motor Based on ZETA Converter, 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), December 2015, Hong Kong, China, 1-6.

Analysis and Suppressing Speed Fluctuations in Brushless DC Motors

Yıl 2019, , 300 - 310, 30.07.2019


The fluctuations in
both speed and torque magnitudes during operation are among the major
disadvantages of brushless DC motors. These fluctuations occur due to both the
commutation of the inverter switches and the phase winding inductances. This
case can lead to major problems, especially in applications which are required
constant speed and constant torque. In this work, it was aimed to reduce speed
fluctuations that occur in brushless DC motors. Firstly, the Matlab/SIMULINK model
was created by using the dynamic equations of the brushless DC motor. Secondly,
a region selective circuit was designed for use in commutation times. Finally,
the commutation signals were generated from the magnitude of the torque
produced by the motor. Consequently, the proposed technique was controlled
under different speed conditions and was shown that the speed fluctuations can
be reduced without the difficult calculations of the commutation time.
According to the results obtained, it was observed that the speed fluctuations
were significantly reduced.


  • [1] Shi, J. and Li, T. C., New Method to Eliminate Commutation Torque Ripple of Brushless DC Motor with Minimum Commutation Time, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60, 6 (2013) 2139-2146.
  • [2] Xiaofeng, Z. and Zhengyu, L., A New BLDC Motor Drives Method Based on BUCK Converter for Torque Ripple Reduction, 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (CES/IEEE), August 2006, Shanghai, China, 1-4.
  • [3] Shi, T., Guo, Y., Song, P.and Xia, C., A New Approach of Minimizing Commutation Torque Ripple for Brushless DC Motor Based on DC-DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 57, 10 (2010) 3483-3490.
  • [4] Viswanathan, V. and Seenithangom, J., Approach for Torque Ripple Reduction for Brushless DC Motor Based on Three-level Neutral-point-clamped Inverter with DC-DC Converter, IET Power Electronics, 8, 1 (2015) 47-55.
  • [5] Carlson, R., Lajoie-Mazenc, M. and Fagundes, J. C. d. S., Analysis of Torque Ripple Due to Phase Commutation in Brushless DC Machines, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 28, 3 (1992) 632-638.
  • [6] Chen, W., Liu, Y., Li, X., Shi, T. and Xia, C., A Novel Method of Reduction Commutation Torque Ripple for Brushless DC Motor Based on Cuk Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, 7 (2017) 5497-5507.
  • [7] Song, J. H. and Choy, I., Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction in Brushless DC Motor Drives using a Single DC Current Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 19, 2 (2004) 312-319.
  • [8] Cao, Y., Shi, T., Liu, Y. and Wang, Z. Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction for Brushless DC Motors with Commutation Time Shortened, IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), May 2017, Miami, FL, USA, 1-7.
  • [9] Fang, J., Li, H. and Han, B., Torque Ripple Reduction in BLDC Torque Motor with Nonideal Back EMF, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27, 11 (2012) 4630-4637.
  • [10] Li, X., Xia, C., Cao, Y., Chen, W. and Shi, T., Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction Strategy of Z-Source Inverter Fed Brushless DC Motor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31, 11 (2016) 7677-7690.
  • [11] Shi, T., Niu, X., Chen, W. and Xia, C., Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction of Brushless DC Motor in Braking Operation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 2 (2018) 1463-1475.
  • [12] Lad, C. K. and Chudamani, R., A Simple Overlap Angle Control Strategy for Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple in a Brushless DC Motor Drive, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 20 (2017) 1406-1419.
  • [13] Niasar, A. H., Vahedi, A. and Moghbelli, H., A Novel Method for Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction of Four-Switch, Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 3, 3 (2007) 83-96.
  • [14] Chuang, H. S., Ke, Y. L. and Chuang, Y. C., Analysis of Commutation Torque Ripple using Different PWM Modes in BLDC Motors, IEEE Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, May 2009, Calgary, Canada, 1-6.
  • [15] Jiang, W., Huang, H., Wang, J., Gao, Y. and Wang, L., Commutation Analysis of Brushless DC Motor and Reducing Commutation Torque Ripple in the Two-Phase Stationary Frame, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, 6 (2017) 4675-4682.
  • [16] Brendsen, C. S., Champenois, G. and Bolopion, A., Commutation Strategies for Brushless DC Motors: Influence on Instant Torque, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 8, 2 (1993) 231-236.
  • [17] Amirthalingam, R. and Mahadevan, B., A New Approach for Minimizing Torque Ripple in a BLDC Motor Drive with a Front end IDO DC-DC Converter, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 25 (2017) 2910-2921.
  • [18] Jogarao, R., Reddy, M. and Ashok, G., Analysis of Commutation Torque Ripple Minimization for Brushless DC Motor Based on SEPIC Converter, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 6, 11 (2016) 5-11.
  • [19] Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Hu, H., Zhao, J. and Gao, C., A New Method to Suppress the Commutation Torque Ripple for BLDC Motor Based on ZETA Converter, 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), December 2015, Hong Kong, China, 1-6.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Elektrik Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Muhammed Reşit Çorapsız 0000-0001-5477-5299

Hakan Kahveci 0000-0001-9369-2330

Muhammed Fatih Çorapsız 0000-0001-5692-8367

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Çorapsız, M. R., Kahveci, H., & Çorapsız, M. F. (2019). Analysis and Suppressing Speed Fluctuations in Brushless DC Motors. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 300-310.

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