Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2019, , 311 - 318, 30.07.2019



  • [1] S.A. Parah, J.A. Sheikh, A.M. Hafiz, G.M. Bhat, Data hiding in scrambled images: a new double layer security data hiding technique, Comput. Electr. Eng. 40 (2014) 70–82. [2] O. Cetin, A.T. Ozcerit, A new data hiding algorithm based on color histograms for data embedding into raw video streams, Comput. Secur. 28 (7) (2009) 670–682. [3] S.Y. Shen, L.-H. Huang, A data hiding scheme using pixel value differencing and improving exploiting modification directions, Comput. Secur. 48 (2015) 131– 141. [4] G. Kipper, Investigator’s Guide to Data hiding, Auerbach Publications A CRC Press Company, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, DC, 2004. pp. 20– 26.[5] I.J. Cox, J. Killian, T. Leighton, T. Shamoon, A secure robust watermark for multimedia, IEEE Trans. Image Process. 6 (12) (1997) 1673–1687. [6] A. Phadikar, S.P. Maity, On protection of compressed image in fading channel using data hiding, Comput. Electr. Eng. 38 (5) (2012) 1278–1298.[7] N.F. Johnson, Z. Duric, S. Jajodia, Information Hiding: Data hiding and Watermarking-Attacks and Countermeasures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2001.[8] A. Miller, Least Significant Bit Embeddings: Implementation and Detection, May 2012.[9] S.H. Lee, DWT based coding DNA watermarking for DNA copyright protection, Inform. Sci. 273 (2014) 263–286.[10] E. Avci, T. Tuncer, D. Avci, A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Based on Probabilistic XOR Secret Sharing in Wavelet Transform Domain, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 41, (8), 2016, 3153-3161.[11] H. Noda, M. Niimi, E. Kawaguchi, High-performance JPEG data hiding using quantization index modulation in DCT domain, Pattern Recogn. Lett. 27 (5) (2006) 455–461.[12] P.C. Chang, K.L. Chung, J.J. Chen, C.H. Lin, T.J. Lin, A DCT/DST-based error propagation-free data hiding algorithm for HEVC intra-coded frames, J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 25 (2) (2014) 239–253.[13] B. Chen, G. Coatrieux, G. Chen, X. Sun, J.L. Coatrieux, H. Shu, Full 4-D quaternion discrete Fourier transform based watermarking for color images, Digit. Signal Process. 28 (2014) 106–119.[14] P.-Y. Lin, C.-S. Chan, Invertible secret image sharing with data hiding, Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (2010) 1887–1893.[15] T. Tuncer, E. Avci, A reversible data hiding algorithm based on probabilistic DNA-XOR secret sharing scheme for color images, Displays, 41, 2016, 1-8.[16] M. I. S. Reddy, A. P. S. Kumar, Secured Data Transmission Using Wavelet Based Data hiding and Cryptography by Using AES Algorithm, International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS 2016), Procedia Computer Science 85 (2016), 62 – 69.[17] E. J. S, P. Ramu, R. Swaminathan, Imperceptibility—Robustness tradeoff studies for ECG data hiding using Continuous Ant Colony Optimization, Expert Systems With Applications 49 (2016) 123–135.[18] T.-S. Nguyen, C.-C. Chang, A reversible data hiding scheme based on the Sudoku technique, Displays 39 (2015) 109–116.[19] T. Tuncer, E. Avcı, Data Hiding Application with Gokturk Alphabet Based Visual Cryptography Method, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 31:3 (2016) 781-789.[20] Z.-H. Ou, L.-H. Chen, A steganographic method based on tetris games, Information Sciences 276 (2014) 343–353.[21] C.K. Chan, L.M. Cheng, Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution, Pattern Recognit. 27 (2004) 469–474.[22] S. Mahato, D. K. Yadav, D. A. Khan, A minesweeper game-based data hiding scheme, journal of information security and applications 32 (2017) 1–14.[23] X. Liao, J. Yin , S. Guo , X. Li, A. K. Sangaiah, Medical JPEG image data hiding based on preserving inter-block dependencies, Computers and Electrical Engineering 000 (2017) 1–10.[24] H.-J. Shiu, B.-S. Lin , C.-H. Huang, P.-Y. Chiang, C.-L. Lei, Preserving privacy of online digital physiological signals using blind and reversible data hiding, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 159–170.[25] H.D. Yuan, Secret sharing with multi-cover adaptive data hiding, Inform. Sci. 254 (2014) 197–212.[26] D. Wu, W.H. Tsai, A steganographic method for images by pixel value differencing, Pattern Recognit. Lett. 24 (2003) 1613–1626.[27] M. S. Subhedar, V. H. Mankar, Image data hiding using redundant discrete wavelet transform and QR factorization, Computers and Electrical Engineering 54 (2016) 406–422.[28] S. U. Maheswari, D. J. Hemanth, Frequency domain QR code based image data hiding using Fresnelet transform, Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 69 (2015) 539–544.[29] W.J. Chen, C.C. Chang, T.H.N. Le, High payload data hiding mechanism using hybrid edge detector, Expert Syst. Appl. 37 (2010) 3292–3301.[30] H.W. Tseng, H.S. Leng, High-payload block-based data hiding scheme using hybrid edge detector with minimal distortion, IET Image Process. 8 (2014) 647–654.[31] J. Bai, C.-C. Chang, T.-S. Nguyen,C. Zhu, Y. Liu, A high payload steganographic algorithm based on edge detection, Displays 46 (2017) 42–51.[32] J. Canny, A computational approach to edge detection, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 6 (1986) 679–698.[33] R. Maini, H. Aggarwal, Study and comparison of various image edge detection techniques, Int. J. Image Process. 3 (2009) 1–11.[34] E.K. Kaur, E.V. Mutenja, E.I.S. Gill, Fuzzy logic based image edge detection algorithm in MATLAB, Int. J. Comput. Appl. 1 (2010) 55–58. [35] S. Sun, A novel edge based image steganography with 2k correction and Huffman encoding, Information Processing Letters 116 (2016) 93–99.[36] T. Y. Goh, S. N. Basah, H. Yazid, M. J. A. Safar, F. S. A. Saad, Performance analysis of image thresholding: Otsu technique, Measurement 114 (2018) 298–307.[37] Aydemir, E. ”Weka ile Yapay Zeka”,Seckin Yayınevi, ISBN: 9789750249150, 2018

A Novel Data Hiding Method based on Edge Detection and 2k Correction with High Payload and High Visual Quality

Yıl 2019, , 311 - 318, 30.07.2019


In this paper a novel
edge adaptive data hiding method is proposed. The proposed edge adaptive
steganography method is improved version of the Bai et al.’s [31] (A high
payload steganographic algorithm based on edge detection) method. The main aim
of the proposed method is to achieve high payload with high visual quality.
This method consists of pre-processing, edge detection, classification of the
secret data, data embedding and data extraction phases. In the pre-processing
phase 6 and 7 least significant bits (LSB) elimination are applied on the cover
image to get a better edge detection in the next phase. As edge detection
methods Sobel, Canny, Laplacian Of Gaussian (LOG), block based edge detection
and hybrid edge detectors are used. After the edge detection, secret data is
divided into 2 classes and then these are embedded into edge pixels and texture
pixels of the image. In order to increase the visual quality 2k correction is
applied on the stego images. Modulus operator is utilized in the data
extraction phase. In the experimental results, payload and visual quality
measurements demonstrated the success of the proposed method.


  • [1] S.A. Parah, J.A. Sheikh, A.M. Hafiz, G.M. Bhat, Data hiding in scrambled images: a new double layer security data hiding technique, Comput. Electr. Eng. 40 (2014) 70–82. [2] O. Cetin, A.T. Ozcerit, A new data hiding algorithm based on color histograms for data embedding into raw video streams, Comput. Secur. 28 (7) (2009) 670–682. [3] S.Y. Shen, L.-H. Huang, A data hiding scheme using pixel value differencing and improving exploiting modification directions, Comput. Secur. 48 (2015) 131– 141. [4] G. Kipper, Investigator’s Guide to Data hiding, Auerbach Publications A CRC Press Company, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, DC, 2004. pp. 20– 26.[5] I.J. Cox, J. Killian, T. Leighton, T. Shamoon, A secure robust watermark for multimedia, IEEE Trans. Image Process. 6 (12) (1997) 1673–1687. [6] A. Phadikar, S.P. Maity, On protection of compressed image in fading channel using data hiding, Comput. Electr. Eng. 38 (5) (2012) 1278–1298.[7] N.F. Johnson, Z. Duric, S. Jajodia, Information Hiding: Data hiding and Watermarking-Attacks and Countermeasures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2001.[8] A. Miller, Least Significant Bit Embeddings: Implementation and Detection, May 2012.[9] S.H. Lee, DWT based coding DNA watermarking for DNA copyright protection, Inform. Sci. 273 (2014) 263–286.[10] E. Avci, T. Tuncer, D. Avci, A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Based on Probabilistic XOR Secret Sharing in Wavelet Transform Domain, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 41, (8), 2016, 3153-3161.[11] H. Noda, M. Niimi, E. Kawaguchi, High-performance JPEG data hiding using quantization index modulation in DCT domain, Pattern Recogn. Lett. 27 (5) (2006) 455–461.[12] P.C. Chang, K.L. Chung, J.J. Chen, C.H. Lin, T.J. Lin, A DCT/DST-based error propagation-free data hiding algorithm for HEVC intra-coded frames, J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 25 (2) (2014) 239–253.[13] B. Chen, G. Coatrieux, G. Chen, X. Sun, J.L. Coatrieux, H. Shu, Full 4-D quaternion discrete Fourier transform based watermarking for color images, Digit. Signal Process. 28 (2014) 106–119.[14] P.-Y. Lin, C.-S. Chan, Invertible secret image sharing with data hiding, Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (2010) 1887–1893.[15] T. Tuncer, E. Avci, A reversible data hiding algorithm based on probabilistic DNA-XOR secret sharing scheme for color images, Displays, 41, 2016, 1-8.[16] M. I. S. Reddy, A. P. S. Kumar, Secured Data Transmission Using Wavelet Based Data hiding and Cryptography by Using AES Algorithm, International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS 2016), Procedia Computer Science 85 (2016), 62 – 69.[17] E. J. S, P. Ramu, R. Swaminathan, Imperceptibility—Robustness tradeoff studies for ECG data hiding using Continuous Ant Colony Optimization, Expert Systems With Applications 49 (2016) 123–135.[18] T.-S. Nguyen, C.-C. Chang, A reversible data hiding scheme based on the Sudoku technique, Displays 39 (2015) 109–116.[19] T. Tuncer, E. Avcı, Data Hiding Application with Gokturk Alphabet Based Visual Cryptography Method, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 31:3 (2016) 781-789.[20] Z.-H. Ou, L.-H. Chen, A steganographic method based on tetris games, Information Sciences 276 (2014) 343–353.[21] C.K. Chan, L.M. Cheng, Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution, Pattern Recognit. 27 (2004) 469–474.[22] S. Mahato, D. K. Yadav, D. A. Khan, A minesweeper game-based data hiding scheme, journal of information security and applications 32 (2017) 1–14.[23] X. Liao, J. Yin , S. Guo , X. Li, A. K. Sangaiah, Medical JPEG image data hiding based on preserving inter-block dependencies, Computers and Electrical Engineering 000 (2017) 1–10.[24] H.-J. Shiu, B.-S. Lin , C.-H. Huang, P.-Y. Chiang, C.-L. Lei, Preserving privacy of online digital physiological signals using blind and reversible data hiding, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 159–170.[25] H.D. Yuan, Secret sharing with multi-cover adaptive data hiding, Inform. Sci. 254 (2014) 197–212.[26] D. Wu, W.H. Tsai, A steganographic method for images by pixel value differencing, Pattern Recognit. Lett. 24 (2003) 1613–1626.[27] M. S. Subhedar, V. H. Mankar, Image data hiding using redundant discrete wavelet transform and QR factorization, Computers and Electrical Engineering 54 (2016) 406–422.[28] S. U. Maheswari, D. J. Hemanth, Frequency domain QR code based image data hiding using Fresnelet transform, Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 69 (2015) 539–544.[29] W.J. Chen, C.C. Chang, T.H.N. Le, High payload data hiding mechanism using hybrid edge detector, Expert Syst. Appl. 37 (2010) 3292–3301.[30] H.W. Tseng, H.S. Leng, High-payload block-based data hiding scheme using hybrid edge detector with minimal distortion, IET Image Process. 8 (2014) 647–654.[31] J. Bai, C.-C. Chang, T.-S. Nguyen,C. Zhu, Y. Liu, A high payload steganographic algorithm based on edge detection, Displays 46 (2017) 42–51.[32] J. Canny, A computational approach to edge detection, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 6 (1986) 679–698.[33] R. Maini, H. Aggarwal, Study and comparison of various image edge detection techniques, Int. J. Image Process. 3 (2009) 1–11.[34] E.K. Kaur, E.V. Mutenja, E.I.S. Gill, Fuzzy logic based image edge detection algorithm in MATLAB, Int. J. Comput. Appl. 1 (2010) 55–58. [35] S. Sun, A novel edge based image steganography with 2k correction and Huffman encoding, Information Processing Letters 116 (2016) 93–99.[36] T. Y. Goh, S. N. Basah, H. Yazid, M. J. A. Safar, F. S. A. Saad, Performance analysis of image thresholding: Otsu technique, Measurement 114 (2018) 298–307.[37] Aydemir, E. ”Weka ile Yapay Zeka”,Seckin Yayınevi, ISBN: 9789750249150, 2018
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yazılım Testi, Doğrulama ve Validasyon
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Türker Tuncer 0000-0002-1425-4664

Yasin Sönmez Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9303-1735

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Tuncer, T., & Sönmez, Y. (2019). A Novel Data Hiding Method based on Edge Detection and 2k Correction with High Payload and High Visual Quality. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 311-318.

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