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Klaus-Christof Schimmel : Lehrbuch der Naturheilverfahren Band I und II. Hip- pokrates, Stuttgart 1990
Shapiro JI ,Kaehny WD. Pathogenesis and manegement of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.Schrier RW (Ed.) Eloctrolt- yte Disorders.&.Baskı,s:155-153,2003
K.A. Graham, Correction of Acidosis in HD Patients Increases the Sensitivity of the Parathroid Glands to Calcium, Jour Am Soc Nephrol, Sept 1996
E. Movilli,Direct of the Correction of Acidosis on Plasma Parathormone Con- centrations, Nephron 2001;87-257-262
NKF K/DOQI GUIDELINES 2000, Ma- nagement of Acid-Base Status
Lefebvre, Optimal correction of acidosis changes the progression of dialysis os- teodystrophy, Kidney Int. Vol 36, 1989, 1112-1118
AJKD, American journal of Kidney Dise- ases, Vol 42, No:4, Suppl.3, Kasım 2003
Ecder ST:Asit-baz dengesi ve bozuklukla- rı. Türk Böbrek Vakfı,1998
Shapiro JI ,Kaehny WD. Pathogenesis and manegement of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.Schrier RW (Ed.) Eloctrolt- yte Disorders.&.Baskı,s:155-153,2003
Martin, M.: Säuren, Basen und Entgiftung in der naturheilkundlichen Praxis, Ralf Reglin Verlag Köln 2005
Kasseroller, R.: Kompendium der Manu- elşlen Lymphdrainage nach Dr. Vodder, Haug 3. Baskı 1999 Stuttgart
Oschman, J.L.: Energiemedizin – Kon- zepte und ihre wissenschaftliche Basis, Urban&Fischer 2.Baski , München 2009
Klaus-Christof Schimmel : Lehrbuch der Naturheilverfahren Band I und II. Hip- pokrates, Stuttgart 1990
Shapiro JI ,Kaehny WD. Pathogenesis and manegement of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.Schrier RW (Ed.) Eloctrolt- yte Disorders.&.Baskı,s:155-153,2003
K.A. Graham, Correction of Acidosis in HD Patients Increases the Sensitivity of the Parathroid Glands to Calcium, Jour Am Soc Nephrol, Sept 1996
E. Movilli,Direct of the Correction of Acidosis on Plasma Parathormone Con- centrations, Nephron 2001;87-257-262
NKF K/DOQI GUIDELINES 2000, Ma- nagement of Acid-Base Status
Lefebvre, Optimal correction of acidosis changes the progression of dialysis os- teodystrophy, Kidney Int. Vol 36, 1989, 1112-1118
AJKD, American journal of Kidney Dise- ases, Vol 42, No:4, Suppl.3, Kasım 2003
Ecder ST:Asit-baz dengesi ve bozuklukla- rı. Türk Böbrek Vakfı,1998
Shapiro JI ,Kaehny WD. Pathogenesis and manegement of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.Schrier RW (Ed.) Eloctrolt- yte Disorders.&.Baskı,s:155-153,2003