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A Comparative Study of SC and MC Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems

Yıl 2021, , 27 - 34, 20.10.2021


In this study, comparative performance analyzes of single carrier (SC) and multi carrier (MC) underwater acoustic communication (UWAC) schemes are performed in underwater acoustic channel environments. Computer simulation studies are carried out to compare SC and MC UWAC communication systems in multi-path underwater acoustic channel environments based on bit error rate (BER) and mean square error (MSE) accomplishment benchmarks. From the acquired outcomes, it is perceived that the MC-UWAC communication scheme has approximately 3 dB better achievement than the SC-UWAC communication scheme.


  • Baggeroer A. (1984), Acoustic telemetry – an overview, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 9, 229-235.
  • Besceli B. (2021), Investigation and Implementation of SC and MC Underwater Acoustic Communication Syetems in Multipath Underwater Acoustic Channel Environments, Bachelor Degree Thesis, Nuh Naci Yazgan University – HARGEM, Kayseri, TURKEY, June 2021.
  • Erdoğan M., Şenol H., Panayırcı E. and Uysal M. (2012), Sparse Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation in Colored Gaussian Noise, IEEE 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2012, 1-4.
  • Kaya A. and Yauchi T. (1989), An acoustic communication system for subsea robot, OCEANS’89, 765-770.
  • Kuzlu M. (2010), Implementation of Underwater Communication with DSP, Ph.D. Thesis, Kocaeli University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, September 2010, Kocaeli, Turkey.
  • Mahmutoğlu Y. (2013), Performance Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Channels with Decision Feedback Equalizer, Ms.C. Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, May 2013, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Quazi A. and Konrad W. (1982), Underwater Acoustic Communications, IEEE Communication Magazine, 24-29.
  • Stojanovic M. (2006), On the Relationship Between Capacity and Distance in an Underwater Acoustic Channel, First ACM International Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUWNeT’06), Los Angeles.
  • Stojanovic M., Catipovic J. A. and Proakis J. G. (1994), Adaptive multichannel combining and equalization for underwater acoustic communications, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 3, 1621-1631.
  • Suzuki M. and Sasaki T. (1992), Digital acoustic image transmission system for deep sea research submersible, OCEANS’92, 567-570.
  • Yaşar S., Sinop H., Tek Y. İ., Tuna E. B., Karaerik K. and Özen A. (2020), Investigation of the Performance of Single Carrier Visible Light Communication Systems in Multi-Path Fading Optical Channels, IEEE 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2020, pp. 1-4.
  • Yılmaz A., Çekli E., Kuzlu M. and Uysal E. (2008), Akustik Sualtı İletişimi DSP Uygulaması, Elektrik - Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (ELECO 2008), Bursa, pp. 26-30.
  • Zielinski A. (2004), Communications Underwater, Inv. P, Journal of Hydroacoustics, vol. 7, pp. 235-252.

A Comparative Study of SC and MC Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems

Yıl 2021, , 27 - 34, 20.10.2021


In this study, comparative performance analyzes of single carrier (SC) and multi carrier (MC) underwater acoustic communication (UWAC) schemes are performed in underwater acoustic channel environments. Computer simulation studies are carried out to compare SC and MC UWAC communication systems in multi-path underwater acoustic channel environments based on bit error rate (BER) and mean square error (MSE) accomplishment benchmarks. From the acquired outcomes, it is perceived that the MC-UWAC communication scheme has approximately 3 dB better achievement than the SC-UWAC communication scheme.


  • Baggeroer A. (1984), Acoustic telemetry – an overview, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 9, 229-235.
  • Besceli B. (2021), Investigation and Implementation of SC and MC Underwater Acoustic Communication Syetems in Multipath Underwater Acoustic Channel Environments, Bachelor Degree Thesis, Nuh Naci Yazgan University – HARGEM, Kayseri, TURKEY, June 2021.
  • Erdoğan M., Şenol H., Panayırcı E. and Uysal M. (2012), Sparse Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation in Colored Gaussian Noise, IEEE 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2012, 1-4.
  • Kaya A. and Yauchi T. (1989), An acoustic communication system for subsea robot, OCEANS’89, 765-770.
  • Kuzlu M. (2010), Implementation of Underwater Communication with DSP, Ph.D. Thesis, Kocaeli University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, September 2010, Kocaeli, Turkey.
  • Mahmutoğlu Y. (2013), Performance Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Channels with Decision Feedback Equalizer, Ms.C. Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, May 2013, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Quazi A. and Konrad W. (1982), Underwater Acoustic Communications, IEEE Communication Magazine, 24-29.
  • Stojanovic M. (2006), On the Relationship Between Capacity and Distance in an Underwater Acoustic Channel, First ACM International Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUWNeT’06), Los Angeles.
  • Stojanovic M., Catipovic J. A. and Proakis J. G. (1994), Adaptive multichannel combining and equalization for underwater acoustic communications, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 3, 1621-1631.
  • Suzuki M. and Sasaki T. (1992), Digital acoustic image transmission system for deep sea research submersible, OCEANS’92, 567-570.
  • Yaşar S., Sinop H., Tek Y. İ., Tuna E. B., Karaerik K. and Özen A. (2020), Investigation of the Performance of Single Carrier Visible Light Communication Systems in Multi-Path Fading Optical Channels, IEEE 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2020, pp. 1-4.
  • Yılmaz A., Çekli E., Kuzlu M. and Uysal E. (2008), Akustik Sualtı İletişimi DSP Uygulaması, Elektrik - Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (ELECO 2008), Bursa, pp. 26-30.
  • Zielinski A. (2004), Communications Underwater, Inv. P, Journal of Hydroacoustics, vol. 7, pp. 235-252.
Toplam 13 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yazılım Mühendisliği (Diğer)

Burak Besceli 0000-0003-0897-0223

Mehmet Murat Güçlü 0000-0002-4910-2820

Efecan Polat 0000-0001-7322-9840

Timurhan Devellioğlu 0000-0002-8302-0351

Taha Moğol 0000-0002-9431-6991

Nuh Mehmet Küçükusta Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6808-2477

Enver Faruk Tanrıkulu 0000-0002-2667-1262

Ali Özen 0000-0003-3232-3181

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Eylül 2021
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Besceli, B., Güçlü, M. M., Polat, E., Devellioğlu, T., vd. (2021). A Comparative Study of SC and MC Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems. Computer Science, IDAP-2021 : 5th International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing symposium(Special), 27-34.

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