Ashra, S., Chattopadhyay, S. and Chaudhuri, K. (2004). Deficit, Money and Pri- ce: The Indian Experience, Journal of Policy Modeling, 26, 289-299. 2. Bullard, J. (1999). Testing Long-Run Monetary Neutrality Propositions: Lessons from the Recent Research, FRB of St. Louis Review, November/December, 57- 77.
Dickey, D.A. and Fuller, W.A. (1979). Distribution of the Estimators for Autoreg- ressive Time Series with a Unit Root, Journal of the American Statistical Associ- ation, 74, 427-431. 4. Doornik, J.A., Hendry, D.F. and Nielsen, B. (1998). Inference in Cointegrating Models: UK M1 Revisited, Journal of Economic Surveys, 12/5, 533-572. 5. Dotsey, M. and Hornstein, A. (2003). Should a Monetary Policymaker Look at Money?, Journal of Monetary Economics, 50, 547-579.
Engle, R. F. and Granger, C. W. J. (1987). Co-integration and Error correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing,, Econometrica,, 55, 251-276. 7. Estrella, A. and Mishkin, F.S. (1997). Is There a Role for Monetary Aggregates in the Conduct of Monetary Policy?, Journal of Monetary Economics, 40, 279- 304. 8. Fisher, I. (1911). The Purchasing Power of Money, New York, MacMillan Ltd. 9. Fisher, M.E. and Seater, J.J. (1993). Long-Run Neutrality and Superneutrality in an ARIMA Framework, American Economic Review, 83, June, 402-415.
Friedman, M. (1956). The Quantity Theory of Money – A Restatement, Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, (Ed.) Milton Friedman, The University of Chi- cago Press, 3-21.
Geweke, J. (1986). The Superneutrality of Money in the United States: An In- terpretation of the Evidence, Econometrica, 54/1, January, 1-21.
Gonzalo, J. (1994). Five Alternative Methods of Estimating Long-Run Equilibri- um Relationships, Journal of Econometrics, 60, 203-233.
Granger, C. W. J. (1986). Developments in the Study of Cointegrated Econo- mic Variables, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 48/3, 213-228.
MacKinnon, J.G. (1996). Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Co- integration Tests, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, 601-618.
Mahadeva, L. and Robinson, P. (2004), Unit Root Testing to Help Model Buil- ding, Handbooks in Central Banking, (Eds.) Andrew Blake and Gill Hammond, Centre for Central Banking Studies, Bank of England, No. 22, July.
Nelson, C. and Plosser, C. (1982). Trend and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series: Some Evidence and Implications, Journal of Monetary Economics, 10, 130-162.
Osterwald-Lenum, M. (1992). A Note with Quantiles of the Asymptotic Distri- bution of the Maximum Likelihood Cointegration Rank Test Statistics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54, 461-472.
Ozmen, E. (2003). Testing the Quantity Theory of Money in Greece, Applied Economics Letters, 10, 971-974.
Serletis, A. and Krause, D. (1996). Empirical Evidence on the Long-Run Neutra- lity Hypothesis Using Low-Frequency International Data, Economics Letters, 50, 323-327.
Serletis, A. and Koustas, Z. (1998). International Evidence on the Neutrality of Money, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 30/1, Feb., 1-25.
Testing Quantity Theory of Money for the Turkish Economy
Ashra, S., Chattopadhyay, S. and Chaudhuri, K. (2004). Deficit, Money and Pri- ce: The Indian Experience, Journal of Policy Modeling, 26, 289-299. 2. Bullard, J. (1999). Testing Long-Run Monetary Neutrality Propositions: Lessons from the Recent Research, FRB of St. Louis Review, November/December, 57- 77.
Dickey, D.A. and Fuller, W.A. (1979). Distribution of the Estimators for Autoreg- ressive Time Series with a Unit Root, Journal of the American Statistical Associ- ation, 74, 427-431. 4. Doornik, J.A., Hendry, D.F. and Nielsen, B. (1998). Inference in Cointegrating Models: UK M1 Revisited, Journal of Economic Surveys, 12/5, 533-572. 5. Dotsey, M. and Hornstein, A. (2003). Should a Monetary Policymaker Look at Money?, Journal of Monetary Economics, 50, 547-579.
Engle, R. F. and Granger, C. W. J. (1987). Co-integration and Error correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing,, Econometrica,, 55, 251-276. 7. Estrella, A. and Mishkin, F.S. (1997). Is There a Role for Monetary Aggregates in the Conduct of Monetary Policy?, Journal of Monetary Economics, 40, 279- 304. 8. Fisher, I. (1911). The Purchasing Power of Money, New York, MacMillan Ltd. 9. Fisher, M.E. and Seater, J.J. (1993). Long-Run Neutrality and Superneutrality in an ARIMA Framework, American Economic Review, 83, June, 402-415.
Friedman, M. (1956). The Quantity Theory of Money – A Restatement, Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, (Ed.) Milton Friedman, The University of Chi- cago Press, 3-21.
Geweke, J. (1986). The Superneutrality of Money in the United States: An In- terpretation of the Evidence, Econometrica, 54/1, January, 1-21.
Gonzalo, J. (1994). Five Alternative Methods of Estimating Long-Run Equilibri- um Relationships, Journal of Econometrics, 60, 203-233.
Granger, C. W. J. (1986). Developments in the Study of Cointegrated Econo- mic Variables, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 48/3, 213-228.
MacKinnon, J.G. (1996). Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Co- integration Tests, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, 601-618.
Mahadeva, L. and Robinson, P. (2004), Unit Root Testing to Help Model Buil- ding, Handbooks in Central Banking, (Eds.) Andrew Blake and Gill Hammond, Centre for Central Banking Studies, Bank of England, No. 22, July.
Nelson, C. and Plosser, C. (1982). Trend and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series: Some Evidence and Implications, Journal of Monetary Economics, 10, 130-162.
Osterwald-Lenum, M. (1992). A Note with Quantiles of the Asymptotic Distri- bution of the Maximum Likelihood Cointegration Rank Test Statistics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54, 461-472.
Ozmen, E. (2003). Testing the Quantity Theory of Money in Greece, Applied Economics Letters, 10, 971-974.
Serletis, A. and Krause, D. (1996). Empirical Evidence on the Long-Run Neutra- lity Hypothesis Using Low-Frequency International Data, Economics Letters, 50, 323-327.
Serletis, A. and Koustas, Z. (1998). International Evidence on the Neutrality of Money, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 30/1, Feb., 1-25.