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İslam Ekonomisinde İşgücü Piyasasında Ücret

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 87 - 118, 23.08.2021


İnsanların en yaygın kazancı ücrettir. Ücret çalışan insanlar için gelirin temel unsurunu oluşturur. Ücret sadece aktif olarak çalışılan yıllar için değil, aynı zamanda birçok emeklilik planı da ücret seviyelerine ve dinamiklerine dayanılarak yapılmaktadır. Bu nedenle ücretin hesaplanması, belirlenmesi ve ücret hesaplanmasında nelerin dikkate alınması gerektiği önem taşımaktadır. Ücret iş piyasasında belirlenmektedir. Ücret, işverenler için de önemlidir. Ücret ekonomide, yatırım, istihdam ve üretim başta olmak üzere birçok ekonomik değişkeni etkilemektedir. Her ekonomik sistemde ücretin belirlenmesi farklı şekillerde gerçekleşmektedir. Bu çalışmada, İslam ekonomisine göre ücret konusu ele alınıp incelenecek, işçi ve işverenlerin ücret oluşumundaki rolleri analiz edilecektir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, İslam ekonomisinin ücretin belirlenmesi konusunda, işçiler ve işverenler arasındaki ilişkiyi nasıl düzenlediğine dair bir fikir sahibi olabilmektir. Ayrıca çalışmada İslam iktisadı açısından emek faktörünün, üretimdeki yeri ve önemi analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma literatür taraması şeklinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, İslam iktisadına göre; ücretin belirlenmesinde sadece para ile ölçülen maddi değerler değil, manevi değerlerinde dikkate alınması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


Teşekkür ederim.


  • Abbas, S.,K.,(2006). Wage differential in an Islamic framework. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA), MPRA Paper No. 9562.
  • Ahmad, I. (2011). Religion and labor: Perspective in Islam. The Journal of Labor and Society, 14(4), 589-620.
  • Ammani, S., A., Abba, S.,A. & Dandago, K.,I., (2014). Zakah on employment income in Muslims majority states of Nigeria: Any cause for alarm?”, International Conference on Accounting Studies 2014, ICAS 2014, 18-19 August 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Arshadul, H.,K, (2017). Wage principles in Islamic law: An analysis. International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, 5(1), 126-134.
  • Arshadul, H.,K, (2018). Rights of labourers in Islam: Bangladesh perspective. Beijing Law Review, 9, 345-356.
  • Azid, T., Asutay, M. & Burki, U, (2007). Theory of the firm, management and stakeholders: An Islamic perspective. Islamic Economic Studies, 15(1), 1-30.
  • Azid, T., (2020). Appraisal of the Status on Research on Labor Economics in the Islamic Framework. ([13]%20Toseef%20Azid.pdf, e.t.12.07.2020).
  • Badawi, J.,A., (1991). The application of Tawheed in the natural and social order. Humanomics, 7(1), 5-18.
  • Chrisna, H., Efrizah, D. & Hernawaty, (2020). Production factors from the perspectives of ıslamic and conventional economic. International Journal of Research and Review, 7(5), 348-356.
  • El-Ashker, A.F. & Wİlson, R., (2006), Islamic Economics A Short History, BRİLL, Themes İn Islamic Studies, Boston.
  • Ferricha, D., Luth, T., Budiono, A.,R. & Sihabuddin, (2014), Shariah wage principle within ındustrial relation. Scientific Research Journal 2(10), 1-9.
  • Ghofur, R.,A., (2018). Wages in wage systems in Indonesia and Islam. Al-‘Adalah, 15(2), 263-292.
  • (,(e.t:08.10.2020)
  • Hamzah, Suryadi, N. & Hamzah, Z. (2016). The effect of wage and incentive on employee productivity viewed in Islamic perspective. Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, 3(2), 65-70.
  • Hasan, Z. (1983). Theory of profit: the Islamic viewpoint. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 1(1), 3-14.
  • Hascall, S.,C., (2014). Islamic commercial law and social justice: Shari'ah-compliant companies, workers' rights, and the living wage. St. John’s Law Review, 2(8), 291-344.
  • Hassan, N.,A., Amin, P. & Tohid S., (2017). The Concept of Tawhid in visual Artworks, International Conference on Studies in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHSS-2017), Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2017 Bali (Indonesia).
  • Hashim, M., (2011). Islamic perception of business ethics and the impact of secular thoughts on Islamic business ethics. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(3), 98- 120.
  • Hayati, K., & Caniago, I. (2012). Islamic work ethic: The role of intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65, 1102-1106.
  • Katovich, E.,S. & Maia, A.,G., (2018). The relation between labor productivity and wages ın brazil: a sectoral analysis. Nova Economia, 28(1), 7-38.
  • Khan, M. (1990). Factors of production and factor markets in Islamic framework. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 2(1), 25-46.
  • Klein, N., (2012). Real wage, labor productivity, and employment trends in south africa: a closer look. IMF Working Paper, WP/12/92.
  • Meager, N. & Speckesser, S., (2011). Wages, productivity and employment: A review of theory and international data, Institute for Employment Studies. European Employment Observatory, Thematic expert ad-hoc paper. 1-73.
  • Hersh, A.F. (2020). Trade union strategy in the labor market (Islamic economic perspective). Management & Economics Research Journal, 2(1), 32-49.
  • Hoque, K., A., (2017). Wage principles in Islamic law : An analysis. International Journal of Ethics in Social Science,s 5(1), 126-134.
  • Musa, M.,A., (2015). Islamic business ethics & finance: an exploratory study of Islamic banks in Malaysia. Governance and Regulation in Islamic Finance, 21(5), 45-60.
  • O’Farrell, R., (2010), Wages in the crisis, European Trade fUnion Institute, Working Paper 2010.03.
  • Paya, M., (2007). Makro İktisat. Filiz Kitabevi, Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Razak, K., (2017). Islamic Entrepreneurship Model. The 4th International Muamalat and Entrepreneurship Conference (IMEC 4), 28th to 29th September 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
  • Rosyada, D., Mufraini, M.,A., Suherlan, A., Harmadi, H. & Supriyono, S., (2018). Promoting Islamic values to encourage labour performance and productivity: Evidence from some Indonesian industries. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(4), 591-604
  • Said, M., (2018). Workers wage according to Islamic economic system. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(18), 1011-1021.
  • Shaharuddin, R.,R.,R., Murad H., Mutalib, Lukman, A. & Hashim, H., (2013). The concept of rights and protection to employees: A comparative overview. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 4, 58-64.
  • Sırım, V., (2016). İslam ekonomisinde işçi-işveren ilişkileri. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(35), 366-374.
  • Sejdini, I. & Sejdini, I., (2014). Real wages versus nominal wages in the Albanian economy. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 182-190.
  • Shaikh, S.,A., (2015). A comparative study of views and role of labor in Marxian, Mainstream and Islamic economics. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA), MPRA Paper No. 68750.
  • Siddiqui, S. A. (1996). Factors of production and factor returns under political economy of Islam. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 8(1), 3-28
  • Siregar, T., H., (2020). Impacts of minimum wages on employment and unemployment in Indonesia. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 25(1), 62-78.
  • Strain, M.,R., (2019). The link between wages and productivity ıs strong. (, e.t.10.06.2020).
  • Syarif, A. & Wibowo, W., H., (2017). The relation between minimum wages and poverty in Indonesia: An Islamic perspective. Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, 5(2), 83-93.
  • Syed, J. (2008). An Islamic perspective of industrial relations: The case of Pakistan. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 5(4): 417-440.
  • Syed, J. & Ali, A.,J., (2010). Principles of employment relations in Islam: a normative view. Employee Relations, 32(5), 454-469.
  • Wachter, M.,L., (2012). Neoclassical labor economics: its implications for labor and employment law. Research Handbooks In Law And Economics, Research handbook: economics of labor law, Edited by Cynthia L. Estlund, 20-51.
  • Westermark, A., (2019). How can various structural changes in the economy affect wages and inflation?. Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, 2, 71-90.
  • Vercherand, J., (2014), Labour, A Heterodox Approach, Macmillan Publishers, 1. Baskı, London.
  • Zakaria, M.,Z., Ahmad, N.,M., Salleh, A.,Z., Hasbullah, M. & Thoarlim, A., (2017). Guiding principles for Islamic labor code and business ethics. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(5), 336-345.
  • Zulfiqar, A.,A., (2007). Religious sanctification of labor law: Islamıc labor prıinciples and model provisions. U. PA. Journal Of Labor And Employment Law, 9(2), 421-444.

Wage in Labor Market in Islamic Economy

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 87 - 118, 23.08.2021


The most common earning of people is wage. Wages constitute the basic element of income for working people. Wage is made not only for years of active employment, but also many retirement plans based on wage levels and dynamics. For this reason, it is important what should be taken into account in the calculation, determination and calculation of the wage. The wage is determined in the labor market. Wage is also important for employers. Wage affects many economic variables in the economy, especially investment, employment and production. In every economic system, wage determination takes place in different ways.In this study, the issue of wages according to Islamic economics will be analyzed and the roles of workers and employers in wage formation will be analyzed. The main purpose of the study is to have an idea about how Islamic economics regulates the relationship between workers and employers in determining wages. In addition, in the study, the place and importance of the labor factor, in production has been tried to be analyzed in terms of Islamic economics. In the study, according to Islamic economics; it was concluded that in determining the wage, not only the material values measured in money but also the moral values should be taken into account. 


  • Abbas, S.,K.,(2006). Wage differential in an Islamic framework. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA), MPRA Paper No. 9562.
  • Ahmad, I. (2011). Religion and labor: Perspective in Islam. The Journal of Labor and Society, 14(4), 589-620.
  • Ammani, S., A., Abba, S.,A. & Dandago, K.,I., (2014). Zakah on employment income in Muslims majority states of Nigeria: Any cause for alarm?”, International Conference on Accounting Studies 2014, ICAS 2014, 18-19 August 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Arshadul, H.,K, (2017). Wage principles in Islamic law: An analysis. International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, 5(1), 126-134.
  • Arshadul, H.,K, (2018). Rights of labourers in Islam: Bangladesh perspective. Beijing Law Review, 9, 345-356.
  • Azid, T., Asutay, M. & Burki, U, (2007). Theory of the firm, management and stakeholders: An Islamic perspective. Islamic Economic Studies, 15(1), 1-30.
  • Azid, T., (2020). Appraisal of the Status on Research on Labor Economics in the Islamic Framework. ([13]%20Toseef%20Azid.pdf, e.t.12.07.2020).
  • Badawi, J.,A., (1991). The application of Tawheed in the natural and social order. Humanomics, 7(1), 5-18.
  • Chrisna, H., Efrizah, D. & Hernawaty, (2020). Production factors from the perspectives of ıslamic and conventional economic. International Journal of Research and Review, 7(5), 348-356.
  • El-Ashker, A.F. & Wİlson, R., (2006), Islamic Economics A Short History, BRİLL, Themes İn Islamic Studies, Boston.
  • Ferricha, D., Luth, T., Budiono, A.,R. & Sihabuddin, (2014), Shariah wage principle within ındustrial relation. Scientific Research Journal 2(10), 1-9.
  • Ghofur, R.,A., (2018). Wages in wage systems in Indonesia and Islam. Al-‘Adalah, 15(2), 263-292.
  • (,(e.t:08.10.2020)
  • Hamzah, Suryadi, N. & Hamzah, Z. (2016). The effect of wage and incentive on employee productivity viewed in Islamic perspective. Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, 3(2), 65-70.
  • Hasan, Z. (1983). Theory of profit: the Islamic viewpoint. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 1(1), 3-14.
  • Hascall, S.,C., (2014). Islamic commercial law and social justice: Shari'ah-compliant companies, workers' rights, and the living wage. St. John’s Law Review, 2(8), 291-344.
  • Hassan, N.,A., Amin, P. & Tohid S., (2017). The Concept of Tawhid in visual Artworks, International Conference on Studies in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHSS-2017), Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2017 Bali (Indonesia).
  • Hashim, M., (2011). Islamic perception of business ethics and the impact of secular thoughts on Islamic business ethics. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(3), 98- 120.
  • Hayati, K., & Caniago, I. (2012). Islamic work ethic: The role of intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65, 1102-1106.
  • Katovich, E.,S. & Maia, A.,G., (2018). The relation between labor productivity and wages ın brazil: a sectoral analysis. Nova Economia, 28(1), 7-38.
  • Khan, M. (1990). Factors of production and factor markets in Islamic framework. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 2(1), 25-46.
  • Klein, N., (2012). Real wage, labor productivity, and employment trends in south africa: a closer look. IMF Working Paper, WP/12/92.
  • Meager, N. & Speckesser, S., (2011). Wages, productivity and employment: A review of theory and international data, Institute for Employment Studies. European Employment Observatory, Thematic expert ad-hoc paper. 1-73.
  • Hersh, A.F. (2020). Trade union strategy in the labor market (Islamic economic perspective). Management & Economics Research Journal, 2(1), 32-49.
  • Hoque, K., A., (2017). Wage principles in Islamic law : An analysis. International Journal of Ethics in Social Science,s 5(1), 126-134.
  • Musa, M.,A., (2015). Islamic business ethics & finance: an exploratory study of Islamic banks in Malaysia. Governance and Regulation in Islamic Finance, 21(5), 45-60.
  • O’Farrell, R., (2010), Wages in the crisis, European Trade fUnion Institute, Working Paper 2010.03.
  • Paya, M., (2007). Makro İktisat. Filiz Kitabevi, Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Razak, K., (2017). Islamic Entrepreneurship Model. The 4th International Muamalat and Entrepreneurship Conference (IMEC 4), 28th to 29th September 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
  • Rosyada, D., Mufraini, M.,A., Suherlan, A., Harmadi, H. & Supriyono, S., (2018). Promoting Islamic values to encourage labour performance and productivity: Evidence from some Indonesian industries. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(4), 591-604
  • Said, M., (2018). Workers wage according to Islamic economic system. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(18), 1011-1021.
  • Shaharuddin, R.,R.,R., Murad H., Mutalib, Lukman, A. & Hashim, H., (2013). The concept of rights and protection to employees: A comparative overview. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 4, 58-64.
  • Sırım, V., (2016). İslam ekonomisinde işçi-işveren ilişkileri. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(35), 366-374.
  • Sejdini, I. & Sejdini, I., (2014). Real wages versus nominal wages in the Albanian economy. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 182-190.
  • Shaikh, S.,A., (2015). A comparative study of views and role of labor in Marxian, Mainstream and Islamic economics. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA), MPRA Paper No. 68750.
  • Siddiqui, S. A. (1996). Factors of production and factor returns under political economy of Islam. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 8(1), 3-28
  • Siregar, T., H., (2020). Impacts of minimum wages on employment and unemployment in Indonesia. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 25(1), 62-78.
  • Strain, M.,R., (2019). The link between wages and productivity ıs strong. (, e.t.10.06.2020).
  • Syarif, A. & Wibowo, W., H., (2017). The relation between minimum wages and poverty in Indonesia: An Islamic perspective. Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, 5(2), 83-93.
  • Syed, J. (2008). An Islamic perspective of industrial relations: The case of Pakistan. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 5(4): 417-440.
  • Syed, J. & Ali, A.,J., (2010). Principles of employment relations in Islam: a normative view. Employee Relations, 32(5), 454-469.
  • Wachter, M.,L., (2012). Neoclassical labor economics: its implications for labor and employment law. Research Handbooks In Law And Economics, Research handbook: economics of labor law, Edited by Cynthia L. Estlund, 20-51.
  • Westermark, A., (2019). How can various structural changes in the economy affect wages and inflation?. Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, 2, 71-90.
  • Vercherand, J., (2014), Labour, A Heterodox Approach, Macmillan Publishers, 1. Baskı, London.
  • Zakaria, M.,Z., Ahmad, N.,M., Salleh, A.,Z., Hasbullah, M. & Thoarlim, A., (2017). Guiding principles for Islamic labor code and business ethics. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(5), 336-345.
  • Zulfiqar, A.,A., (2007). Religious sanctification of labor law: Islamıc labor prıinciples and model provisions. U. PA. Journal Of Labor And Employment Law, 9(2), 421-444.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Nihat Altuntepe 0000-0002-2774-315X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Altuntepe, N. (2021). İslam Ekonomisinde İşgücü Piyasasında Ücret. Bingöl Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), 87-118.

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