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The pollination and reproduction success of Salvia sclarea

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 130 - 135, 15.04.2017


In this study, the pollinators of Salvia sclarea Lamiaceae and their behaviors, pollen viability, stigma receptivity, pollination biology and reproduction success were investigated. On observation, 8 insect taxa: Xylocopa violacea, Vespula germanica, Megachile pilidens, Sphex spirifex, Anthocopa bidentata bidentata, Apis mellifera, Anthophora sp., Sphaerophoria sp. were reported to pollinate the plant for different reasons. Stigma receptivity begins from the bud phase of the flower protogyny when the anthers open at the same level as the stigma, it surpasses the anthers and comes out of the upper lip of the corolla and activates the allogamy mechanism. In the bagging experiments which consisted 100 flowers 1.95 ± 1.69 ovules per flower were calculated to be fertilized while in the control group it was 3.92 ± 0.34 ovules . According to ISI index ISI = 0,497 the plant was identified to be semi-incompatible. This species is cultivated for its medical and aromatic significance. To ensure seed production in this species, its autogamy is replaced by the allogamy mechanism. This is important in terms of the species productivity and seed output. In addition, S. sclarea fields are considered to contribute positively to honey production as they are pollinated by bees


  • Allard, R.W., Jain, S.K., Workman, P. L. (1968). The genetics of inbreeding populations. Advances in Genetics, 14, 55- 131.
  • Brown, A.H.D., (1979). Enzyme polymorphism in plant populations. Theoretical Population Biology, 15, 1-42.
  • Claßen-Bockhoff, R., Speck, T., Tweraser, E., Wester, P., Thimm, S., Reith, M. (2004). The staminal lever mechanism in Salvia L. (Lamiaceae): a key innovation for adaptive radiation. Org Dıvers Evol, 4, 189–205.
  • Clegg, M.T. (1980). Measuring plant mating systems. Bioscience, 30, 814-818.
  • Dafni, A. (2007). Manual of Pollination Ecology: Field Methods, Laboratory of Pollination Ecology. Haifa, Institute of Evolution University of Haifa.
  • Grant, K.A., Grant, V. (1964). Mechanical isolation of Salvia apiana and Salvia mellifera (Labiatae). Evolution, 18, 196–212.
  • Grant, V. (1950). The flower constancy of bees. Bot Rev, 16, 379–398.
  • Grant, V. (1994). Modes and origin of mechanical and ethological isolation in Angiosperms. P Natl Acad Scı USA, 91, 3-10
  • Gülçin, İ., Oğuz, M.T., Oktay, M., Beydemir, Ş., Küfrevioğlu, Ö.İ. (2004). Evaluation of the antioxidant activities of clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestery, 28, 25-33.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (2012). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi Damarlı Bitkiler. İstanbul: Nezehat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayınları.
  • Hamrick, J.L., Linhart, Y.B., Mitton, J.B.. (1979). Relationship between life-history characteristics and electrophoretically detectable genetic variation in plants. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 10, 173-200.
  • Hildebrand, F. (1865). Ueber die Befruchtung der Salviaarten mit Hilfe von Insekten. Jahrb Wıssensc Botanik, 4, 451– 476.
  • Jorge, A., Loureiro, J., Castro, S. (2015). Flower biology and breeding system of Salvia sclareoides Brot. (Lamiaceae). Plant Syst Evol, 301, 1485–1497
  • Kahraman, A., Bagherpour, S., Karabacak, E., Doğan, M., Doğan, H.M., Uysal, İ., Celep, F. (2012). Reassessment of conservation status of the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 103-124
  • Kahraman, A., Celep, F., Doğan, M. (2009). Morphology, Anatomy and Palynology of Salvia indica L. (Lamiaceae). World Appl Sci J, 6, 289-296.
  • Kakutani, T. (1993). Nectar secretion patterns of flowers and nectar utilization patterns by insect visitors. In: Inoue T, Kato M (eds) Co-evolution of flower and pollinator. Heibonsha, Tokyo, 79-102.
  • Kugler, H. (1970). Blütenökologie. Fischer, Stuttgard, GE.
  • Loveless, M.D., Hamrick, J.L. (1984). Ecological determinants of genetic structure in plant populations. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 15, 65-95.
  • Macukanovic-Jocic, M., Stevanovic, Z. D., Mladenovic, M., Jocic, G. (2011). Flower morphophysiology of selected Lamiaceae species in relation to pollinator attraction. J Apicult Res, 50(2), 89-101.
  • Navarro, L. (1997). Is the dichogamy of Salvia verbenaca (Lamiaceae) an effective barrier to self-fertilization?. Pl Syst Evol, 207, 111–117
  • Nepi, M., Aderkas, P., Wagner, R., Mugnaini, S., Coulter, A., Pacini, E. (2009). Nectar and pollination drops: how different are they?. Annals of Botany, 104, 205-219.
  • Ott, D., Hühn, P., Claßen-Bockhoff, R. (2016). Salvia apiana - A carpenter bee flower?. Flora, 221, 82–91
  • Önenç-Soycan, S., Açıkgöz, Z. (2005). Aromatik Bitkilerin Hayvansal Ürünlerde Antioksidan Etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim, 46(1), 50-55.
  • Pittioni, B. (1942) Hummeln als Blfitenbesucher. Mitt. Bulg. Entomol. Ges., Sofia, 12, 63- 126.
  • Reith, M., Baumann, G., Claßen-Bockhoff, R., Speck, T. (2007). New insights into the functional morphology of the lever mechanism of Salvia pratensis (Lamiaceae). Ann Bot-London, 100, 393–400.
  • Şenkal, C.B., Gürbüz, B., Türker, A., Bingöl, M.Ü., İpek, A. (2012). Bolu Florasına Kayıtlı Adaçayı (Salvia spp.) Türlerinin Kültüre Alınması, Önemli Agronomik Özellikleri, Uçucu Yağ Bileşenleri ile Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin İncelenmesi. TÜBİTAK Proje No:108 O 619
  • Trapp, A. (1956). Zur Morphologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Staubblatter sympetaler Bluten. Bot Stud, 5, 1–93.
  • Van Delden, W., (1985). The significance of genetic variation in plants as illustrated by Plantago populations. 219-239 in Haeck, J. and Woldendorp, J.W., eds. Structure and functioning of plant populations 2. North Holland, Amsterdam.
  • Van Dijk, H., Wolff, K., De Vries, A. (1988). Genetic variability in Plantago species in relation to their ecology. 3. Genetic structure of populations of P. major, P. lanceolata and P. coronopus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 75, 518-528.
  • Vogel, S. (1954). Blütenbiologische Typen als Elemente der Sippengliederung dargestellt anhand der Flora Südafrikas. Bot Stud, 1, 338
  • Walker, J.B., Sytsma, K.J., Treutlein, J., Wink, M. (2004). Salvia (Lamiaceae) is not Monophyletic: Implications for the Systematics, Radiation, and Ecological Specializations of Salvia and Tribe Mentheae. American Journal of Botany, 91(7), 1115–1125.
  • Wester, P., Claßen-Bockhoff, R. (2007). Floral diversity and pollen transfer mechanisms in bird-pollinated Salvia species. Ann Bot-London, 100, 401–421.
  • Will, M., Claßen-Bockhoff, R. (2014). Why Africa matters: evolution of Old World Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Africa. Ann Bot-London, 114, 61–83
  • Wodehouse, R.P., (1965). Pollen Grains, Newyork, USA, Hamer Press, 249.
  • Zapata, T.R., Arroyo, M.T.K. (1978). Plant reproductive ecology of a Secondary Deciduous Tropical Forest in Venezuella, Biotropica, 10(03), 221-230.
  • Zhang, B., Claßen-Bockhoff, R., Zhang, Z., Sun, S., Luo, Y., Li, Q. (2010). Functional implications of the staminal lever mechanism in Salvia cyclostegia (Lamiaceae). Ann Bot-London, 107(4), 621-8.

Salvia sclarea'nın tozlaşması ve üreme başarısı

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 130 - 135, 15.04.2017


Bu çalışmada Salvia sclarea Lamiaceae 'nın tozlaştırıcı böcekleri ve davranışları, polen canlılığı, stigma aktivasyonu, üretilen toplam polen ve ovül miktarı verileri üzerinden tozlaşma biyolojisi ve üreme başarısı araştırılmıştır. Gözlemler sonucu, 8 böcek taksonunun Xylocopa violacea,Vespula germanica, Megachile pilidens, Sphex spirifex, Anthocopa bidentata bidentata, Apis mellifera, Anthophora sp., Sphaerophoria sp. bitkiyi çeşitli amaçlarla ziyaret ettiği belirlenmiştir. Canlılık testlerinde tomurcuk safhasından itibaren stigmanın aktif olduğu protoginik , anterlerin ise stigmayla aynı seviyeye geldikten sonra açıldığı, stigmanın anter seviyesini geçerek korolla üst dudağından dışarı çıktığı ve yabancı dölleklik mekanizmasını etkin hale getirdiği belirlenmiştir. Kapatma denemelerinde, yüz çiçekte çiçek başına ortalama 1.95 ± 1.69 , kontrol grubunda ise 3.92 ± 0.34 ovülün döllendiği, bu nedenle ISI ISI=0,497 indeksine göre, bitkinin kısmen kendine döllek olduğu saptanmıştır. Doğal bir bitki olmasına rağmen tıbbi ve aromatik öneminden dolayı büyük oranda kültüre alınarak yetiştirilen bu tür, yabancı tozlaşma mekanizmasının yanı sıra kendine dölleklik mekanizmasını da yaklaşık olarak yarı yarıya çalıştırarak tohum üretimini garantiye almaktadır. Bu durum kültüre edilen türün verimliliği ve tohum eldesi açısından önemlidir. Ayrıca arı gruplarıyla tozlaşması sebebiyle bu tarz kültür alanlarının arıcılıkta, bal üretimine olumlu katkısı olacağı düşünülmektedir


  • Allard, R.W., Jain, S.K., Workman, P. L. (1968). The genetics of inbreeding populations. Advances in Genetics, 14, 55- 131.
  • Brown, A.H.D., (1979). Enzyme polymorphism in plant populations. Theoretical Population Biology, 15, 1-42.
  • Claßen-Bockhoff, R., Speck, T., Tweraser, E., Wester, P., Thimm, S., Reith, M. (2004). The staminal lever mechanism in Salvia L. (Lamiaceae): a key innovation for adaptive radiation. Org Dıvers Evol, 4, 189–205.
  • Clegg, M.T. (1980). Measuring plant mating systems. Bioscience, 30, 814-818.
  • Dafni, A. (2007). Manual of Pollination Ecology: Field Methods, Laboratory of Pollination Ecology. Haifa, Institute of Evolution University of Haifa.
  • Grant, K.A., Grant, V. (1964). Mechanical isolation of Salvia apiana and Salvia mellifera (Labiatae). Evolution, 18, 196–212.
  • Grant, V. (1950). The flower constancy of bees. Bot Rev, 16, 379–398.
  • Grant, V. (1994). Modes and origin of mechanical and ethological isolation in Angiosperms. P Natl Acad Scı USA, 91, 3-10
  • Gülçin, İ., Oğuz, M.T., Oktay, M., Beydemir, Ş., Küfrevioğlu, Ö.İ. (2004). Evaluation of the antioxidant activities of clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestery, 28, 25-33.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (2012). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi Damarlı Bitkiler. İstanbul: Nezehat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayınları.
  • Hamrick, J.L., Linhart, Y.B., Mitton, J.B.. (1979). Relationship between life-history characteristics and electrophoretically detectable genetic variation in plants. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 10, 173-200.
  • Hildebrand, F. (1865). Ueber die Befruchtung der Salviaarten mit Hilfe von Insekten. Jahrb Wıssensc Botanik, 4, 451– 476.
  • Jorge, A., Loureiro, J., Castro, S. (2015). Flower biology and breeding system of Salvia sclareoides Brot. (Lamiaceae). Plant Syst Evol, 301, 1485–1497
  • Kahraman, A., Bagherpour, S., Karabacak, E., Doğan, M., Doğan, H.M., Uysal, İ., Celep, F. (2012). Reassessment of conservation status of the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 103-124
  • Kahraman, A., Celep, F., Doğan, M. (2009). Morphology, Anatomy and Palynology of Salvia indica L. (Lamiaceae). World Appl Sci J, 6, 289-296.
  • Kakutani, T. (1993). Nectar secretion patterns of flowers and nectar utilization patterns by insect visitors. In: Inoue T, Kato M (eds) Co-evolution of flower and pollinator. Heibonsha, Tokyo, 79-102.
  • Kugler, H. (1970). Blütenökologie. Fischer, Stuttgard, GE.
  • Loveless, M.D., Hamrick, J.L. (1984). Ecological determinants of genetic structure in plant populations. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 15, 65-95.
  • Macukanovic-Jocic, M., Stevanovic, Z. D., Mladenovic, M., Jocic, G. (2011). Flower morphophysiology of selected Lamiaceae species in relation to pollinator attraction. J Apicult Res, 50(2), 89-101.
  • Navarro, L. (1997). Is the dichogamy of Salvia verbenaca (Lamiaceae) an effective barrier to self-fertilization?. Pl Syst Evol, 207, 111–117
  • Nepi, M., Aderkas, P., Wagner, R., Mugnaini, S., Coulter, A., Pacini, E. (2009). Nectar and pollination drops: how different are they?. Annals of Botany, 104, 205-219.
  • Ott, D., Hühn, P., Claßen-Bockhoff, R. (2016). Salvia apiana - A carpenter bee flower?. Flora, 221, 82–91
  • Önenç-Soycan, S., Açıkgöz, Z. (2005). Aromatik Bitkilerin Hayvansal Ürünlerde Antioksidan Etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim, 46(1), 50-55.
  • Pittioni, B. (1942) Hummeln als Blfitenbesucher. Mitt. Bulg. Entomol. Ges., Sofia, 12, 63- 126.
  • Reith, M., Baumann, G., Claßen-Bockhoff, R., Speck, T. (2007). New insights into the functional morphology of the lever mechanism of Salvia pratensis (Lamiaceae). Ann Bot-London, 100, 393–400.
  • Şenkal, C.B., Gürbüz, B., Türker, A., Bingöl, M.Ü., İpek, A. (2012). Bolu Florasına Kayıtlı Adaçayı (Salvia spp.) Türlerinin Kültüre Alınması, Önemli Agronomik Özellikleri, Uçucu Yağ Bileşenleri ile Antimikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin İncelenmesi. TÜBİTAK Proje No:108 O 619
  • Trapp, A. (1956). Zur Morphologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Staubblatter sympetaler Bluten. Bot Stud, 5, 1–93.
  • Van Delden, W., (1985). The significance of genetic variation in plants as illustrated by Plantago populations. 219-239 in Haeck, J. and Woldendorp, J.W., eds. Structure and functioning of plant populations 2. North Holland, Amsterdam.
  • Van Dijk, H., Wolff, K., De Vries, A. (1988). Genetic variability in Plantago species in relation to their ecology. 3. Genetic structure of populations of P. major, P. lanceolata and P. coronopus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 75, 518-528.
  • Vogel, S. (1954). Blütenbiologische Typen als Elemente der Sippengliederung dargestellt anhand der Flora Südafrikas. Bot Stud, 1, 338
  • Walker, J.B., Sytsma, K.J., Treutlein, J., Wink, M. (2004). Salvia (Lamiaceae) is not Monophyletic: Implications for the Systematics, Radiation, and Ecological Specializations of Salvia and Tribe Mentheae. American Journal of Botany, 91(7), 1115–1125.
  • Wester, P., Claßen-Bockhoff, R. (2007). Floral diversity and pollen transfer mechanisms in bird-pollinated Salvia species. Ann Bot-London, 100, 401–421.
  • Will, M., Claßen-Bockhoff, R. (2014). Why Africa matters: evolution of Old World Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Africa. Ann Bot-London, 114, 61–83
  • Wodehouse, R.P., (1965). Pollen Grains, Newyork, USA, Hamer Press, 249.
  • Zapata, T.R., Arroyo, M.T.K. (1978). Plant reproductive ecology of a Secondary Deciduous Tropical Forest in Venezuella, Biotropica, 10(03), 221-230.
  • Zhang, B., Claßen-Bockhoff, R., Zhang, Z., Sun, S., Luo, Y., Li, Q. (2010). Functional implications of the staminal lever mechanism in Salvia cyclostegia (Lamiaceae). Ann Bot-London, 107(4), 621-8.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Serdar Gökhan Şenol This is me

Volkan Eroğlu This is me

Ozan Şentürk This is me

Fidan Kaçmaz This is me

Ayşe Betül Avcı

Publication Date April 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Şenol, S. G., Eroğlu, V., Şentürk, O., Kaçmaz, F., et al. (2017). The pollination and reproduction success of Salvia sclarea. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10(3), 130-135.

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