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The beech Fagus orientalis Lipsky diameter frequency fit with probability distribution in Iran''s north forests

Year 2016, Supplement 1, 19 - 24, 15.08.2016


In order to study the quality of the Beech tree diameter at breast height and its fit through the statistical distribution two one hectare sample pieces were randomly selected in a lozenge shape of Fagus orientalis Lipsky of natural stand forests in the northern slope of Iran's north forests. In these pieces all trees with more than 7.5 cm diameter were measured according to full callipering. The Beta, Gamma, Weibull, Normal, Lognormal, Exponential and Power statistical models were used in order to fit the data. The results obtained from chi-square test χ2 revealed that the Beta distribution in west and east directions and also exponential distribution in the west direction have produced a good fit for trees diameter distribution. But the other distributions didn't show much capability in explaining the studied trees diameter distribution


  • Bailey, R. L. 1980. Individual tree growth derived from diameter distribution models. Forest science, 26(4):626-632.
  • Cao, Q. V. 2004. Predicting parameters of a weibull function for modeling diameter distribution. Forest Science, 50 (5):682-685.5.
  • Ertekin, M., Kırdar, E., Ayan, S. 2015. The effects of exposure, elevation and tree age on seed characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky. South-east Eur for 6 (1): 15-23. DOI:
  • Fallah, A, Zobairi, M., Mohajer, M. 2005. Presenting an appropriate quantity distribution model in Fagus orientalis natural and different age stands in north of Iran. Iran's natural resources journal, 813-821:(4)85
  • Gardiner, S.H. 1968. Forest biometric (Translation). Pergamon press, Oxford.447p.
  • Mataji, A, Hojati. M, Namiranian, M. 2000. The study of quantity distribution in diameter levels in natural forests by using probability distribution. Iran's Natural Resources Journal, 53 (2) 165-171.
  • Mohamed Alizadeh, KH, Zobeiri, M, Namiraniyan, M, Hourfar, A., Mohajer, M. 2009. Diameter breast height frequency distribution fit by the usage of some statistical models (distributions). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 17 (1) 116-124.
  • Namiranian, M. 1999. The application of probability theories in determining trees distribution in different diameter levels. Iran's natural resources journal, 93-108:44
  • Nanang, D.M. 1998. Suitability of the Normal, log-normal and Weibull distribution for fitting diameter distribution of Neem plantations in Northern Ghana. Forest Ecology and Management, 103:1-7.
  • Nord-Larson, T., Cao, Q.V.A. 2006. Diameter distribution model even-aged beech in Denmark. Forest Ecology and Management, 231:218-225.
  • Shiver, B.D.1988. Sample size and estimation methods for the Weibull distribution for unthinned Slash pine plantation. Forest Science, 34 (3):809-814.
  • Zobeiri, M. 2000. Inventory in the forest. Tehran university publication, 401p.
  • Zwillinger, D., Kokoska, S. C.R.C. 2000. Standard probability and statistics table formulae. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 554 P.
Year 2016, Supplement 1, 19 - 24, 15.08.2016



  • Bailey, R. L. 1980. Individual tree growth derived from diameter distribution models. Forest science, 26(4):626-632.
  • Cao, Q. V. 2004. Predicting parameters of a weibull function for modeling diameter distribution. Forest Science, 50 (5):682-685.5.
  • Ertekin, M., Kırdar, E., Ayan, S. 2015. The effects of exposure, elevation and tree age on seed characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky. South-east Eur for 6 (1): 15-23. DOI:
  • Fallah, A, Zobairi, M., Mohajer, M. 2005. Presenting an appropriate quantity distribution model in Fagus orientalis natural and different age stands in north of Iran. Iran's natural resources journal, 813-821:(4)85
  • Gardiner, S.H. 1968. Forest biometric (Translation). Pergamon press, Oxford.447p.
  • Mataji, A, Hojati. M, Namiranian, M. 2000. The study of quantity distribution in diameter levels in natural forests by using probability distribution. Iran's Natural Resources Journal, 53 (2) 165-171.
  • Mohamed Alizadeh, KH, Zobeiri, M, Namiraniyan, M, Hourfar, A., Mohajer, M. 2009. Diameter breast height frequency distribution fit by the usage of some statistical models (distributions). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 17 (1) 116-124.
  • Namiranian, M. 1999. The application of probability theories in determining trees distribution in different diameter levels. Iran's natural resources journal, 93-108:44
  • Nanang, D.M. 1998. Suitability of the Normal, log-normal and Weibull distribution for fitting diameter distribution of Neem plantations in Northern Ghana. Forest Ecology and Management, 103:1-7.
  • Nord-Larson, T., Cao, Q.V.A. 2006. Diameter distribution model even-aged beech in Denmark. Forest Ecology and Management, 231:218-225.
  • Shiver, B.D.1988. Sample size and estimation methods for the Weibull distribution for unthinned Slash pine plantation. Forest Science, 34 (3):809-814.
  • Zobeiri, M. 2000. Inventory in the forest. Tehran university publication, 401p.
  • Zwillinger, D., Kokoska, S. C.R.C. 2000. Standard probability and statistics table formulae. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 554 P.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mir Mozaffar Fallahchaı This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Supplement 1


APA Fallahchaı, M. M. (2016). The beech Fagus orientalis Lipsky diameter frequency fit with probability distribution in Iran’’s north forests. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2), 19-24.

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