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A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging

Yıl 2013, , 126 - 128, 01.01.2013


Ganglioneuromas are mostly seen in adolescents and young adults and they are neurogenic tumors originating from sympathetic ganglions with a benign histology. Although ganglioneuromas are benign, the treatment is surgical as they can cause pain or compression symptoms, can be locally aggressive and can lead to cord compression. We present a young adult female with a ganglioneuroma of the right posterior mediastinum who presented with lower back pain, together with the clinical features, Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings, differential diagnosis tips and their contribution to surgical planning. Turkish Başlık: Posterior Mediastinal Ganglionörom Vakası: Preoperatif Multiplanar Radyolojik Görüntülemenin Önemi Anahtar Kelimeler: Ganglionörom, nörojenik tümör, posterior mediasten Ganglionöromlar, daha çok adelosanlar ve genç erişkinlerde görülen, sempatik ganglionlardan orijin alan, benign histolojiye sahip nörojenik tümörlerdir. Benign natürde olmalarına rağmen, lokal agresif davranabildikleri, ağrı ve kompresyona bağlı semptomlar ile kord kompresyonuna yol açabildikleri için tedavisi cerrahidir. Bu yazıda, bel ağrısı şikayeti ile gelen ve sağ posterior mediastinal ganglionörom tanısı alan genç erişkin bayan hasta, klinik özellikleri, BT-MR bulguları, ayırıcı tanı ipuçları ve bunların cerrahi planlamaya katkıları ile birlikte sunulmuştur.


  • Lee JY, Lee KS, Han J, Yoon HK, Kim TS, Han BK, et al. Spectrum of neurogenic tumors in the thorax:CT and pathologic findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1999;23:399-406. [CrossRef]
  • Geoerger B, Hero B, Harms D, Grebe J, Scheidhauer K, Berthold F. Metabolic activity and clinical features of primary ganglioneuromas. Cancer 2001;91:1905-13. [CrossRef]
  • Strollo DC, Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Jett JR. Primary mediastinal tumors. Part II:Tumors of the middle and posterior mediastinum. Chest 1997;112:1344-57. [CrossRef]
  • Rha SE, Byun JY, Jung SE, Chun HJ, Lee HG, Lee JM. Neurogenic tumors in the abdomen:tumor types and imaging characteristics. Radiographics 2003;23:29-43. [CrossRef]
  • Kumar A, Kumar S, Aggarwal S, Khilnani GC. Thoracoscopy:the preferred approach for the resection of selected posterior mediastinal tumors. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2002;12:345-53. [CrossRef]
  • Shimada H, Ambros IM, Dehner LP, Hata J, Joshi VV, Roald B, et al. The international neuroblastoma pathology classification (the Shimada system). Cancer 1999;86:364-72. [CrossRef]
  • Shields TW, Reynolds M. Neurogenic tumors of the thorax. Surg Clin North Am 1988;68:645-68.
  • Enzinger FM, Weiss SW. Pirimitive neuroectodermal tumors and related lesions. In:Enzinger FM, Weiss SW, editors. Soft tissue tumors, 3rd edn. St. Louis, MO:Mosby, 1995;929-64.
  • Forsythe A, Volpe J, Muller R. Posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroma. Radiographics 2004;24:594-7. [CrossRef]
  • Ko SM, Keum DY, Kang YN. Posterior mediastinal dumbbell ganglioneuroma with fatty replacement. Br J Radiol 2007;80:e238-40. [CrossRef]
  • Kato M, Hara M, Ozawa Y, Shimizu S, Shibamato Y. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging features of posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroma. J Thorac Imaging 2012;27:100-6. [CrossRef] Aughenbaugh GL. Thoracic manifestations of neurocutaneous diseases. Radiol Clin North Am 1984;22:741-56.

A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging

Yıl 2013, , 126 - 128, 01.01.2013



  • Lee JY, Lee KS, Han J, Yoon HK, Kim TS, Han BK, et al. Spectrum of neurogenic tumors in the thorax:CT and pathologic findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1999;23:399-406. [CrossRef]
  • Geoerger B, Hero B, Harms D, Grebe J, Scheidhauer K, Berthold F. Metabolic activity and clinical features of primary ganglioneuromas. Cancer 2001;91:1905-13. [CrossRef]
  • Strollo DC, Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Jett JR. Primary mediastinal tumors. Part II:Tumors of the middle and posterior mediastinum. Chest 1997;112:1344-57. [CrossRef]
  • Rha SE, Byun JY, Jung SE, Chun HJ, Lee HG, Lee JM. Neurogenic tumors in the abdomen:tumor types and imaging characteristics. Radiographics 2003;23:29-43. [CrossRef]
  • Kumar A, Kumar S, Aggarwal S, Khilnani GC. Thoracoscopy:the preferred approach for the resection of selected posterior mediastinal tumors. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2002;12:345-53. [CrossRef]
  • Shimada H, Ambros IM, Dehner LP, Hata J, Joshi VV, Roald B, et al. The international neuroblastoma pathology classification (the Shimada system). Cancer 1999;86:364-72. [CrossRef]
  • Shields TW, Reynolds M. Neurogenic tumors of the thorax. Surg Clin North Am 1988;68:645-68.
  • Enzinger FM, Weiss SW. Pirimitive neuroectodermal tumors and related lesions. In:Enzinger FM, Weiss SW, editors. Soft tissue tumors, 3rd edn. St. Louis, MO:Mosby, 1995;929-64.
  • Forsythe A, Volpe J, Muller R. Posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroma. Radiographics 2004;24:594-7. [CrossRef]
  • Ko SM, Keum DY, Kang YN. Posterior mediastinal dumbbell ganglioneuroma with fatty replacement. Br J Radiol 2007;80:e238-40. [CrossRef]
  • Kato M, Hara M, Ozawa Y, Shimizu S, Shibamato Y. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging features of posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroma. J Thorac Imaging 2012;27:100-6. [CrossRef] Aughenbaugh GL. Thoracic manifestations of neurocutaneous diseases. Radiol Clin North Am 1984;22:741-56.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Betül Kızıldağ Bu kişi benim

Timuçin Alar Bu kişi benim

Ozan Karatağ Bu kişi benim

Şule Koşar Bu kişi benim

Tarık Akman Bu kişi benim

Murat Coşar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızıldağ, B., Alar, T., Karatağ, O., Koşar, Ş., vd. (2013). A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging. Balkan Medical Journal, 2013(1), 126-128.
AMA Kızıldağ B, Alar T, Karatağ O, Koşar Ş, Akman T, Coşar M. A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging. Balkan Medical Journal. Ocak 2013;2013(1):126-128. doi:10.5152/balkanmedj.2012.099
Chicago Kızıldağ, Betül, Timuçin Alar, Ozan Karatağ, Şule Koşar, Tarık Akman, ve Murat Coşar. “A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging”. Balkan Medical Journal 2013, sy. 1 (Ocak 2013): 126-28.
EndNote Kızıldağ B, Alar T, Karatağ O, Koşar Ş, Akman T, Coşar M (01 Ocak 2013) A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging. Balkan Medical Journal 2013 1 126–128.
IEEE B. Kızıldağ, T. Alar, O. Karatağ, Ş. Koşar, T. Akman, ve M. Coşar, “A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging”, Balkan Medical Journal, c. 2013, sy. 1, ss. 126–128, 2013, doi: 10.5152/balkanmedj.2012.099.
ISNAD Kızıldağ, Betül vd. “A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging”. Balkan Medical Journal 2013/1 (Ocak 2013), 126-128.
JAMA Kızıldağ B, Alar T, Karatağ O, Koşar Ş, Akman T, Coşar M. A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging. Balkan Medical Journal. 2013;2013:126–128.
MLA Kızıldağ, Betül vd. “A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging”. Balkan Medical Journal, c. 2013, sy. 1, 2013, ss. 126-8, doi:10.5152/balkanmedj.2012.099.
Vancouver Kızıldağ B, Alar T, Karatağ O, Koşar Ş, Akman T, Coşar M. A Case of Posterior Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma: The Importance of Preoperative Multiplanar Radiological Imaging. Balkan Medical Journal. 2013;2013(1):126-8.