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Modayı Moda Olanla Sorgulamak: Moda Endüstrisini Sorgulayan Sanat Yapıtlarının Analizi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 24, 01.02.2025


Son yıllarda tartışma konusu olan, moda endüstrisinin ilişkilendirildiği kaynakların tahribatı, çevre kirliliği, işçi hakları ihlalleri, beden, yaş, cinsiyet temelli ayrımcılık gibi sorunlar moda endüstrisi için sistematik değişim çağrısını kaçınılmaz kılmıştır. Bu çalışma, endüstrinin gerekli değişimi için toplumsal düzeyde farkındalık ve tüketici toplum yapısında dönüşüm yaratmada, sanatın rolünü tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Değişim için üzerinde durulması gereken sorunlara dair net bir görüş oluşturmak için çalışma, moda sisteminin tarihsel araştırması ile başlayarak, modanın hayat döngüsünün farklı evrelerinde karşılaşılabilecek sorunlar, literatür taramalarından elde edilen nitel veriler ve örnek olay incelemeleriyle tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen sorunlardan üretim ve tüketim artışı, çevre sorunu, beden ve kadın algısı ve endüstrinin emek kavramıyla ilişkisine odaklanılarak, bu konular üzerine başlıkta moda olan şeklinde nitelendirilen moda malzemeleri kullanılarak eleştiri geliştiren sanatsal üretimler yoruma dayalı görsel analiz yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Bu incelemede, moda endüstrisine ve tüketime hizmet eden malzemelerin endüstrinin ve tüketimin tekelinden çıkarılarak, sanat yoluyla kendi endüstrisini eleştirebilmesinin ve değiştirebilmesinin olanakları ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, incelenen sanatsal üretimlerin iletişim ve empati kurma, duyguları harekete geçirme, sorunlar üzerine düşündürme özelliklerinin endüstriye ilişkin sorunlara dikkat çekmekte, farkındalık yaratmakta ve moda endüstrisini değişime yönlendirebilecek toplumsal baskının oluşturulmasında rol oynayabileceği ortaya koyulmuştur.


  • Antoni, J. (2008). Bridle. Janine Antoni. http://www.janineantoni.net/bridle (30.04.2023).
  • Arapoğlu, F. (2015). Çağdaş sanat ve siyaset: dünyayı değiştirme arzusu. Eğitim Bilim Toplum Dergisi, 13(52), 128-140.
  • Artworks for Change. (2015). Guerra de la paz. Artworks for Change. https://www.artworksforchange.org/portfolio/guerra-de-la-paz/ (30.04.2023).
  • Babias, M. (2005). Politikanın sanat ortamındaki stratejik kullanımı üzerine. Gelişen dünyada sanat, kent ve siyaset, 9. Uluslararası İstanbul Bienali’nden metinler. İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı.
  • Balta, E. (2021). Cinsiyetçilik. Feminist Bellek. https://feministbellek.org/cinsiyetcilik/ (16.01.2024).
  • Björnsdóttir, V. L. (2021). “I am allowed to buy their clothes, but I am not allowed to be seen in them” A qualitative interview study on how consumers view body representation in fashion media [Lisans Tezi, Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University].
  • Brucculieri, J. (2018). How fast fashion brands get away with copying designers. HuffPost. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fast-fashion-copycats_n_5b8967f9e4b0511db3d7def6 (20.09.2023).
  • Bukszpan, D. (2010). Counterfeiting: Many risks and many victims. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/id/38229835 (21.04.2023).
  • Carter, C. (2019). Artists and social change. Philosophy Faculty Research and Publications, 26, 19-38.
  • Cassady, D., Solomon, T. (2023). Zadig & Voltaire accused of plagiarizing artist for fashion week promo, prompting outcry. Artnews. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/zadig-voltaire-accused-of-plagiarizing-artist-paris-fashion-week-promo-1234655587/ (16.09.2023).
  • Cernansky, R. (2021). Why destroying products is still an “Everest of a problem” for fashion. Vogue Business. https://www.voguebusiness.com/sustainability/why-destroying-products-is-still-an-everest-of-a-problem-for-fashion (21.04.2023).
  • Charrière, J. (2019) and beneath ıt all flows liquid fire. https://julian-charriere.net/projects/and-beneath-it-all-flows-liquid-fire (18.12.2024).
  • Clean Clothes Campaign. (2023). Gender discrimination. Clean Clothes Campaign. https://cleanclothes.org/gender-discrimination (19.03.2024).
  • Cortez, M, A., Tu, N, T., Van Anh, D., Ng, B. Z. & Vegafria, E. (2014). Fast fashion quadrangle: An analysis. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 18(1), 1-18.
  • Crane, D. (2000). Moda ve gündemleri (Ö. Çelik, Çev.). Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Datta, S. (2021). Ageism in the fashion industry. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(11), 457-460. https://saudijournals.com/media/articles/SJHSS_611_457-460.pdf (19.07.2023).
  • Davies, I., McDonagh, P., Glozer, S. & Mukendi, A. (2020). Sustainable fashion: current and future research directions. European Journal of Marketing, 54(11), 2873-2909.
  • Designboom. (2013). Erwina Ziomkowska pinches wardrobe garments with spiky pins. https://www.designboom.com/art/erwina-ziomkowska-pinches-wardrobe-garments-with-spiky-pins-11-08-2013/ (11.08.2024).
  • Donn, N. (2021). Portuguese State takes on US fashion designer over “abusive appropriation” of fisherman’s sweater. Portugal Resident. https://www.portugalresident.com/portuguese-state-takes-on-us-fashion-designer-over-abusive-appropriation-of-fishermans-sweater/ (19.09.2023).
  • Duncombe, S. (2016). Does it work? The æffect of activist art. Social Research, 83(1), 115-134.
  • Elan, P. (2020). Comme des Garçons in row over “white models in cornrow wigs”. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2020/jan/19/comme-des-garcons-in-row-over-white-models-in-cornrow-wigs (16.09.2023).
  • Elle. (2023). “Meaningful Women 2030”: Lo que la publicidad dice de la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres. Elle. https://www.elle.com/es/living/trabajo-finanzas/a43036794/meaningful-women-2030-estudio-mujeres-publicidad-havas/ (20.02.2024).
  • Emond, P. L. (2020). A quest for “publicity in Vogue”: The role of public relations practitioners in building symbolic power for luxury fashion brands [Doktora Tezi, Faculty of Humanities, The University of Manchester].
  • Eng, K. (2014). Less than three. Kat Eng. https://www.kateng.co/lessthanthree (24.04.2023).
  • Evans, D. (2016). Talking with tuesday bassen about her David vs. Goliath battle against Zara. The Cut. https://www.thecut.com/2016/07/tuesday-bassen-on-her-work-being-copied-by-zara.html (23.09.2023).
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  • Friedman, V., Maheshwari, S. (2021). Victoria’s Secret swaps angels for “what women want.” will they buy it?. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/16/business/victorias-secret-collective-megan-rapinoe.html (19.09.2023).
  • Global Fashion Agenda. (2019). The pulse of the fashion industry 2019. Global Fashion Agenda. https://globalfashionagenda.org/resource/pulse-of-the-fashion-industry-2019/ (23.03.2023).
  • Güzel, E. (2013). Kültürel bağlamda kadın ve güzellik: Türkiye’de bir iktidar alanı olarak elitler üzerinden güzellik anlayışına ve bir tüketim nesnesine dönüşen kadın sorununa bakış [Doktora Tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yeditepe Üniversitesi].
  • Heartney, E. (2008). Art&today. Phaidon Press Inc.
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  • Kane, G., Stotz, L. (2015). Facts on the global garment industry. Clean Clothes Campaign. https://cleanclothes.org/resources/publications/factsheets/general-factsheet-garment-industry-february-2015.pdf (13.02.2024).
  • Kawamura, Y., Jong, J. W. M. (2022). Cultural appropriation in fashion and entertainment. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Kawamura, Y. (2005). Moda-loji (Ş. Özüdoğru, Çev.). Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Klöckner, C. A., Sommer, L. K. (2021). Does activist art have the capacity to raise awareness in audiences? – A study on climate change art at the ArtCOP21 event in Paris. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(1), 60-75.
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Questioning Fashion with the Fashionable: Analyzing Artworks that Question Fashion Industry

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 24, 01.02.2025


Problems that have been the subject of discussion in recent years, such as the destruction of resources associated with the fashion industry, environmental pollution, violations of workers’ rights, and discrimination based on body, age and gender, have made the call for systematic change inevitable for the fashion industry. This study aims to discuss the role of art in creating social awareness and transformation in the consumer society structure for the necessary change of the industry. To form a clear perspective of the problems that need to be addressed for change, the research begins with a historical analysis of the fashion system, identifying issues at various stages of the fashion lifecycle through qualitative data from literature reviews and case studies. Among the issues, the study focuses on over-consumption and production, environmental issues, the perception of the body and women, and labor issues and interpretive visual analysis is used to examine artworks that critique these issues by using fashion related materials—which are identified as the fashionable in the title. This examination seeks to reveal the possibilities of criticizing and changing one’s own industry through art by removing the materials that serve the fashion industry and consumption from the monopoly of the industry and consumption. The findings reveal that the characteristics of the examined artworks, such as by fostering communication and empathy, activating emotions, and making people think about problems, draw attention to the problems related to the industry, raise awareness and play a role in creating social pressure that can direct the fashion industry to change.


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  • Arapoğlu, F. (2015). Çağdaş sanat ve siyaset: dünyayı değiştirme arzusu. Eğitim Bilim Toplum Dergisi, 13(52), 128-140.
  • Artworks for Change. (2015). Guerra de la paz. Artworks for Change. https://www.artworksforchange.org/portfolio/guerra-de-la-paz/ (30.04.2023).
  • Babias, M. (2005). Politikanın sanat ortamındaki stratejik kullanımı üzerine. Gelişen dünyada sanat, kent ve siyaset, 9. Uluslararası İstanbul Bienali’nden metinler. İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı.
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  • Björnsdóttir, V. L. (2021). “I am allowed to buy their clothes, but I am not allowed to be seen in them” A qualitative interview study on how consumers view body representation in fashion media [Lisans Tezi, Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University].
  • Brucculieri, J. (2018). How fast fashion brands get away with copying designers. HuffPost. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fast-fashion-copycats_n_5b8967f9e4b0511db3d7def6 (20.09.2023).
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  • Carter, C. (2019). Artists and social change. Philosophy Faculty Research and Publications, 26, 19-38.
  • Cassady, D., Solomon, T. (2023). Zadig & Voltaire accused of plagiarizing artist for fashion week promo, prompting outcry. Artnews. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/zadig-voltaire-accused-of-plagiarizing-artist-paris-fashion-week-promo-1234655587/ (16.09.2023).
  • Cernansky, R. (2021). Why destroying products is still an “Everest of a problem” for fashion. Vogue Business. https://www.voguebusiness.com/sustainability/why-destroying-products-is-still-an-everest-of-a-problem-for-fashion (21.04.2023).
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  • Cortez, M, A., Tu, N, T., Van Anh, D., Ng, B. Z. & Vegafria, E. (2014). Fast fashion quadrangle: An analysis. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 18(1), 1-18.
  • Crane, D. (2000). Moda ve gündemleri (Ö. Çelik, Çev.). Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Datta, S. (2021). Ageism in the fashion industry. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(11), 457-460. https://saudijournals.com/media/articles/SJHSS_611_457-460.pdf (19.07.2023).
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  • Donn, N. (2021). Portuguese State takes on US fashion designer over “abusive appropriation” of fisherman’s sweater. Portugal Resident. https://www.portugalresident.com/portuguese-state-takes-on-us-fashion-designer-over-abusive-appropriation-of-fishermans-sweater/ (19.09.2023).
  • Duncombe, S. (2016). Does it work? The æffect of activist art. Social Research, 83(1), 115-134.
  • Elan, P. (2020). Comme des Garçons in row over “white models in cornrow wigs”. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2020/jan/19/comme-des-garcons-in-row-over-white-models-in-cornrow-wigs (16.09.2023).
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  • Emond, P. L. (2020). A quest for “publicity in Vogue”: The role of public relations practitioners in building symbolic power for luxury fashion brands [Doktora Tezi, Faculty of Humanities, The University of Manchester].
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  • Evans, D. (2016). Talking with tuesday bassen about her David vs. Goliath battle against Zara. The Cut. https://www.thecut.com/2016/07/tuesday-bassen-on-her-work-being-copied-by-zara.html (23.09.2023).
  • Fashion United. (2021). Global fashion industry statistics. Fashion United. https://fashionunited.com/global-fashion-industry-statistics (03.05.2023).
  • Friedman, V., Maheshwari, S. (2021). Victoria’s Secret swaps angels for “what women want.” will they buy it?. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/16/business/victorias-secret-collective-megan-rapinoe.html (19.09.2023).
  • Global Fashion Agenda. (2019). The pulse of the fashion industry 2019. Global Fashion Agenda. https://globalfashionagenda.org/resource/pulse-of-the-fashion-industry-2019/ (23.03.2023).
  • Güzel, E. (2013). Kültürel bağlamda kadın ve güzellik: Türkiye’de bir iktidar alanı olarak elitler üzerinden güzellik anlayışına ve bir tüketim nesnesine dönüşen kadın sorununa bakış [Doktora Tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yeditepe Üniversitesi].
  • Heartney, E. (2008). Art&today. Phaidon Press Inc.
  • Java Discover. (2022). The dirty truth behind luxury leather | designer fashion & exploitation documentary. Java Discover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwkbM5Bl7z4 (21.04.2023).
  • Kane, G., Stotz, L. (2015). Facts on the global garment industry. Clean Clothes Campaign. https://cleanclothes.org/resources/publications/factsheets/general-factsheet-garment-industry-february-2015.pdf (13.02.2024).
  • Kawamura, Y., Jong, J. W. M. (2022). Cultural appropriation in fashion and entertainment. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Kawamura, Y. (2005). Moda-loji (Ş. Özüdoğru, Çev.). Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Klöckner, C. A., Sommer, L. K. (2021). Does activist art have the capacity to raise awareness in audiences? – A study on climate change art at the ArtCOP21 event in Paris. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(1), 60-75.
  • Labor Behind The Label. (t.y.). The women who make your clothes. Labor Behind The Label. https://labourbehindthelabel.org/the-women-who-make-your-clothes/ (18.12.2024).
  • Lacy, S. (2004). Alterations, Suzanne Lacy, Susanne Cockrell, and Britta Kathmeyer. Suzanne Lacy. https://www.suzannelacy.com/alterations-1994/ (24.04.2023).
  • Lambert, M. (2014). The lowest cost at any price: The impact of fast fashion on the global fashion industry [Lisans Tezi, Lake Forest College Publications Economics].
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Disiplinlerarası Sanat
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gizem Yücelen 0000-0002-2840-0722

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yücelen, G. (2025). Modayı Moda Olanla Sorgulamak: Moda Endüstrisini Sorgulayan Sanat Yapıtlarının Analizi. Bodrum Journal of Art and Design, 4(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.58850/bodrum.1311481