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Mısır Devrimi’nde Sosyal Medyanın Rolü

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 7, 65 - 91, 01.12.2012


The importance of the new media is increasing day-by-day. Social media, which is one of the most common tools of the new media, has ignited the demands for democracy and justice from people who lived under the pressure of authoritarian regimes for many years. These functions of social media have become a prominent research subject for different disciplines. The Middle East has witnessed many uprisings in 2011. These uprisings have often been anointed as “Facebook Revolution” or “Twitter Revolution.” In this study, the circumstances that have caused the rebellion that cropped up in Egypt will be revealed and the question of how social media has affected this process will be answered. With these aims, the protests that began on January 25th 2011, eventuallyforcing Hosni Mubarak to resign on February 11th 2011, and the role of social media on the organizing process of these protests, is going to be discussed.


  • Abrams, Eliot. “From 9/11 to Arab Spring.” The Daily. 11.09. 2011. Erişim tarihi: 05.01.2011, abrams-arab-spring-1-2/.
  • Agha, Hussein. Robert Malley. “The Arab Counterrevolution.” The New York Review of Books. 29.09.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. articles/archives/2011/sep/29/arabcounterrevolution/?pagination=false.
  • Alexander, Anne. “Internet role in Egypt’s protests.” BBC. 09.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2011.
  • Al Jazeera English. “Timeline: Egypt’s revolution.” 14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.05.2011. html
  • Almond, Mark. “How revolutions happen: Patterns from Iran to Egypt.” BBC.14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 08.01.2012. east-12431231.
  • Anderson, Kurt. “TIME: Person of the Year: The Protester.” Council on Foreign Relations. 14.12.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. ments/time-person-year-protester/p26792.
  • Ayhan, Veysel ve Nazlı Ayhan. “Mısır Devriminin Ayak Sesleri: Bir Devrin Sonu mu?” Rapor No. 27 (Şubat 2011) Erişim tarihi 05.12.2011. trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/201123_misir.orsam..pdf.
  • BBC. “Did social media create Egypt’s revolution?” 11.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 01.2012.
  • Bhuiyan, Serajul I. “Social Media and Its Effectiveness in the Political Reform Movement in Egypt.” Middle East Media Educator 1, No.1 (2011): 14-20.
  • Bölme, Selin ve diğerleri. “25 Ocak’tan Yeni Anayasa’ya: Mısır’da Dönüşümün Anatomisi.” SETA Rapor No.2 (Nisan 2011).
  • Byman, Daniel. “After the Hope of the Arab Spring the Chill of an Arab Winter.” The Washington Post . 01.09. 2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. www.washing- winter/2011/11/28/gIQABGqHIO_story.html.
  • Boguta, Kovas. “What Happened When Mubarak Shut off Egypt’s Internet.” Kovasboguta. 21.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 06.01.2012. post/2011/02/when-happened-when-mubarak-shut-off-egypts-internet.html.
  • Boyd, E. B. “How Social Media Accelerated the Uprising in Egypt.” Fast Com- pany. 31.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012. how-social-media-accelerated-the-uprising-in-egypt.
  • Chebib, Nadine Kassern. Rabia Minatullah Sohail. “The Reasons Social Media Contributed To The Egyptian Revolution.” IJBRM Volume:2 Issue:3 (September/ October 2011): 139-162.
  • Cook, Steven A. “Egypt’s Identity Crisis.”, Council on Foreign Relations. 10.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. egypts-identity-crisis/.
  • Cook, Steven A. The Struggle for Egypt From Nasser to Tahrir Square. New York: A CFR Book Oxford University Press, October 2011.
  • Cook, Steven A. Hasib J. Sabbagh. “Revolution 2.0.” Foreign Policy. 11.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012.
  • Cowie, James. “Egypt Leaves the Internet.” Renesys Blog, 27.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 10.01.2012. shtml#latest.
  • Creswell, Robert. “Egypt: The Cultural Revolution”, The New York Times. 02.2011. Erişim tarihi 24.01.2012. ew/Creswell-t.html?pagewanted=all.
  • Crovitz, Gordon. “Egypt’s Revolution by Social Media.” 14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012. html.
  • Dickinson, Elizabeth. “The First Wikileaks Revolution.” Foreign Policy. 01.2011. Erişim tarihi 28.12.2011. posts/2011/01/13/wikileaks_and_the_tunisia_protests.
  • El Badawi, İbrahim. Samir Makdisi. “Explaining the Democracy Deficit in the Arap World.” The Quartely Review of Economics and Finance No: 46 (2007): 831.
  • Faris, David. “Revolutions without revolutionaries? Social media networks and regime response in Egypt”, University of Pennsylvania Paper 116 (17.05.2010).
  • Feuilherade, Paul. “Facebook Use Soars in Arab World.” Technorati. 08.02.2011,
  • Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012). soars-in-arab-world/.
  • Friedman, Uri. “The Egyptian revolution dominated Twitter this year.” Foreign Policy. 05.09.2011. Erişim tarihi 02.01.2011. posts/2011/12/05/the_egyptian_revolution_dominated_twitter_this_year.
  • Gladwell, Malcolm. “Small Change Why the revolution will not be tweeted.” The New Yorker. 04.10. 2010. Erişim tarihi 30.12.2011. reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell?currentPage=all.
  • Greeley, B. “The Fallacy of Facebook Diplomacy.” Business Week: Online Ma- gazine. 02.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 31.12.2011. ne/content/11_07/b4215008414536.htm.
  • Gustin, Sam. “Social Media Sparked, Accelerated Egypt’s Revolutionary Fire.” Wired, 11.02.2011. fire/, (Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2012)
  • Howard, P. N., “The Cascading Effects of the Arab Spring”, Miller-McCune, 02. 2011. Erişim tarihi 06.01.2012.
  • Huntington, Samuel P. Üçüncü Dalga Yirminci Yüzyıl Sonlarında Demokratlaş- ma. Çeviren Ergun Özbudun. Ankara: Türk Demokrasi Vakfı Yayınları, 1993.
  • Idle, Nadia. Alex Nuns. Tweets from Tahrir. New York: OR Books, 2011.
  • Ingram, Mathew. “Was What Happened in Tunisia a Twitter Revolution?” Giga- om. 14.01. 2011. Erişim tarihi 01.01.2012. what-happened-in-tunisia-a-twitter-revolution/.
  • Joudah, Rateb. “Egypt: ‘Social Network Revolt’ with new twists.” Rianovos- ti. 01.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2011. html.
  • Kanalley, Craig. “Egypt Revolution 2011: A Complete Guide to The Unrest.”
  • Hufftington Post. 25.05.2011, Erişim tarihi 10.01.2012 www.huffingtonpost. com/2011/01/30/egypt-revolution-2011_n_816026.html.
  • Keif, Echo. “We Are All Khaled Said: Revolution and the Role of Social Media.” Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2011.
  • Kimenyi, Mwangi S. “The Arab Democracy Paradox.” Brookings, 04.03.2011.
  • Erişim tarihi 03.01.2012. racy_kimenyi.aspx.
  • Kirkpatrick, David D. “Wiren and Shrewd, Young Egyptians Guide Revolt.” The New York Times. 09.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 10.01.2012. www.nytimes. com/2011/02/10/world/middleeast/10youth.html?_r=2.
  • Kneissl, Karen. “Elements For a Scientific Analysis of The Arab Revolutions in Spring 2011.” AAS Working Papers in Social Anthropology Volume 21 (2011): 17.
  • Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei. “From Tahrir Square to Tiananmen: Wht the Egyptian Suc- ceeded in 2011 but the Chinese failed in 1989?” Journal of Contemporary Eas- tern Asia Volume 10 No 2 (2011): 41-46.
  • Libert, Barry, The Revolution Will Be Tweeted, New Word City, 2011. E-kitap versiyonu.
  • Lister, Tim and Emily Smith. “Social media @ the front line in Egypt.” CNN World. 27.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012).
  • /world/ brotherhood?_s=PM:WORLD. Lynch, Marc. “After Egypt: The Limits and Promise of Online Challenges to the Authotorian Arab State.” Perspective on Politics Volume 9 (September 2011): 310.
  • Mainvaring, Simon. “Exactly What Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?” Fast Company. 14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.1.2012. www.fastcom- revolution.
  • Malone, Aemon. “Egyptian names daughter ‘Facebook’ to commemorate so- cial media’s role in Egyptian revolution.” Digital Trends. 21.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012. facebook-to-commemorate-social-medias-role-in-egyptian-revolution/.
  • McCarthy, Caroline. “There’s no such thing as ‘social media revolution’.” CNET. 01.2011. Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012. 36.html.
  • McDermott, Anthony. Egypt from Nasser to Mubarak: A Flawed Revolution. New York: Cromm Helm, 1998.
  • Morozov, Evgeny. The Net Delusion The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, United States: Public Affairs, 2011.
  • Ottoway, Marina. Amr Hamzay. “Protest Movement and Political Change in The Arab World.” Carnegie Policy Outlook. 28.06.2011. Erişim tarihi 02.12.2011. Movements.pdf.
  • Panisson, Andre’. “The Egyptian Revolution on Twitter.” Gephi. 15.02.2011. Eri- şim tarihi 03.01.2012.
  • Park, Jaehyuk ve diğerleri. “Revolution 2.0 in Tunisia and Egypt: Reactions and sentiments in the online world.” ICWSM 2011. Erişim tarihi 30.12.2011. www.
  • Ries, Charles P. “The Year of the Arab Spring.” RAND. 20.10.2011. Erişim tarihi 12.2011.
  • Scola, Nancy. “Why Tunisia Is Not a Social-Media Revolution.” Prospect. 01.2011. Erişim tarihi 01.01.2012. social-media-revolution-0.
  • Sharp, Jeremy M. “Egypt in Transition.” Congressional Research Service. 17.06. Erişim tarihi 10.10.2011.
  • Shirky, Clay. “The Political Power of Social Media.” Foreign Affairs (January/ February 2011): 1-9.
  • Suarez, Sandra L. “Social Media and Regime Change in Egypt.” Campaigns& Elections. 16.03. 2011. Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012. www.campaignsandelections. com/magazine/us-edition/175972/social-media-and-regime-change-in-egypt. thtml.
  • Tanrıverdi, Nebahat. “Background of the Tunisian Revolution.” Alternative Poli- tics Volume 3 No 3 (November 2011): 547-570.
  • Telhami, Shibley. “2011 Arab Public Opinion Poll.” Brookings. 21.11.2011. Erişim tarihi 03.01.2012. telhami.aspx.
  • The Independent. “Social media, cellphon video fuel Arab protests.” 27.02. 2011.
  • Erişim tarihi 15.12.2011. tech/social-media-cellphone-video-fuel-arab-protests-2227088.html
  • “The World Factbook, Egypt.” CIA. 05.06.2011. Erişim tarihi 07.01.2012. www.
  • Dinçer, Osman Bahadır ve Gamze Coşkun. “Tarih Makas Değiştirirken Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu’da Değişim Arzusu.” USAK Rapor No 11-02 (Nisan 2011)
  • Erişim tarihi 10.10.2011. nKJVz0U
  • Uh4hjPmIhlQnccJItHjQA7b. pdf Vidino, Lorenzo., “Five Myths about the Muslim Brotherhood.” The Was- hington Post. 06.03.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012. tary/2011/03/06/WP.html,
  • Zuckerman, E. “The first Twitter revolution?” Foreign Policy. 14.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 25.12.2011. the_first_twit- ter_revolution.


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 7, 65 - 91, 01.12.2012


Sosyal medya, toplumsal örgütlenme modellerinde son dönemde önemi giderek artan bir rol üstlenmiştir. Sosyal medyanın uzun yıllar otoriter rejimler altında yaşayan insanların demokrasi ve sosyal adalet taleplerinin ateşlenmesinde nasıl bir işlevi olduğu farklı disiplinler için inceleme konusu olmuştur. 2011 yılının ilk yarısında Orta Doğu, pek çok isyan ve ayaklanmaya sahne oldu. Bu isyanlar çoğu zaman “Facebook Devrimi” ya da “Twitter Devrimi” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Mısır’da 2011’in ilk döneminde patlak veren isyanı hazırlayan koşulların neler olduğu ortaya konup sosyal medyanın süreci nasıl etkilediği sorularına cevap aranacaktır. Bu amaçla 25 Ocak 2011’de başlayan ve 11 Şubat’ta Mübarek’in istifa etmesine neden olan gösteriler ve bu gösterilerin örgütlenmesi sürecinde sosyal medyanın rolü ele alınacaktır.


  • Abrams, Eliot. “From 9/11 to Arab Spring.” The Daily. 11.09. 2011. Erişim tarihi: 05.01.2011, abrams-arab-spring-1-2/.
  • Agha, Hussein. Robert Malley. “The Arab Counterrevolution.” The New York Review of Books. 29.09.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. articles/archives/2011/sep/29/arabcounterrevolution/?pagination=false.
  • Alexander, Anne. “Internet role in Egypt’s protests.” BBC. 09.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2011.
  • Al Jazeera English. “Timeline: Egypt’s revolution.” 14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.05.2011. html
  • Almond, Mark. “How revolutions happen: Patterns from Iran to Egypt.” BBC.14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 08.01.2012. east-12431231.
  • Anderson, Kurt. “TIME: Person of the Year: The Protester.” Council on Foreign Relations. 14.12.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. ments/time-person-year-protester/p26792.
  • Ayhan, Veysel ve Nazlı Ayhan. “Mısır Devriminin Ayak Sesleri: Bir Devrin Sonu mu?” Rapor No. 27 (Şubat 2011) Erişim tarihi 05.12.2011. trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/201123_misir.orsam..pdf.
  • BBC. “Did social media create Egypt’s revolution?” 11.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 01.2012.
  • Bhuiyan, Serajul I. “Social Media and Its Effectiveness in the Political Reform Movement in Egypt.” Middle East Media Educator 1, No.1 (2011): 14-20.
  • Bölme, Selin ve diğerleri. “25 Ocak’tan Yeni Anayasa’ya: Mısır’da Dönüşümün Anatomisi.” SETA Rapor No.2 (Nisan 2011).
  • Byman, Daniel. “After the Hope of the Arab Spring the Chill of an Arab Winter.” The Washington Post . 01.09. 2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. www.washing- winter/2011/11/28/gIQABGqHIO_story.html.
  • Boguta, Kovas. “What Happened When Mubarak Shut off Egypt’s Internet.” Kovasboguta. 21.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 06.01.2012. post/2011/02/when-happened-when-mubarak-shut-off-egypts-internet.html.
  • Boyd, E. B. “How Social Media Accelerated the Uprising in Egypt.” Fast Com- pany. 31.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012. how-social-media-accelerated-the-uprising-in-egypt.
  • Chebib, Nadine Kassern. Rabia Minatullah Sohail. “The Reasons Social Media Contributed To The Egyptian Revolution.” IJBRM Volume:2 Issue:3 (September/ October 2011): 139-162.
  • Cook, Steven A. “Egypt’s Identity Crisis.”, Council on Foreign Relations. 10.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012. egypts-identity-crisis/.
  • Cook, Steven A. The Struggle for Egypt From Nasser to Tahrir Square. New York: A CFR Book Oxford University Press, October 2011.
  • Cook, Steven A. Hasib J. Sabbagh. “Revolution 2.0.” Foreign Policy. 11.2011. Erişim tarihi 05.01.2012.
  • Cowie, James. “Egypt Leaves the Internet.” Renesys Blog, 27.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 10.01.2012. shtml#latest.
  • Creswell, Robert. “Egypt: The Cultural Revolution”, The New York Times. 02.2011. Erişim tarihi 24.01.2012. ew/Creswell-t.html?pagewanted=all.
  • Crovitz, Gordon. “Egypt’s Revolution by Social Media.” 14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012. html.
  • Dickinson, Elizabeth. “The First Wikileaks Revolution.” Foreign Policy. 01.2011. Erişim tarihi 28.12.2011. posts/2011/01/13/wikileaks_and_the_tunisia_protests.
  • El Badawi, İbrahim. Samir Makdisi. “Explaining the Democracy Deficit in the Arap World.” The Quartely Review of Economics and Finance No: 46 (2007): 831.
  • Faris, David. “Revolutions without revolutionaries? Social media networks and regime response in Egypt”, University of Pennsylvania Paper 116 (17.05.2010).
  • Feuilherade, Paul. “Facebook Use Soars in Arab World.” Technorati. 08.02.2011,
  • Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012). soars-in-arab-world/.
  • Friedman, Uri. “The Egyptian revolution dominated Twitter this year.” Foreign Policy. 05.09.2011. Erişim tarihi 02.01.2011. posts/2011/12/05/the_egyptian_revolution_dominated_twitter_this_year.
  • Gladwell, Malcolm. “Small Change Why the revolution will not be tweeted.” The New Yorker. 04.10. 2010. Erişim tarihi 30.12.2011. reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell?currentPage=all.
  • Greeley, B. “The Fallacy of Facebook Diplomacy.” Business Week: Online Ma- gazine. 02.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 31.12.2011. ne/content/11_07/b4215008414536.htm.
  • Gustin, Sam. “Social Media Sparked, Accelerated Egypt’s Revolutionary Fire.” Wired, 11.02.2011. fire/, (Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2012)
  • Howard, P. N., “The Cascading Effects of the Arab Spring”, Miller-McCune, 02. 2011. Erişim tarihi 06.01.2012.
  • Huntington, Samuel P. Üçüncü Dalga Yirminci Yüzyıl Sonlarında Demokratlaş- ma. Çeviren Ergun Özbudun. Ankara: Türk Demokrasi Vakfı Yayınları, 1993.
  • Idle, Nadia. Alex Nuns. Tweets from Tahrir. New York: OR Books, 2011.
  • Ingram, Mathew. “Was What Happened in Tunisia a Twitter Revolution?” Giga- om. 14.01. 2011. Erişim tarihi 01.01.2012. what-happened-in-tunisia-a-twitter-revolution/.
  • Joudah, Rateb. “Egypt: ‘Social Network Revolt’ with new twists.” Rianovos- ti. 01.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2011. html.
  • Kanalley, Craig. “Egypt Revolution 2011: A Complete Guide to The Unrest.”
  • Hufftington Post. 25.05.2011, Erişim tarihi 10.01.2012 www.huffingtonpost. com/2011/01/30/egypt-revolution-2011_n_816026.html.
  • Keif, Echo. “We Are All Khaled Said: Revolution and the Role of Social Media.” Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2011.
  • Kimenyi, Mwangi S. “The Arab Democracy Paradox.” Brookings, 04.03.2011.
  • Erişim tarihi 03.01.2012. racy_kimenyi.aspx.
  • Kirkpatrick, David D. “Wiren and Shrewd, Young Egyptians Guide Revolt.” The New York Times. 09.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 10.01.2012. www.nytimes. com/2011/02/10/world/middleeast/10youth.html?_r=2.
  • Kneissl, Karen. “Elements For a Scientific Analysis of The Arab Revolutions in Spring 2011.” AAS Working Papers in Social Anthropology Volume 21 (2011): 17.
  • Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei. “From Tahrir Square to Tiananmen: Wht the Egyptian Suc- ceeded in 2011 but the Chinese failed in 1989?” Journal of Contemporary Eas- tern Asia Volume 10 No 2 (2011): 41-46.
  • Libert, Barry, The Revolution Will Be Tweeted, New Word City, 2011. E-kitap versiyonu.
  • Lister, Tim and Emily Smith. “Social media @ the front line in Egypt.” CNN World. 27.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012).
  • /world/ brotherhood?_s=PM:WORLD. Lynch, Marc. “After Egypt: The Limits and Promise of Online Challenges to the Authotorian Arab State.” Perspective on Politics Volume 9 (September 2011): 310.
  • Mainvaring, Simon. “Exactly What Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?” Fast Company. 14.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.1.2012. www.fastcom- revolution.
  • Malone, Aemon. “Egyptian names daughter ‘Facebook’ to commemorate so- cial media’s role in Egyptian revolution.” Digital Trends. 21.02.2011. Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012. facebook-to-commemorate-social-medias-role-in-egyptian-revolution/.
  • McCarthy, Caroline. “There’s no such thing as ‘social media revolution’.” CNET. 01.2011. Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012. 36.html.
  • McDermott, Anthony. Egypt from Nasser to Mubarak: A Flawed Revolution. New York: Cromm Helm, 1998.
  • Morozov, Evgeny. The Net Delusion The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, United States: Public Affairs, 2011.
  • Ottoway, Marina. Amr Hamzay. “Protest Movement and Political Change in The Arab World.” Carnegie Policy Outlook. 28.06.2011. Erişim tarihi 02.12.2011. Movements.pdf.
  • Panisson, Andre’. “The Egyptian Revolution on Twitter.” Gephi. 15.02.2011. Eri- şim tarihi 03.01.2012.
  • Park, Jaehyuk ve diğerleri. “Revolution 2.0 in Tunisia and Egypt: Reactions and sentiments in the online world.” ICWSM 2011. Erişim tarihi 30.12.2011. www.
  • Ries, Charles P. “The Year of the Arab Spring.” RAND. 20.10.2011. Erişim tarihi 12.2011.
  • Scola, Nancy. “Why Tunisia Is Not a Social-Media Revolution.” Prospect. 01.2011. Erişim tarihi 01.01.2012. social-media-revolution-0.
  • Sharp, Jeremy M. “Egypt in Transition.” Congressional Research Service. 17.06. Erişim tarihi 10.10.2011.
  • Shirky, Clay. “The Political Power of Social Media.” Foreign Affairs (January/ February 2011): 1-9.
  • Suarez, Sandra L. “Social Media and Regime Change in Egypt.” Campaigns& Elections. 16.03. 2011. Erişim tarihi 11.01.2012. www.campaignsandelections. com/magazine/us-edition/175972/social-media-and-regime-change-in-egypt. thtml.
  • Tanrıverdi, Nebahat. “Background of the Tunisian Revolution.” Alternative Poli- tics Volume 3 No 3 (November 2011): 547-570.
  • Telhami, Shibley. “2011 Arab Public Opinion Poll.” Brookings. 21.11.2011. Erişim tarihi 03.01.2012. telhami.aspx.
  • The Independent. “Social media, cellphon video fuel Arab protests.” 27.02. 2011.
  • Erişim tarihi 15.12.2011. tech/social-media-cellphone-video-fuel-arab-protests-2227088.html
  • “The World Factbook, Egypt.” CIA. 05.06.2011. Erişim tarihi 07.01.2012. www.
  • Dinçer, Osman Bahadır ve Gamze Coşkun. “Tarih Makas Değiştirirken Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu’da Değişim Arzusu.” USAK Rapor No 11-02 (Nisan 2011)
  • Erişim tarihi 10.10.2011. nKJVz0U
  • Uh4hjPmIhlQnccJItHjQA7b. pdf Vidino, Lorenzo., “Five Myths about the Muslim Brotherhood.” The Was- hington Post. 06.03.2011. Erişim tarihi 04.01.2012. tary/2011/03/06/WP.html,
  • Zuckerman, E. “The first Twitter revolution?” Foreign Policy. 14.01.2011. Erişim tarihi 25.12.2011. the_first_twit- ter_revolution.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


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 azime Telli Bu kişi benim

Azime Telli Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Telli, ., & Telli, A. (2012). MISIR DEVRİMİ’NDE SOSYAL MEDYANIN ROLÜ. Bilge Strateji, 4(7), 65-91.