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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 60 - 65, 01.07.2018


Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de yaygın olarak yetişen ve alternatif yem kaynağı potansiyeline sahip 5 farklı baklagil ağaç türü (akasya karo; Acacia karroo, gülibrişim; Albiza julibrissin, Keçiboynuzu; Cerotonia siliqua, kurşun ağacı; Leucaena leucocephala ve gladiçya; Gleditsia triacanthos) meyvelerinde besleme değerinin belirlemektir. Kahramanmaraş ilinden toplanan örnekler gölgede kurutulmuş ve 1 mm elekten geçecek şekilde öğütülerek kimyasal analizler ve in vitro gaz üretimi (İVGÜ) için hazır hale getirilmiştir. Tür, baklagil meyvelerinin kimyasal kompozisyonu, İVGÜ, metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim derecesi (OMSD) üzerine önemli etkisi vardır (p < 0.001). Meyvelerin ham kül (HK), ham protein (HP), nötral deterjan fiber (NDF), asit deterjan fiber (ADF) ve kondanse tanen (KT) içerikleri sırasıyla %2.98-6.67, 8.52-22.17, 37.62-54.44, 27.53-40.71 ve 0.72-2.69 olarak tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek HP içeriği gülibrişim, en yüksek HK içeriği de akasya karo meyvelerinde saptanmıştır (p < 0.001). Diğer taraftan en yüksek NDF içeriğine kurşun ağacı meyveleri sahip olurken en yüksek ADF içeriği akasya karo meyvelerinde bulunmuştur (p < 0.001). En yüksek İVGÜ, ME ve OMSD ise keçiboynuzu meyvelerinde tespit edilmiştir (p < 0.001). Sonuç olarak bu çalışmaya konu olan baklagil ağaç meyvelerinin ruminantların enerji ve protein ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasında alternatif bir yem potansiyeline sahip olduğu söylenebilir.


  • Alçiçek A, Kılıç A, Ayhan V, Özdoğan M. 2010. Türkiye’de kaba yem üretimi ve sorunları. Türkiye Ziraat Müh VII. Teknik Kongresi, 2: 1071-1080.
  • Ali AS, Tudsri S, Rungmekarat S, Kaewtrakulpong K. 2012. Effect of feeding prosopis juliflora pods and leaves on performance and carcass characteristics of afar sheep. Kasetsart J Nat Sci, 46: 871-881.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis. 15th ed. Association of official analytical chem, Washington, DC. US.
  • Atalay Aİ. 2015. Yemlik keçiboynuzu kırığının çayır silajında kullanımı. Doktora Tezi, K.S.Ü. Fen Bil Ens, Zootekni ABD, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Barry TN, Duncan SJ. 1984. The role of condensed tannins in the nutritional value of lotus pedunculatus for sheep. 1. Voluntary intake. Br J Nutr, 65: 496-497.
  • Barry TN. 1987. Secondary compounds of forages. Hacker JB, Ternouth JH (Eds). Nutrition of herbivores. Academic press, 91-119. Blümmel M, Orskov ER. 1993. Comparision of an in vitro gas production and nylon bag degradability of roughages in predicting feed intake in cattle. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 40: 109-119.
  • Buyukcapar HM, Ozcan M, Coban N, Kamalak A. 2018. Effect of carob kibbles on the growth performance and chemical composition of mirror carp (Cyrinus carpio) fingerlings. Livestock Res Rural Develop, 30: 58.
  • Coşkun B. 2014. Koyun besleme. Maliyetleri Yönüyle Farklı Yaklaşımlar. Sürü Sağlığı ve Yönetimi Sempozyumu, Antalya.
  • Fadul B, El-Hag FM, İdris A, Zareba SAE, Jadaalla J. 2014. The effects of feding acacia tortilis pods and groundnut cake on lambs’ performance under range conditions in north kordofan state, Sudan. World Essays J, 1(1): 26-30.
  • Garcia-Winder LR, Goni-Cedeno S, Olguin-Lara PA, Diaz-Salgado, Arriaga-Jordan, CM Huizache. 2009. (Acacia farnesiana) Whole pods (flesh and seeds) as an alternative feed for sheep in Mexico. Tropical Anim Health Prod, 41: 1615-1621.
  • Gökmen Pehlevan F. 2014. Bazı alternatif yemlerin kimyasal kompozisyonunun tahmini için near ınfrared reflektans spektroskopinin (NIRS) kullanımı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, A.M.Ü, Fen Bil. Enst. Aydın.
  • Kamalak A, Guven İ, Boga M, Atalay Aİ, Ozkan CO. 2012. Potential nutritive value of honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) pods from different growing sites for ruminats. J Agri Sci Tech, 14: 115-126.
  • Kamalak A, 2006. Determination of nutritive value of leaves of a native grown shrub glycyrrhiza glabra L. using in vitro and in situ measurements. Small Rumin Res, 64(3):268-278.
  • Karabulut A, Canbolat O, Kamalak A. 2006. Evaluation of carob, ceratonia siliqua pods as a feed for sheep. Livestock Res Rural Develop, 18: 104.
  • Kaya E, Canbolat O, Atalay AI, Kurt O, Kamalak A. 2016. Potential nutritive value and methane production of pods, seed and senescent leaves of gleditsia triacanthos trees. Livestock Res Rural Develop, 28: 123.
  • Lohan OP, Lall D, Vaid J, Negi SS. 1983. Utilization of oak tree fodder in cattle ration and fate of oak leaf tannins in the ruminant system. Ind J Anim Sci, 53: 1057-1063.
  • Makkar HPS, Blummel M, Becker K. 1995. Formation of complexes between polyvinyl pyrrolidones or polyethylene glycols and their implication in gas production and true digestibility in vitro techniques. Br J Nutr, 73: 897-913.
  • Makkar HPS, Singh B, Negi SS. 1989. Relationship of rumen degradability with microbial colonization, cell wall constituents and tannin levels in some tree leaves. Anim Prod, 49: 299-303.
  • Menke HH, Steingass H. 1988. Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Develop, 28: 7-55.
  • Menke KH, Raab LL, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W. 1979. The estimation of digestibility and metabolisable energy content of ruminant feeding stuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J Agri Sci, 93: 217-220.
  • Ngwa AT, Nsahlai IV, Bonsi MLK. 2000. The potential of legume pods as supplements to low quality roughages. South African J Anim Sci, 30(1): 107-108.
  • Orskov ER, Mcdonald I. 1979. The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighed according to rate of passage. J Agri Sci, 92: 499-503.
  • Sikosana JLN, Smith T, Milambo V, Owen E, Harvey M, Mould F. 2011. Acacia and other tree pods as dry season feed supplements for goats. Goat Keepers Cluster Reports Project, R7351, 69-75.
  • Silanikove N, Gilboa N, Nir I, Perevolotsky Z, Nitsan Z. 1996. Effect of a daily supplementation of polyethylene glycol on intake and digestion of tannin-containing leaves (quercus calliprinos, pistica lentiscus, ceratonia siliqua) by goats. J Agri Food Chem, 44: 199-205.
  • Silanikove N, Nitsan Z, Perevolotsky Z. 1994. Effect of polyethylene glycol supplementation on intake and digestion of tannin containing leaves (ceratonia siliqua) by sheep. J Agri Food Chem, 42: 2844-2847.
  • Singleton VL. 1981. Naturally occurring food toxicants. Phenolic substances of plant origin common in foods. Adv Food Res, 27: 149-242.
  • Ulger I, Kamalak A, Kurt O, Kaya E, Guven I. 2017. Comparison of the chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential of liquidambar orientalis leaves with laurus nobilis and eucalyptus globulus leaves using an in vitro gas production technique. Ciencia Invest Agraria, 44(1):75-82.
  • Wolin MJ. 1960. A theoretical rumen fermentation balance. J Dairy Sci, 43: 1452-1459.

Determination of Nutritive Value of Some Legume Tree Fruits

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 60 - 65, 01.07.2018


The aim of the current
experiment was to determine nutritive value of pods five different legumes tree
fruits; Acacia karroo, Albiza julibrissin,
Cerotonia siliqua, Leucaena leucocephala, Gleditsia
widely used in Turkey. The collected pod samples from
Kahramanmaras were dried under shadow and grounded to pass through 1 mm sieve
for chemical analysis and in vitro
gas production (IVGP). The species had significant effects on the chemical
composition, IVGP, metabolisable energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility
(OMD) (p < 0.001).
Crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid
detergent fiber (ADF), and condensed tannin (CT) contents ranged from 2.98-6.67%,
8.52-22.17%, 37.62-54.44%, 27.53-40.71% and 0.72-2.69%, respectively. Although
pods from Acacia julibrissin had
highest CP content, pods from Acacia
had highest CA content. On the other hand, pods from Leucaena leucocephala had highest NDF
content whereas pods from Acacia karroo
had highest ADF content. Pods from Cerotonia
had highest IVGP, ME and OMD. As a conclusion; it can be said that
pods from legume trees investigated in the current study had important
potential for ruminant animals to meet protein and energy requirements.


  • Alçiçek A, Kılıç A, Ayhan V, Özdoğan M. 2010. Türkiye’de kaba yem üretimi ve sorunları. Türkiye Ziraat Müh VII. Teknik Kongresi, 2: 1071-1080.
  • Ali AS, Tudsri S, Rungmekarat S, Kaewtrakulpong K. 2012. Effect of feeding prosopis juliflora pods and leaves on performance and carcass characteristics of afar sheep. Kasetsart J Nat Sci, 46: 871-881.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis. 15th ed. Association of official analytical chem, Washington, DC. US.
  • Atalay Aİ. 2015. Yemlik keçiboynuzu kırığının çayır silajında kullanımı. Doktora Tezi, K.S.Ü. Fen Bil Ens, Zootekni ABD, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Barry TN, Duncan SJ. 1984. The role of condensed tannins in the nutritional value of lotus pedunculatus for sheep. 1. Voluntary intake. Br J Nutr, 65: 496-497.
  • Barry TN. 1987. Secondary compounds of forages. Hacker JB, Ternouth JH (Eds). Nutrition of herbivores. Academic press, 91-119. Blümmel M, Orskov ER. 1993. Comparision of an in vitro gas production and nylon bag degradability of roughages in predicting feed intake in cattle. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 40: 109-119.
  • Buyukcapar HM, Ozcan M, Coban N, Kamalak A. 2018. Effect of carob kibbles on the growth performance and chemical composition of mirror carp (Cyrinus carpio) fingerlings. Livestock Res Rural Develop, 30: 58.
  • Coşkun B. 2014. Koyun besleme. Maliyetleri Yönüyle Farklı Yaklaşımlar. Sürü Sağlığı ve Yönetimi Sempozyumu, Antalya.
  • Fadul B, El-Hag FM, İdris A, Zareba SAE, Jadaalla J. 2014. The effects of feding acacia tortilis pods and groundnut cake on lambs’ performance under range conditions in north kordofan state, Sudan. World Essays J, 1(1): 26-30.
  • Garcia-Winder LR, Goni-Cedeno S, Olguin-Lara PA, Diaz-Salgado, Arriaga-Jordan, CM Huizache. 2009. (Acacia farnesiana) Whole pods (flesh and seeds) as an alternative feed for sheep in Mexico. Tropical Anim Health Prod, 41: 1615-1621.
  • Gökmen Pehlevan F. 2014. Bazı alternatif yemlerin kimyasal kompozisyonunun tahmini için near ınfrared reflektans spektroskopinin (NIRS) kullanımı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, A.M.Ü, Fen Bil. Enst. Aydın.
  • Kamalak A, Guven İ, Boga M, Atalay Aİ, Ozkan CO. 2012. Potential nutritive value of honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) pods from different growing sites for ruminats. J Agri Sci Tech, 14: 115-126.
  • Kamalak A, 2006. Determination of nutritive value of leaves of a native grown shrub glycyrrhiza glabra L. using in vitro and in situ measurements. Small Rumin Res, 64(3):268-278.
  • Karabulut A, Canbolat O, Kamalak A. 2006. Evaluation of carob, ceratonia siliqua pods as a feed for sheep. Livestock Res Rural Develop, 18: 104.
  • Kaya E, Canbolat O, Atalay AI, Kurt O, Kamalak A. 2016. Potential nutritive value and methane production of pods, seed and senescent leaves of gleditsia triacanthos trees. Livestock Res Rural Develop, 28: 123.
  • Lohan OP, Lall D, Vaid J, Negi SS. 1983. Utilization of oak tree fodder in cattle ration and fate of oak leaf tannins in the ruminant system. Ind J Anim Sci, 53: 1057-1063.
  • Makkar HPS, Blummel M, Becker K. 1995. Formation of complexes between polyvinyl pyrrolidones or polyethylene glycols and their implication in gas production and true digestibility in vitro techniques. Br J Nutr, 73: 897-913.
  • Makkar HPS, Singh B, Negi SS. 1989. Relationship of rumen degradability with microbial colonization, cell wall constituents and tannin levels in some tree leaves. Anim Prod, 49: 299-303.
  • Menke HH, Steingass H. 1988. Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Develop, 28: 7-55.
  • Menke KH, Raab LL, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W. 1979. The estimation of digestibility and metabolisable energy content of ruminant feeding stuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J Agri Sci, 93: 217-220.
  • Ngwa AT, Nsahlai IV, Bonsi MLK. 2000. The potential of legume pods as supplements to low quality roughages. South African J Anim Sci, 30(1): 107-108.
  • Orskov ER, Mcdonald I. 1979. The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighed according to rate of passage. J Agri Sci, 92: 499-503.
  • Sikosana JLN, Smith T, Milambo V, Owen E, Harvey M, Mould F. 2011. Acacia and other tree pods as dry season feed supplements for goats. Goat Keepers Cluster Reports Project, R7351, 69-75.
  • Silanikove N, Gilboa N, Nir I, Perevolotsky Z, Nitsan Z. 1996. Effect of a daily supplementation of polyethylene glycol on intake and digestion of tannin-containing leaves (quercus calliprinos, pistica lentiscus, ceratonia siliqua) by goats. J Agri Food Chem, 44: 199-205.
  • Silanikove N, Nitsan Z, Perevolotsky Z. 1994. Effect of polyethylene glycol supplementation on intake and digestion of tannin containing leaves (ceratonia siliqua) by sheep. J Agri Food Chem, 42: 2844-2847.
  • Singleton VL. 1981. Naturally occurring food toxicants. Phenolic substances of plant origin common in foods. Adv Food Res, 27: 149-242.
  • Ulger I, Kamalak A, Kurt O, Kaya E, Guven I. 2017. Comparison of the chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential of liquidambar orientalis leaves with laurus nobilis and eucalyptus globulus leaves using an in vitro gas production technique. Ciencia Invest Agraria, 44(1):75-82.
  • Wolin MJ. 1960. A theoretical rumen fermentation balance. J Dairy Sci, 43: 1452-1459.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Özer Kurt

Durmuş Öztürk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, Ö., & Öztürk, D. (2018). BAZI BAKLAGİL AĞAÇ MEYVELERİNİN BESLEME DEĞERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 1(3), 60-65.
