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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 267 - 277, 01.10.2020


Destekleyen Kurum

T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, TAGEM

Proje Numarası



Projeyi destekleyen TAGEM e teşekkür ederim


  • Acharya SN, Kastelic JP, Beauchemin KA, Messenger DF. 2006. A review of research progress on cicer milkvetch Astragalus cicer L.). Canad J Plant Sci, 86: 49-62.
  • AOAC. 1998. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of analysis, 15th (Ed.), Vol.1. AOAC, Washington, DC, 69-79.
  • Anonymous. 2016. Resmi istatistikler, T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. (erişim tarihi: 03.06.2020).
  • Anonymous. 2017. Ankara İli 2016 Yılı Çevre Durum Raporu Ankara Valiliği Çevre Ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü, Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Şube Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Buxbaum CA, Vanderbilt K. 2007. Soil Heterogeneity and the Distribution of Desert and Steppe Plant Species Across a Desert-grassland Ecotone. J Arid Environ, 69(4): 617–632.
  • Beskow WB. 2001. Integration of goats into sheep and cattle grazing systems as a permanent weed control tool. Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, PhD Thesis, 206 p. New Zeland.
  • Blümmel M, Ørskov ER. 1993. Comparison of in vitro gas production and nylon bag degradability of roughages in predicting of food intake in cattle. Animal Feed Sci. and Techn. 40: 109-119.
  • Blümmel M, Karsli A, Russell JR. 2003. Influence of diet on growth yields of rumen micro-organisms in vitro and in vivo: influence on growth yield of variable carbon fluxes to fermentation products. British J Nutrition, 90: 625–634.
  • Boss CB, Fredeen KJ. 2004. Concepts, instrumentation and techniques in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Shelton, Perkin Elmer, pp 76
  • Bouazza L, Bodas R, Boufennara S, Bousseboua H, Lopez S. 2012. Nutritive evaluation of foliage from fodder trees and shrubs characteristic of Algerian arid and semi-arid ares. J. Anim. Feeding Sci. 21:521-536.
  • Cone JW, Van Gelder AH. 1999. Influence of protein fermentation on gas production profiles. Anim Feed Sci Techn, 76: 251-256.
  • Davis PH, (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol.1-9, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K. 1988. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol.10, (Supplement I) Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Dellow JJ, Mitchell T, Johnston W, Hennessey G, Gray P. 1988. Large area blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) control using grazing goats. Plant Protection Quarterly, 3(2):83-84.
  • El‐Bana MI, Nijs I, Kockelbergh F. 2002. Microenvironmental and vegetational heterogeneity induced by phytogenic nebkhas in an arid coastal ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 247: 283– 293.
  • Frost RA, Wilson LM, Launchbaugh KL, Hovde EM. 2008. Seasonal change in forage value of rangeland weeds in northern Idaho. Invasive Plant Sci Manage, 1(4): 343-351.
  • Garcia O and Gall C. 1981. Goats in the dry tropics. Goat Production (Ed. C Gall), Academic Press, New York, 515-556.
  • Genç S, Soysal MI. 2018. Parametric and nonparametric Post Hoc tests. BSJ Engin Sci, 1 (1): 18-27.
  • George MR, Nader G, McDougald NK, Connor M, Frost B. 2001. Annual rangeland forage quality. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rangeland Manag. Series Pub, 8022: 1–13.
  • Getachew G, Makkar HPS, Becker K. 2002. Tropical browses: Contents of phenolic compounds, in vitro gas production and stoichiometric relationship between short chain fatty acid and in vitro gas production. J Agric Sci, 139: 341-352.
  • Goel G, Makkar, HPS, Becker K. 2008. Effects of Sesbania sesbon and Carduus pycnocepholus leaves and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds and their extracts on partitioning of nutrients from roughage and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147(1-3):72-89.
  • Goetsch AL, Gipson TA, Askar AR, Puchala R. 2014. Invited Review: Feeding behaviour of goats. J Anim Sci, 88(1): 361-373.
  • Haddi ML, Flacorda S, Meniai K, Rollin F, Susmel P. 2003. In vitro fermentation kinetics of some halophyte shrubs sampled at three stages of maturity. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 104: 215-225.
  • He MZ, Zheng JG, Li XR, Qian YL. 2007. Environmental factors affecting vegetation composition in the Alxa Plateau, China, J Arid Environ, 69: 473-489.
  • Hejcman M, Strnad L, Hejcmanova P, Pavlu V. 2014. Biological control of Rumex obtusifolius and Rumex crispus by g grazing. Weed Biol Manage, 14(2):115-120.
  • Host PJ, Allan CJ. 1999. Targeted grazing of thistles using sheep and goats. Plant Quarterly, 11(Supplement 2): 271-273.
  • Jafari M, Zare Chahouki MA, Tavili A. Azarnivand H, Amiri GZ. 2004. Effective environmental factors in the distribution of vegetation types in Poshtkouh rangelands of Yazd Province (Iran). J Arid Environ, 56(4): 627-641.
  • Jayanegara A, Togtokhbayar N, Makkar HPS, Becker K. 2009. Tannins determined by various methods as predictors of methane production reduction potential of plants by an in vitro rumen fermentation system. Animal Feed Sci Techn, 150: 230-237
  • Jung HG, Allen MS. 1995. Characteristics of plant cell Wall affecting intake and digestibility of forages by ruminants J Anim Sci, 73: 2774-2790.
  • Kamalak A, Canbola Ö, Gürbüz Y, Erol A, Özay O. 2005. Effect of maturity stage on chemical composition, in vitro and in situ dry matter degradation of tumbleweed hay (Gundelia tournefortii L.). Small Rum Res, 58: 149-156.
  • Kamalak A, Canbolat Ö. 2010. Determination of nutritive value of wild narrow-leaved clover (Trifolium angustifolium) hay harvested at three maturity stages using chemical composition and in vitro gas production. Trop Grasslands, 44: 128-133.
  • Kaya İ, Öncüer A, Ünal Y, Yıldız S. 2001. Kars yöresi çayır-mera otlarının botaniksel bileşimi ve farklı biçim besin madde düzeyleri. I. Ulusal Hayvan Besleme Kongresi, Elazığ, 100-108.
  • Khan HR, McDonald GK, Rengel Z. 2004. Zinc fertilization and water stress affects plant water relations, stomatal conductance and osmotic adjustment in chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.) Plant Soil, 267: 271-284
  • Koç A, Çakal Ş. 2004. Comparison of some rangeland canopy coverage methods. Int. Soil Cong. On Natural Resource Manage For Sustainable Development, June 7-10, 2004, Erzurum, Turkey, D7, 41-45
  • Lacey JR, Wallander R, Olson-Rutz K. 1992. Recovery, germinability and viability of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) seed ingested by sheep and goats. Weed Technol, 6: 599-602.
  • Larbi A, Smith JW, Kurdi IO, Raji AM, Ladipo DO. 1998. Chemical composition rumen degradation and gas production characteristics of some multipurpose fodder trees and shrubs during wet and dry season in humid tropics. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 72:81-96.
  • Lamming L. 2001. Successfully controlling noxious weeds with goats. Alter Weed Strat, 21(4): 19-23.
  • López A, Dávila-Vázquez G, León-Becerril E, Villegas-García E, Gallardo-Valdez J. 2010. Tequila vinasses: generation and full scale tratment processes. Rev Environ Sci Bio, 9(2): 109-116.
  • McDonald P, Edwards RA, Greenhalgh JFD and Morgan CA. 1995. Animal Nutrition. Longman Scientific and Technical, New York, USA.
  • Menke KH, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W. 1979. The estimation of the digestibility and metabolisable energy content of ruminant feedingstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J Agr Sci Camb, 93: 217-222.
  • Menke KH, Steingass H. 1988. Estimation of the Energetic Feeed Value Obtained from Chemical Analysis and in vitro Gas Production Using Rumen Fluid. Anim Res Devl Seperate Print, 28: 7-55.
  • NRC, 2001. National Research Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (7th rev. ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
  • Nelson CJ, Moser LE. 1994. Plant Factors affecting forage quality. Forage Quality, Evaluation and Utilization (Ed. Fahey JR.), Madison: American Society of Agrononmy, pp. 115-154.
  • Oba M, Allen MS. 1999. Evaluation of the importance of the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber from forage: effects on dry matter intake and milk yield of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 85: 589-596.
  • Önder H. 2018. Nonparametric statistical methods used in biological experiments. BSJ Engin Sci, 1(1): 1-6
  • Pallardy SG. 2008. Physiology of Woody Plants (3rd Ed). Elsevier Inc. 454p.
  • Papachritou TG, Platis PD, Nastis AS. 2005. Foraging behaviour of cattle and goats in oak forest stands of varying coppicing age in Northern Greece. Small Rumin Res, 59: 181-189.
  • Pierce JR. 1990. Controlling saffron thistle with goats in Western Australia. Cashmere Newsletter, May, 30-32.
  • Redfearn DD, Zhang H, Caddel JL. 2004. Forage quality interpretations. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University
  • Rohweder DA, Barnes RF, Jorgensen N. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality. J Anim Sci, 47 (3): 747-759.
  • Saricicek BZ. 2007. Büyükbaş baş ve küçükbaş hayvan besleme. Ders kitabı, OMU, Zir Fak. Yay No.37, 435p., Samsun
  • Singh B, Todaria NP. 2012. Nutrients composition changes in lives of Quercus somecarpifolia at different seasons and altitudes. Annals Forest Res, 55(2): 189-196.
  • Steinfeld H, Gerber P, Wassenaar T, Castel V, Rosales M, De Haan C. 2006. Livestock’s long shadow: environmental issues and options. Food and Agric. Organization of the United Nations, 82-114.
  • Thomsen CD, Williams WA, Vayssieres M, Bell FL and George MR. 1993. Controlled grazing on annual grasslands decreases yellow starthistle. California Agri, 47(6): 36-40.
  • Torrano L, Holst PJ, Stanley DF. 1999. The effect of herbicide and goats on survival and seed production of Illyrian thistle (Onorpordum illyricum L.). Plant Protect Quarterlv, 14(1): 13-15.
  • Tosun F, Altın M. 1986. Çayır-mera yayla kültürü ve bunlardan faydalanma yöntemleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayın no:9 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Basım evi, Samsun.
  • Undersander D, Moore JE. 2002. Relative forage quality. Focus on Forage, 4 (5): 1-2.
  • Valentine SC, Clayton EH, Hudson GJ, Rowe JB. 2000. Effect of virginiamycin and sodium bicarbonate on milk production, milk composition and metabolism of dairy cows fed high levels of concentrates. Australian J Experim Agric, 40: 773-781.
  • Van Soest PV, Robertson JB, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Van Soest PV. 1994. Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminants (2.Ed) Cornell University Press. Ithaca, NY.
  • Vázquez de Aldana BR, Garcia-Ciudad A, Pérez Corona ME, Garcia-Criado B. 2000. Nutritional quality of semi-arid grassland in western Spain over a 10-year period: changes in chemical composition of grasses, legumes and forbs. Grass Forage Sci, 55: 209-220.
  • Wilson JR, Deinum H, Engels EM. 1991. Temperature effects on anatomy and digestibility of leaf and stem of tropical and temperature forage species. Netherlands J Agri Sci, 9(1): 31-48.
  • Wood CD, Tewari BN, Plumb VE, Powell CJ, Roberts BT, Gill M. 1995. Intraspecific differences in ash, crude protein content and protein precipitation activity of extractable tannins from Napalese fodder trees. Tropical Sci, 35: 376-385.

Determination of Botanical Composition, Nutrient Content, Feed Value and Quality Parameters Between May-August Months of Natural Grasslands of Ankara Province

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 267 - 277, 01.10.2020


This study was carried out to determine change in botanical composition, nutrient content, feed value and some quality parameters of natural grasslands in Ankara, for 4 months May, June, July and August. The study was carried out in the natural rangeland areas of 3 villages within the borders of Ayaş (1 and 2) and Nallıhan (3) in Ankara province in 2016. The botanical composition, nutrient contents fibrous materials, mineral substances, with In vitro gas production: GP, dry matter digestibility: DMD, and organic matter digestibility: OMD, energy values, and methane production:MP capacities, in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility: dNDF, relative feed values: RFV and relative forage quality index:RFQI determined by taking feed samples every 15 days in May, June, July and August. The botanical diversity of rangelands was found different from each other. The proportion of legumes compared to weight in rangeland 1 was higher compared to grassland 2 and 3, and the proportion of the wheatgrain and others was lower. While wheatgrain and legumes ratio was close to each other on rangeland 2, the proportion of cereals was found higher than legumes on the rangeland 3. In all three rangelands, while the CP, NFE, N, Ca, GP, DMD, OMD, dNDF and RFV RFQI values of the plants were high in May, it was determined that these features decreased significantly until August (P<0.05). CF and ADF, NDF and ADL contents, were low in May, but increased significantly towards August (P<0.05). Ash content was higher in August and July than in May and June (P<0.05). While MP in rangeland 1 and 2 was high in May, June and July, and low in August (P <0.05), but in rangeland 3 was highest in May compared to other months (P<0.05). RFV and forage quality of plants in rangeland were highest in rangeland 1 followed by 2 and han rangeland 3. Angora goats can be grazed easily in May and June.

Proje Numarası



  • Acharya SN, Kastelic JP, Beauchemin KA, Messenger DF. 2006. A review of research progress on cicer milkvetch Astragalus cicer L.). Canad J Plant Sci, 86: 49-62.
  • AOAC. 1998. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of analysis, 15th (Ed.), Vol.1. AOAC, Washington, DC, 69-79.
  • Anonymous. 2016. Resmi istatistikler, T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. (erişim tarihi: 03.06.2020).
  • Anonymous. 2017. Ankara İli 2016 Yılı Çevre Durum Raporu Ankara Valiliği Çevre Ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü, Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Şube Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Buxbaum CA, Vanderbilt K. 2007. Soil Heterogeneity and the Distribution of Desert and Steppe Plant Species Across a Desert-grassland Ecotone. J Arid Environ, 69(4): 617–632.
  • Beskow WB. 2001. Integration of goats into sheep and cattle grazing systems as a permanent weed control tool. Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, PhD Thesis, 206 p. New Zeland.
  • Blümmel M, Ørskov ER. 1993. Comparison of in vitro gas production and nylon bag degradability of roughages in predicting of food intake in cattle. Animal Feed Sci. and Techn. 40: 109-119.
  • Blümmel M, Karsli A, Russell JR. 2003. Influence of diet on growth yields of rumen micro-organisms in vitro and in vivo: influence on growth yield of variable carbon fluxes to fermentation products. British J Nutrition, 90: 625–634.
  • Boss CB, Fredeen KJ. 2004. Concepts, instrumentation and techniques in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Shelton, Perkin Elmer, pp 76
  • Bouazza L, Bodas R, Boufennara S, Bousseboua H, Lopez S. 2012. Nutritive evaluation of foliage from fodder trees and shrubs characteristic of Algerian arid and semi-arid ares. J. Anim. Feeding Sci. 21:521-536.
  • Cone JW, Van Gelder AH. 1999. Influence of protein fermentation on gas production profiles. Anim Feed Sci Techn, 76: 251-256.
  • Davis PH, (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol.1-9, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K. 1988. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol.10, (Supplement I) Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Dellow JJ, Mitchell T, Johnston W, Hennessey G, Gray P. 1988. Large area blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) control using grazing goats. Plant Protection Quarterly, 3(2):83-84.
  • El‐Bana MI, Nijs I, Kockelbergh F. 2002. Microenvironmental and vegetational heterogeneity induced by phytogenic nebkhas in an arid coastal ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 247: 283– 293.
  • Frost RA, Wilson LM, Launchbaugh KL, Hovde EM. 2008. Seasonal change in forage value of rangeland weeds in northern Idaho. Invasive Plant Sci Manage, 1(4): 343-351.
  • Garcia O and Gall C. 1981. Goats in the dry tropics. Goat Production (Ed. C Gall), Academic Press, New York, 515-556.
  • Genç S, Soysal MI. 2018. Parametric and nonparametric Post Hoc tests. BSJ Engin Sci, 1 (1): 18-27.
  • George MR, Nader G, McDougald NK, Connor M, Frost B. 2001. Annual rangeland forage quality. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rangeland Manag. Series Pub, 8022: 1–13.
  • Getachew G, Makkar HPS, Becker K. 2002. Tropical browses: Contents of phenolic compounds, in vitro gas production and stoichiometric relationship between short chain fatty acid and in vitro gas production. J Agric Sci, 139: 341-352.
  • Goel G, Makkar, HPS, Becker K. 2008. Effects of Sesbania sesbon and Carduus pycnocepholus leaves and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds and their extracts on partitioning of nutrients from roughage and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147(1-3):72-89.
  • Goetsch AL, Gipson TA, Askar AR, Puchala R. 2014. Invited Review: Feeding behaviour of goats. J Anim Sci, 88(1): 361-373.
  • Haddi ML, Flacorda S, Meniai K, Rollin F, Susmel P. 2003. In vitro fermentation kinetics of some halophyte shrubs sampled at three stages of maturity. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 104: 215-225.
  • He MZ, Zheng JG, Li XR, Qian YL. 2007. Environmental factors affecting vegetation composition in the Alxa Plateau, China, J Arid Environ, 69: 473-489.
  • Hejcman M, Strnad L, Hejcmanova P, Pavlu V. 2014. Biological control of Rumex obtusifolius and Rumex crispus by g grazing. Weed Biol Manage, 14(2):115-120.
  • Host PJ, Allan CJ. 1999. Targeted grazing of thistles using sheep and goats. Plant Quarterly, 11(Supplement 2): 271-273.
  • Jafari M, Zare Chahouki MA, Tavili A. Azarnivand H, Amiri GZ. 2004. Effective environmental factors in the distribution of vegetation types in Poshtkouh rangelands of Yazd Province (Iran). J Arid Environ, 56(4): 627-641.
  • Jayanegara A, Togtokhbayar N, Makkar HPS, Becker K. 2009. Tannins determined by various methods as predictors of methane production reduction potential of plants by an in vitro rumen fermentation system. Animal Feed Sci Techn, 150: 230-237
  • Jung HG, Allen MS. 1995. Characteristics of plant cell Wall affecting intake and digestibility of forages by ruminants J Anim Sci, 73: 2774-2790.
  • Kamalak A, Canbola Ö, Gürbüz Y, Erol A, Özay O. 2005. Effect of maturity stage on chemical composition, in vitro and in situ dry matter degradation of tumbleweed hay (Gundelia tournefortii L.). Small Rum Res, 58: 149-156.
  • Kamalak A, Canbolat Ö. 2010. Determination of nutritive value of wild narrow-leaved clover (Trifolium angustifolium) hay harvested at three maturity stages using chemical composition and in vitro gas production. Trop Grasslands, 44: 128-133.
  • Kaya İ, Öncüer A, Ünal Y, Yıldız S. 2001. Kars yöresi çayır-mera otlarının botaniksel bileşimi ve farklı biçim besin madde düzeyleri. I. Ulusal Hayvan Besleme Kongresi, Elazığ, 100-108.
  • Khan HR, McDonald GK, Rengel Z. 2004. Zinc fertilization and water stress affects plant water relations, stomatal conductance and osmotic adjustment in chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.) Plant Soil, 267: 271-284
  • Koç A, Çakal Ş. 2004. Comparison of some rangeland canopy coverage methods. Int. Soil Cong. On Natural Resource Manage For Sustainable Development, June 7-10, 2004, Erzurum, Turkey, D7, 41-45
  • Lacey JR, Wallander R, Olson-Rutz K. 1992. Recovery, germinability and viability of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) seed ingested by sheep and goats. Weed Technol, 6: 599-602.
  • Larbi A, Smith JW, Kurdi IO, Raji AM, Ladipo DO. 1998. Chemical composition rumen degradation and gas production characteristics of some multipurpose fodder trees and shrubs during wet and dry season in humid tropics. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 72:81-96.
  • Lamming L. 2001. Successfully controlling noxious weeds with goats. Alter Weed Strat, 21(4): 19-23.
  • López A, Dávila-Vázquez G, León-Becerril E, Villegas-García E, Gallardo-Valdez J. 2010. Tequila vinasses: generation and full scale tratment processes. Rev Environ Sci Bio, 9(2): 109-116.
  • McDonald P, Edwards RA, Greenhalgh JFD and Morgan CA. 1995. Animal Nutrition. Longman Scientific and Technical, New York, USA.
  • Menke KH, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W. 1979. The estimation of the digestibility and metabolisable energy content of ruminant feedingstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J Agr Sci Camb, 93: 217-222.
  • Menke KH, Steingass H. 1988. Estimation of the Energetic Feeed Value Obtained from Chemical Analysis and in vitro Gas Production Using Rumen Fluid. Anim Res Devl Seperate Print, 28: 7-55.
  • NRC, 2001. National Research Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (7th rev. ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
  • Nelson CJ, Moser LE. 1994. Plant Factors affecting forage quality. Forage Quality, Evaluation and Utilization (Ed. Fahey JR.), Madison: American Society of Agrononmy, pp. 115-154.
  • Oba M, Allen MS. 1999. Evaluation of the importance of the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber from forage: effects on dry matter intake and milk yield of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 85: 589-596.
  • Önder H. 2018. Nonparametric statistical methods used in biological experiments. BSJ Engin Sci, 1(1): 1-6
  • Pallardy SG. 2008. Physiology of Woody Plants (3rd Ed). Elsevier Inc. 454p.
  • Papachritou TG, Platis PD, Nastis AS. 2005. Foraging behaviour of cattle and goats in oak forest stands of varying coppicing age in Northern Greece. Small Rumin Res, 59: 181-189.
  • Pierce JR. 1990. Controlling saffron thistle with goats in Western Australia. Cashmere Newsletter, May, 30-32.
  • Redfearn DD, Zhang H, Caddel JL. 2004. Forage quality interpretations. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University
  • Rohweder DA, Barnes RF, Jorgensen N. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality. J Anim Sci, 47 (3): 747-759.
  • Saricicek BZ. 2007. Büyükbaş baş ve küçükbaş hayvan besleme. Ders kitabı, OMU, Zir Fak. Yay No.37, 435p., Samsun
  • Singh B, Todaria NP. 2012. Nutrients composition changes in lives of Quercus somecarpifolia at different seasons and altitudes. Annals Forest Res, 55(2): 189-196.
  • Steinfeld H, Gerber P, Wassenaar T, Castel V, Rosales M, De Haan C. 2006. Livestock’s long shadow: environmental issues and options. Food and Agric. Organization of the United Nations, 82-114.
  • Thomsen CD, Williams WA, Vayssieres M, Bell FL and George MR. 1993. Controlled grazing on annual grasslands decreases yellow starthistle. California Agri, 47(6): 36-40.
  • Torrano L, Holst PJ, Stanley DF. 1999. The effect of herbicide and goats on survival and seed production of Illyrian thistle (Onorpordum illyricum L.). Plant Protect Quarterlv, 14(1): 13-15.
  • Tosun F, Altın M. 1986. Çayır-mera yayla kültürü ve bunlardan faydalanma yöntemleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayın no:9 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Basım evi, Samsun.
  • Undersander D, Moore JE. 2002. Relative forage quality. Focus on Forage, 4 (5): 1-2.
  • Valentine SC, Clayton EH, Hudson GJ, Rowe JB. 2000. Effect of virginiamycin and sodium bicarbonate on milk production, milk composition and metabolism of dairy cows fed high levels of concentrates. Australian J Experim Agric, 40: 773-781.
  • Van Soest PV, Robertson JB, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Van Soest PV. 1994. Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminants (2.Ed) Cornell University Press. Ithaca, NY.
  • Vázquez de Aldana BR, Garcia-Ciudad A, Pérez Corona ME, Garcia-Criado B. 2000. Nutritional quality of semi-arid grassland in western Spain over a 10-year period: changes in chemical composition of grasses, legumes and forbs. Grass Forage Sci, 55: 209-220.
  • Wilson JR, Deinum H, Engels EM. 1991. Temperature effects on anatomy and digestibility of leaf and stem of tropical and temperature forage species. Netherlands J Agri Sci, 9(1): 31-48.
  • Wood CD, Tewari BN, Plumb VE, Powell CJ, Roberts BT, Gill M. 1995. Intraspecific differences in ash, crude protein content and protein precipitation activity of extractable tannins from Napalese fodder trees. Tropical Sci, 35: 376-385.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Zehra Sarıçiçek 0000-0003-2138-793X

Proje Numarası TAGEM-2016/ARGE-13
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Haziran 2020
Kabul Tarihi 24 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarıçiçek, Z. (2020). Determination of Botanical Composition, Nutrient Content, Feed Value and Quality Parameters Between May-August Months of Natural Grasslands of Ankara Province. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 3(4), 267-277.
