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Nutraceutical Effects of Snot Apple Powder on Triiodothyronine, Oxidative Stress Markers, Haematology and Growth of Broiler Chickens

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 41 - 50, 15.01.2025


This study investigated the effects of incorporating snot apple powder with or without probiotics on performance, hematological indices, serum protein profile, oxidative markers, and triiodothyronine levels in chickens. The treatments included a control (0% snot apple powder) and varying levels of snot apple powder (1%, 2%, and 3%), all supplemented with probiotics at a rate of 0.5%. Over a 42-day trial period, parameters such as feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), mortality, and blood samples for hematological and serum analyses were collected. Growth indices revealed significant variations (P<0.05) among treatments, with birds in T3 exhibiting the highest final body weight, followed by T1, while T4 recorded the lowest. Weight gain and feed intake were also significantly influenced by treatment, with T3 demonstrating superior performance in weight gain and T1 in feed intake. The feed conversion ratio was notably efficient in birds on T3 and T4 compared to T1. The serum protein profile indicated higher total protein and globulin levels in probiotic-treated groups (T2, T3, and T4) compared to T1, whereas albumin and uric acid varied significantly among treatments. Enhanced total antioxidant capacity in T2 and higher superoxide dismutase activity was observed in T2, T3, and T4. Triiodothyronine levels differed significantly among treatments, with T1 and T3 showing higher values compared to T2 and T4. Incorporating snot apple powder and probiotics in broiler diets positively impacted growth performance, health markers, and antioxidant capacity, suggesting potential benefits for poultry nutrition and health management strategies.

Etik Beyan

The authors confirm that the ethical policies of the journal as noted on the journal’s author guidelines page have been adhered to and the institutional ethics committee for care and use of animal for research approved the study (approval date: November 01, 2023, protocol code: AP/REC/2023/0864). The authors confirm that they have followed EU standards for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.


The authors are grateful to the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) of the Federal Government of Nigeria, for funding this research.


  • Adel M, El-Sayed AFM, Yeganeh S, Dadar M, Giri SS. 2017. Effect of potential probiotic Lactococcus lactis Subsp. lactis on growth performance, intestinal microbiota, digestive enzyme activities, and disease resistance of Litopenaeus vannamei. Probiot Antimicrob Prot, 9: 150-156.
  • Alozieuwa UB, Lawal B, Sani S, Onikanni AS, Osuji O, Ibrahim Y O, Babalola SB, Mostafa-Hedeab G, Alsayegh AA, Albogami S, Batiha GES, Wu ATH, Huang HS, Conte-Junior CA. 2022. Luteolin-rich extract of Thespesia garckeana F. Hoffm. (Snot apple) contains potential drug-like candidates and modulates glycemic and oxidoinflammatory aberrations in experimental animals. Oxidat Medic Cell Longevity, 20: 1215097,
  • Al-Sagan A, Khalil S, Hussein EOS, Attia Y. 2020. Effects of fennel seed powder supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and economic efficiency of broilers under thermoneutral and chronic heat stress conditions. Animals, 10(2): 206.
  • Anwar H, Rahman ZU, Idris M. 2018. Dynamics of endocrine markers and liver enzymes in laying hens after protein and probiotics supplementation in the post-moult phase. J Appl Anim Res, 46: 977-983
  • Ashraf R, Shah NP. 2014. Immune system stimulation by probiotic microorganisms. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 54: 938-956.
  • Azcárate-Peril MA, Sikes M, Bruno-Bárcena JM. 2011. The intestinal microbiota, gastrointestinal environment and colorectal cancer: A putative role for probiotics in prevention of colorectal cancer Amer J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 301: 401-424.
  • Berghof TVL, Arts JAJ, Bovenhuis H, Lammers A, van der Poel JJ, Parmentier HK. 2018. Antigen-dependent effects of divergent selective breeding based on natural antibodies on specific humoral immune responses in chickens. Vaccine, 36(11): 1444-1452.
  • Beski SSM, Al-Sardary SYT 2015. Effects of dietary supplementation of probiotic and synbiotic on broiler chickens hematology and intestinal integrity. Int J Poult Sci, 14: 31-36.
  • Charan J, Biswas T. 2013. How to calculate sample size for different study designs in medical research? Indian J Psychol Med, 35: 121-126.
  • Daun C, Akesson B. 2004. Comparison of glutathione peroxidase activity, and of total and soluble selenium content in two muscles from chicken, turkey, duck, ostrich and lamb. Food Chem, 85: 295-303. foodchem.2003.07.009
  • de Vries S, van den Borne JJGC, Kwakkel RP. 2022. Reflux of 15N-labeled uric acid after intracloacal infusion in broiler chickens fed low- or high-protein diets. Poult Sci, 101(4): 101724.
  • Faul F, Erdfelder E, Buchner A. 2009. Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behav Res Meth, 41: 1149-1160.
  • Feng Y, Wu X, Hu D, Wang C, Chen Q, Ni Y. 2023. Comparison of the effects of feeding compound probiotics and antibiotics on growth performance, gut microbiota, and small intestine morphology in yellow-feather broilers. Microorganisms, 11(9): 2308.
  • Ferdous MF, Arefin MS, Rahman MM, Ripon MMR, Rashid MH, Sultana MR, Rafiq K. 2019. Beneficial effects of probiotic and phytobiotic as growth promoter alternative to antibiotic for safe broiler production. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 6: 409-415.
  • Hosseindoust A, Oh SM, Ko HS, Jeon SM, Ha SH, Jang A, Son JS, Kim GY, Kang HK, Kim JS. 2020. Muscle antioxidant activity and meat quality are altered by supplementation of astaxanthin in broilers exposed to high temperature. Antioxidants, 9: 1032.
  • Hyeong-Kyu P, Rexford SA. 2023. Endocrine disorders associated with obesity. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 90: 102394.
  • Ilaboya II, Imouokhome JI, UD Osayande, IJ Ejodamen, EA Iyayi 2024. Impact of phytase and cholecalciferol supplementation on the true digestibility of phosphorus by broiler chickens fed some agro-based byproducts. Adv Res Biol Sci, 9: 141-170.
  • Jafari S, Saleh H, Mirakzehi MT 2021. Performance, immune response, and oxidative status in broiler chicken fed oxidized oil and Otostgia persica leaf extract. Italian J Anim Sci, 20(1): 878-886.
  • Jiang S, Mohammed AA, Jacobs JA, Cramer TA, Cheng HW. 2020. Effect of synbiotics on thyroid hormones, intestinal histomorphology, and heat shock protein 70 expression in broiler chickens reared under cyclic heat stress. Poult Sci, 99(1): 142-150.
  • Jimoh OA, Ayedun ES, Daramola OT, Oloruntola OD, Ayodele SO, Okin-Aminu HO. 2020. Growth and haematological response of growing rabbits fed Phyllanthus amarus leaf meal supplemented diets. Livestock Res Rural Devel, 32: 20.
  • Jimoh OA, Daramola OT, Okin-Aminu HO, Ojo OA. 2022a. Performance, hemato-biochemical indices and oxidative stress markers of broiler chicken fed phytogenic during heat stress condition. J Anim Sci Technol, 64(5): 970-984.
  • Jimoh OA, Daramola OT, Okin-Aminu HO. Ojo OA. 2023. HSP70, adiponectin, leptin, pro-inflammatory cytokines and metabolic hormones of heat-stressed broilers fed herbal supplements. J Thermal Biol, 117: 103681.
  • Jimoh OA, Ihejirika UG, Balogun AS, Adelani SA Okanlawon OO. 2018. Antioxidant status and serology of laying pullets fed diets supplemented with mistletoe leaf meal. Nigerian J Anim Sci, 20(1): 52-60.
  • Jimoh OA. 2019. Oxidative stress indicators of rabbit breeds in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Bull Natl Res Cen, 43(62): 1-7.
  • Jimoh, OA. 2022b. Oxidative stress in animals: the gentle saver and the silent killer. Nigerian J Anim Prod, 49(1): 67-76.
  • Jung BG, Ko JH, Lee BJ 2010. Dietary supplementation with a probiotic fermented four-herb combination enhances immune activity in broiler chicks and increases survivability against Salmonella gallinarum in experimentally infected broiler chicks. J Vet Medic, 72: 1565-1573.
  • Kikusato M. 2021. Phytobiotics to improve health and production of broiler chickens: functions beyond the antioxidant activity. Anim Biosci, 34(3): 345-353.
  • Kim YJ, Bostami ABMR, Islam MM, Mun HS, Ko SY, Yang CJ. 2016. Effect of fermented ginkgo biloba and camelia sinensis-based probiotics on growth performance, immunity and caecal microbiology in broilers. Int J Poult Sci, 15(2): 62-71.
  • Lee KW, Lillehoj HS, Lee SH, Jang SI, Park MS, Bautista DA, Ritter GD, Hong YH, Siragusa GR, Lillehoj EP. 2012. Effect of dietary antimicrobials on immune status in broiler chickens. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 25(3): 382-392.
  • Li S, Tan HY, Wang N, Zhang ZJ, Lao L, Wong CW, Feng Y. 2015. The role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in liver diseases. Int J Molec Sci, 16(11): 26087-26124.
  • Maroyi A, Cheikh-Youssef A. 2017. Traditional knowledge of wild edible fruits in southern Africa: A comparative use patterns in Namibia and Zimbabwe. Indian J Trad Knowl, 16: 385-392.
  • Peng X, Ed-Dra A, Song Y, Elbediwi M, Nambiar RB, Zhou X, Yue M. 2022. Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus alleviates intestinal inflammation and promotes microbiota-mediated protection against Salmonella fatal infections. Front Immunol, 13: 973224.
  • Ravindran V, Abdollahi MR 2011. Nutrition and digestive physiology of the broiler chick: State of the art and outlook. Animals, 11(10): 27-95.
  • Rocha AG, Dilkin P, Montanhini Neto R, Schaefer C, Mallmann CA. 2022. Growth performance of broiler chickens fed on feeds with varying mixing homogeneity. Vet Anim Sci, 17: 100263.
  • Ryszard A. 2007. Tannins: the new natural antioxidants? Eur J Lipid Sci Tech, 109: 549-551. ejlt.200700145
  • SAS. 2003. Statistical Analysis System. SAS Release 9.1 for windows, SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, US.
  • Scanes CG, Denver RJ, Bowen SJ 1986. Effect of thyroid hormones on growth hormone secretion in broiler chickens. Poult Sci, 65(2): 384-390.
  • Sobayo OA, Adeyemi AO, Oso AO, Fafiolu JO, Darmola OG, Sodipe IM, Ogunade OM. 2013. Haematological, serum and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken fed graded levels of Garcinia Kola (Bitter Kola) used as phytobiotic. Nigerian J Anim Prod, 40(1): 48-54.
  • Szabó A, Mézes M, Horn P, Süto Z, Bázár G, Romvári R. 2005. Developmental dynamics of some blood biochemical parameters in the growing turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Acta Vet Hung, 53(4): 397-409.
  • Tóthová C, Sesztáková E, Bielik B, Nagy O. 2019. Changes of total protein and protein fractions in broiler chickens during the fattening period. Vet World, 12(4): 598-604.
  • Tungmunnithum D, Thongboonyou A, Pholboon A, Yangsabai A. 2018. Flavonoids and other phenolic compounds from medicinal plants for pharmaceutical and medical aspects: an overview. Medicine, 5(3): 93.
  • Ufele AN, Ebenebe CI. 2017. The effect of moringa oleifera on the growth performance, packed cell volume (PCV) and laying capacity of young growing quails. Amer J Zool Res, 5(2): 33-37.
  • Umair M, Jabbar S, Zhaoxin L, Jianhao Z, Abid M, Khan K-UR, Korma SA. 2022. Probiotic-based bacteriocin: Immunity supplementation against viruses. An updated review. Front Microbiol, 13: 1633.
  • Wang W, Zhu J, Cao Q, Zhang C, Dong Z, Feng D, Ye H, Zuo J. 2022. Dietary catalase supplementation alleviates deoxynivalenol-induced oxidative stress and gut microbiota dysbiosis in broiler chickens. Toxins, 14(12): 830.
  • Xue GD, Barekatain R, Wu SB, Choct M, Swick RA. 2018. Dietary L-glutamine supplementation improves growth performance, gut morphology, and serum biochemical indices of broiler chickens during necrotic enteritis challenge. Poult Sci, 97(4): 1334-1341.
Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 41 - 50, 15.01.2025



  • Adel M, El-Sayed AFM, Yeganeh S, Dadar M, Giri SS. 2017. Effect of potential probiotic Lactococcus lactis Subsp. lactis on growth performance, intestinal microbiota, digestive enzyme activities, and disease resistance of Litopenaeus vannamei. Probiot Antimicrob Prot, 9: 150-156.
  • Alozieuwa UB, Lawal B, Sani S, Onikanni AS, Osuji O, Ibrahim Y O, Babalola SB, Mostafa-Hedeab G, Alsayegh AA, Albogami S, Batiha GES, Wu ATH, Huang HS, Conte-Junior CA. 2022. Luteolin-rich extract of Thespesia garckeana F. Hoffm. (Snot apple) contains potential drug-like candidates and modulates glycemic and oxidoinflammatory aberrations in experimental animals. Oxidat Medic Cell Longevity, 20: 1215097,
  • Al-Sagan A, Khalil S, Hussein EOS, Attia Y. 2020. Effects of fennel seed powder supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and economic efficiency of broilers under thermoneutral and chronic heat stress conditions. Animals, 10(2): 206.
  • Anwar H, Rahman ZU, Idris M. 2018. Dynamics of endocrine markers and liver enzymes in laying hens after protein and probiotics supplementation in the post-moult phase. J Appl Anim Res, 46: 977-983
  • Ashraf R, Shah NP. 2014. Immune system stimulation by probiotic microorganisms. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 54: 938-956.
  • Azcárate-Peril MA, Sikes M, Bruno-Bárcena JM. 2011. The intestinal microbiota, gastrointestinal environment and colorectal cancer: A putative role for probiotics in prevention of colorectal cancer Amer J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 301: 401-424.
  • Berghof TVL, Arts JAJ, Bovenhuis H, Lammers A, van der Poel JJ, Parmentier HK. 2018. Antigen-dependent effects of divergent selective breeding based on natural antibodies on specific humoral immune responses in chickens. Vaccine, 36(11): 1444-1452.
  • Beski SSM, Al-Sardary SYT 2015. Effects of dietary supplementation of probiotic and synbiotic on broiler chickens hematology and intestinal integrity. Int J Poult Sci, 14: 31-36.
  • Charan J, Biswas T. 2013. How to calculate sample size for different study designs in medical research? Indian J Psychol Med, 35: 121-126.
  • Daun C, Akesson B. 2004. Comparison of glutathione peroxidase activity, and of total and soluble selenium content in two muscles from chicken, turkey, duck, ostrich and lamb. Food Chem, 85: 295-303. foodchem.2003.07.009
  • de Vries S, van den Borne JJGC, Kwakkel RP. 2022. Reflux of 15N-labeled uric acid after intracloacal infusion in broiler chickens fed low- or high-protein diets. Poult Sci, 101(4): 101724.
  • Faul F, Erdfelder E, Buchner A. 2009. Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behav Res Meth, 41: 1149-1160.
  • Feng Y, Wu X, Hu D, Wang C, Chen Q, Ni Y. 2023. Comparison of the effects of feeding compound probiotics and antibiotics on growth performance, gut microbiota, and small intestine morphology in yellow-feather broilers. Microorganisms, 11(9): 2308.
  • Ferdous MF, Arefin MS, Rahman MM, Ripon MMR, Rashid MH, Sultana MR, Rafiq K. 2019. Beneficial effects of probiotic and phytobiotic as growth promoter alternative to antibiotic for safe broiler production. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 6: 409-415.
  • Hosseindoust A, Oh SM, Ko HS, Jeon SM, Ha SH, Jang A, Son JS, Kim GY, Kang HK, Kim JS. 2020. Muscle antioxidant activity and meat quality are altered by supplementation of astaxanthin in broilers exposed to high temperature. Antioxidants, 9: 1032.
  • Hyeong-Kyu P, Rexford SA. 2023. Endocrine disorders associated with obesity. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 90: 102394.
  • Ilaboya II, Imouokhome JI, UD Osayande, IJ Ejodamen, EA Iyayi 2024. Impact of phytase and cholecalciferol supplementation on the true digestibility of phosphorus by broiler chickens fed some agro-based byproducts. Adv Res Biol Sci, 9: 141-170.
  • Jafari S, Saleh H, Mirakzehi MT 2021. Performance, immune response, and oxidative status in broiler chicken fed oxidized oil and Otostgia persica leaf extract. Italian J Anim Sci, 20(1): 878-886.
  • Jiang S, Mohammed AA, Jacobs JA, Cramer TA, Cheng HW. 2020. Effect of synbiotics on thyroid hormones, intestinal histomorphology, and heat shock protein 70 expression in broiler chickens reared under cyclic heat stress. Poult Sci, 99(1): 142-150.
  • Jimoh OA, Ayedun ES, Daramola OT, Oloruntola OD, Ayodele SO, Okin-Aminu HO. 2020. Growth and haematological response of growing rabbits fed Phyllanthus amarus leaf meal supplemented diets. Livestock Res Rural Devel, 32: 20.
  • Jimoh OA, Daramola OT, Okin-Aminu HO, Ojo OA. 2022a. Performance, hemato-biochemical indices and oxidative stress markers of broiler chicken fed phytogenic during heat stress condition. J Anim Sci Technol, 64(5): 970-984.
  • Jimoh OA, Daramola OT, Okin-Aminu HO. Ojo OA. 2023. HSP70, adiponectin, leptin, pro-inflammatory cytokines and metabolic hormones of heat-stressed broilers fed herbal supplements. J Thermal Biol, 117: 103681.
  • Jimoh OA, Ihejirika UG, Balogun AS, Adelani SA Okanlawon OO. 2018. Antioxidant status and serology of laying pullets fed diets supplemented with mistletoe leaf meal. Nigerian J Anim Sci, 20(1): 52-60.
  • Jimoh OA. 2019. Oxidative stress indicators of rabbit breeds in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Bull Natl Res Cen, 43(62): 1-7.
  • Jimoh, OA. 2022b. Oxidative stress in animals: the gentle saver and the silent killer. Nigerian J Anim Prod, 49(1): 67-76.
  • Jung BG, Ko JH, Lee BJ 2010. Dietary supplementation with a probiotic fermented four-herb combination enhances immune activity in broiler chicks and increases survivability against Salmonella gallinarum in experimentally infected broiler chicks. J Vet Medic, 72: 1565-1573.
  • Kikusato M. 2021. Phytobiotics to improve health and production of broiler chickens: functions beyond the antioxidant activity. Anim Biosci, 34(3): 345-353.
  • Kim YJ, Bostami ABMR, Islam MM, Mun HS, Ko SY, Yang CJ. 2016. Effect of fermented ginkgo biloba and camelia sinensis-based probiotics on growth performance, immunity and caecal microbiology in broilers. Int J Poult Sci, 15(2): 62-71.
  • Lee KW, Lillehoj HS, Lee SH, Jang SI, Park MS, Bautista DA, Ritter GD, Hong YH, Siragusa GR, Lillehoj EP. 2012. Effect of dietary antimicrobials on immune status in broiler chickens. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 25(3): 382-392.
  • Li S, Tan HY, Wang N, Zhang ZJ, Lao L, Wong CW, Feng Y. 2015. The role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in liver diseases. Int J Molec Sci, 16(11): 26087-26124.
  • Maroyi A, Cheikh-Youssef A. 2017. Traditional knowledge of wild edible fruits in southern Africa: A comparative use patterns in Namibia and Zimbabwe. Indian J Trad Knowl, 16: 385-392.
  • Peng X, Ed-Dra A, Song Y, Elbediwi M, Nambiar RB, Zhou X, Yue M. 2022. Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus alleviates intestinal inflammation and promotes microbiota-mediated protection against Salmonella fatal infections. Front Immunol, 13: 973224.
  • Ravindran V, Abdollahi MR 2011. Nutrition and digestive physiology of the broiler chick: State of the art and outlook. Animals, 11(10): 27-95.
  • Rocha AG, Dilkin P, Montanhini Neto R, Schaefer C, Mallmann CA. 2022. Growth performance of broiler chickens fed on feeds with varying mixing homogeneity. Vet Anim Sci, 17: 100263.
  • Ryszard A. 2007. Tannins: the new natural antioxidants? Eur J Lipid Sci Tech, 109: 549-551. ejlt.200700145
  • SAS. 2003. Statistical Analysis System. SAS Release 9.1 for windows, SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, US.
  • Scanes CG, Denver RJ, Bowen SJ 1986. Effect of thyroid hormones on growth hormone secretion in broiler chickens. Poult Sci, 65(2): 384-390.
  • Sobayo OA, Adeyemi AO, Oso AO, Fafiolu JO, Darmola OG, Sodipe IM, Ogunade OM. 2013. Haematological, serum and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken fed graded levels of Garcinia Kola (Bitter Kola) used as phytobiotic. Nigerian J Anim Prod, 40(1): 48-54.
  • Szabó A, Mézes M, Horn P, Süto Z, Bázár G, Romvári R. 2005. Developmental dynamics of some blood biochemical parameters in the growing turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Acta Vet Hung, 53(4): 397-409.
  • Tóthová C, Sesztáková E, Bielik B, Nagy O. 2019. Changes of total protein and protein fractions in broiler chickens during the fattening period. Vet World, 12(4): 598-604.
  • Tungmunnithum D, Thongboonyou A, Pholboon A, Yangsabai A. 2018. Flavonoids and other phenolic compounds from medicinal plants for pharmaceutical and medical aspects: an overview. Medicine, 5(3): 93.
  • Ufele AN, Ebenebe CI. 2017. The effect of moringa oleifera on the growth performance, packed cell volume (PCV) and laying capacity of young growing quails. Amer J Zool Res, 5(2): 33-37.
  • Umair M, Jabbar S, Zhaoxin L, Jianhao Z, Abid M, Khan K-UR, Korma SA. 2022. Probiotic-based bacteriocin: Immunity supplementation against viruses. An updated review. Front Microbiol, 13: 1633.
  • Wang W, Zhu J, Cao Q, Zhang C, Dong Z, Feng D, Ye H, Zuo J. 2022. Dietary catalase supplementation alleviates deoxynivalenol-induced oxidative stress and gut microbiota dysbiosis in broiler chickens. Toxins, 14(12): 830.
  • Xue GD, Barekatain R, Wu SB, Choct M, Swick RA. 2018. Dietary L-glutamine supplementation improves growth performance, gut morphology, and serum biochemical indices of broiler chickens during necrotic enteritis challenge. Poult Sci, 97(4): 1334-1341.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Abubakar Olatunji Jimoh 0000-0001-8204-5816

Unity Daniel Osayande 0000-0002-8525-264X

Simeon Olugbenga Ayodele 0000-0003-2913-6123

Uchechi Gift Daureen Ihejirika 0009-0002-2004-6965

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Jimoh, A. O., Osayande, U. D., Ayodele, S. O., Ihejirika, U. G. D. (2025). Nutraceutical Effects of Snot Apple Powder on Triiodothyronine, Oxidative Stress Markers, Haematology and Growth of Broiler Chickens. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(1), 41-50.
