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The Effect of Investments, Mechanization and Fertilizer Use on Agricultural Growth in Türkiye's Agricultural Sector: An Econometric Analysis

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 205 - 216, 15.03.2025


This research comprehensively examines the economic factors affecting agricultural growth in Türkiye between 1998 and 2022. The agricultural sector has a strategic importance for economic growth and rural development. In the study, variables affecting agricultural growth such as fixed capital investments, use of agricultural machinery and fertilization are considered and the effects of these factors are analyzed by econometric methods. The data set used in the study is based on annual data covering the years 1998-2022. The stationarity levels of the data are analyzed by Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) unit root tests. VAR model is used to analyze the dynamic relationships of time series, Toda-Yamamoto causality test is used to determine the direction of the effects, impulse-response functions and period decomposition methods are used to evaluate the magnitude and duration of the effects. Diagnostic tests such as normality, autocorrelation and variance tests were used to test the validity of the model. The results of the research show that the impact of fixed capital investments on agricultural growth is significant and that private sector investments have become more determinant in recent years, although public investments were effective in the early years. Modern agricultural practices such as the use of agricultural machinery and nitrogen fertilizers have been found to increase productivity in the short run, but have limited effects in the long run. Despite the declining share of agriculture in GDP, the sector remains critical for economic growth, rural employment and food security.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study, as it did not involve any research on humans or animals.

Destekleyen Kurum

There is no Supporting Organization


  • Akmal N, Rehman B, Ali A, Shah H. 2012. The impact of agriculture credit on growth in Pakistan. Asian J Agri Rur Dev, 2(4): 579–583.
  • Akram N, Hussain Z. 2008. Agricultural credit and economic growth in Pakistan: An empirical analysis. Pakistan Eco Sci Rev, 46(2): 141-158.
  • Aktaş C. 2010. An analysis of the relationship between the real exchange rate and export and import in Turkey using the var methodology. Inter J Man Eco Busi, 6(11): 123–140.
  • Ammani AA. 2012. An investigation into the relationship between agricultural production and formal credit supply in Nigeria. Inter J Agri For, 2(1): 46-52.
  • Anker DLW. 1956. The results of the mechanization of agriculture. Ankara Uni Fac Politic Sci J, 11(1): 20-40.
  • Anthony E. 2010. Agricultural credit and economic growth in Nigeria: An empirical analysis. Busi Eco J, 10:1-7.
  • Apaydın Ş. 2018. The effects of bank loans on economic growth in Turkey. Ömer Halisdemir Univ J Fac Eco Administ Sci, 11(4): 15-28.
  • Bağcı A. 2022. Economic growth and smart agriculture: Examples from Turkey and the world. In: Kacır MF, Şeker M, Doğrul M, editors. National Technology Move.Turkish Academy of Sci, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 142.
  • Benfica R, Cungura B, Thurlow J. 2019. Linking agricultural investments to growth and poverty: an economywide approach applied to Mozambique. Agri Sys, 172: 91- 100.
  • Burbidge J, Harrison A. 1985. An historical decomposition of the great depression to determine the role of Money. J Mon Eco, 16(1): 45-54.
  • Canbay Ş, Kırca M. 2020. Türkiye’de sanayi ve tarim sektörü faaliyetleri ile iktisadi büyüme arasindaki ilişkiler: kaldor büyüme yasasinin analizi. İnsan Toplum Bilim Araş Derg, 9(1): 143-170.
  • Cömertler Şimşir N. 2012. An econometric analysis of the relationships between economic growth and agricultural credits for propoor growth in turkey. Inter J Soci Sci Hum Studi, 4(2): 355-364.
  • Çetin M, Ecevit E. 2015. The relationship between agricultural credits and agricultural production: The example of Türkiye. J Agri Eco, 21(1): 29-38.
  • Çevik Z, Zeren F. 2014. Examining the effect of agricultural credits on financial development with asymmetric causality test. J Man Eco Res, 12(24): 197-208.
  • Das A, Senapati M, John J. 2009. Impact of agricultural credit on agriculture production: an empirical analysis in India. Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers, 30(2): 75-107.
  • Demir A, Özcan B. 2019. The impact of agricultural credits on agricultural production in Turkey: A cointegration analysis. J App Eco, 22(1): 45-60.
  • Duramaz S, Taş T. 2018. The effect of agricultural loans used by public, private and foreign capital banks and agricultural capital banks on agricultural production: Panel data analysis for the Aegean Region. Inter J Mana Eco Busi, 14(1): 35-50.
  • Ekwere GE, Edem ID. 2014. Evaluation of agricultural credit facility in agricultural production and rural development. Global J Human Sci: B Geography, Geo-Sci Envir Disas Mana, 14(3): 19-26.
  • Fan S, Gulati A, Thorat S. 2008. Investment, subsidies, and pro-poor growth in rural India. Agri Eco, 39:163–170.
  • Glynn J, Nelson P, Reetu V. 2007. Unit root tests and structural breaks: A survey with applications. Revista Metod Cuantita Para La Economia Y La Empresa, 3: 63–79.
  • Gujarati D. 2011. Econometrics by example. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp: 124.
  • Gülçubuk B. 2005. Nature first, people first. URL:, (accessed date: December 20,2024).
  • Iganiga BO, Unemhilin DO. 2011. The impact of federal government agricultural expenditure on agricultural output in Nigeria. J Eco, 2(2): 81-88.
  • Kadanalı E, Kaya E. 2020. Agricultural loan and agricultural production value in Turkey. Alınteri Zirai Bilim Derg, 35(1): 93-98.
  • Kaya O, Kaya I, Gunter L. 2012. Development aid to agriculture and economic growth. Rev Develop Eco, 16(2): 230-242
  • Kılıçarslan O, Dinç O. 2007. Türkiye ekonomisinde teknoloji ve veri transferi. GAU J Soc Appl Sci, 3(5): 73-75.
  • Koç AA, Yu TE, Kıymaz T, Sharma BP. 2019. Effects of government supports and credits on Turkish agriculture: A spatial panel analysis. J Agri Dev Eme Eco, 9(4): 391-401.
  • Kopuk E, Meçik O. 2020. The impact of manufacturing industry and agricultural sectors on economic growth in Turkey: Analysis of the period 1998-2020. Mana Eco J, 27(2): 263-274.
  • Köse Z, Meral G. 2021. A review on the relationship between agricultural supports, food security and economic growth in Turkey. Studies Soci Sci Ins,1(2): 51-73.
  • Merdan K. 2023. Economic factors affecting agricultural growth in Turkey a regression analysis. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey U0niversity J Soc Eco Res, 25(45): 1125-1142.
  • Mert M, Çağlar, AE. 2019. Eviews ve Gauss uygulamali zaman serileri analizi. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 68.
  • Nelson CR, Plosser CI. 1982. Trends and random walks in macroeconomic time series. J Mon Eco, 10(1982): 139-162.
  • Okine E, Özel R. 2018. Agriculture and economic growth in Republic of Ghana. Harran Tarım Gıda Bilim Derg, 22(3): 363-375.
  • Olagunju FI, Adeyemo R. 2007. Agricultural credit and economic growth in Nigeria: An empirical analysis. J Soc Sci, 15(2): 107-114.
  • Önder F. 2023. The impact of agricultural credits on growth in Turkey: a panel data estimation. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 10(4): 1039-1050.
  • Özaydın G, Çelik Y. 2019. Tarım Sektöründe Arge ve İnovasyon. Tarım Ekon Derg, 25(1): 1-13.
  • Özen A, Ülger M, Kıdemli M. 2024. Türkiye'de insani gelişme, kentleşme, sanayinin gelişimi, tarımsal gelişme ve karbon emisyonu ilişkisi. Turk Stud - Ecofd, 19(4): 1431-1446.
  • Rahman MW. 2011. Policies and performances of agricultural/rural credit in Bangladesh: What is the influence on agricultural production. African J Agri Res, 6(31): 6440 -6452.
  • Roy BC, Pal S. 2002. Investment, agricultural productivity and rural poverty in India: A state level analysis. Indian J Agri Eco, 57(4): 653-678.
  • Sarı A. 2008. The effectiveness of automatic equalization mechanisms in ensuring the balance of payments in Turkey according to the monetarist view. CÜ J Eco Admin Sci, 9(2): 1-12.
  • Şaşmaz MÜ, Özel Ö. 2019. The impact of financial incentives provided to the agricultural sector on the development of the agricultural sector: The case of Turkey. Dumlupınar Univ J Soc Sci, (61): 50-65.
  • Subaşı O, Ören M. 2013. Agricultural R&D expenditures and agricultural growth relations in Turkey. Akdeniz Univ J Fac Agri, 26(2): 99-104.
  • Taban S, Kar M. 2016. Kalkınma ekonomisi. Ekin Yayınevi, Bursa, Türkiye, ss: 58
  • Tan S, Atak Ş, Şengül Ü, Tan SS. 2015. The evaluation of the changes in the agricultural sector with common economic indicators in Turkey during the last decade. Mediterranean J Soc Sci, 6(2): 588-595.
  • Terin M, Aksoy A, Güler İO. 2013. A study on determining the economic factors affecting agricultural growth. Iğdır Univ J Sci Inst, 3(3): 41-50.
  • Tıraş HH. 2024. The effect of agricultural fertilizer and pesticide use on agricultural GDP in leading countries in agricultural production; panel data analysis research. BMIJ 12(1): 132-147
  • Toda HY, Yamamoto T. 1995. Statistical inference in vector autoregressions with possibly integrated processes. J Eco, (66): 225-250.
  • Tuan Anh N, Gan C, Anh DLT. 2020. Does credit boost agricultural performance? Evidence from Vietnam. Inter J Soc Eco, 47(9): 1203-1221.
  • Ülger, M. 2025. E-7 ülkelerinde tarim, sanayi ve ekonomik büyüme çevresel bozulmaya neden olur mu? Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 12(1): 28-39.
  • Yalçınkaya, H. 2018. Determination of the effect of agricultural credits on the economy by using granger causality analysis. J Infor Eco Man, 13(1): 51-61.
  • Yıldız E, Oğuzhan A. 2007. Effect of monetary policies implemented in Turkey on agricultural production: model testing. Trakya Univ J Soc Sci, 9(2): 206-225.

The Effect of Investments, Mechanization and Fertilizer Use on Agricultural Growth in Türkiye's Agricultural Sector: An Econometric Analysis

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 205 - 216, 15.03.2025


This research comprehensively examines the economic factors affecting agricultural growth in Türkiye between 1998 and 2022. The agricultural sector has a strategic importance for economic growth and rural development. In the study, variables affecting agricultural growth such as fixed capital investments, use of agricultural machinery and fertilization are considered and the effects of these factors are analyzed by econometric methods. The data set used in the study is based on annual data covering the years 1998-2022. The stationarity levels of the data are analyzed by Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) unit root tests. VAR model is used to analyze the dynamic relationships of time series, Toda-Yamamoto causality test is used to determine the direction of the effects, impulse-response functions and period decomposition methods are used to evaluate the magnitude and duration of the effects. Diagnostic tests such as normality, autocorrelation and variance tests were used to test the validity of the model. The results of the research show that the impact of fixed capital investments on agricultural growth is significant and that private sector investments have become more determinant in recent years, although public investments were effective in the early years. Modern agricultural practices such as the use of agricultural machinery and nitrogen fertilizers have been found to increase productivity in the short run, but have limited effects in the long run. Despite the declining share of agriculture in GDP, the sector remains critical for economic growth, rural employment and food security.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study, as it did not involve any research on humans or animals.


  • Akmal N, Rehman B, Ali A, Shah H. 2012. The impact of agriculture credit on growth in Pakistan. Asian J Agri Rur Dev, 2(4): 579–583.
  • Akram N, Hussain Z. 2008. Agricultural credit and economic growth in Pakistan: An empirical analysis. Pakistan Eco Sci Rev, 46(2): 141-158.
  • Aktaş C. 2010. An analysis of the relationship between the real exchange rate and export and import in Turkey using the var methodology. Inter J Man Eco Busi, 6(11): 123–140.
  • Ammani AA. 2012. An investigation into the relationship between agricultural production and formal credit supply in Nigeria. Inter J Agri For, 2(1): 46-52.
  • Anker DLW. 1956. The results of the mechanization of agriculture. Ankara Uni Fac Politic Sci J, 11(1): 20-40.
  • Anthony E. 2010. Agricultural credit and economic growth in Nigeria: An empirical analysis. Busi Eco J, 10:1-7.
  • Apaydın Ş. 2018. The effects of bank loans on economic growth in Turkey. Ömer Halisdemir Univ J Fac Eco Administ Sci, 11(4): 15-28.
  • Bağcı A. 2022. Economic growth and smart agriculture: Examples from Turkey and the world. In: Kacır MF, Şeker M, Doğrul M, editors. National Technology Move.Turkish Academy of Sci, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 142.
  • Benfica R, Cungura B, Thurlow J. 2019. Linking agricultural investments to growth and poverty: an economywide approach applied to Mozambique. Agri Sys, 172: 91- 100.
  • Burbidge J, Harrison A. 1985. An historical decomposition of the great depression to determine the role of Money. J Mon Eco, 16(1): 45-54.
  • Canbay Ş, Kırca M. 2020. Türkiye’de sanayi ve tarim sektörü faaliyetleri ile iktisadi büyüme arasindaki ilişkiler: kaldor büyüme yasasinin analizi. İnsan Toplum Bilim Araş Derg, 9(1): 143-170.
  • Cömertler Şimşir N. 2012. An econometric analysis of the relationships between economic growth and agricultural credits for propoor growth in turkey. Inter J Soci Sci Hum Studi, 4(2): 355-364.
  • Çetin M, Ecevit E. 2015. The relationship between agricultural credits and agricultural production: The example of Türkiye. J Agri Eco, 21(1): 29-38.
  • Çevik Z, Zeren F. 2014. Examining the effect of agricultural credits on financial development with asymmetric causality test. J Man Eco Res, 12(24): 197-208.
  • Das A, Senapati M, John J. 2009. Impact of agricultural credit on agriculture production: an empirical analysis in India. Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers, 30(2): 75-107.
  • Demir A, Özcan B. 2019. The impact of agricultural credits on agricultural production in Turkey: A cointegration analysis. J App Eco, 22(1): 45-60.
  • Duramaz S, Taş T. 2018. The effect of agricultural loans used by public, private and foreign capital banks and agricultural capital banks on agricultural production: Panel data analysis for the Aegean Region. Inter J Mana Eco Busi, 14(1): 35-50.
  • Ekwere GE, Edem ID. 2014. Evaluation of agricultural credit facility in agricultural production and rural development. Global J Human Sci: B Geography, Geo-Sci Envir Disas Mana, 14(3): 19-26.
  • Fan S, Gulati A, Thorat S. 2008. Investment, subsidies, and pro-poor growth in rural India. Agri Eco, 39:163–170.
  • Glynn J, Nelson P, Reetu V. 2007. Unit root tests and structural breaks: A survey with applications. Revista Metod Cuantita Para La Economia Y La Empresa, 3: 63–79.
  • Gujarati D. 2011. Econometrics by example. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp: 124.
  • Gülçubuk B. 2005. Nature first, people first. URL:, (accessed date: December 20,2024).
  • Iganiga BO, Unemhilin DO. 2011. The impact of federal government agricultural expenditure on agricultural output in Nigeria. J Eco, 2(2): 81-88.
  • Kadanalı E, Kaya E. 2020. Agricultural loan and agricultural production value in Turkey. Alınteri Zirai Bilim Derg, 35(1): 93-98.
  • Kaya O, Kaya I, Gunter L. 2012. Development aid to agriculture and economic growth. Rev Develop Eco, 16(2): 230-242
  • Kılıçarslan O, Dinç O. 2007. Türkiye ekonomisinde teknoloji ve veri transferi. GAU J Soc Appl Sci, 3(5): 73-75.
  • Koç AA, Yu TE, Kıymaz T, Sharma BP. 2019. Effects of government supports and credits on Turkish agriculture: A spatial panel analysis. J Agri Dev Eme Eco, 9(4): 391-401.
  • Kopuk E, Meçik O. 2020. The impact of manufacturing industry and agricultural sectors on economic growth in Turkey: Analysis of the period 1998-2020. Mana Eco J, 27(2): 263-274.
  • Köse Z, Meral G. 2021. A review on the relationship between agricultural supports, food security and economic growth in Turkey. Studies Soci Sci Ins,1(2): 51-73.
  • Merdan K. 2023. Economic factors affecting agricultural growth in Turkey a regression analysis. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey U0niversity J Soc Eco Res, 25(45): 1125-1142.
  • Mert M, Çağlar, AE. 2019. Eviews ve Gauss uygulamali zaman serileri analizi. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 68.
  • Nelson CR, Plosser CI. 1982. Trends and random walks in macroeconomic time series. J Mon Eco, 10(1982): 139-162.
  • Okine E, Özel R. 2018. Agriculture and economic growth in Republic of Ghana. Harran Tarım Gıda Bilim Derg, 22(3): 363-375.
  • Olagunju FI, Adeyemo R. 2007. Agricultural credit and economic growth in Nigeria: An empirical analysis. J Soc Sci, 15(2): 107-114.
  • Önder F. 2023. The impact of agricultural credits on growth in Turkey: a panel data estimation. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 10(4): 1039-1050.
  • Özaydın G, Çelik Y. 2019. Tarım Sektöründe Arge ve İnovasyon. Tarım Ekon Derg, 25(1): 1-13.
  • Özen A, Ülger M, Kıdemli M. 2024. Türkiye'de insani gelişme, kentleşme, sanayinin gelişimi, tarımsal gelişme ve karbon emisyonu ilişkisi. Turk Stud - Ecofd, 19(4): 1431-1446.
  • Rahman MW. 2011. Policies and performances of agricultural/rural credit in Bangladesh: What is the influence on agricultural production. African J Agri Res, 6(31): 6440 -6452.
  • Roy BC, Pal S. 2002. Investment, agricultural productivity and rural poverty in India: A state level analysis. Indian J Agri Eco, 57(4): 653-678.
  • Sarı A. 2008. The effectiveness of automatic equalization mechanisms in ensuring the balance of payments in Turkey according to the monetarist view. CÜ J Eco Admin Sci, 9(2): 1-12.
  • Şaşmaz MÜ, Özel Ö. 2019. The impact of financial incentives provided to the agricultural sector on the development of the agricultural sector: The case of Turkey. Dumlupınar Univ J Soc Sci, (61): 50-65.
  • Subaşı O, Ören M. 2013. Agricultural R&D expenditures and agricultural growth relations in Turkey. Akdeniz Univ J Fac Agri, 26(2): 99-104.
  • Taban S, Kar M. 2016. Kalkınma ekonomisi. Ekin Yayınevi, Bursa, Türkiye, ss: 58
  • Tan S, Atak Ş, Şengül Ü, Tan SS. 2015. The evaluation of the changes in the agricultural sector with common economic indicators in Turkey during the last decade. Mediterranean J Soc Sci, 6(2): 588-595.
  • Terin M, Aksoy A, Güler İO. 2013. A study on determining the economic factors affecting agricultural growth. Iğdır Univ J Sci Inst, 3(3): 41-50.
  • Tıraş HH. 2024. The effect of agricultural fertilizer and pesticide use on agricultural GDP in leading countries in agricultural production; panel data analysis research. BMIJ 12(1): 132-147
  • Toda HY, Yamamoto T. 1995. Statistical inference in vector autoregressions with possibly integrated processes. J Eco, (66): 225-250.
  • Tuan Anh N, Gan C, Anh DLT. 2020. Does credit boost agricultural performance? Evidence from Vietnam. Inter J Soc Eco, 47(9): 1203-1221.
  • Ülger, M. 2025. E-7 ülkelerinde tarim, sanayi ve ekonomik büyüme çevresel bozulmaya neden olur mu? Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 12(1): 28-39.
  • Yalçınkaya, H. 2018. Determination of the effect of agricultural credits on the economy by using granger causality analysis. J Infor Eco Man, 13(1): 51-61.
  • Yıldız E, Oğuzhan A. 2007. Effect of monetary policies implemented in Turkey on agricultural production: model testing. Trakya Univ J Soc Sci, 9(2): 206-225.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Gülferah Ertürkmen 0000-0003-2239-0241

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 25 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertürkmen, G. (2025). The Effect of Investments, Mechanization and Fertilizer Use on Agricultural Growth in Türkiye’s Agricultural Sector: An Econometric Analysis. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(2), 205-216.
