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Effects of Seaweed Applications on Germination Rate and Speed of Carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus) Seeds under Salt Stress

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 251 - 255


In this study, the effects of commercial seaweed extract (Maxicrop®) applications on germination percentage, germination index, and germination time of carrot seeds were investigated under different salt concentrations in laboratory conditions using Petri dishes. The experiments were conducted with 16 different combinations of 4 salt doses (T1: 0 mM, T2: 50 mM, T3: 100 mM, T4: 150 mM) and 4 seaweed extract doses (D1: 0, D2: 1:250, D3: 1:500, D4: 1:1000) in three replicates. According to the results, seaweed extract applications increased germination percentage and shortened germination time. The highest germination percentage was observed in the combinations T2D4 (45.18%) and T2D1 (45.00%), while the lowest was in T4D1 (36.61%). The germination index reached its highest value in the T1D1 (20.80) combination, while the lowest was recorded in T4D1 (7.42). In terms of germination time, the shortest time was observed in T1D1 (1.50 days), and the longest in T4D1 (3.70 days). Increased salt concentration negatively affected germination performance, whereas seaweed extract partially alleviated these effects. It was determined that seaweed applications supported seed metabolism and improved germination under stress conditions through an osmotic priming effect. These findings highlight the positive effects of seaweed-based products on seed germination and support their potential use in agricultural practices.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Altun M, Arslan H. 2022. Effects of salinity on yield, yield components and water productivity of black carrot (daucus carota l.) under water stress condition. YY Univ J Agri Sci, 32 (1): 106-118.
  • Bernstein L, Ayers A. 1953. Salt tolerance of five varieties of onions. Proceed American Soc Horticult Sci, (62): 367-370.
  • Bolton AL. 2019. Evaluating salt and heat tolerance in diverse germplasm of carrot (Daucus carota L.). PhD thesis, The University of Wisconsin, Madison ProQuest Dissertations, Madison, USA, pp: 215. 
  • Bray TM. 2000. Dietary antioxidants and assessment of oxidative stress. Nutr, 16(7-8): 578-581.
  • Demirkaya M. 2010. Deniz yosunu (Ascophyllum nodosum) ekstraktı uygulamalarının biber ve soğan tohumlarının canlılığı ve gücüne etkileri. Erciyes Üniv Fen Bilim Enstit Derg, 26 (3): 217-224.
  • Ellis R, Roberts E. 1980. Towards a rational basis for testing seed quality. Butterworths, London, UK, pp: 605-635.
  • ISTA. 1996. International seed testing association. (accesed date: March 14, 2024).
  • Jones R. 1986. High salt tolerance potential in Lycopersicon species during germination. Euphytica, 35: 576–582.
  • Kahouli B, Borgi Z, Hannachi C. 2014. Study of the tolerance of ten accessions of carrot (Daucus carota L.) to salinity. J Stress Physiol Biochem, 10 (3): 18-27.
  • Kaymakanova M. 2009. Effect of salinity on germination and seed physiology in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Biotechnol Equipment, 23(sup1): 326-329.
  • Klimek-Chodacka M, Sadłowska K, Grzebelus D, Barański R. 2015. Carrot seed germination and plant growth in salt stress condition. XIV Overall Polish in vitro Culture and Plant Biotechnology Conference, 14-19 September, Poznań, Poland, pp: 111.
  • Mann L, Little T, Sims W. 1961. Growing garlic in California. Publications University Calif. Agricultural Ext. Service, New York, USA, pp: 63.
  • Möller M, Smith M. 1998. The applicability of seaweed suspensions as priming treatments of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds. Seed Sci Technol, 26: 425-438.
  • Rockström J, Falkenmark M. 2000. Semiarid crop production from a hydrological perspective: gap between potential and actual yields. Critical Rev Plant Sci, 19(4): 319-346.
  • Rubatzky V, Quiros C, Simon P. 1999. Carrots and related vegetable Umbelliferae. Wageningen publishing, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp: 142.
  • Schmidhalter U, Oertli J. 1991. Germination and seedling growth of carrots under salinity and moisture stress. Plant Soil, 132: 243-251.
  • Shannon MC, Grieve CM. 1999. Tolerance of vegetable crops to salinity. Sci Horticultur, 78: 5-38.
  • Shukla PS, Shotton K, Norman E, Neily W, Critchley AT, Prithiviraj B. 2018. Seaweed extract improve drought tolerance of soybean by regulating stress-response genes. AoB Plants, 10(1): plx051.
  • Sivritepe H. 2000. Deniz yosunu ekstrakti (Ascophyllum nodosum) ile yapilan ozmotik koşullandirma uygulamalarinin biber tohumlarinda canlilik üzerine etkileri. III, Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 21-23 Eylül, İzmir, Türkiye, ss: 11-13.
  • Uçarlı C. 2020. Effects of salinity on seed germination and early seedling stage. Abiotic Stress Plants, 211: 10.5772.
  • Wang Y, Yu L, Nan Z, Liu Y. 2004. Vigor tests used to rank seed lot quality and predict field emergence in four forage species. Crop Sci, 44(2): 535-541.
  • Yıldırım E, Güvenç İ. 2005. Deniz yosunu özü uygulamalarinin tuzlu koşullarda pirasada tohum çimlenmesi üzerine etkisi, BAHÇE, 34(2): 83-87.
  • Zaman M, Shahid SA, Heng L, Shahid SA, Zaman M, Heng L. 2018. Soil salinity: Historical perspectives and a world overview of the problem. Springer, London, UK, pp: 43-53.
  • Zhang X, Ervin EH. 2008. Impact of seaweed extract-based cytokinins and zeatin riboside on creeping bentgrass heat tolerance. Crop Sci, 48: 364-370.

Effects of Seaweed Applications on Germination Rate and Speed of Carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus) Seeds under Salt Stress

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 251 - 255


In this study, the effects of commercial seaweed extract (Maxicrop®) applications on germination percentage, germination index, and germination time of carrot seeds were investigated under different salt concentrations in laboratory conditions using Petri dishes. The experiments were conducted with 16 different combinations of 4 salt doses (T1: 0 mM, T2: 50 mM, T3: 100 mM, T4: 150 mM) and 4 seaweed extract doses (D1: 0, D2: 1:250, D3: 1:500, D4: 1:1000) in three replicates. According to the results, seaweed extract applications increased germination percentage and shortened germination time. The highest germination percentage was observed in the combinations T2D4 (45.18%) and T2D1 (45.00%), while the lowest was in T4D1 (36.61%). The germination index reached its highest value in the T1D1 (20.80) combination, while the lowest was recorded in T4D1 (7.42). In terms of germination time, the shortest time was observed in T1D1 (1.50 days), and the longest in T4D1 (3.70 days). Increased salt concentration negatively affected germination performance, whereas seaweed extract partially alleviated these effects. It was determined that seaweed applications supported seed metabolism and improved germination under stress conditions through an osmotic priming effect. These findings highlight the positive effects of seaweed-based products on seed germination and support their potential use in agricultural practices.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Altun M, Arslan H. 2022. Effects of salinity on yield, yield components and water productivity of black carrot (daucus carota l.) under water stress condition. YY Univ J Agri Sci, 32 (1): 106-118.
  • Bernstein L, Ayers A. 1953. Salt tolerance of five varieties of onions. Proceed American Soc Horticult Sci, (62): 367-370.
  • Bolton AL. 2019. Evaluating salt and heat tolerance in diverse germplasm of carrot (Daucus carota L.). PhD thesis, The University of Wisconsin, Madison ProQuest Dissertations, Madison, USA, pp: 215. 
  • Bray TM. 2000. Dietary antioxidants and assessment of oxidative stress. Nutr, 16(7-8): 578-581.
  • Demirkaya M. 2010. Deniz yosunu (Ascophyllum nodosum) ekstraktı uygulamalarının biber ve soğan tohumlarının canlılığı ve gücüne etkileri. Erciyes Üniv Fen Bilim Enstit Derg, 26 (3): 217-224.
  • Ellis R, Roberts E. 1980. Towards a rational basis for testing seed quality. Butterworths, London, UK, pp: 605-635.
  • ISTA. 1996. International seed testing association. (accesed date: March 14, 2024).
  • Jones R. 1986. High salt tolerance potential in Lycopersicon species during germination. Euphytica, 35: 576–582.
  • Kahouli B, Borgi Z, Hannachi C. 2014. Study of the tolerance of ten accessions of carrot (Daucus carota L.) to salinity. J Stress Physiol Biochem, 10 (3): 18-27.
  • Kaymakanova M. 2009. Effect of salinity on germination and seed physiology in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Biotechnol Equipment, 23(sup1): 326-329.
  • Klimek-Chodacka M, Sadłowska K, Grzebelus D, Barański R. 2015. Carrot seed germination and plant growth in salt stress condition. XIV Overall Polish in vitro Culture and Plant Biotechnology Conference, 14-19 September, Poznań, Poland, pp: 111.
  • Mann L, Little T, Sims W. 1961. Growing garlic in California. Publications University Calif. Agricultural Ext. Service, New York, USA, pp: 63.
  • Möller M, Smith M. 1998. The applicability of seaweed suspensions as priming treatments of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds. Seed Sci Technol, 26: 425-438.
  • Rockström J, Falkenmark M. 2000. Semiarid crop production from a hydrological perspective: gap between potential and actual yields. Critical Rev Plant Sci, 19(4): 319-346.
  • Rubatzky V, Quiros C, Simon P. 1999. Carrots and related vegetable Umbelliferae. Wageningen publishing, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp: 142.
  • Schmidhalter U, Oertli J. 1991. Germination and seedling growth of carrots under salinity and moisture stress. Plant Soil, 132: 243-251.
  • Shannon MC, Grieve CM. 1999. Tolerance of vegetable crops to salinity. Sci Horticultur, 78: 5-38.
  • Shukla PS, Shotton K, Norman E, Neily W, Critchley AT, Prithiviraj B. 2018. Seaweed extract improve drought tolerance of soybean by regulating stress-response genes. AoB Plants, 10(1): plx051.
  • Sivritepe H. 2000. Deniz yosunu ekstrakti (Ascophyllum nodosum) ile yapilan ozmotik koşullandirma uygulamalarinin biber tohumlarinda canlilik üzerine etkileri. III, Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 21-23 Eylül, İzmir, Türkiye, ss: 11-13.
  • Uçarlı C. 2020. Effects of salinity on seed germination and early seedling stage. Abiotic Stress Plants, 211: 10.5772.
  • Wang Y, Yu L, Nan Z, Liu Y. 2004. Vigor tests used to rank seed lot quality and predict field emergence in four forage species. Crop Sci, 44(2): 535-541.
  • Yıldırım E, Güvenç İ. 2005. Deniz yosunu özü uygulamalarinin tuzlu koşullarda pirasada tohum çimlenmesi üzerine etkisi, BAHÇE, 34(2): 83-87.
  • Zaman M, Shahid SA, Heng L, Shahid SA, Zaman M, Heng L. 2018. Soil salinity: Historical perspectives and a world overview of the problem. Springer, London, UK, pp: 43-53.
  • Zhang X, Ervin EH. 2008. Impact of seaweed extract-based cytokinins and zeatin riboside on creeping bentgrass heat tolerance. Crop Sci, 48: 364-370.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Necibe Kayak 0000-0001-7104-8544

Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 3 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayak, N. (t.y.). Effects of Seaweed Applications on Germination Rate and Speed of Carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus) Seeds under Salt Stress. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(2), 251-255.
