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Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri

Yıl 2022, , 98 - 108, 01.07.2022


Bu makalede, Heliotropium suaveolens ve Heliotropium myosotoides’in farklı organlarından elde edilen ekstraktların antioksidan, antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri ve DNA hasarı üzerine etkileri değerlendirildi. H. suaveolens’in vejetatif ve generatif gelişme periyotlarındaki farklı organlarına, H. myosotoides’in generatif ve vejetatif gelişme periyodundaki topraküstü ve toprakaltı organlarına hekzan, etanol ve etil asetat uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra bitki ekstrakları DMSO içerisinde çözülerek antioksidan, antimikrobiyal ve plazmit DNA çalışmalarında kullanılmıştır. H. suaveolens’in vejetatif gelişme periyodunda yaprak, generatif gelişme periyodunda ise yaprak ve çiçek etanol ekstraktlarında yüksek antioksidan aktivite görülmüştür. Ancak H. suaveolens’in vejetatif gelişme periyodunda gövde, generatif gelişme periyodunda kök ve gövde etanol ekstraklarının zayıf antioksidan aktivite gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. H. suaveolens’in hekzan ekstraktlarında ise antioksidan aktivite vejetatif ve generatif gelişme periyotlarındaki bütün organlarında bulunmuştur. H. myosotoides'in generatif büyüme periyodundaki topraküstü ve toprakaltı organlarının etanol ve hekzan ekstraktlarının zayıf antioksidan aktiviteye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak bu iki türün etanol, hekzan ve etil asetat ekstraktlarının antimikrobiyal aktivite ve DNA hasarı göstermediği belirlenmiştir. H. suaveolens’in antioksidan aktivite gösteren organlarının parfümeri ve kozmetik sanayisinde değişik preparatların hazırlanmasında ve içerdiği glikozitlerden dolayı bal üreticileri tarafından kullanılabileceği önerilmiştir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Amasya Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası

FMB-BAP 19-0390


Amasya Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi


  • Abd-ElGawad AM, Elshamy AI, Al-Rowaily SL, El-Amier YS. 2019. Habitat affects the chemical profile, allelopathy, and antioxidant properties of essential oils and phenolic enriched extracts of the invasive plant Heliotropium curassavicum. Plants, 8: 482-494.
  • Ahmad S, Ahmad S, Bibi I, AbdEl-Salam N M, Hussain H, Ishaq M S, Adnan M, Tariq A, Ullah R. 2015. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the extract and fractions of aerial parts of Heliotropium bacciferum. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med, 12: 32-35.
  • Alhassan MS, Koko WS, Khalid HS. 2018. Evaluation of antimicrobial, antioxidant and phytochemical screening of some Sudanese medicinal plants. Int J Multidiscip Res Dev, 5: 35-39.
  • Al-Shekhany YNM, Al-Khesraji TO. 2015. Alkaloid and glycoside contents and antioxidant activity of two Heliotropium species (Boraginaceae) from Kurdistan Region-Northern Iraq. J Garmian Uni, 963-979.
  • Arslan I, Çelik A. 2013. Saponin Rich Fractions (SRPs) from Soapwort Show Antioxidant and Hemolytic Activity. APCBEE Procedia, 7: 103-108
  • Ayar E, Kandemir N, Kandemir Ş, Çelikoğlu U, İdil Ö. 2020. Investigation of Some Biological Activities of Extracts Centranthus longiflorus subsp. longiflorus. Int J Second Metab, 7: 253-265.
  • Bauer AW, Kirby WM, Sherris JC, Turck M. 1966. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am J Clin Pathol, 45: 493-496.
  • Candela RG, Roselli S, Bruno M, Fontana G. 2021. A review of the phytochemistry, traditional uses and biological activities of the essential oils of genus Teucrium. Planta Med, 87: 432-479.
  • Cheesman L, Nair JJ, Van-Staden J. 2012. Antibacterial activity of crinane alkoloids from Boophone disticha (Amaryllidaceae). J Ethnopharmacol, 140: 405-408.
  • Darcan C, Kaygusuz Ö, Leblebici S, Gülümser E, Acar Z. 2021. Antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Bituminaria sp. genotypes at different growth stages. Indian J Exp Biol, 59: 302-309.
  • Davis PH. 1978. Flora of Turkey and the east Aegean Island. In: Rield H, editor. Heliotropium L. Edinburg Üniversity, Edinburg, 6th ed., pp. 248-255.
  • Elegami AA, Almagboul AZ, Omer MEA, El Tohami MS. 2001. Sudanese plants used in folkloric medicine: Screening for antibacterial activity. Part X. Fitoterapia, 72: 810-817.
  • Gaffari MA, Bano S, Hayat K. 2013. Antimicrobial and phytotoxic effects of the plant Heliotropium dasycarpum L. Int. J Pharma Bio Sci, 4: 339-345.
  • Galvez M A. 2015. Evaluation of DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Selected Folkloric Medicinal Plants in Tinoc, Ifugao, Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines. Int J Sci Res Publ, 5: 440-445.
  • Ghori MK, Ghaffari MA, Hussain SN, Manzoor M, Aziz M, Sarwer W. 2016. Ethnopharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmacognotic Potential of genus Heliotropium L. Türk J Pharm Sci, 13: 259-280.
  • Goyal N, Sharma S Kr. 2014. Bioactive phytoconstituents and plant extracts from genus Heliotropium. Int J Green Pharm, 16: 217-225.
  • Graser G, Witte L, Robins DJ, Hartmann T. 1988. Incorporation of chinally deterated putrescines into pyrrolizidine alkoloids: A reinvestigation. Phytochemistry. 47: 1017.
  • Güner N. 1986. Alkoloids from Heliotropium suaveolens. J Nat Prod, 49: 369.
  • Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç M T. 2012. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). In: Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç M T, editors. Heliotropium L. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği, İstanbul, pp. 227-228.
  • Hasdemir U. 2007. Çoklu ilaç direncinde bakteri hücre duvarı organizasyonu ve aktif pompa sistemlerinin rolü. Mikrobiyol Bül, 41: 309-327.
  • Herken EN, Çelik A, Aslan M, Aydınlık N. 2012. The constituents of essential oil: antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Micromeria congesta Boiss. & Hausshn. Ex Boiss. from East Anatolia. J Med Food, 5: 835-839.
  • Kandemir N, Çelik A, Shah SN, Razzaq A. 2020. Comparative micro-anatomical investigation of genus Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) found in Turkey. Flora, 262, 151495.
  • Karakaya S, Koca M, Kılıç CS. 2019. Antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of Heliotropium dolosum, H. lasiocarpum and H. hirsutissimum growing in Turkey. Erzincan Üniv Fen Bilim Enst Derg, 12: 1381-1391.
  • Karau D, Nadembega W M C, Ouattara L, Ouattara L, IIboudo DP, Canini A, Nikiema J B, Simpore J, Colizzi V, Traore AS. 2007. African ethnopharmacology and new drug discovery. Med Aromat Plant Sci Biotechnol, 1: 560-569.
  • Khurm M, Chaudhry BA, Uzair M, Janbaz KH. 2016. Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic, Phytotoxic and Antioxidant Potential of Heliotropium strigosum Willd. Medicines, 3: 20-30.
  • Mavi A, Terzi Z, Özgen U, Yıldırım A, Coşkun M. 2004. Antioxidant properties of some medicinal plants: Prangos ferulacea (Apiaceae), Sedum sempervivoides (Crassulaceae), Malva neglecta (Malvaceae), Cruciata taurica (Rubiaceae), Rosa pimpinellifolia (Rosaceae), Galium verum subsp. verum (Rubiaceae), Urtica dioica (Urticaceae). Biol Pharm Bull, 27: 702-705.
  • Najeeb TM, Musa AE, Khider TO. 2020. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk leaves and stem. Adv Biol Res, 14: 1-7.
  • Navarre WW, Schneewind O. 1999. Surface proteins of Gram-positive bacteria and mechanisms of their targeting to the cell Wall envelope. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 63: 174-179.
  • Puupponen PR, Nohynek L, Meier C, Kahkönen M, Heinonen M, Hopia A, Oksman-Caldentey KM. 2001. Antimicrobial properties of phenolic compounds from berries. J Appl Microbio, 90: 494-507.
  • Radwan DE, El-Shabasy AE. 2020. Comparative Analysis of Five Heliotropium species in Phenotypic Correlations, Biochemical Constituents and Antioxidant Properties. Catrina, 21: 1- 8.
  • Roy A. 2015. Pharmacological activities of Indian Heliotrope (Heliotropium indicum L.): A review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem. 4: 101-104.
  • Sağlam G, Kandemir N. 2020. Comparison of Biological and Antioxidant Activities of Above and Below-Ground Extracts of Endemic Heliotropium samolifolium subsp. erzurumicum. KSU J Agric Nat, 23: 1054-1063.
  • Santhosha D, Ramesh A, Hemalatha E, Nagulu M. 2015. Phytochemical screening and anti-oxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Heliotropium indicum. Int Res J Pharm, 6: 567-572.
  • Santos LDT, Thadeo M, Iarema L, Meira RMSA, Ferreira FA. 2008. Foliar anatomy and histochemistry in seven species of Eucalyptus. Rev Árvore, 32: 769-779.
  • Shazly A El, Wink M. 2014. Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkoloids in the Boraginaceae structures, distribution and biological properties. Divers, 6: 188-282.
  • Shoge MO, Ndukwe GI, Amupitan J. 2011. Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies on the aerial parts of Heliotropium indicum Linn Ann Biol Res, 2: 129-136.
  • Singh B, Sahu PM, Singh S. 2002. Antimicrobial activity of pyrrolizidine alkoloids from Heliotropium subulatum. Fitoterapia, 73: 153-155.
  • Urzúa A, Echeverría J, Rezende MC, Wilkens M. 2008. Antibacterial Properties of 3 H-Spiro [1-benzofuran-2, 1′-cyclohexane] Derivatives from Heliotropium filifolium. Molecules, 13: 2385-2393.
  • Yesmin B. 2014. Antibacterial, antioksidant and cytotoxic activities of Heliotropium indicum. Experiment, 23: 1564-1569.

Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Extracts Obtained from Different Organs of Heliotropium Myosotoides and Heliotropium Suaveolens (Boraginaceae)

Yıl 2022, , 98 - 108, 01.07.2022


In this article, antioxidant, antimicrobial activities and effects on DNA damage of extracts obtained from different organs of Heliotropium suaveolens and Heliotropium myosotoides were evaluated. Hexane, ethanol and ethyl acetate were applied to the different organs in vegetative and generative growth periods of H. suaveolens, to the above-below-grounds organs in the vegetative and generative growth periods of H. myosotoides. Later, plant extracts were dissolved in DMSO and used in antioxidant, antimicrobial and plasmid DNA studies. Strong antioxidant activity was seen in the ethanol extracts of the leaves in the vegetative growth period and in the leaf and flowers in the generative growth period of H. suaveolens. In hexane extracts of H. suaveolens, antioxidant activity was found in all organs in the vegetative and generative growth periods. However, it was determined that the stem in the vegetative growth period and the root and stem ethanol extracts in the generative growth period of H. suaveolens showed weak antioxidant activity. The ethanol and hexane extracts of the above-below ground organs in the generative growth period of H. myosotoides were seen to have to weak antioxidant activity. However, it was determined that ethanol, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of these two species did not show antimicrobial activity and DNA damage. It has been suggested that the organs displaying antioxidant activity of H. suaveolens can be used in the preparation of various preparations in the perfumery and cosmetics industry and by honey producers due to the glycosides it contains.

Proje Numarası

FMB-BAP 19-0390


  • Abd-ElGawad AM, Elshamy AI, Al-Rowaily SL, El-Amier YS. 2019. Habitat affects the chemical profile, allelopathy, and antioxidant properties of essential oils and phenolic enriched extracts of the invasive plant Heliotropium curassavicum. Plants, 8: 482-494.
  • Ahmad S, Ahmad S, Bibi I, AbdEl-Salam N M, Hussain H, Ishaq M S, Adnan M, Tariq A, Ullah R. 2015. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the extract and fractions of aerial parts of Heliotropium bacciferum. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med, 12: 32-35.
  • Alhassan MS, Koko WS, Khalid HS. 2018. Evaluation of antimicrobial, antioxidant and phytochemical screening of some Sudanese medicinal plants. Int J Multidiscip Res Dev, 5: 35-39.
  • Al-Shekhany YNM, Al-Khesraji TO. 2015. Alkaloid and glycoside contents and antioxidant activity of two Heliotropium species (Boraginaceae) from Kurdistan Region-Northern Iraq. J Garmian Uni, 963-979.
  • Arslan I, Çelik A. 2013. Saponin Rich Fractions (SRPs) from Soapwort Show Antioxidant and Hemolytic Activity. APCBEE Procedia, 7: 103-108
  • Ayar E, Kandemir N, Kandemir Ş, Çelikoğlu U, İdil Ö. 2020. Investigation of Some Biological Activities of Extracts Centranthus longiflorus subsp. longiflorus. Int J Second Metab, 7: 253-265.
  • Bauer AW, Kirby WM, Sherris JC, Turck M. 1966. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am J Clin Pathol, 45: 493-496.
  • Candela RG, Roselli S, Bruno M, Fontana G. 2021. A review of the phytochemistry, traditional uses and biological activities of the essential oils of genus Teucrium. Planta Med, 87: 432-479.
  • Cheesman L, Nair JJ, Van-Staden J. 2012. Antibacterial activity of crinane alkoloids from Boophone disticha (Amaryllidaceae). J Ethnopharmacol, 140: 405-408.
  • Darcan C, Kaygusuz Ö, Leblebici S, Gülümser E, Acar Z. 2021. Antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Bituminaria sp. genotypes at different growth stages. Indian J Exp Biol, 59: 302-309.
  • Davis PH. 1978. Flora of Turkey and the east Aegean Island. In: Rield H, editor. Heliotropium L. Edinburg Üniversity, Edinburg, 6th ed., pp. 248-255.
  • Elegami AA, Almagboul AZ, Omer MEA, El Tohami MS. 2001. Sudanese plants used in folkloric medicine: Screening for antibacterial activity. Part X. Fitoterapia, 72: 810-817.
  • Gaffari MA, Bano S, Hayat K. 2013. Antimicrobial and phytotoxic effects of the plant Heliotropium dasycarpum L. Int. J Pharma Bio Sci, 4: 339-345.
  • Galvez M A. 2015. Evaluation of DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Selected Folkloric Medicinal Plants in Tinoc, Ifugao, Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines. Int J Sci Res Publ, 5: 440-445.
  • Ghori MK, Ghaffari MA, Hussain SN, Manzoor M, Aziz M, Sarwer W. 2016. Ethnopharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmacognotic Potential of genus Heliotropium L. Türk J Pharm Sci, 13: 259-280.
  • Goyal N, Sharma S Kr. 2014. Bioactive phytoconstituents and plant extracts from genus Heliotropium. Int J Green Pharm, 16: 217-225.
  • Graser G, Witte L, Robins DJ, Hartmann T. 1988. Incorporation of chinally deterated putrescines into pyrrolizidine alkoloids: A reinvestigation. Phytochemistry. 47: 1017.
  • Güner N. 1986. Alkoloids from Heliotropium suaveolens. J Nat Prod, 49: 369.
  • Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç M T. 2012. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). In: Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç M T, editors. Heliotropium L. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği, İstanbul, pp. 227-228.
  • Hasdemir U. 2007. Çoklu ilaç direncinde bakteri hücre duvarı organizasyonu ve aktif pompa sistemlerinin rolü. Mikrobiyol Bül, 41: 309-327.
  • Herken EN, Çelik A, Aslan M, Aydınlık N. 2012. The constituents of essential oil: antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Micromeria congesta Boiss. & Hausshn. Ex Boiss. from East Anatolia. J Med Food, 5: 835-839.
  • Kandemir N, Çelik A, Shah SN, Razzaq A. 2020. Comparative micro-anatomical investigation of genus Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) found in Turkey. Flora, 262, 151495.
  • Karakaya S, Koca M, Kılıç CS. 2019. Antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of Heliotropium dolosum, H. lasiocarpum and H. hirsutissimum growing in Turkey. Erzincan Üniv Fen Bilim Enst Derg, 12: 1381-1391.
  • Karau D, Nadembega W M C, Ouattara L, Ouattara L, IIboudo DP, Canini A, Nikiema J B, Simpore J, Colizzi V, Traore AS. 2007. African ethnopharmacology and new drug discovery. Med Aromat Plant Sci Biotechnol, 1: 560-569.
  • Khurm M, Chaudhry BA, Uzair M, Janbaz KH. 2016. Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic, Phytotoxic and Antioxidant Potential of Heliotropium strigosum Willd. Medicines, 3: 20-30.
  • Mavi A, Terzi Z, Özgen U, Yıldırım A, Coşkun M. 2004. Antioxidant properties of some medicinal plants: Prangos ferulacea (Apiaceae), Sedum sempervivoides (Crassulaceae), Malva neglecta (Malvaceae), Cruciata taurica (Rubiaceae), Rosa pimpinellifolia (Rosaceae), Galium verum subsp. verum (Rubiaceae), Urtica dioica (Urticaceae). Biol Pharm Bull, 27: 702-705.
  • Najeeb TM, Musa AE, Khider TO. 2020. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk leaves and stem. Adv Biol Res, 14: 1-7.
  • Navarre WW, Schneewind O. 1999. Surface proteins of Gram-positive bacteria and mechanisms of their targeting to the cell Wall envelope. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 63: 174-179.
  • Puupponen PR, Nohynek L, Meier C, Kahkönen M, Heinonen M, Hopia A, Oksman-Caldentey KM. 2001. Antimicrobial properties of phenolic compounds from berries. J Appl Microbio, 90: 494-507.
  • Radwan DE, El-Shabasy AE. 2020. Comparative Analysis of Five Heliotropium species in Phenotypic Correlations, Biochemical Constituents and Antioxidant Properties. Catrina, 21: 1- 8.
  • Roy A. 2015. Pharmacological activities of Indian Heliotrope (Heliotropium indicum L.): A review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem. 4: 101-104.
  • Sağlam G, Kandemir N. 2020. Comparison of Biological and Antioxidant Activities of Above and Below-Ground Extracts of Endemic Heliotropium samolifolium subsp. erzurumicum. KSU J Agric Nat, 23: 1054-1063.
  • Santhosha D, Ramesh A, Hemalatha E, Nagulu M. 2015. Phytochemical screening and anti-oxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Heliotropium indicum. Int Res J Pharm, 6: 567-572.
  • Santos LDT, Thadeo M, Iarema L, Meira RMSA, Ferreira FA. 2008. Foliar anatomy and histochemistry in seven species of Eucalyptus. Rev Árvore, 32: 769-779.
  • Shazly A El, Wink M. 2014. Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkoloids in the Boraginaceae structures, distribution and biological properties. Divers, 6: 188-282.
  • Shoge MO, Ndukwe GI, Amupitan J. 2011. Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies on the aerial parts of Heliotropium indicum Linn Ann Biol Res, 2: 129-136.
  • Singh B, Sahu PM, Singh S. 2002. Antimicrobial activity of pyrrolizidine alkoloids from Heliotropium subulatum. Fitoterapia, 73: 153-155.
  • Urzúa A, Echeverría J, Rezende MC, Wilkens M. 2008. Antibacterial Properties of 3 H-Spiro [1-benzofuran-2, 1′-cyclohexane] Derivatives from Heliotropium filifolium. Molecules, 13: 2385-2393.
  • Yesmin B. 2014. Antibacterial, antioksidant and cytotoxic activities of Heliotropium indicum. Experiment, 23: 1564-1569.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Research Articles

Nezahat Kandemir 0000-0002-5428-4139

Şevket Kandemir 0000-0001-6781-0057

Emine Çelikoğlu 0000-0002-5956-0008

Umut Çelikoğlu 0000-0003-0995-8154

Önder İdil 0000-0003-1744-4006

Proje Numarası FMB-BAP 19-0390
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 29 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Kandemir, N., Kandemir, Ş., Çelikoğlu, E., Çelikoğlu, U., vd. (2022). Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 5(3), 98-108.
AMA Kandemir N, Kandemir Ş, Çelikoğlu E, Çelikoğlu U, İdil Ö. Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri. BSJ Eng. Sci. Temmuz 2022;5(3):98-108. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1084135
Chicago Kandemir, Nezahat, Şevket Kandemir, Emine Çelikoğlu, Umut Çelikoğlu, ve Önder İdil. “Heliotropium Myosotoides Ve Heliotropium Suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan Ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 5, sy. 3 (Temmuz 2022): 98-108.
EndNote Kandemir N, Kandemir Ş, Çelikoğlu E, Çelikoğlu U, İdil Ö (01 Temmuz 2022) Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 5 3 98–108.
IEEE N. Kandemir, Ş. Kandemir, E. Çelikoğlu, U. Çelikoğlu, ve Ö. İdil, “Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri”, BSJ Eng. Sci., c. 5, sy. 3, ss. 98–108, 2022, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1084135.
ISNAD Kandemir, Nezahat vd. “Heliotropium Myosotoides Ve Heliotropium Suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan Ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 5/3 (Temmuz 2022), 98-108.
JAMA Kandemir N, Kandemir Ş, Çelikoğlu E, Çelikoğlu U, İdil Ö. Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2022;5:98–108.
MLA Kandemir, Nezahat vd. “Heliotropium Myosotoides Ve Heliotropium Suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan Ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, c. 5, sy. 3, 2022, ss. 98-108, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1084135.
Vancouver Kandemir N, Kandemir Ş, Çelikoğlu E, Çelikoğlu U, İdil Ö. Heliotropium myosotoides ve Heliotropium suaveolens (Boraginaceae)’in Farklı Organlarından Elde Edilen Ekstrakların Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2022;5(3):98-108.
