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Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts

Yıl 2024, , 109 - 120, 15.01.2024


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of replacing waste aluminum sawdust (AS) with fine aggregate on the strength and durability properties of concrete. For this, concrete mixtures with a cement dosage of 400 kg/m3, water/cement (W/C) ratio of 0.40-0.50-0.60 were prepared. Aluminum sawdust obtained from Elazığ industrial site was added to the concrete mixtures by replacing 0%, 0.5% and 1% fine aggregate by volume. After curing in the curing pool for 28 days, the produced concrete samples were placed in the carbonation tank and exposed to the accelerated carbonation test in three different time periods as the 1st, 3rd and 7th days. Tests of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, ultrasound transmission velocity, porosity and carbonation depth were performed on concrete samples before and after carbonation. The samples that were exposed to carbonation were compared with the samples that did not undergo carbonation. In addition, the microstructure of AS concrete was investigated using scanning electron microscopic images (SEM). In the microscopic images, larger cracks, openings and interfacial voids were observed in the concrete matrix with the addition of AS. However, due to the formation of ettringite in these gaps and cracks after carbonation, the cavities became smaller. As a result of the experiments, it was observed that the optimum W/C ratio was 40% and the AS amount was 0.5% in the use of AS in concrete. In addition, it was found that the carbonation effect improves the compressive and splitting tensile strength and increases the ultrasound transmission rate. Finally, life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to evaluate the environmental impacts of the prepared concrete samples. Considering the large amount of natural aggregate consumption, it is thought that the use of waste materials in concrete will provide environmental and economic benefits.


  • Alwaeli M, Nadziakiewicz J. 2012. Recycling of scale and steel chips waste as a partial replacement of sand in concrete. Construct Build Mater, 28(1): 157-163.
  • Babu VS, Mullick AK, Jain KK, Singh PK. 2015. Strength and durability characteristics of high-strength concrete with recycled aggregate-influence of processing. J Sustain Cement-Based Mater, 4(1): 54-71.
  • Balapour M, Joshaghani A, Althoey F. 2018. Nano-SiO2 contribution to mechanical, durability, fresh and microstructural characteristics of concrete: A review. Construct Build Mater, 181: 27-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.266.
  • Binici H, Temiz H, Sevinç AH, Mustafa E, Mehmet K, Şayir Z. 2013. Investigation of high temperature effect of concretes containing aluminum sawdust, pumice and aerated concrete powder. Construct Technol E-J, 9(1): 1-15.
  • Brandt AM. 2005. Cement-based composites: materials, mechanical properties and performance. CRC Press, New York, US, pp: 544.
  • Cauberg N, Remy O, Pi√©rard, J. 2010. Evaluation of durability and cracking tendency of ultra high performance concrete. Taylor Francis, Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2010: 695-700.
  • Cheng Y, You W, Zhang C, Li H, Hu J. 2013. The implementation of waste sawdust in concrete. Engineering, 5(12): 943.
  • Demir T, Ulucan M, Alyamac KE. 2022. Determination of the early age strength of high-strength concrete using RSM method. Fırat Univ J Eng Sci, 34(1): 105-114. https://doi.org/10.35234/fumbd.972829.
  • Öztürk M. 2020. The effect of waste aluminum sawdust reinforcement on the carbonation of concrete. MSc thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Fırat University, Elazığ, Türkiye, pp: 73.
  • Dong Y. 2018. Performance assessment and design of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) structures incorporating life-cycle cost and environmental impacts. Construct Build Mater, 167:414-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.02.037.
  • Erdogan T. 2003. Concrete. METU Press, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 259.
  • Flores Medina N, Barluenga G, Hernández-Olivares F. 2015. Combined effect of Polypropylene fibers and Silica Fume to improve the durability of concrete with natural Pozzolans blended cement. Construct Build Mater, 96: 556-566. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.08.050.
  • Geçkinli E. 2002. Heat treatment of aluminum alloys. 2nd Heat Treatment Symposium, 2 - 3 June, İstanbul, Turkey, pp: 7-8,
  • Golewski GL. 2021. Green concrete based on quaternary binders with significant reduced of CO2 emissions. Energies, 14(15): 4558.
  • Gönen T, Yazıcıoğlu S. 2005. Accelerated carbonation experiment and apparatus in concrete. Polytechnic J, 8(2): 233-237.
  • Gupta T, Chaudhary S, Sharma RK. 2016. Mechanical and durability properties of waste rubber fiber concrete with and without silica fume. J Cleaner Prod, 112: 702-711.
  • Jain S, Singhal S, Pandey S. 2020. Environmental life cycle assessment of construction and demolition waste recycling: A case of urban India. Resour Conservat Recycl, 155: 104642.
  • Martínez-Lage I, Vázquez-Burgo P, Velay-Lizancos M. 2020. Sustainability evaluation of concretes with mixed recycled aggregate based on holistic approach: Technical, economic and environmental analysis. Waste Manag, 104: 9-19.
  • Miličević I, Štirmer N, Bjegović D. 2011. Optimizing the concrete mixture made with recycled aggregate using experiment design. Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, August 23-25, Florence, Italy, pp: 110-115.
  • Osei DY, Jackson EN. 2016. Compressive strength of concrete using sawdust as aggregate. Int J Sci Eng Res, 7(4): 1349-1353.
  • Ramachandran VS, Beaudoin JJ. 2001. Handbook of analytical techniques in concrete. William Andrew Inc., London, UK, pp: 964.
  • Safiuddin M, Hearn N. 2005. Comparison of ASTM saturation techniques for measuring the permeable porosity of concrete. Cement Concrete Res, 35(5): 1008-1013.
  • Saint-Pierre F, Philibert A, Giroux B, Rivard P. 2016. Concrete quality designation based on ultrasonic pulse velocity. Construct Build Mater, 125: 1022-1027.
  • Siddique R, Singh M, Mehta S, Belarbi R. 2020. Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial replacement of natural sand. J Cleaner Prod, 261: 121226.
  • Tafraoui A, Escadeillas G, Vidal T. 2016. Durability of the Ultra High Performances Concrete containing metakaolin. Construct Build Mater, 112: 980-987. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.169.
  • TS EN 12390-3. 2019. Concrete-Hardened Concrete Tests-Part 3: Determination of Compressive Strength of Test Samples. Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • TS EN 12390-6. 2010. Testing Hardened Concrete Part 6: Splitting Tensile Strength of Test Specimens. Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • TS EN 12504-4. 2004. Testing concrete-Part 4: Determination of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity. Ankara, Türkiye,
  • TS EN 197-1. 2012. Cement - Part 1: General Cements, Composition, P. and C. C. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • TS EN 772-4. 2000. Methods of test for masonry units-Part 4: Determination of real and bulk density. Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Wang J, Wang Y, Sun Y, Tingley DD, Zhang Y. 2017. Life cycle sustainability assessment of fly ash concrete structures. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 80: 1162-1174.
  • Zhang S, Zhang N, Zhang Y, Ding C, Zhang Y. 2023. Modification of granite sawdust with aluminum ester coupling agent and its novel application in high-density polyethylene composite plate. J Build Eng, 76: 107364.
  • Zhong R, Wille K, Viegas R. 2018. Material efficiency in the design of UHPC paste from a life cycle point of view. Construct Build Mater, 160: 505-513. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.11.049.

Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts

Yıl 2024, , 109 - 120, 15.01.2024


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of replacing waste aluminum sawdust (AS) with fine aggregate on the strength and durability properties of concrete. For this, concrete mixtures with a cement dosage of 400 kg/m3, water/cement (W/C) ratio of 0.40-0.50-0.60 were prepared. Aluminum sawdust obtained from Elazığ industrial site was added to the concrete mixtures by replacing 0%, 0.5% and 1% fine aggregate by volume. After curing in the curing pool for 28 days, the produced concrete samples were placed in the carbonation tank and exposed to the accelerated carbonation test in three different time periods as the 1st, 3rd and 7th days. Tests of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, ultrasound transmission velocity, porosity and carbonation depth were performed on concrete samples before and after carbonation. The samples that were exposed to carbonation were compared with the samples that did not undergo carbonation. In addition, the microstructure of AS concrete was investigated using scanning electron microscopic images (SEM). In the microscopic images, larger cracks, openings and interfacial voids were observed in the concrete matrix with the addition of AS. However, due to the formation of ettringite in these gaps and cracks after carbonation, the cavities became smaller. As a result of the experiments, it was observed that the optimum W/C ratio was 40% and the AS amount was 0.5% in the use of AS in concrete. In addition, it was found that the carbonation effect improves the compressive and splitting tensile strength and increases the ultrasound transmission rate. Finally, life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to evaluate the environmental impacts of the prepared concrete samples. Considering the large amount of natural aggregate consumption, it is thought that the use of waste materials in concrete will provide environmental and economic benefits.


  • Alwaeli M, Nadziakiewicz J. 2012. Recycling of scale and steel chips waste as a partial replacement of sand in concrete. Construct Build Mater, 28(1): 157-163.
  • Babu VS, Mullick AK, Jain KK, Singh PK. 2015. Strength and durability characteristics of high-strength concrete with recycled aggregate-influence of processing. J Sustain Cement-Based Mater, 4(1): 54-71.
  • Balapour M, Joshaghani A, Althoey F. 2018. Nano-SiO2 contribution to mechanical, durability, fresh and microstructural characteristics of concrete: A review. Construct Build Mater, 181: 27-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.266.
  • Binici H, Temiz H, Sevinç AH, Mustafa E, Mehmet K, Şayir Z. 2013. Investigation of high temperature effect of concretes containing aluminum sawdust, pumice and aerated concrete powder. Construct Technol E-J, 9(1): 1-15.
  • Brandt AM. 2005. Cement-based composites: materials, mechanical properties and performance. CRC Press, New York, US, pp: 544.
  • Cauberg N, Remy O, Pi√©rard, J. 2010. Evaluation of durability and cracking tendency of ultra high performance concrete. Taylor Francis, Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2010: 695-700.
  • Cheng Y, You W, Zhang C, Li H, Hu J. 2013. The implementation of waste sawdust in concrete. Engineering, 5(12): 943.
  • Demir T, Ulucan M, Alyamac KE. 2022. Determination of the early age strength of high-strength concrete using RSM method. Fırat Univ J Eng Sci, 34(1): 105-114. https://doi.org/10.35234/fumbd.972829.
  • Öztürk M. 2020. The effect of waste aluminum sawdust reinforcement on the carbonation of concrete. MSc thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Fırat University, Elazığ, Türkiye, pp: 73.
  • Dong Y. 2018. Performance assessment and design of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) structures incorporating life-cycle cost and environmental impacts. Construct Build Mater, 167:414-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.02.037.
  • Erdogan T. 2003. Concrete. METU Press, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 259.
  • Flores Medina N, Barluenga G, Hernández-Olivares F. 2015. Combined effect of Polypropylene fibers and Silica Fume to improve the durability of concrete with natural Pozzolans blended cement. Construct Build Mater, 96: 556-566. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.08.050.
  • Geçkinli E. 2002. Heat treatment of aluminum alloys. 2nd Heat Treatment Symposium, 2 - 3 June, İstanbul, Turkey, pp: 7-8,
  • Golewski GL. 2021. Green concrete based on quaternary binders with significant reduced of CO2 emissions. Energies, 14(15): 4558.
  • Gönen T, Yazıcıoğlu S. 2005. Accelerated carbonation experiment and apparatus in concrete. Polytechnic J, 8(2): 233-237.
  • Gupta T, Chaudhary S, Sharma RK. 2016. Mechanical and durability properties of waste rubber fiber concrete with and without silica fume. J Cleaner Prod, 112: 702-711.
  • Jain S, Singhal S, Pandey S. 2020. Environmental life cycle assessment of construction and demolition waste recycling: A case of urban India. Resour Conservat Recycl, 155: 104642.
  • Martínez-Lage I, Vázquez-Burgo P, Velay-Lizancos M. 2020. Sustainability evaluation of concretes with mixed recycled aggregate based on holistic approach: Technical, economic and environmental analysis. Waste Manag, 104: 9-19.
  • Miličević I, Štirmer N, Bjegović D. 2011. Optimizing the concrete mixture made with recycled aggregate using experiment design. Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, August 23-25, Florence, Italy, pp: 110-115.
  • Osei DY, Jackson EN. 2016. Compressive strength of concrete using sawdust as aggregate. Int J Sci Eng Res, 7(4): 1349-1353.
  • Ramachandran VS, Beaudoin JJ. 2001. Handbook of analytical techniques in concrete. William Andrew Inc., London, UK, pp: 964.
  • Safiuddin M, Hearn N. 2005. Comparison of ASTM saturation techniques for measuring the permeable porosity of concrete. Cement Concrete Res, 35(5): 1008-1013.
  • Saint-Pierre F, Philibert A, Giroux B, Rivard P. 2016. Concrete quality designation based on ultrasonic pulse velocity. Construct Build Mater, 125: 1022-1027.
  • Siddique R, Singh M, Mehta S, Belarbi R. 2020. Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial replacement of natural sand. J Cleaner Prod, 261: 121226.
  • Tafraoui A, Escadeillas G, Vidal T. 2016. Durability of the Ultra High Performances Concrete containing metakaolin. Construct Build Mater, 112: 980-987. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.169.
  • TS EN 12390-3. 2019. Concrete-Hardened Concrete Tests-Part 3: Determination of Compressive Strength of Test Samples. Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • TS EN 12390-6. 2010. Testing Hardened Concrete Part 6: Splitting Tensile Strength of Test Specimens. Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • TS EN 12504-4. 2004. Testing concrete-Part 4: Determination of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity. Ankara, Türkiye,
  • TS EN 197-1. 2012. Cement - Part 1: General Cements, Composition, P. and C. C. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • TS EN 772-4. 2000. Methods of test for masonry units-Part 4: Determination of real and bulk density. Turkish Standards Institute, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Wang J, Wang Y, Sun Y, Tingley DD, Zhang Y. 2017. Life cycle sustainability assessment of fly ash concrete structures. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 80: 1162-1174.
  • Zhang S, Zhang N, Zhang Y, Ding C, Zhang Y. 2023. Modification of granite sawdust with aluminum ester coupling agent and its novel application in high-density polyethylene composite plate. J Build Eng, 76: 107364.
  • Zhong R, Wille K, Viegas R. 2018. Material efficiency in the design of UHPC paste from a life cycle point of view. Construct Build Mater, 160: 505-513. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.11.049.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yapı Malzemeleri
Bölüm Research Articles

Tuba Demir 0000-0003-2092-1029

Bahar Demirel 0000-0001-7483-2668

Melek Öztürk 0000-0003-4439-7508

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 1 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, T., Demirel, B., & Öztürk, M. (2024). Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 7(1), 109-120. https://doi.org/10.34248/bsengineering.1337117
AMA Demir T, Demirel B, Öztürk M. Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts. BSJ Eng. Sci. Ocak 2024;7(1):109-120. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1337117
Chicago Demir, Tuba, Bahar Demirel, ve Melek Öztürk. “Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7, sy. 1 (Ocak 2024): 109-20. https://doi.org/10.34248/bsengineering.1337117.
EndNote Demir T, Demirel B, Öztürk M (01 Ocak 2024) Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7 1 109–120.
IEEE T. Demir, B. Demirel, ve M. Öztürk, “Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts”, BSJ Eng. Sci., c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 109–120, 2024, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1337117.
ISNAD Demir, Tuba vd. “Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7/1 (Ocak 2024), 109-120. https://doi.org/10.34248/bsengineering.1337117.
JAMA Demir T, Demirel B, Öztürk M. Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2024;7:109–120.
MLA Demir, Tuba vd. “Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, c. 7, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 109-20, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1337117.
Vancouver Demir T, Demirel B, Öztürk M. Valorisation of the Effect of Waste Aluminum Sawdust on Concrete: Durability Characteristics and Environmental Impacts. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2024;7(1):109-20.
