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Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device

Yıl 2024, , 566 - 574, 15.05.2024


Porous silicon is very important for integrated technology because of its many superior properties, such as suitability for mass production, easy and controlled production, and adjustable electrical and optical properties. Semiconductors with metal oxides, such as indium oxide, indium tin oxide, tin oxide, and zinc oxide, are highly preferred in optical devices. Among these metal oxides, zinc oxide is preferred for photodetectors because of its stable crystal structure and large exciton binding energy of 60 meV. Researchers have conducted studies on photodetectors with porous silicon-zinc oxide heterojunction structures. The importance of the stable operation of devices has been emphasized. Therefore, in this study, a porous silicon-based zinc oxide heterojunction structure suitable for photodetector production was formed, and the effect of aging on zinc oxide was investigated over time. As a result of the investigation, it was observed that the intensity decreased approximately 2.5 times at the end of 365 days owing to the aging of zinc oxide. In addition, UV spectroscopy measurements were performed to investigate the optical properties that affect their operation as photodetectors. Because the PS-ZnO heterojunction functions as a detector in the UV region, the absorption and reflectivity of the PS-ZnO heterojunction were investigated, especially in the UV region. From the measurements, it was observed that aging decreased absorption and increased reflectance. These findings underscore the negative impact of aging on photodetector performance.

Destekleyen Kurum

TUBİTAK,Erzurum Technical University

Proje Numarası

2021/017 bap


The authors would like to thank Kamer Özge Erişmiş for her assistance in the earlier stages of this study.


  • Amara S, Slama IB, Mrad I, Rihane N, Khemissi W, El Mir L, Sakly M. 2014. Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles and/or zinc chloride on biochemical parameters and mineral levels in rat liver and kidney. Human Exp Toxicol, 33(11): 1150-1157.
  • Amudhavalli B, Mariappan R, Prasath M. 2023. Low-cost nebulizer spray deposited conduction mechanism of thin film ZnO nanoparticles. J Ovonic Res, 19(1): 53-63.
  • An J, Le TSD, Lim CHJ, Tran VT, Zhan Z, Gao Y, Kim YJ. 2018. Single‐step selective laser writing of flexible photodetectors for wearable optoelectronics. Adv Sci, 5(8): 1800496.
  • Ates ES, Kucukyildiz S, Unalan HE. 2012. Zinc oxide nanowire photodetectors with single-walled carbon nanotube thin-film electrodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 4(10): 5142-5146.
  • Avasthi S, McClain WE, Man G, Kahn A, Schwartz J, Sturm JC. 2013. Hole-blocking titanium-oxide/silicon heterojunction and its application to photovoltaics. Appl Physics Lett, 102: 203901.
  • Bacquian BCS, Gomez FRI. 2019. A study of wafer backgrinding tape selection for SOI wafers. J Eng Res Rep, 6(2): 1-6.
  • Bakkers EP, Borgström MT, Verheijen MA. 2007. Epitaxial growth of III-V nanowires on group IV substrates. Mrs Bull, 32(2): 117-122.
  • Belaid H, Nouiri M, Sayari A, Ben Ayadi Z, Djessas K, El Mir L. 2015. Structural and electrical characterizations of ZnO: In/PS/Si heterojunction deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering. J Electroceramics, 35: 141-147.
  • Bloem J. 1979. Gas phase diffusion and surface reactions in the chemical vapour deposition of silicon. Pergamon, 1979: 435-447.
  • Boruah BD, Ferry DB, Mukherjee A, Misra A. 2015. Few-layer graphene/ZnO nanowires based high performance UV photodetector. Nanotechnol, 26(23): 235703.
  • Chang S, Ju BK, Yakuphanoglu F. 2012. Ultraviolet and visible light detection characteristics of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor for photodetector applications. Int J Adv Smart Converg, 1: 61-64.
  • Chang WC, Su SC, Wu, CC. 2016. The development of high-density vertical silicon nanowires and their application in a heterojunction diode. Materials, 9(7): 534.
  • Chen C, Zhou P, Wang N, Ma Y, San H. 2018. UV-assisted photochemical synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/ZnO nanowires composite for photoresponse enhancement in UV photodetectors. Nanomaterials, 8(1): 26.
  • Chikkanna MM, Neelagund SE, Rajashekarappa KK. 2019. Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and their biological activity. SN Appl Sci, 1: 1-10.
  • Ciolan MA, Motrescu I. 2022. Pulsed laser ablation: A facile and low-temperature fabrication of highly oriented n-type zinc oxide thin films. App Sci, 12(2): 917.
  • Colinge JP. 1998. Silicon-on-lnsulator Technology: Past Achievements and Future Prospects. MRS Bull, 23(12): 16-19.
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  • De Matteis D, De Luca M, Fadaly EM, Verheijen MA, López-Suárez M, Rurali R, Zardo I. 2020. Probing lattice dynamics and electronic resonances in hexagonal Ge and Si x Ge1–x alloys in nanowires by raman spectroscopy. ACS Nano, 14(6): 6845-6856.
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  • Gebrehiwot K. 2017. Synthesis and characterization of zinc cobalt sulphide (Znxco1− Xs) by chemical bath deposition method from acidic bath. PhD thesis, Hawassa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pp: 148.
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  • Gör M, Karacalı T. 2017. Porous Silicon Based Membrane Fabrication for Proton Transportation. 13th Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Conference; Antalya, Türkiye, pp: 52.
  • Guo A, Zhang L, Cao N, Lu T, Zhu Y, Tian D, Zhao F. 2023. Pulsed laser deposition of ZnGa2O4 thin films on Al2O3 and Si substrates for deep optoelectronic devices applications. Appl Physics Express, 16(2): 021004.
  • Guo TF, Chang SC, Pyo S, Yang. 2002. Vertically integrated electronic circuits via a combination of self-assembled polyelectrolytes, ink-jet printing, and electroless metal plating processes. Langmuir, 18(21): 8142-8147.
  • Habibi MH, Askari E. 2011. The effect of operational parameters on the photocatalytic degradation of CI reactive yellow 86 textile dye using manganese zinc oxide nanocomposite thin films. J Adv Oxidat Technol, 14(2): 190-195.
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Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device

Yıl 2024, , 566 - 574, 15.05.2024


Porous silicon is very important for integrated technology because of its many superior properties, such as suitability for mass production, easy and controlled production, and adjustable electrical and optical properties. Semiconductors with metal oxides, such as indium oxide, indium tin oxide, tin oxide, and zinc oxide, are highly preferred in optical devices. Among these metal oxides, zinc oxide is preferred for photodetectors because of its stable crystal structure and large exciton binding energy of 60 meV. Researchers have conducted studies on photodetectors with porous silicon-zinc oxide heterojunction structures. The importance of the stable operation of devices has been emphasized. Therefore, in this study, a porous silicon-based zinc oxide heterojunction structure suitable for photodetector production was formed, and the effect of aging on zinc oxide was investigated over time. As a result of the investigation, it was observed that the intensity decreased approximately 2.5 times at the end of 365 days owing to the aging of zinc oxide. In addition, UV spectroscopy measurements were performed to investigate the optical properties that affect their operation as photodetectors. Because the PS-ZnO heterojunction functions as a detector in the UV region, the absorption and reflectivity of the PS-ZnO heterojunction were investigated, especially in the UV region. From the measurements, it was observed that aging decreased absorption and increased reflectance. These findings underscore the negative impact of aging on photodetector performance.

Proje Numarası

2021/017 bap


  • Amara S, Slama IB, Mrad I, Rihane N, Khemissi W, El Mir L, Sakly M. 2014. Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles and/or zinc chloride on biochemical parameters and mineral levels in rat liver and kidney. Human Exp Toxicol, 33(11): 1150-1157.
  • Amudhavalli B, Mariappan R, Prasath M. 2023. Low-cost nebulizer spray deposited conduction mechanism of thin film ZnO nanoparticles. J Ovonic Res, 19(1): 53-63.
  • An J, Le TSD, Lim CHJ, Tran VT, Zhan Z, Gao Y, Kim YJ. 2018. Single‐step selective laser writing of flexible photodetectors for wearable optoelectronics. Adv Sci, 5(8): 1800496.
  • Ates ES, Kucukyildiz S, Unalan HE. 2012. Zinc oxide nanowire photodetectors with single-walled carbon nanotube thin-film electrodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 4(10): 5142-5146.
  • Avasthi S, McClain WE, Man G, Kahn A, Schwartz J, Sturm JC. 2013. Hole-blocking titanium-oxide/silicon heterojunction and its application to photovoltaics. Appl Physics Lett, 102: 203901.
  • Bacquian BCS, Gomez FRI. 2019. A study of wafer backgrinding tape selection for SOI wafers. J Eng Res Rep, 6(2): 1-6.
  • Bakkers EP, Borgström MT, Verheijen MA. 2007. Epitaxial growth of III-V nanowires on group IV substrates. Mrs Bull, 32(2): 117-122.
  • Belaid H, Nouiri M, Sayari A, Ben Ayadi Z, Djessas K, El Mir L. 2015. Structural and electrical characterizations of ZnO: In/PS/Si heterojunction deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering. J Electroceramics, 35: 141-147.
  • Bloem J. 1979. Gas phase diffusion and surface reactions in the chemical vapour deposition of silicon. Pergamon, 1979: 435-447.
  • Boruah BD, Ferry DB, Mukherjee A, Misra A. 2015. Few-layer graphene/ZnO nanowires based high performance UV photodetector. Nanotechnol, 26(23): 235703.
  • Chang S, Ju BK, Yakuphanoglu F. 2012. Ultraviolet and visible light detection characteristics of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor for photodetector applications. Int J Adv Smart Converg, 1: 61-64.
  • Chang WC, Su SC, Wu, CC. 2016. The development of high-density vertical silicon nanowires and their application in a heterojunction diode. Materials, 9(7): 534.
  • Chen C, Zhou P, Wang N, Ma Y, San H. 2018. UV-assisted photochemical synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/ZnO nanowires composite for photoresponse enhancement in UV photodetectors. Nanomaterials, 8(1): 26.
  • Chikkanna MM, Neelagund SE, Rajashekarappa KK. 2019. Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and their biological activity. SN Appl Sci, 1: 1-10.
  • Ciolan MA, Motrescu I. 2022. Pulsed laser ablation: A facile and low-temperature fabrication of highly oriented n-type zinc oxide thin films. App Sci, 12(2): 917.
  • Colinge JP. 1998. Silicon-on-lnsulator Technology: Past Achievements and Future Prospects. MRS Bull, 23(12): 16-19.
  • Cui LF, Ruffo R, Chan CK, Peng H, Cui Y. 2009. Crystalline-amorphous core− shell silicon nanowires for high capacity and high current battery electrodes. Nano Lett, 9(1): 491-495.
  • Czekalla C, Nobis T, Rahm A, Cao B, Zúñiga‐Pérez J, Sturm C, Grundmann M. 2010. Whispering gallery modes in zinc oxide micro‐and nanowires. Physica Status Solidi (b), 247(6): 1282-1293.
  • De Matteis D, De Luca M, Fadaly EM, Verheijen MA, López-Suárez M, Rurali R, Zardo I. 2020. Probing lattice dynamics and electronic resonances in hexagonal Ge and Si x Ge1–x alloys in nanowires by raman spectroscopy. ACS Nano, 14(6): 6845-6856.
  • Devasia S, Athma PV, Raphael R, Jose A, Anila EI. 2021. Effect of source-substrate distance on transparent electrode properties of the spray-cast aluminium doped zinc oxide thin films. Res Square,
  • Dheivamalar S, Banu KB. 2019. A DFT study on functionalization of acrolein on Ni-doped (ZnO) 6 nanocluster in dye-sensitized solar cells. Heliyon, 5(12): e02903.
  • Dong R, Bi C, Dong Q, Guo F, Yuan Y, Fang Y, Huang J. 2014. An ultraviolet‐to‐NIR broad spectral nanocomposite photodetector with gain. Adv Optical Mater, 2(6): 549-554.
  • Garvey S, Holmes JD, Kim YS, Long B. 2020. Vapor-phase passivation of chlorine-terminated Ge (100) using self-assembled monolayers of hexanethiol. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 12(26): 29899-29907.
  • Gebrehiwot K. 2017. Synthesis and characterization of zinc cobalt sulphide (Znxco1− Xs) by chemical bath deposition method from acidic bath. PhD thesis, Hawassa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pp: 148.
  • Gomes UP, Kuldeep RK, Rathi S, Biswas D. 2011. A strategic review on growth of InP on silicon substrate for applications in high frequency RF devices. Int J Electron, 1: 1-6.
  • Gör M, Karacalı T. 2017. Porous Silicon Based Membrane Fabrication for Proton Transportation. 13th Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Conference; Antalya, Türkiye, pp: 52.
  • Guo A, Zhang L, Cao N, Lu T, Zhu Y, Tian D, Zhao F. 2023. Pulsed laser deposition of ZnGa2O4 thin films on Al2O3 and Si substrates for deep optoelectronic devices applications. Appl Physics Express, 16(2): 021004.
  • Guo TF, Chang SC, Pyo S, Yang. 2002. Vertically integrated electronic circuits via a combination of self-assembled polyelectrolytes, ink-jet printing, and electroless metal plating processes. Langmuir, 18(21): 8142-8147.
  • Habibi MH, Askari E. 2011. The effect of operational parameters on the photocatalytic degradation of CI reactive yellow 86 textile dye using manganese zinc oxide nanocomposite thin films. J Adv Oxidat Technol, 14(2): 190-195.
  • Hanawa T, Takahashi H, Ota M, Pinizzotto RF, Ferracane JL, Okabe T. 1987. Surface characterization of amalgams using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. J Dental Res, 66(9): 1470-1478.
  • He J, Xu P, Zhou R, Li H, Zu H, Zhang J, Wang F. 2022. Combustion synthesized electrospun InZnO nanowires for ultraviolet photodetectors. Adv Electronic Mater, 8(4): 2100997.
  • Hoffmann RC, Sanctis S, Liedke MO, Butterling M, Wagner A, Njel C, Schneider JJ. 2021. Zinc oxide defect microstructure and surface chemistry derived from oxidation of metallic zinc. Thin film transistor and sensoric behaviour of zno films and rods. Chemistry–A Eur J, 27(17): 5312-5312.
  • Huang JH, Tan RQ, Li J, Zhang YL, Yang Y, Song WJ. 2011. Thermal stability of aluminum doped zinc oxide thin films. Mater Sci Forum, 685: 147-151.
  • Indluru A, Alford TL. 2009. Effect of Ag thickness on electrical transport and optical properties of indium tin oxide–Ag–indium tin oxide multilayers. J Appl Physics, 105(12): 123528.
  • Kaningini AG, Azizi S, Sintwa N, Mokalane K, Mohale KC, Mudau FN, Maaza M. 2022. Effect of optimized precursor concentration, temperature, and doping on optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized via a green route using bush tea (Athrixia phylicoides DC.) leaf extracts. ACS Omega, 7(36): 31658-31666.
  • Kappertz O, Drese R, Wuttig M. 2002. Correlation between structure, stress and deposition parameters in direct current sputtered zinc oxide films. J Vacuum Sci Technol A: Vacuum Surf Films, 20(6): 2084-2095.
  • Karacali T. 2003. Darbeli anodizasyon tekniği ile gözenekli ve Si tabanlı fabry-perot yapılarının üretimi: Yapısal ve optik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum, Türkiye: ss: 129.
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Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Safiye Karaçam 0009-0005-1236-2169

Meltem Gör Bölen 0000-0002-5340-6026

Proje Numarası 2021/017 bap
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaçam, S., & Gör Bölen, M. (2024). Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 7(3), 566-574.
AMA Karaçam S, Gör Bölen M. Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device. BSJ Eng. Sci. Mayıs 2024;7(3):566-574. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1439777
Chicago Karaçam, Safiye, ve Meltem Gör Bölen. “Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7, sy. 3 (Mayıs 2024): 566-74.
EndNote Karaçam S, Gör Bölen M (01 Mayıs 2024) Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7 3 566–574.
IEEE S. Karaçam ve M. Gör Bölen, “Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device”, BSJ Eng. Sci., c. 7, sy. 3, ss. 566–574, 2024, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1439777.
ISNAD Karaçam, Safiye - Gör Bölen, Meltem. “Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7/3 (Mayıs 2024), 566-574.
JAMA Karaçam S, Gör Bölen M. Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2024;7:566–574.
MLA Karaçam, Safiye ve Meltem Gör Bölen. “Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, c. 7, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 566-74, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1439777.
Vancouver Karaçam S, Gör Bölen M. Evaluation of Aging Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon-Zinc Oxide Heterojunction Photodetector Device. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2024;7(3):566-74.
