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Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 341 - 353, 15.03.2025


Bu araştırmada, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Kanuni Kampüsü'nde eğitim gören öğrencilerin pandemi ve deprem felaketleri nedeniyle uzaktan eğitim sürecine geçiş yapmalarının ardından, yüz yüze eğitime geri dönüşleriyle değişen mekânsal imgelerinin incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Araştırmanın temel amacı, öğrencilerin zihinlerinde zaman içerisinde değişen imgelerin bilişsel haritalar aracılığıyla temsil edilmesidir. Araştırma, "Öğrencilerin hedef ve tercihleri doğrultusunda deneyimledikleri mekânlarda ve kampüs içi yaya hareketlerinde, uzaktan eğitim ve yüz yüze eğitime bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösteren imgeler nelerdir?" sorusuna yanıt aramaktadır. Bu bağlamda, aynı öğrenci grubuna bir yıl arayla uygulanan bilişsel haritalara odaklanılmıştır. Elde edilen haritaların, Kevin Lynch'in çevrenin algılanmasında ve okunabilmesinde temel unsurlar olan yollar, düğüm noktaları, işaret öğeleri/nirengi noktaları, kenarlar/sınırlar ve bölgelere göre analiz edilmesi yoluyla öğrencilerin mekân algılarındaki değişim ortaya konulmuştur. Ayrıca bilişsel haritalar Gary T. Moore tarafından önerilen sınıflandırma seviyelerine göre kategorize edilerek, süreç içerisinde farklılaşan mekânsal kullanımların bilişsel değişimi irdelenmiştir. Öğrencilerin bilişsel haritaları üzerine yapılan bu araştırma, kampüs deneyimlerinin ve zaman faktörünün bilişsel haritaların oluşumunda önemli rol oynadığını göstermektedir.

Etik Beyan

Bu araştırma Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Etik Kurulu tarafından onay alınarak gerçekleştirilmiştir (onay tarihi: 27 Kasım 2024, onay numarası: E-26014373-050.06.03-590944).


  • Billinghurst M, Weghorst S. 1995. The use of sketch maps to measure cognitive maps of virtual environments. In: Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS'95), March 11-15, North Carolina, USA: pp: 40-47.
  • Boulding KE. 1956. The image: Knowledge in life and society. University of Michigan Press, Michigan, USA, 47th ed, pp: 64-81.
  • Cromley RG, Cromley EK. 1986. Cognitive maps of campus: Student views of spatial arrangement. J Geography, 85(2): 67-71.
  • Çakır H. 2015. Analysis of the relationship between spatial memory and interiors in historical buildings. MSc thesis, Beykent University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp: 12.
  • Demirel E. 2004. Mekân kurgusu-boşluğun mimarisi. Mimarlık Derg, 315: 42-46.
  • Downs RM, Stea D. 1973. Cognitive maps and spatial behavior: Process and products. In: Downs RM, Stea D, editors. Image and Environment, Chicago, USA, pp: 8-26.
  • Gieseking JJ. 2013. Where we go from here: The mental sketch mapping method and its analytic components. Qualit Inq, 19(9): 712-724.
  • Gifford R. 1987. Environmental psychology: Principles and practice. Massachusetts, USA, pp: 34-37.
  • Golledge RG, Stimson RJ. 1997. Spatial behavior: A geographic perspective. The Guilford Press, New York, USA, pp: 31-32.
  • Gourlay L, Oliver M. 2018. Student engagement in the digital university: Sociomaterial assemblages. Routledge, London. pp: 14-27.
  • Gulliver FP. 1908. Orientation of maps. J Geography, 7: 55-58.
  • Hart RA, Moore G. 1973. The development of spatial cognition: A review. In: Downs RM, Stea D, editors. Image and Environment. Chicago, USA, pp: 246-288.
  • Herman JF, Siegel AW. 1978. The development of cognitive mapping of the large-scale environment. J Experiment Child Psychol, 26: 389-406.
  • Herman JF, Kail RV, Siegel AW. 1979. Cognitive maps of a college campus: A new look at freshman orientation. Bullet Psychon Soc, 13(3): 183-186.
  • Lynch K. 1960. Image of the city. The MIT Press, London, UK, pp. 6-90.
  • Lynch K. 2022. Kent imgesi. Is Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul, Türkiye, 16th ed, pp: 16-53.
  • McGregor J. 2003. Spatiality and teacher workplace cultures: The Department as Nexus. In: Edwards R, Usher R, editors. Space, curriculum and learning. Information Age Publishing, New York, USA, pp: 43-60.
  • Moore GT. 1973. Developmental differences in environmental cognition. In: Preiser, W, editor. Environmental design research. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, USA, pp: 232-239.
  • Moore GT. 1976. Theory and research on the development of environmental knowing. In: Moore, GT, Golledge RG, editors. Environmental knowing: Theories, research, and methods. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, USA, pp: 138-164.
  • Rapoport A. 1977. Human aspects of urban form: Towards a man-environment approach to urban form and design. Pergamon Press, New York, USA, pp: 108-174.
  • Richter D, Marin FADG, Decanini MMS. 2012. The sketch maps as a language to analyze geographic reasoning. Proced Soc Behav Sci, 46: 5183-5186.
  • Sammut-Bonnici T, McGee J. 2015. Cognitive map. Wiley, Encyclopedia of Management, London, UK, pp: 1-3.
  • Sulsters WA. 2005. Mental mapping, viewing the urban landscapes of the mind. In: International conference “Doing, thinking, feeling home: The mental geography of residential environments”, October 14-15, Delft, Netherlands, pp: 1-5.
  • Temple P. 2008. Learning spaces in higher education: An under-researched topic. London Rev Educ, 6(3): 229-241.

From Distance Education to Face-to-Face Education: Spatial Images of KTU Kanuni Campus

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 341 - 353, 15.03.2025


This study aims to investigate the evolving spatial perceptions of students at Karadeniz Technical University's Kanuni Campus as they transition back to face-to-face education following a period of distance learning necessitated by the pandemic and earthquake disasters. The primary objective of the study is to represent the evolving images in students' minds over time through the use of cognitive maps. The research aims to answer the question, "What are the images that change depending on distance education and face-to-face education in the spaces and on-campus pedestrian movements that students experience in line with their goals and preferences?" In this context, the study focused on cognitive maps applied to the same group of students one year apart. The maps were analyzed within the framework of Lynch's city images and categorized according to the classification levels proposed by Moore. The change in students’ spatial perception was elucidated through an analysis of maps generated based on the fundamental elements of Kevin Lynch's theory of environmental perception and legibility: paths, nodes, landmarks, edges, and districts. In addition, the cognitive maps were categorized according to the classification levels proposed by Gary T. Moore, and the cognitive change of differentiated spatial uses in the process was examined. This study on students, cognitive maps shows that campus experiences and the factor of time play a significant role in the formation of cognitive maps.


  • Billinghurst M, Weghorst S. 1995. The use of sketch maps to measure cognitive maps of virtual environments. In: Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS'95), March 11-15, North Carolina, USA: pp: 40-47.
  • Boulding KE. 1956. The image: Knowledge in life and society. University of Michigan Press, Michigan, USA, 47th ed, pp: 64-81.
  • Cromley RG, Cromley EK. 1986. Cognitive maps of campus: Student views of spatial arrangement. J Geography, 85(2): 67-71.
  • Çakır H. 2015. Analysis of the relationship between spatial memory and interiors in historical buildings. MSc thesis, Beykent University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp: 12.
  • Demirel E. 2004. Mekân kurgusu-boşluğun mimarisi. Mimarlık Derg, 315: 42-46.
  • Downs RM, Stea D. 1973. Cognitive maps and spatial behavior: Process and products. In: Downs RM, Stea D, editors. Image and Environment, Chicago, USA, pp: 8-26.
  • Gieseking JJ. 2013. Where we go from here: The mental sketch mapping method and its analytic components. Qualit Inq, 19(9): 712-724.
  • Gifford R. 1987. Environmental psychology: Principles and practice. Massachusetts, USA, pp: 34-37.
  • Golledge RG, Stimson RJ. 1997. Spatial behavior: A geographic perspective. The Guilford Press, New York, USA, pp: 31-32.
  • Gourlay L, Oliver M. 2018. Student engagement in the digital university: Sociomaterial assemblages. Routledge, London. pp: 14-27.
  • Gulliver FP. 1908. Orientation of maps. J Geography, 7: 55-58.
  • Hart RA, Moore G. 1973. The development of spatial cognition: A review. In: Downs RM, Stea D, editors. Image and Environment. Chicago, USA, pp: 246-288.
  • Herman JF, Siegel AW. 1978. The development of cognitive mapping of the large-scale environment. J Experiment Child Psychol, 26: 389-406.
  • Herman JF, Kail RV, Siegel AW. 1979. Cognitive maps of a college campus: A new look at freshman orientation. Bullet Psychon Soc, 13(3): 183-186.
  • Lynch K. 1960. Image of the city. The MIT Press, London, UK, pp. 6-90.
  • Lynch K. 2022. Kent imgesi. Is Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul, Türkiye, 16th ed, pp: 16-53.
  • McGregor J. 2003. Spatiality and teacher workplace cultures: The Department as Nexus. In: Edwards R, Usher R, editors. Space, curriculum and learning. Information Age Publishing, New York, USA, pp: 43-60.
  • Moore GT. 1973. Developmental differences in environmental cognition. In: Preiser, W, editor. Environmental design research. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, USA, pp: 232-239.
  • Moore GT. 1976. Theory and research on the development of environmental knowing. In: Moore, GT, Golledge RG, editors. Environmental knowing: Theories, research, and methods. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, USA, pp: 138-164.
  • Rapoport A. 1977. Human aspects of urban form: Towards a man-environment approach to urban form and design. Pergamon Press, New York, USA, pp: 108-174.
  • Richter D, Marin FADG, Decanini MMS. 2012. The sketch maps as a language to analyze geographic reasoning. Proced Soc Behav Sci, 46: 5183-5186.
  • Sammut-Bonnici T, McGee J. 2015. Cognitive map. Wiley, Encyclopedia of Management, London, UK, pp: 1-3.
  • Sulsters WA. 2005. Mental mapping, viewing the urban landscapes of the mind. In: International conference “Doing, thinking, feeling home: The mental geography of residential environments”, October 14-15, Delft, Netherlands, pp: 1-5.
  • Temple P. 2008. Learning spaces in higher education: An under-researched topic. London Rev Educ, 6(3): 229-241.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kent ve Bölge Planlama (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Hare Kılıçaslan 0000-0002-6113-7962

Esra Babul Koç 0000-0003-4664-4656

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kılıçaslan, H., & Babul Koç, E. (2025). Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 8(2), 341-353.
AMA Kılıçaslan H, Babul Koç E. Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri. BSJ Eng. Sci. Mart 2025;8(2):341-353. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1597989
Chicago Kılıçaslan, Hare, ve Esra Babul Koç. “Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8, sy. 2 (Mart 2025): 341-53.
EndNote Kılıçaslan H, Babul Koç E (01 Mart 2025) Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8 2 341–353.
IEEE H. Kılıçaslan ve E. Babul Koç, “Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri”, BSJ Eng. Sci., c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 341–353, 2025, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1597989.
ISNAD Kılıçaslan, Hare - Babul Koç, Esra. “Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8/2 (Mart 2025), 341-353.
JAMA Kılıçaslan H, Babul Koç E. Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8:341–353.
MLA Kılıçaslan, Hare ve Esra Babul Koç. “Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, c. 8, sy. 2, 2025, ss. 341-53, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1597989.
Vancouver Kılıçaslan H, Babul Koç E. Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleri. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8(2):341-53.
