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Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 381 - 390, 15.03.2025


In this research, the effects of incorporating a hybrid nanocomposite consisting of cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) synthesized by hydrothermal method into an epoxy resin system on the bulk density, Shore D hardness, thermal conductivity coefficient, thermal stability, and dielectric properties have been investigated. In addition, the structural and physical properties of these nanocomposites aimed to determine their potential applications as lightweight and thermal insulation materials. The study included synthesizing CdS/MWCNT nanohybrid structures using CdCl₂•H₂O and Na₂S₂O₃•5H₂O precursors under specific time and concentration parameters. Then, these nanohybrids were integrated into the epoxy matrix to form innovative composite materials. The prepared composite samples were characterized using various methods to evaluate their mechanical, thermal, structural, and electrical properties. Techniques such as tensile tests, Shore D hardness measurements, microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal conductivity, and dielectric measurements were used. The findings revealed that incorporating certain amounts of CdS/MWCNT nanohybrids significantly affected the density, hardness, thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and dielectric properties of epoxy composites. In particular, the high surface area and effective distribution of CdS/MWCNT nanohybrid increased the mechanical strength and improved the thermal and electrical conductivities. The bulk density measured as 1133.5 kg/m³ in the first experimental group reached 1145.1 kg/m³, showing a steady increase until the 5th group. Shore D hardness measurements, which were initially measured as 77.6, increased to 79.8 in the last experimental group with the addition of nanohybrid structures. The thermal conductivity measured as 0.112 W/m•K in the first experimental group reached 0.136 W/m•K in the last group. Dielectric measurements showed that the dielectric coefficient increased from 3.86 in the initial sample to 5.67 in the nanoparticle-reinforced epoxy composites, indicating that the additive significantly improved the electrical properties, leading to a higher dielectric constant and enhanced energy storage potential. Microscopy images confirmed the homogeneous distribution of the nanohybrid within the epoxy matrix and strong interfacial interactions. FT-IR analysis confirmed the chemical bonds present in the hybrid composite structure. These results highlight the significant potential of incorporating CdS/MWCNT nanohybrid structures into epoxy composites to develop functional materials with advanced technological applications. This comprehensive study provides valuable insights into nanocomposite technology and highlights the promising role of CdS and MWCNT-based hybrid systems in future material designs.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Abid J, Khalil FMA, Saeed S, Khan SU, Iqbal I, Anthony S. 2024. Nano revolution in cardiovascular health: Nanoparticles (NPs) as Tiny titans for diagnosis and therapeutics. Curr Probl Cardiol, 49(5): 102466.
  • Ahn E, Kim C, Choi H, Shin M. 2024. Assessment of crack repairing in concrete using air-coupled surface-wave technique: Experimental and numerical investigations. Constr Build Mater, 441: 137552.
  • Al-kawaz AE, Al-Mutairi NH, Alobad ZKM. 2024. Tribological behavior of epoxy/nano-clay nanocomposites used as a floor coating. J Adhes Sci Technol, 38(23): 4299-4315.
  • Anwar S, Li X. 2024. A review of high-quality epoxy resins for corrosion-resistant applications. J Coatings Technol Res, 21: 461-480.
  • Aydoğmuş E, Dağ M, Yalçın ZG, Arslanoğlu H. 2022. Synthesis and characterization of EPS reinforced modified castor oil-based epoxy biocomposite. J Building Engin, 47: 103897.
  • Azab AA, Ibrahim RS, Seoudi R. 2024. Investigating the effects of Mn content on the morphology and dielectric properties of CdS nanoparticles. Appl Phys A, 130: 294.
  • Bastianini F, Hidalgo, AIC, Hook DZ, Smith JA, Cumming D, Dunbar A. 2024. Using Ag nanoparticles in the electron transport layer of perovskite solar cells to improve efficiency. Sol Energy, 268: 112318.
  • Bharmal KJ, Parlikar UR, Sarkar J. 2024. Biological synthesis of nanoparticles from fungal endophytes and their application in pharmaceutical industries. Springer International Publishing, London, UK, pp: 99-128.
  • Bheema RK, Gopu J, Kumar AP, Etika KC. 2024. BST@ Copper Nanowire/Epoxy composites with excellent microwave absorption in the X-band. Chem Eng J, 496: 153760.
  • Brandtner-Hafner M. 2024. Evaluating the bonding effectiveness of CFRP patches in strengthening concrete structures. Constr Build Mater, 436: 136966.
  • Buran A, Durğun ME, Aydoğmuş E, Arslanoğlu H. 2023. Determination of thermophysical properties of Ficus elastica leaves reinforced epoxy composite. Firat Univ J Exp Comp Eng, 2: 12-22.
  • Chatterjee M, Patra A. 2001. Cadmium sulfide aggregates through reverse micelles. J Am Ceram Soc, 84: 1439-1444.
  • Dabhane H, Ghotekar S, Tambade P, Pansambal S, Murthy HA, Oza R, Medhane V. 2021. A review on environmentally benevolent synthesis of CdS nanoparticle and their applications. Environ Chem Ecotoxicol, 3: 209-219.
  • Dağ M, Aydoğmuş E, Yalçin ZG, Arslanoğlu, H. 2023. Diatomite reinforced modified safflower oil-based epoxy biocomposite production: Optimization with RSM and assessment of outcomes by ANN. Mater Today Commun, 35: 106327.
  • Dong H, Qiao Y, Yang K, Zhen Y, Tan W, Cheng Q, Wang Y. 2024. Epoxy resin coatings doped with layered double hydroxide for enhanced anti-permeation performance. Appl Clay Sci, 258: 107505.
  • Duan Y, Yang B, Ma Y, Gao C, Li S, Yang L, Li Z. 2024. Copper-based polynary chalcogenide thin film photodetectors for infrared photodetection and light communication. ACS Appl Electron Mater, 6: 5734-5744.
  • Eikey EA. 2024. Understanding and leveraging atom arrangement in materials: synthetic control and computational theory development. PhD thesis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA, pp: 165.
  • Erra S, Shivakumar C, Zhao H, Barri K, Morel DL, Ferekides CS. 2007. An effective method of Cu incorporation in CdTe solar cells for improved stability. Thin Solid Films, 515: 5833-5836.
  • Fang R, Xu J, Wang DW. 2020. Covalent fixing of sulfur in metal–sulfur batteries. Energy Environ Sci, 13: 432-471.
  • Halge DI, Narwade VN, Khanzode PM, Dadge JW, Rana AS, Bogle KA. 2020, May. Spray coated nano-crystalline lead sulfide thin film for photo-detector application. AIP Publishing, New Delhi,India, pp: 162.
  • Han M, Lan D, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Zou J, Gao Z, Jia Z. 2024. Micro-sized hexapod-like CuS/Cu9S5 hybrid with broadband electromagnetic wave absorption. J Mater Sci Technol, 214: 302-312.
  • He Y, Yang S, Tian P, Zhang J. 2024. Photo-cross-linked acrylate resins enabled by tuning various flexible diamine-extended species for high-performance printed circuit board coatings. ACS Appl Polym Mater, 6: 9771-9783.
  • Heiba ZK, El-Naggar AM, Kamal AM, Mohamed MB. 2024. Structural, linear/nonlinear optical, and electrical characteristics of polyvinyl chloride doped with non-stoichiometric nano cadmium sulfide. Opt Quantum Electron, 56: 356.
  • Heiba ZK, Mohamed MB, Farag NM, El-Naggar AM, Albassam AA. 2020. Cu-substituted sulfur in nano-ZnS: structural, optical and electronic properties study. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 31: 12696-12707.
  • Holmes A, Laval H, Guizzardi M, Maruzzo V, Folpini G, Barbero N, Bousquet A. 2024. Water-based solar cells over 10% efficiency: designing soft nanoparticles for improved processability. Environ Sci, 17: 1107-1116.
  • Hsissou R, Bekhta A, Khudhair M, Berradi M, El-Aouni N, Elharfi A. 2019. Review on epoxy polymers composites with improved properties. J Chem Technol Metall, 54: 1128–1136.
  • Hussain W, Algarni S, Rasool G, Shahzad H, Abbas, M, Alqahtani T, Irshad K. 2024. Advances in nanoparticle-enhanced thermoelectric materials from synthesis to energy harvesting: A review. ACS omega, 9: 11081-11109.
  • Jan HA, Saqib NU, Aamir A, Haleem, MA. 2024. Aleurites moluccana as a potential non-edible feedstock for industrial-scale biodiesel synthesis using homemade zinc oxide nanoparticles as a catalyst. Waste Biomass Valori, 15: 1081-1095.
  • Karikalan N, Karthik R, Chen SM, Karuppiah C, Elangovan A. 2017. Sonochemical synthesis of sulfur doped reduced graphene oxide supported CuS nanoparticles for the non-enzymatic glucose sensor applications. Sci Rep, 7: 2494.
  • Lu LI, Xian-ming ZHANG, Li-jie ZHOU. 2024. Study on curing mechanism of epoxy resin/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites based on 2d correlation infrared spectroscopy. Plastics Sci Technol, 52: 2.
  • Majeed H, Iftikhar T, Nadeem MA, Nazir, MA. 2024. Green synthesis of Eucalyptus globulus zinc nanoparticles and its use in antimicrobial insect repellent paint formulation in bulk industrial production. Heliyon, 10(2).
  • Manoharan D, Wang LC, Chen YC, Li WP, Yeh CS. 2024. Catalytic nanoparticles in biomedical applications: exploiting advanced nanozymes for therapeutics and diagnostics. Adv Healthc Mater, 13(22): 2400746.
  • Nanda SS, Yi DK. 2024. Recent advances in synergistic effect of nanoparticles and its biomedical application. Int J Mol Sci, 25: 3266.
  • Ndlovu NL, Mdlalose WB, Ntsendwana B, Moyo T. 2024. Evaluation of advanced nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Pharmaceutics, 16: 473.
  • Ozcan A, Meral H. 2024. Introduction to fundamentals of nanoparticle synthesis, characterization, and properties. In Nanotechnology for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Management in Crop Plants. Academic Press, London, UK, pp: 41-60.
  • Panda R, Pant KK, Bhaskar T, Naik SN. 2021. Dissolution of brominated epoxy resin for environment friendly recovery of copper as cupric oxide nanoparticles from waste printed circuit boards using ammonium chloride roasting. J Cleaner Prod, 291: 125928.
  • Qin Q, Wu C, Wang Y, Chen J, Chen H, Guo W, ... & Zhang Y. 2024. Study of electrical properties of graphene/epoxy resin composites induced by external electric field. J Polym Res, 31: 43.
  • Rahimi-Ahar Z, Ahar LR. 2024. Thermal, optical, mechanical, dielectric, and electrical properties of nanocomposites. Eur Polym J, 2024: 113337.
  • Ruf M, Sims S, Hillebrand G, Schneider JP. 2024. Microwave-based removal of polyurethane and epoxy floor coatings. Prog Org Coat, 189: 108345.
  • Samardžija M, Stojanović I, Kurtela M, Alar V. 2024. Influence of aluminum nanoparticles in epoxy resin and epoxy coating for anticorrosion and antibacterial protection in pipeline industry. J Appl Polym Sci, 141: e55002.
  • Shaban SM, Taha AA, Elged AH, Taha ST, Sabet VM, Kim DH, Moustafa AH. 2024. Insights on Gemini cationic surfactants influence AgNPs synthesis: Controlling catalytic and antimicrobial activity. J Mol Liq, 397: 124071.
  • Singla M, Chawla V. 2010. Mechanical properties of epoxy resin – fly ash composite. J Miner Mater Charact. Eng, 9: 199–210.
  • Solomon NO, Kanchan S, Kesheri M. 2024. Nanoparticles as detoxifiers for industrial wastewater. Water Air Soil Pollut, 235: 214.
  • Şomoghi R, Mihai S, Teodorescu GM, Vuluga Z, Gabor AR, Nicolae CA, Stănciulescu CM. 2024. Influence of HNT-ZnO nanofillers on the performance of epoxy resin composites for marine applications. Coatings, 14: 532.
  • Stiufiuc GF, Stiufiuc RI. 2024. Magnetic nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and their use in biomedical field. Appl Sci, 14: 1623.
  • Tian P, Yang S, He Y, Liu W, Zhang J. 2024. High-performance naphthalene-based photocurable epoxy resin for advanced printed circuit boards coatings by optimizing fluorodiamine-mediator extension chemistry. Polymer, 308: 127421.
  • Torğut G, Gürler N. 2024. Enhanced impedance, electrical conductivity, dielectric properties for colloidal starch-g-poly (methyl methacrylate) supported with semiconductor cadmium sulfide. Polym Bull, 81: 8883-8900.
  • Unnikrishnan KP, Thachil ET. 2008. Studies on the modification of commercial epoxy resin using cardanol-based phenolic resins. J Elastomers Plast, 40: 271–286.
  • Vijai Anand K. 2021. Improved structural, optical and photoluminescence properties of EDTA capped zinc sulfide nanoparticles for optoelectronic applications. J Cluster Sci, 32: 155-161.
  • Wang RM, Zheng SR, Zheng YG. 2011. Polymer matrix composites and technology. Elsevier, London, UK, pp: 124.
  • Xavier JR. 2024. Innovative Nanocomposite coating for aluminum alloy in the aircraft manufacturing industry with increased mechanical strength, flame retardancy, and corrosion resistance. Chem Select, 9: e202402056.
  • Yu Z, Yan Z, Zhang F, Wang J, Shao Q, Murugadoss V, Guo Z. 2022. Waterborne acrylic resin co-modified by itaconic acid and γ-methacryloxypropyl triisopropoxidesilane for improved mechanical properties, thermal stability, and corrosion resistance. Prog Org Coat, 168: 106875.
  • Yudaev PA, Tamboura B, Chistyakov EM. 2023. Antistatic polymer materials. Nanotech Construct Sci Internet J, 15(2): 139-152.

Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 381 - 390, 15.03.2025


In this research, the effects of incorporating a hybrid nanocomposite consisting of cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) synthesized by hydrothermal method into an epoxy resin system on the bulk density, Shore D hardness, thermal conductivity coefficient, thermal stability, and dielectric properties have been investigated. In addition, the structural and physical properties of these nanocomposites aimed to determine their potential applications as lightweight and thermal insulation materials. The study included synthesizing CdS/MWCNT nanohybrid structures using CdCl₂•H₂O and Na₂S₂O₃•5H₂O precursors under specific time and concentration parameters. Then, these nanohybrids were integrated into the epoxy matrix to form innovative composite materials. The prepared composite samples were characterized using various methods to evaluate their mechanical, thermal, structural, and electrical properties. Techniques such as tensile tests, Shore D hardness measurements, microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal conductivity, and dielectric measurements were used. The findings revealed that incorporating certain amounts of CdS/MWCNT nanohybrids significantly affected the density, hardness, thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and dielectric properties of epoxy composites. In particular, the high surface area and effective distribution of CdS/MWCNT nanohybrid increased the mechanical strength and improved the thermal and electrical conductivities. The bulk density measured as 1133.5 kg/m³ in the first experimental group reached 1145.1 kg/m³, showing a steady increase until the 5th group. Shore D hardness measurements, which were initially measured as 77.6, increased to 79.8 in the last experimental group with the addition of nanohybrid structures. The thermal conductivity measured as 0.112 W/m•K in the first experimental group reached 0.136 W/m•K in the last group. Dielectric measurements showed that the dielectric coefficient increased from 3.86 in the initial sample to 5.67 in the nanoparticle-reinforced epoxy composites, indicating that the additive significantly improved the electrical properties, leading to a higher dielectric constant and enhanced energy storage potential. Microscopy images confirmed the homogeneous distribution of the nanohybrid within the epoxy matrix and strong interfacial interactions. FT-IR analysis confirmed the chemical bonds present in the hybrid composite structure. These results highlight the significant potential of incorporating CdS/MWCNT nanohybrid structures into epoxy composites to develop functional materials with advanced technological applications. This comprehensive study provides valuable insights into nanocomposite technology and highlights the promising role of CdS and MWCNT-based hybrid systems in future material designs.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Abid J, Khalil FMA, Saeed S, Khan SU, Iqbal I, Anthony S. 2024. Nano revolution in cardiovascular health: Nanoparticles (NPs) as Tiny titans for diagnosis and therapeutics. Curr Probl Cardiol, 49(5): 102466.
  • Ahn E, Kim C, Choi H, Shin M. 2024. Assessment of crack repairing in concrete using air-coupled surface-wave technique: Experimental and numerical investigations. Constr Build Mater, 441: 137552.
  • Al-kawaz AE, Al-Mutairi NH, Alobad ZKM. 2024. Tribological behavior of epoxy/nano-clay nanocomposites used as a floor coating. J Adhes Sci Technol, 38(23): 4299-4315.
  • Anwar S, Li X. 2024. A review of high-quality epoxy resins for corrosion-resistant applications. J Coatings Technol Res, 21: 461-480.
  • Aydoğmuş E, Dağ M, Yalçın ZG, Arslanoğlu H. 2022. Synthesis and characterization of EPS reinforced modified castor oil-based epoxy biocomposite. J Building Engin, 47: 103897.
  • Azab AA, Ibrahim RS, Seoudi R. 2024. Investigating the effects of Mn content on the morphology and dielectric properties of CdS nanoparticles. Appl Phys A, 130: 294.
  • Bastianini F, Hidalgo, AIC, Hook DZ, Smith JA, Cumming D, Dunbar A. 2024. Using Ag nanoparticles in the electron transport layer of perovskite solar cells to improve efficiency. Sol Energy, 268: 112318.
  • Bharmal KJ, Parlikar UR, Sarkar J. 2024. Biological synthesis of nanoparticles from fungal endophytes and their application in pharmaceutical industries. Springer International Publishing, London, UK, pp: 99-128.
  • Bheema RK, Gopu J, Kumar AP, Etika KC. 2024. BST@ Copper Nanowire/Epoxy composites with excellent microwave absorption in the X-band. Chem Eng J, 496: 153760.
  • Brandtner-Hafner M. 2024. Evaluating the bonding effectiveness of CFRP patches in strengthening concrete structures. Constr Build Mater, 436: 136966.
  • Buran A, Durğun ME, Aydoğmuş E, Arslanoğlu H. 2023. Determination of thermophysical properties of Ficus elastica leaves reinforced epoxy composite. Firat Univ J Exp Comp Eng, 2: 12-22.
  • Chatterjee M, Patra A. 2001. Cadmium sulfide aggregates through reverse micelles. J Am Ceram Soc, 84: 1439-1444.
  • Dabhane H, Ghotekar S, Tambade P, Pansambal S, Murthy HA, Oza R, Medhane V. 2021. A review on environmentally benevolent synthesis of CdS nanoparticle and their applications. Environ Chem Ecotoxicol, 3: 209-219.
  • Dağ M, Aydoğmuş E, Yalçin ZG, Arslanoğlu, H. 2023. Diatomite reinforced modified safflower oil-based epoxy biocomposite production: Optimization with RSM and assessment of outcomes by ANN. Mater Today Commun, 35: 106327.
  • Dong H, Qiao Y, Yang K, Zhen Y, Tan W, Cheng Q, Wang Y. 2024. Epoxy resin coatings doped with layered double hydroxide for enhanced anti-permeation performance. Appl Clay Sci, 258: 107505.
  • Duan Y, Yang B, Ma Y, Gao C, Li S, Yang L, Li Z. 2024. Copper-based polynary chalcogenide thin film photodetectors for infrared photodetection and light communication. ACS Appl Electron Mater, 6: 5734-5744.
  • Eikey EA. 2024. Understanding and leveraging atom arrangement in materials: synthetic control and computational theory development. PhD thesis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA, pp: 165.
  • Erra S, Shivakumar C, Zhao H, Barri K, Morel DL, Ferekides CS. 2007. An effective method of Cu incorporation in CdTe solar cells for improved stability. Thin Solid Films, 515: 5833-5836.
  • Fang R, Xu J, Wang DW. 2020. Covalent fixing of sulfur in metal–sulfur batteries. Energy Environ Sci, 13: 432-471.
  • Halge DI, Narwade VN, Khanzode PM, Dadge JW, Rana AS, Bogle KA. 2020, May. Spray coated nano-crystalline lead sulfide thin film for photo-detector application. AIP Publishing, New Delhi,India, pp: 162.
  • Han M, Lan D, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Zou J, Gao Z, Jia Z. 2024. Micro-sized hexapod-like CuS/Cu9S5 hybrid with broadband electromagnetic wave absorption. J Mater Sci Technol, 214: 302-312.
  • He Y, Yang S, Tian P, Zhang J. 2024. Photo-cross-linked acrylate resins enabled by tuning various flexible diamine-extended species for high-performance printed circuit board coatings. ACS Appl Polym Mater, 6: 9771-9783.
  • Heiba ZK, El-Naggar AM, Kamal AM, Mohamed MB. 2024. Structural, linear/nonlinear optical, and electrical characteristics of polyvinyl chloride doped with non-stoichiometric nano cadmium sulfide. Opt Quantum Electron, 56: 356.
  • Heiba ZK, Mohamed MB, Farag NM, El-Naggar AM, Albassam AA. 2020. Cu-substituted sulfur in nano-ZnS: structural, optical and electronic properties study. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 31: 12696-12707.
  • Holmes A, Laval H, Guizzardi M, Maruzzo V, Folpini G, Barbero N, Bousquet A. 2024. Water-based solar cells over 10% efficiency: designing soft nanoparticles for improved processability. Environ Sci, 17: 1107-1116.
  • Hsissou R, Bekhta A, Khudhair M, Berradi M, El-Aouni N, Elharfi A. 2019. Review on epoxy polymers composites with improved properties. J Chem Technol Metall, 54: 1128–1136.
  • Hussain W, Algarni S, Rasool G, Shahzad H, Abbas, M, Alqahtani T, Irshad K. 2024. Advances in nanoparticle-enhanced thermoelectric materials from synthesis to energy harvesting: A review. ACS omega, 9: 11081-11109.
  • Jan HA, Saqib NU, Aamir A, Haleem, MA. 2024. Aleurites moluccana as a potential non-edible feedstock for industrial-scale biodiesel synthesis using homemade zinc oxide nanoparticles as a catalyst. Waste Biomass Valori, 15: 1081-1095.
  • Karikalan N, Karthik R, Chen SM, Karuppiah C, Elangovan A. 2017. Sonochemical synthesis of sulfur doped reduced graphene oxide supported CuS nanoparticles for the non-enzymatic glucose sensor applications. Sci Rep, 7: 2494.
  • Lu LI, Xian-ming ZHANG, Li-jie ZHOU. 2024. Study on curing mechanism of epoxy resin/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites based on 2d correlation infrared spectroscopy. Plastics Sci Technol, 52: 2.
  • Majeed H, Iftikhar T, Nadeem MA, Nazir, MA. 2024. Green synthesis of Eucalyptus globulus zinc nanoparticles and its use in antimicrobial insect repellent paint formulation in bulk industrial production. Heliyon, 10(2).
  • Manoharan D, Wang LC, Chen YC, Li WP, Yeh CS. 2024. Catalytic nanoparticles in biomedical applications: exploiting advanced nanozymes for therapeutics and diagnostics. Adv Healthc Mater, 13(22): 2400746.
  • Nanda SS, Yi DK. 2024. Recent advances in synergistic effect of nanoparticles and its biomedical application. Int J Mol Sci, 25: 3266.
  • Ndlovu NL, Mdlalose WB, Ntsendwana B, Moyo T. 2024. Evaluation of advanced nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Pharmaceutics, 16: 473.
  • Ozcan A, Meral H. 2024. Introduction to fundamentals of nanoparticle synthesis, characterization, and properties. In Nanotechnology for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Management in Crop Plants. Academic Press, London, UK, pp: 41-60.
  • Panda R, Pant KK, Bhaskar T, Naik SN. 2021. Dissolution of brominated epoxy resin for environment friendly recovery of copper as cupric oxide nanoparticles from waste printed circuit boards using ammonium chloride roasting. J Cleaner Prod, 291: 125928.
  • Qin Q, Wu C, Wang Y, Chen J, Chen H, Guo W, ... & Zhang Y. 2024. Study of electrical properties of graphene/epoxy resin composites induced by external electric field. J Polym Res, 31: 43.
  • Rahimi-Ahar Z, Ahar LR. 2024. Thermal, optical, mechanical, dielectric, and electrical properties of nanocomposites. Eur Polym J, 2024: 113337.
  • Ruf M, Sims S, Hillebrand G, Schneider JP. 2024. Microwave-based removal of polyurethane and epoxy floor coatings. Prog Org Coat, 189: 108345.
  • Samardžija M, Stojanović I, Kurtela M, Alar V. 2024. Influence of aluminum nanoparticles in epoxy resin and epoxy coating for anticorrosion and antibacterial protection in pipeline industry. J Appl Polym Sci, 141: e55002.
  • Shaban SM, Taha AA, Elged AH, Taha ST, Sabet VM, Kim DH, Moustafa AH. 2024. Insights on Gemini cationic surfactants influence AgNPs synthesis: Controlling catalytic and antimicrobial activity. J Mol Liq, 397: 124071.
  • Singla M, Chawla V. 2010. Mechanical properties of epoxy resin – fly ash composite. J Miner Mater Charact. Eng, 9: 199–210.
  • Solomon NO, Kanchan S, Kesheri M. 2024. Nanoparticles as detoxifiers for industrial wastewater. Water Air Soil Pollut, 235: 214.
  • Şomoghi R, Mihai S, Teodorescu GM, Vuluga Z, Gabor AR, Nicolae CA, Stănciulescu CM. 2024. Influence of HNT-ZnO nanofillers on the performance of epoxy resin composites for marine applications. Coatings, 14: 532.
  • Stiufiuc GF, Stiufiuc RI. 2024. Magnetic nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and their use in biomedical field. Appl Sci, 14: 1623.
  • Tian P, Yang S, He Y, Liu W, Zhang J. 2024. High-performance naphthalene-based photocurable epoxy resin for advanced printed circuit boards coatings by optimizing fluorodiamine-mediator extension chemistry. Polymer, 308: 127421.
  • Torğut G, Gürler N. 2024. Enhanced impedance, electrical conductivity, dielectric properties for colloidal starch-g-poly (methyl methacrylate) supported with semiconductor cadmium sulfide. Polym Bull, 81: 8883-8900.
  • Unnikrishnan KP, Thachil ET. 2008. Studies on the modification of commercial epoxy resin using cardanol-based phenolic resins. J Elastomers Plast, 40: 271–286.
  • Vijai Anand K. 2021. Improved structural, optical and photoluminescence properties of EDTA capped zinc sulfide nanoparticles for optoelectronic applications. J Cluster Sci, 32: 155-161.
  • Wang RM, Zheng SR, Zheng YG. 2011. Polymer matrix composites and technology. Elsevier, London, UK, pp: 124.
  • Xavier JR. 2024. Innovative Nanocomposite coating for aluminum alloy in the aircraft manufacturing industry with increased mechanical strength, flame retardancy, and corrosion resistance. Chem Select, 9: e202402056.
  • Yu Z, Yan Z, Zhang F, Wang J, Shao Q, Murugadoss V, Guo Z. 2022. Waterborne acrylic resin co-modified by itaconic acid and γ-methacryloxypropyl triisopropoxidesilane for improved mechanical properties, thermal stability, and corrosion resistance. Prog Org Coat, 168: 106875.
  • Yudaev PA, Tamboura B, Chistyakov EM. 2023. Antistatic polymer materials. Nanotech Construct Sci Internet J, 15(2): 139-152.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnorganik Yeşil Kimya, Nanokimya, Malzeme Bilimi ve Teknolojileri
Bölüm Research Articles

Hakan Şahal 0000-0001-8714-1735

Ercan Aydoğmuş 0000-0002-1643-2487

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahal, H., & Aydoğmuş, E. (2025). Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 8(2), 381-390.
AMA Şahal H, Aydoğmuş E. Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method. BSJ Eng. Sci. Mart 2025;8(2):381-390. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1601734
Chicago Şahal, Hakan, ve Ercan Aydoğmuş. “Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced With CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8, sy. 2 (Mart 2025): 381-90.
EndNote Şahal H, Aydoğmuş E (01 Mart 2025) Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8 2 381–390.
IEEE H. Şahal ve E. Aydoğmuş, “Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method”, BSJ Eng. Sci., c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 381–390, 2025, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1601734.
ISNAD Şahal, Hakan - Aydoğmuş, Ercan. “Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced With CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8/2 (Mart 2025), 381-390.
JAMA Şahal H, Aydoğmuş E. Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8:381–390.
MLA Şahal, Hakan ve Ercan Aydoğmuş. “Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced With CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, c. 8, sy. 2, 2025, ss. 381-90, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1601734.
Vancouver Şahal H, Aydoğmuş E. Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8(2):381-90.
