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Cultural Intellegence Level of Turkish Teacher Candidates in Globalized World (Küreselleşen Dünyada Türk Öğretmen Adaylarının Kültürel Zekâ Seviyeleri)..... Doi: 10.14686/buefad.v4i2.5000131990

Year 2015, , 530 - 547, 05.08.2015


Nowadays, individuals, companies and cultures from different parts of the world are interacting with each other very often. Thus,  individuals should be aware of different cultures, languagaes, and people to be able to live in this multicultural world. Turkey has different ethnic, language, and cultural differences within its own borders. Since Turkey gets many immigrants and tourists from different cultures and has various cultural differences within its borders, determining cultural intellegence of Turkish people, especially the teacher candidates expected to shape our future, will be significant. This study aims to examine and explore the cultural intellengence level of teacher candidates in a descriptive manner. It also tries to show whether the cultural intellegence level is associated with the socio-demographics of the participants such as parent’s education, gender, the department they enrolled, and the hometown region. Participants of the study were 450 teacher candidates enrolled in the teacher education program at a university in Turkey on 2014-2015 academic years. Regarding the cultural intellinge scores, this study determined some differences among teacher candidates based on their gender and department they study. Also, this study identified some significant relationships between socio-demographics of candidates and cultural intelligence scores.


  • Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2008). Conceptualization of cultural intelligence: Definition, distinctiveness, and nomological network. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 3–15). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., Koh, C. K. S., Ng, K. Y., Templer, K. J., Tay, C. et al. (2007). Cultural intelligence: Its measurement and effects on cultural judgment and decision making, cultural adaptation, and task performance. Management and Organization Review, 3, 335–371.
  • Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., Koh, C. S. K., & Ng, K. Y. (2004, August). The measurement of cultural intelligence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA.
  • Bandura, A. (2002). Social cognitive theory in a cultural context. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51, 269–290.
  • Banks, J.A., & Banks, C.A.M. (Eds.). (2007). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives (6th Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Brislin, R., Worthley, R., & MacNab, B. (2006). Cultural intelligence: Understanding behaviors that serve people’s goals. Group & Organization Management, 31(1), 40-55.
  • Cafoğlu, Z. & D. Somuncuoğlu. (2000). Global Values in Education and Character Education. ERIC NO: ED449449.
  • Cırık, İ. (2008). Multicultural education and its reflections. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 34, 27-40.
  • Culpepper, RA & Zimmerman, RA 2006, „Culture-based extreme response bias in surveys employing variable response items: an investigation of response tendency among Hispanic-Americans‟, Journal of International Business Research, 5 (2), 75-83.
  • Çalık, T. & Sezgin, F. (2005). Globalization, information society, and education, Gazi University Kastamonu Education Journal, 13 (1). 55-66.
  • Dean, B.P. (2007). Cultural intelligence in global leadership. A model for developing culturally and nationally diverse teams. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Rogent University.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum.
  • Demir, S. (2012). The importance level of multicultural education for instructors’ of Erciyes University, Turkish Studies, 7 (4), 1453-1475.
  • Duverger, M. (2004). Siyaset Sosyolojisi. (Çev: Tekeli). Istanbul: Varlık Yayınları.
  • Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions across Cultures. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Erez, M. & Earley, P.C. (1993). Culture, self-identity, and work. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fehr, R. & Kuo, E. (2008): The impact of cultural intelligence in multicultural social networks. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), San Francisco, CA.
  • Friedman, T. L. (2005). The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
  • Gelfand, M. J., Erez, M., & Aycan, Z. (2007). Cross-cultural organizational behavior. In S. T. Fiske, D. L. Schacter & C. Zahn-Waxler (Eds.), Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 479–514. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.
  • Ilhan, M. & Çetin, B. (2014). Validity and Reliability Study of the Turkish Version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale. H. U. Journal of Education, 29(2), 94-114.
  • Imai, L, & Gelfand, M. J. (2010). The culturally intelligent negotiator: The impact of cultural intelligence (CQ) on negotiation sequence and outcomes. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 112, 83-98.
  • Kim, K., Kirkman, B. L., & Chen, G. (2008). Cultural intelligence and international assignment effectiveness: A conceptual model and preliminary findings. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 71–90). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
  • Livermore, A.D. (2009). Cultural intelligence: Improving your CQ to engage our multicultural world. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics.
  • Oguzkan, F. (1974). Dictionary of educatioanl terms. Ankara: Turkish Language Society Publications.
  • Reitz, C. (2009). “Herbert Marcuse and the Humanities: Emancipatory Education and Predatory Culture,” in Douglas Kellner, Tyson Lewis, Clayton Pierce, K. Daniel Cho, Marcuse’s Challenge to Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Rockstuhl, T. & Ng, K-Y. (2008). The effects of cultural intelligence on interpersonal trust in multicultural teams. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory Measurment and Applications (pp. 206-220). New York, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Shannon, L. M., & Begley, T. M. (2008). Antecedents of the four-factor model of cultural intelligence. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 41–55). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
  • Shokef, E., & Erez, M. (2008). Cultural intelligence and global identity in multicultural teams. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 177–191). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A framework for understanding conceptions of intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg & D. K. Detterman (Eds.), What is Intelligence? Contemporary Viewpoints on its Nature and Definition (pp. 3–15). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Sternberg, R. J., & Detterman, D. K. (1986). What is Intelligence? Contemporary Viewpoints on its Nature and Definition. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Templer, K. J., Tay, C., & Chandrasekar, N. A. (2005). Motivational cultural intelligence, realistic job preview, realistic living conditions preview, and cross-cultural adjustment. Group and Organization Management, 31,154–173.
  • The Ministry of National Education General Directorate of teacher Training and Education (2006). http://otmg.meb.gov.tr/belgeler/otmg/Yeterlikler.pdf on 20.11.2014. profession overall
  • effectiveness. Retrieved from
  • Triandis, H. C. (1994). Culture and Social Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Trochim, W. M. K. (2001). The Research Methods Knowledge Base. Atomic Dog Publication.
  • Van Dyne, L., Ang, S., & Koh, C. (2008). Development and validation of the CQS: The cultural intelligence scale. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 16–38). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.

Küreselleşen Dünyada Türk Öğretmen Adaylarının Kültürel Zekâ Seviyeleri

Year 2015, , 530 - 547, 05.08.2015


Bu çalışma, öğretmen adaylarının kültürel zeka seviyelerini betimsel olarak araştırma ve
incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca, katılımcıların kültürel zeka seviyesi ile anne-babalarının eğitimi,
cinsiyet, üniversitede devam ettikleri bölüm ve memleketleri gibi sosyo-demografik geçmişleri arasında
ilişki olup olmadığını göstermeye çalışacaktır. Katılımcılar, 2014-2015 akademik yılında Türkiye’deki bir
üniversitenin eğitim fakültesine kayıtlı 450 öğretmen adayından oluşmaktadır. Veriler, 2007’de Ang ve
arkadaşları tarafından geliştirilen ve 2014’te Ilhan ve Cetin tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan ve
psikometrik testleri yapılan Kültürel Zeka Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler, öncelikle
basit veri sunumu ve çizelge sunumu yapılarak değişkenlerin kodlaması ve analize hazır hale getirilmesi
aşamalarının da dahil olduğu birkaç adımda incelenmiştir. Daha sonra katılımcıların kültürel zeka
puanlarının ortalamaları sosyo-demografik geçmişlerine göre karşılaştırılmış ve korelasyon katsayısı
metodu (Pearson’s r) kullanılarak sosyo-demografik ve kültürel zeka seviye değişkenlerinin iki yönlü
analizleri sunulmuştur. Katılımcıların kültürel zeka puanlarının ortalamaları karşılaştırıldığında, bu
çalışma öğretmen adaylarının cinsiyet ve okudukları bölüme göre aralarında bazı farklılıklar
gösterdiklerini belirlemiştir. Ayrıca bu çalışma, Pearson korelasyon katsayılarına bakıldığında, öğretmen
adaylarının kültürel zeka seviyeleri ile bazı sosyo-demografik geçmişleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki tespit


  • Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2008). Conceptualization of cultural intelligence: Definition, distinctiveness, and nomological network. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 3–15). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., Koh, C. K. S., Ng, K. Y., Templer, K. J., Tay, C. et al. (2007). Cultural intelligence: Its measurement and effects on cultural judgment and decision making, cultural adaptation, and task performance. Management and Organization Review, 3, 335–371.
  • Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., Koh, C. S. K., & Ng, K. Y. (2004, August). The measurement of cultural intelligence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA.
  • Bandura, A. (2002). Social cognitive theory in a cultural context. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51, 269–290.
  • Banks, J.A., & Banks, C.A.M. (Eds.). (2007). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives (6th Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Brislin, R., Worthley, R., & MacNab, B. (2006). Cultural intelligence: Understanding behaviors that serve people’s goals. Group & Organization Management, 31(1), 40-55.
  • Cafoğlu, Z. & D. Somuncuoğlu. (2000). Global Values in Education and Character Education. ERIC NO: ED449449.
  • Cırık, İ. (2008). Multicultural education and its reflections. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 34, 27-40.
  • Culpepper, RA & Zimmerman, RA 2006, „Culture-based extreme response bias in surveys employing variable response items: an investigation of response tendency among Hispanic-Americans‟, Journal of International Business Research, 5 (2), 75-83.
  • Çalık, T. & Sezgin, F. (2005). Globalization, information society, and education, Gazi University Kastamonu Education Journal, 13 (1). 55-66.
  • Dean, B.P. (2007). Cultural intelligence in global leadership. A model for developing culturally and nationally diverse teams. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Rogent University.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum.
  • Demir, S. (2012). The importance level of multicultural education for instructors’ of Erciyes University, Turkish Studies, 7 (4), 1453-1475.
  • Duverger, M. (2004). Siyaset Sosyolojisi. (Çev: Tekeli). Istanbul: Varlık Yayınları.
  • Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions across Cultures. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Erez, M. & Earley, P.C. (1993). Culture, self-identity, and work. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fehr, R. & Kuo, E. (2008): The impact of cultural intelligence in multicultural social networks. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), San Francisco, CA.
  • Friedman, T. L. (2005). The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
  • Gelfand, M. J., Erez, M., & Aycan, Z. (2007). Cross-cultural organizational behavior. In S. T. Fiske, D. L. Schacter & C. Zahn-Waxler (Eds.), Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 479–514. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.
  • Ilhan, M. & Çetin, B. (2014). Validity and Reliability Study of the Turkish Version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale. H. U. Journal of Education, 29(2), 94-114.
  • Imai, L, & Gelfand, M. J. (2010). The culturally intelligent negotiator: The impact of cultural intelligence (CQ) on negotiation sequence and outcomes. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 112, 83-98.
  • Kim, K., Kirkman, B. L., & Chen, G. (2008). Cultural intelligence and international assignment effectiveness: A conceptual model and preliminary findings. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 71–90). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
  • Livermore, A.D. (2009). Cultural intelligence: Improving your CQ to engage our multicultural world. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics.
  • Oguzkan, F. (1974). Dictionary of educatioanl terms. Ankara: Turkish Language Society Publications.
  • Reitz, C. (2009). “Herbert Marcuse and the Humanities: Emancipatory Education and Predatory Culture,” in Douglas Kellner, Tyson Lewis, Clayton Pierce, K. Daniel Cho, Marcuse’s Challenge to Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Rockstuhl, T. & Ng, K-Y. (2008). The effects of cultural intelligence on interpersonal trust in multicultural teams. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory Measurment and Applications (pp. 206-220). New York, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Shannon, L. M., & Begley, T. M. (2008). Antecedents of the four-factor model of cultural intelligence. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 41–55). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
  • Shokef, E., & Erez, M. (2008). Cultural intelligence and global identity in multicultural teams. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 177–191). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A framework for understanding conceptions of intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg & D. K. Detterman (Eds.), What is Intelligence? Contemporary Viewpoints on its Nature and Definition (pp. 3–15). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Sternberg, R. J., & Detterman, D. K. (1986). What is Intelligence? Contemporary Viewpoints on its Nature and Definition. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Templer, K. J., Tay, C., & Chandrasekar, N. A. (2005). Motivational cultural intelligence, realistic job preview, realistic living conditions preview, and cross-cultural adjustment. Group and Organization Management, 31,154–173.
  • The Ministry of National Education General Directorate of teacher Training and Education (2006). http://otmg.meb.gov.tr/belgeler/otmg/Yeterlikler.pdf on 20.11.2014. profession overall
  • effectiveness. Retrieved from
  • Triandis, H. C. (1994). Culture and Social Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Trochim, W. M. K. (2001). The Research Methods Knowledge Base. Atomic Dog Publication.
  • Van Dyne, L., Ang, S., & Koh, C. (2008). Development and validation of the CQS: The cultural intelligence scale. In S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (pp. 16–38). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Aysun Doğutaş

Publication Date August 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Doğutaş, A. (2015). Cultural Intellegence Level of Turkish Teacher Candidates in Globalized World (Küreselleşen Dünyada Türk Öğretmen Adaylarının Kültürel Zekâ Seviyeleri)..... Doi: 10.14686/buefad.v4i2.5000131990. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 4(2), 530-547. https://doi.org/10.14686/buefad.v4i2.5000131990

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Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education