The verb, the work that the subject does or is subject to, the formation, the sword, the motion, the judgment,
etc.yi, indicating it is defined as words that describe. The word mental is an English term that relates to the mind
and the mind. The word mental is met with words such as mental, spiritual and perceptual as meaning. The
concept of mental verb can be called mind verbs, perception verbs. Verbs are grouped in general as act and state
verbs. Mental acts are not a physical act, but a mental act.
Emotions, perceptions, thoughts related verbs include mental verbs.
In Classical Turkish literature, many Yūsuf u Züleyha mesnevi was written. The work of Şeyyad Hamza is
important in terms of being the first known ‘Yusuf u Züleyha ' of Turkish literature, in other words Divan
literature. Examining the Yūsuf u Zelihā Mesnevi of Şeyyad Hamza in the context of mental acts 13-14. It is
thought that it will give an idea of Turkish culture and emotion in the centuries.
In this study, mental activity 1. Sensory (Perception) Verbs 2. Emotions 3. Comprehension Verbs 4.It was
studied as explanation verbs.