Tekrarlı ve iyi tanımlı adımlar içeren süreçler robotik süreç otomasyonu (RPA) için diğer süreçlere göre daha uygundurlar. Finans alanında çeyrek sonu raporları ve bilanço tablosu oluşturma gibi kurallı ve düzenli çalışan süreçler bunlara iyi birer örnektir. Ayrıca bu tür süreçler yüksek hacimleri sayesinde RPA’nın katkısını daha da görünür hale getirirler. Finansal kuruluşlar RPA’nın katkı ve kazancını diğerler sektör kuruluşlarından önce farketmiş ve RPA’yı birçok uygulamalarına uyarlamışlardır. Bunların başında raporlama, mutabakat, vergi hesaplama gibi süreçler gelmektedir. RPA, son birkaç yıldır sektörde popüler bir anahtar kelime olmuştur, ancak son zamanlarda çoğu kuruluşun erişebileceği bir teknoloji haline de gelmeyi başarmıştır. Hackett Group tarafından hazırlanan bir raporda RPA, küresel iş hizmetleri kuruluşlarında ve tüm iş süreci dış kaynak kullanımı (BPO) ekosisteminde ezber bozan bir unsur olarak gösterilmektedir. RPA pazarı her yıl neredeyse ikiye katlanmakta ve 2020'ye kadar %50'den fazla büyümesi beklenmektedir. Türkiye pazarındaki büyüme hızı da oldukça etkileyicidir: 2018-2020 yılları arasında Türkiye’nin önde gelen 130 şirketi RPA robotlarını kendi bünyelerine kattılar. Bankalar ve teknoloji firmaları RPA adaptasyonu konusunda daha hızlı davrandılar, ülkedeki RPA robotlarının yaklaşık %50’si bu iki sektör tarafından kullanılmaktadır; sadece bankalar robotların %30’dan fazlasına sahiptirler. Bu makale, Türkiye’den örnekler vererek finans alanında RPA'nın uygulamalarını ve avantajlarını tartışmaktadır.
Chakroborty, A. (2017). Robotic Process Automation for transforming Financial KPO Industry. Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 3(3). Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from http://imperialjournals.com/index.php/ijir/article/view/4013
Dey, S., & Das, A. (2019). Robotic process automation: assessment of the technology for transformation of business processes. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 9(3), 220-230. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/ijbpim.2019.100927
Dogan, P. (2020, October 8). RPA ve AI’ın Buluşması. Retrieved from Medium: https://medium.com/@pinard/rpa-ve-ai%C4%B1n-bulu%C5%9Fmas%C4%B1-fff3f557594
Essaides, N. (2019, April 11). Three Steps To Accelerating The Progress Of Finance Digital Transformation. Retrieved from Digitalist: https://www.digitalistmag.com/finance/2019/04/11/3-steps-to-accelerating-progress-of-finance-digital-transformation-06197683/
Fernandez, D., & Aman, A. (2018). Impacts of Robotic Process Automation on Global Accounting Services. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from http://ejournal.ukm.my/ajac/article/view/25271
Huang, F., & Vasarhelyi, M. A. (2019). Applying robotic process automation (RPA) in auditing: A framework. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 35, 100433. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s1467089518301738
Huthwaite, M. J. (2018, April 16). Why Artificial Intelligence is the Anti-Strategy for FP&A. The Online Resource for Modern FP&A Professionals.
Juntunen, K. (2018). Influence of contextual factors on the adoption process of Robotic process automation (RPA) : Case study at Stora Enso Finance Delivery. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1223866
Kokina, J., & Blanchette, S. (2019). Early evidence of digital labor in accounting: Innovation with Robotic Process Automation. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 35, 100431. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s1467089519301101
Kraft, O. (2018, August 1). CapTech. Retrieved from Robotic Process Automation + Financial Institutions: How RPA and Consulting are Changing Risk and Compliance: https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/robotic-process-automation-financial-institutions-how-rpa-and-consulting-are-changing-risk-and-compliance
Kumar, A. (2019, August 2). The Quickest Ways to Successfully Scale RPA in Banking and Capital Markets: New Use Cases, Heat Maps, and More. Retrieved from UiPath Inc.: https://www.uipath.com/blog/expanded-rpa-opportunities-banking-capital-markets
Marcey, O. (2019, April 18). Getting Past The Trust Gap Between CFOs And Their Finance Teams. Digitalist.
Ortega, C. (2018, June 7). How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will change FP&A. The Online Resource for Modern FP&A Professionals.
Panetta, K. (2019, October 21). Gartner. Retrieved from Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020: https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/gartner-top-10-strategic-technology-trends-for-2020/
Parcells, S. (2016). The power of finance automation. Strategic Finance, 98(6), 40-45. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5753266
Sarno, A. (2018, July 30). 12 Innovative Use Cases for RPA in Finance & Accounting. Retrieved from Kofax Blog: https://www.kofax.com.ru/blog/12-innovative-use-cases-rpa-finance-accounting
Top 10 Use Cases for Automation in Finance. (2019, May 23). Retrieved from Help Systems: https://www.helpsystems.com/resources/articles/top-10-use-cases-finance
Processes that contain repetitive and well-defined steps are more suitable for robotic process automation (RPA) than others. Many financial processes such as quarterly reports and balance sheet preparation fall into this category. Also, these processes are voluminous, making the benefits of RPA even more recognizable. Financial institutions (FIs) become aware of the benefits of RPA earlier than others and adopted RPA in many of their applications. Account reconciliations, reporting, and tax planning are among the processes that have been adapted to RPA. RPA has been a popular term in the industry for the last few years, only recently has it started to become a technology that’s within the reach of most organizations. RPA market has been almost doubling every year and it is expected to grow by more than 50 through 2020. Growth in the Turkish market is also substantial: between 2018 and 2020 more than 130 top companies have employed RPA robots in their infrastructure. Banks and technology companies in Turkey adapt RPA faster than other sectors, about 50% of the companies that adapted RPA are from these sectors. This paper discusses applications and advantages of RPA by giving examples from the finance and accounting in Turkey.
Chakroborty, A. (2017). Robotic Process Automation for transforming Financial KPO Industry. Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 3(3). Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from http://imperialjournals.com/index.php/ijir/article/view/4013
Dey, S., & Das, A. (2019). Robotic process automation: assessment of the technology for transformation of business processes. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 9(3), 220-230. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/ijbpim.2019.100927
Dogan, P. (2020, October 8). RPA ve AI’ın Buluşması. Retrieved from Medium: https://medium.com/@pinard/rpa-ve-ai%C4%B1n-bulu%C5%9Fmas%C4%B1-fff3f557594
Essaides, N. (2019, April 11). Three Steps To Accelerating The Progress Of Finance Digital Transformation. Retrieved from Digitalist: https://www.digitalistmag.com/finance/2019/04/11/3-steps-to-accelerating-progress-of-finance-digital-transformation-06197683/
Fernandez, D., & Aman, A. (2018). Impacts of Robotic Process Automation on Global Accounting Services. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from http://ejournal.ukm.my/ajac/article/view/25271
Huang, F., & Vasarhelyi, M. A. (2019). Applying robotic process automation (RPA) in auditing: A framework. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 35, 100433. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s1467089518301738
Huthwaite, M. J. (2018, April 16). Why Artificial Intelligence is the Anti-Strategy for FP&A. The Online Resource for Modern FP&A Professionals.
Juntunen, K. (2018). Influence of contextual factors on the adoption process of Robotic process automation (RPA) : Case study at Stora Enso Finance Delivery. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1223866
Kokina, J., & Blanchette, S. (2019). Early evidence of digital labor in accounting: Innovation with Robotic Process Automation. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 35, 100431. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s1467089519301101
Kraft, O. (2018, August 1). CapTech. Retrieved from Robotic Process Automation + Financial Institutions: How RPA and Consulting are Changing Risk and Compliance: https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/robotic-process-automation-financial-institutions-how-rpa-and-consulting-are-changing-risk-and-compliance
Kumar, A. (2019, August 2). The Quickest Ways to Successfully Scale RPA in Banking and Capital Markets: New Use Cases, Heat Maps, and More. Retrieved from UiPath Inc.: https://www.uipath.com/blog/expanded-rpa-opportunities-banking-capital-markets
Marcey, O. (2019, April 18). Getting Past The Trust Gap Between CFOs And Their Finance Teams. Digitalist.
Ortega, C. (2018, June 7). How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will change FP&A. The Online Resource for Modern FP&A Professionals.
Panetta, K. (2019, October 21). Gartner. Retrieved from Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020: https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/gartner-top-10-strategic-technology-trends-for-2020/
Parcells, S. (2016). The power of finance automation. Strategic Finance, 98(6), 40-45. Retrieved 11 1, 2020, from https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5753266
Sarno, A. (2018, July 30). 12 Innovative Use Cases for RPA in Finance & Accounting. Retrieved from Kofax Blog: https://www.kofax.com.ru/blog/12-innovative-use-cases-rpa-finance-accounting
Top 10 Use Cases for Automation in Finance. (2019, May 23). Retrieved from Help Systems: https://www.helpsystems.com/resources/articles/top-10-use-cases-finance
Doguc, O. (2021). APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(1), 51-59. https://doi.org/10.20854/bujse.906795
Doguc, Ozge. “APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING”. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 14, sy. 1 (Ekim 2021): 51-59. https://doi.org/10.20854/bujse.906795.
Doguc O (01 Ekim 2021) APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 14 1 51–59.
O. Doguc, “APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING”, BUJSE, c. 14, sy. 1, ss. 51–59, 2021, doi: 10.20854/bujse.906795.
Doguc, Ozge. “APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING”. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 14/1 (Ekim 2021), 51-59. https://doi.org/10.20854/bujse.906795.
Doguc, Ozge. “APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING”. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 51-59, doi:10.20854/bujse.906795.