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Humanitarian Intervention in International Law

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 97 - 124, 01.04.2010



  • Abiew, Francis Kofi: The Evolution Of The Doctrine And Practice Of Humanitarian Intervention, The Hague,Kluwer Law International, 1999.
  • Alexandrov, Stanimir A.: Self-Defence Against the Use of Force in International Law, The Hague, Kluwer,1996.
  • Arend, Anthony C. & Beck, Robert J.: International Law and Use of Force: Beyond the UN Charter Pa-radigm, London & New York, Routledge, 1993.
  • Armaoğlu, Fahir H.: Siyasi Tarih 1789-1960, 3. B., Ankara, AÜSBF Yayınları No: 362, 1975.
  • Bafleren, Sertaç H.: Uluslararası Hukukta Devletlerin Münferiden Kuvvet Kullanmalarının Sınırları, An-kara, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2003.
  • Baylis, John & Smith, Steve (eds): The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction To InternationalRelations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • Bowett, Derek W.: Self-Defence in International Law, Manchester, 1958.
  • Brownlie, Ian: International Law and Use of Force by States, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963.
  • Brownlie, Ian: Principles of Public International Law, 4. ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995.
  • Byers, Michael: War Law: International Law and Armed Conflict, London, Atlantic Books, 2005.
  • Dinstein, Yoram: War, Aggression and Self Defence, 2. ed., New York, Grotius Publications, 1994.
  • Dixon, Martin: Textbook On International Law, 2. ed., London, Blackstone, 1993.
  • Fawn, Rick & Larkıns, Jeremy (eds.): International Society after the Cold War, London, Millennium Pub-lishing, 1996.
  • Franck, Thomas M.: Recourse to Force: State Action Against Threats and Armed Attacks, Cambridge,Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Gündüz, Aslan: Milletlerarası Hukuk, Temel Belgeler Örnek Kararlar, 4. B., İstanbul, Beta Yayınları,2000.
  • Harris, D. J.: Cases and Materials on International Law, 4. ed., London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1991.
  • Holzgrefe, J. L. & Keohane, Robert O. (eds.): Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and PoliticalDilemmas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Keskin, Funda: Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanma: Savafl, Karıflma ve Birleflmifl Milletler, Ankara,Mülkiyeliler Birliği Vakfı Yayınları No: 20, 1998.
  • Lillich, Richard B. (ed.): Humanitarian Intervention and the United Nations, Charlottesville, UniversityPress of Virginia, 1973.
  • McDougal, Myers S., Lasswell, Harold, Chen, Lung-chu: Human Rights and World Public Order: The BasicPolicies of an International Law of Human Dignity, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, NewHaven & London, 1980.
  • McDougal, Myers S. & Feliciano, Florentino P.: The International Law of War: Transnational Coercionand World Public Order, New Haven, New Haven Press, 1994.
  • Murphy, Sean D.: Humanitarian İntervention: The United Nations in an Evolving World Order, Penns-ylvania, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996.
  • Oppenheim, L.: International Law, Vol. I - Peace, Lauterpacht, H. (ed.), 8. ed., London, Longmans, 1955.`` Palmer, Alan: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Son Üç Yüz Yıl: Bir Çöküflün Yeni Tarihi, çev. Belkıs Çorakçı Difl-budak, 5. B., İstanbul, Gençlik Yayınları, 1995.
  • Ronzitti, Natalino: Rescuing Nationals Abroad Through Military Coercion And Intervention On GroundsOf Humanity, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985.
  • Shaw, Malcolm N.: International Law, 4. ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Simma, Bruno et. al.: The Charter of the United Nations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Stone, Julius: Aggression and World Order: A Critique of United Nations Theories of Aggression, London,Stevens, 1958.
  • Teson, Fernando: Humanitarian Intervention: An Inquiry into Law and Morality, New York, Transnatio-nal Publishers, 1988.
  • Toluner, Sevin: Kıbrıs Uyuflmazlığı ve Milletlerarası Hukuk, İstanbul, İÜHF Yayınları, 1977.
  • Toluner, Sevin: Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından Türkiye’nin Bazı Dıfl Politika Sorunları, 1. B., İstanbul,Beta Yayınları, 2000.
  • Üçok, Coflkun: Siyasal Tarih 1789-1950, 5. B., Ankara, Ajans-Türk Matbaası, 1961.
  • Vincent, R. J.: Nonintervention and International Order, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1974.
  • Wagstaff, Malcolm J.: Greece, Ethnicity and Sovereignty, 1820-1994: Atlas and Documents, London, Arc-hive Editions, 2002.
  • Bazyler, Michael J.: “Reexamining the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention in Light of the Atrocities inKampuchea and Ethiopia”, Stan. J. Int’l L., Vol. 23, 1987, s. 547-619.
  • Benjamin, Barry M.: “Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention: Legalizing the Use of Force to Prevent Hu-man Rights Atrocities”, Fordham Int’l L. J., Vol. 16, 1992, s. 120-158.
  • Brownlie, Ian: “The Use of Force in Self-Defence”, Brit. Y. B. Int’l L., Vol. 37, 1961, s. 183-268.
  • Buchanan, Allen: “Reforming the International Law of Humanitarian Intervention”, Humanitarian In-tervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.),Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 130-173.
  • Byers, Michael & Chesterman, Simon: “Changing The Rules About Rules? Unilateral Humanitarian Inter-vention And The Future Of International Law”, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and Poli-tical Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 177-203.
  • Cassese, Antonio: “Ex iniuria ius oritur: Are We Moving towards International Legitimation of ForcibleHumanitarian Countermeasures in the World Community?”, Eur. J. Int’l L., Vol. 10, 1999, s. 23-30.
  • Cassese, Antonio: “A Follow-Up: Forcible Humanitarian Countermeasures and Opinio Necessitatis”, Eur.J. Int’l L., Vol. 10, (1999), s. 791-799.
  • Cassese, Antonio: “The Wolf that Ate Georgia”,, (7 Mart 2011).
  • Evans, Gareth: “Putin Twists UN Policy”,,25197,24278542-17062,00.html, (7 Mart 2011).
  • Franck, Thomas M.: “Interpretation and Change in the Law of Humanitarian Intervention”, HumanitarianIntervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.),Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 204-231.
  • Franck, Thomas M. & Rodley, Nigel S.: “After Bangladesh: The Law of Humanitarian Intervention by Mi-litary Force”, Am. J. Int’l L., Vol. 67, 1973, s. 275-305.
  • Gregory, Hafkin: “The Russo-Georgian War of 2008: Developing the Law of Unauthorized HumanitarianIntervention After Kosovo”, B.U. Int’l L.J., Vol. 28, 2010, s. 219-239.
  • Henkin, Louis: “Kosovo and the Law of ‘Humanitarian Intervention’”, Am. J. Int’l L., Vol. 93, 1999, s.824-828.
  • Higgins, Rosalyn: “The Legal Limits to the Use of Force by Sovereign States: United Nations Practice”,Brit. Y. B. Int’l L., Vol. 37, 1961, s. 269-319.
  • Holzgrefe, J. L.: “The Humanitarian Intervention Debate”, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal andPolitical Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge UniversityPress, 2003, s. 15-52.
  • Kloepfer, Stephen: “The Syrian Crisis, 1860-61: A Case Study in Classic Humanitarian Intervention”,Can. Y. B. Int’l L., Vol. 23, 1985, s. 246-259.
  • Kunz, Josef L.: “Individual and Collective Self-Defence in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nati-ons”, Am. J. Int’l L, Vol. 41, 1947, s. 872-879.
  • McDougal, Myres S. & Reisman, Michael: “Response by Professors McDougal and Reisman”, Int’l Lawyer,Vol. 3, 1969, s. 438-445.
  • Nanda, Ved: “Self-determination in International Law - The Tragic Tale of Two Cities: Islamabad (WestPakistan) and Dacca (East Pakistan)”, Am. J. Int’l L., Vol. 66, 1972, s. 321-336.
  • Pogany, Istvan: “Humanitarian Intervention in International Law: The French Intervention in Syria Re-examined”, Int’l & Comp. L. Q., Vol. 35, 1986, s. 182-190.
  • Reisman, Michael & McDougal, Myres S.: “Humanitarian Intervention to Protect the Ibos”, HumanitarianIntervention and the United Nations, Richard B. Lillich (ed.), Charlottesville, University Press of Vir-ginia, 1973, s. 167-196.
  • Teson, Fernando R.:“The Liberal Case for Humanitarian Intervention”, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical,Legal and Political Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 93-129.
  • Toal, Gerard: “Russia’s Kosovo: A Critical Geopolitics of the August 2008 War over South Ossetia”, Euras.Geog. & Econ., Vol. 49, 2008, s. 670-705.
  • Wheeler, Nicholas J.: “Humanitarian Intervention and World Politics,” The Globalization of World Politics:An Introduction to International Relations, John Baylis & Steve Smith (eds.), Oxford, Oxford UniversityPress, 1999, s. 391-408.
  • Wheeler, Nicholas J. & Morris, Justin: “Humanitarian Intervention and State Practice at the End of theCold War”, International Society after the Cold War, Rick Fawn & Jeremy Larkins (eds.), London, Millennium Publishing, 1996, s. 135-171.

Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 97 - 124, 01.04.2010



  • Abiew, Francis Kofi: The Evolution Of The Doctrine And Practice Of Humanitarian Intervention, The Hague,Kluwer Law International, 1999.
  • Alexandrov, Stanimir A.: Self-Defence Against the Use of Force in International Law, The Hague, Kluwer,1996.
  • Arend, Anthony C. & Beck, Robert J.: International Law and Use of Force: Beyond the UN Charter Pa-radigm, London & New York, Routledge, 1993.
  • Armaoğlu, Fahir H.: Siyasi Tarih 1789-1960, 3. B., Ankara, AÜSBF Yayınları No: 362, 1975.
  • Bafleren, Sertaç H.: Uluslararası Hukukta Devletlerin Münferiden Kuvvet Kullanmalarının Sınırları, An-kara, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2003.
  • Baylis, John & Smith, Steve (eds): The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction To InternationalRelations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • Bowett, Derek W.: Self-Defence in International Law, Manchester, 1958.
  • Brownlie, Ian: International Law and Use of Force by States, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963.
  • Brownlie, Ian: Principles of Public International Law, 4. ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995.
  • Byers, Michael: War Law: International Law and Armed Conflict, London, Atlantic Books, 2005.
  • Dinstein, Yoram: War, Aggression and Self Defence, 2. ed., New York, Grotius Publications, 1994.
  • Dixon, Martin: Textbook On International Law, 2. ed., London, Blackstone, 1993.
  • Fawn, Rick & Larkıns, Jeremy (eds.): International Society after the Cold War, London, Millennium Pub-lishing, 1996.
  • Franck, Thomas M.: Recourse to Force: State Action Against Threats and Armed Attacks, Cambridge,Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Gündüz, Aslan: Milletlerarası Hukuk, Temel Belgeler Örnek Kararlar, 4. B., İstanbul, Beta Yayınları,2000.
  • Harris, D. J.: Cases and Materials on International Law, 4. ed., London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1991.
  • Holzgrefe, J. L. & Keohane, Robert O. (eds.): Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and PoliticalDilemmas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Keskin, Funda: Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanma: Savafl, Karıflma ve Birleflmifl Milletler, Ankara,Mülkiyeliler Birliği Vakfı Yayınları No: 20, 1998.
  • Lillich, Richard B. (ed.): Humanitarian Intervention and the United Nations, Charlottesville, UniversityPress of Virginia, 1973.
  • McDougal, Myers S., Lasswell, Harold, Chen, Lung-chu: Human Rights and World Public Order: The BasicPolicies of an International Law of Human Dignity, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, NewHaven & London, 1980.
  • McDougal, Myers S. & Feliciano, Florentino P.: The International Law of War: Transnational Coercionand World Public Order, New Haven, New Haven Press, 1994.
  • Murphy, Sean D.: Humanitarian İntervention: The United Nations in an Evolving World Order, Penns-ylvania, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996.
  • Oppenheim, L.: International Law, Vol. I - Peace, Lauterpacht, H. (ed.), 8. ed., London, Longmans, 1955.`` Palmer, Alan: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Son Üç Yüz Yıl: Bir Çöküflün Yeni Tarihi, çev. Belkıs Çorakçı Difl-budak, 5. B., İstanbul, Gençlik Yayınları, 1995.
  • Ronzitti, Natalino: Rescuing Nationals Abroad Through Military Coercion And Intervention On GroundsOf Humanity, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985.
  • Shaw, Malcolm N.: International Law, 4. ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Simma, Bruno et. al.: The Charter of the United Nations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Stone, Julius: Aggression and World Order: A Critique of United Nations Theories of Aggression, London,Stevens, 1958.
  • Teson, Fernando: Humanitarian Intervention: An Inquiry into Law and Morality, New York, Transnatio-nal Publishers, 1988.
  • Toluner, Sevin: Kıbrıs Uyuflmazlığı ve Milletlerarası Hukuk, İstanbul, İÜHF Yayınları, 1977.
  • Toluner, Sevin: Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından Türkiye’nin Bazı Dıfl Politika Sorunları, 1. B., İstanbul,Beta Yayınları, 2000.
  • Üçok, Coflkun: Siyasal Tarih 1789-1950, 5. B., Ankara, Ajans-Türk Matbaası, 1961.
  • Vincent, R. J.: Nonintervention and International Order, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1974.
  • Wagstaff, Malcolm J.: Greece, Ethnicity and Sovereignty, 1820-1994: Atlas and Documents, London, Arc-hive Editions, 2002.
  • Bazyler, Michael J.: “Reexamining the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention in Light of the Atrocities inKampuchea and Ethiopia”, Stan. J. Int’l L., Vol. 23, 1987, s. 547-619.
  • Benjamin, Barry M.: “Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention: Legalizing the Use of Force to Prevent Hu-man Rights Atrocities”, Fordham Int’l L. J., Vol. 16, 1992, s. 120-158.
  • Brownlie, Ian: “The Use of Force in Self-Defence”, Brit. Y. B. Int’l L., Vol. 37, 1961, s. 183-268.
  • Buchanan, Allen: “Reforming the International Law of Humanitarian Intervention”, Humanitarian In-tervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.),Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 130-173.
  • Byers, Michael & Chesterman, Simon: “Changing The Rules About Rules? Unilateral Humanitarian Inter-vention And The Future Of International Law”, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and Poli-tical Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 177-203.
  • Cassese, Antonio: “Ex iniuria ius oritur: Are We Moving towards International Legitimation of ForcibleHumanitarian Countermeasures in the World Community?”, Eur. J. Int’l L., Vol. 10, 1999, s. 23-30.
  • Cassese, Antonio: “A Follow-Up: Forcible Humanitarian Countermeasures and Opinio Necessitatis”, Eur.J. Int’l L., Vol. 10, (1999), s. 791-799.
  • Cassese, Antonio: “The Wolf that Ate Georgia”,, (7 Mart 2011).
  • Evans, Gareth: “Putin Twists UN Policy”,,25197,24278542-17062,00.html, (7 Mart 2011).
  • Franck, Thomas M.: “Interpretation and Change in the Law of Humanitarian Intervention”, HumanitarianIntervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.),Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 204-231.
  • Franck, Thomas M. & Rodley, Nigel S.: “After Bangladesh: The Law of Humanitarian Intervention by Mi-litary Force”, Am. J. Int’l L., Vol. 67, 1973, s. 275-305.
  • Gregory, Hafkin: “The Russo-Georgian War of 2008: Developing the Law of Unauthorized HumanitarianIntervention After Kosovo”, B.U. Int’l L.J., Vol. 28, 2010, s. 219-239.
  • Henkin, Louis: “Kosovo and the Law of ‘Humanitarian Intervention’”, Am. J. Int’l L., Vol. 93, 1999, s.824-828.
  • Higgins, Rosalyn: “The Legal Limits to the Use of Force by Sovereign States: United Nations Practice”,Brit. Y. B. Int’l L., Vol. 37, 1961, s. 269-319.
  • Holzgrefe, J. L.: “The Humanitarian Intervention Debate”, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal andPolitical Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge UniversityPress, 2003, s. 15-52.
  • Kloepfer, Stephen: “The Syrian Crisis, 1860-61: A Case Study in Classic Humanitarian Intervention”,Can. Y. B. Int’l L., Vol. 23, 1985, s. 246-259.
  • Kunz, Josef L.: “Individual and Collective Self-Defence in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nati-ons”, Am. J. Int’l L, Vol. 41, 1947, s. 872-879.
  • McDougal, Myres S. & Reisman, Michael: “Response by Professors McDougal and Reisman”, Int’l Lawyer,Vol. 3, 1969, s. 438-445.
  • Nanda, Ved: “Self-determination in International Law - The Tragic Tale of Two Cities: Islamabad (WestPakistan) and Dacca (East Pakistan)”, Am. J. Int’l L., Vol. 66, 1972, s. 321-336.
  • Pogany, Istvan: “Humanitarian Intervention in International Law: The French Intervention in Syria Re-examined”, Int’l & Comp. L. Q., Vol. 35, 1986, s. 182-190.
  • Reisman, Michael & McDougal, Myres S.: “Humanitarian Intervention to Protect the Ibos”, HumanitarianIntervention and the United Nations, Richard B. Lillich (ed.), Charlottesville, University Press of Vir-ginia, 1973, s. 167-196.
  • Teson, Fernando R.:“The Liberal Case for Humanitarian Intervention”, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical,Legal and Political Dilemmas, J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, s. 93-129.
  • Toal, Gerard: “Russia’s Kosovo: A Critical Geopolitics of the August 2008 War over South Ossetia”, Euras.Geog. & Econ., Vol. 49, 2008, s. 670-705.
  • Wheeler, Nicholas J.: “Humanitarian Intervention and World Politics,” The Globalization of World Politics:An Introduction to International Relations, John Baylis & Steve Smith (eds.), Oxford, Oxford UniversityPress, 1999, s. 391-408.
  • Wheeler, Nicholas J. & Morris, Justin: “Humanitarian Intervention and State Practice at the End of theCold War”, International Society after the Cold War, Rick Fawn & Jeremy Larkins (eds.), London, Millennium Publishing, 1996, s. 135-171.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Özhan Hancılar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Hancılar, Ö. (2010). Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale. Cankaya University Journal of Law, 7(2), 97-124.
AMA Hancılar Ö. Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale. Cankaya University Journal of Law. Nisan 2010;7(2):97-124.
Chicago Hancılar, Özhan. “Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale”. Cankaya University Journal of Law 7, sy. 2 (Nisan 2010): 97-124.
EndNote Hancılar Ö (01 Nisan 2010) Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale. Cankaya University Journal of Law 7 2 97–124.
IEEE Ö. Hancılar, “Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale”, Cankaya University Journal of Law, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 97–124, 2010.
ISNAD Hancılar, Özhan. “Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale”. Cankaya University Journal of Law 7/2 (Nisan 2010), 97-124.
JAMA Hancılar Ö. Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale. Cankaya University Journal of Law. 2010;7:97–124.
MLA Hancılar, Özhan. “Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale”. Cankaya University Journal of Law, c. 7, sy. 2, 2010, ss. 97-124.
Vancouver Hancılar Ö. Uluslararası Hukukta İnsani Müdehale. Cankaya University Journal of Law. 2010;7(2):97-124.