Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Utilization of Hydrogen and Natural Gas Blend in Domestic Appliances
Yıl 2022,
, 23 - 38, 30.03.2022
Fatih Sorgulu
Merve Öztürk
Nader Javani
İbrahim Dinçer
Development of appropriate energy systems and infrastructures is inevitable in societal progress. Renewable energy deployment should be boosted to combat local and global environmental impact in general and climate change in specific, due to the increased carbon dioxide emissions, particularly from fossil fuel processes. Natural gas is a fossil fuel that accounts for one-third of the total energy demand and produces the highest carbon emissions globally. Hydrogen, on the other hand, is among the best candidates to reform the energy trend from fossil fuels to carbon-free sustainable energy systems. In this study, the advantages/disadvantages of blending hydrogen with natural gas on the combustion are investigated experimentally and theoretically. With the addition of hydrogen into natural gas, the volumetric heating value increases, while the Wobbe index and density values decrease. When the proportion of hydrogen blended into the natural gas reaches up to 20% by volume, the Wobbe index decreases from 50,395 kJ/m3 to 47,654 kJ/m3, and the carbon dioxide emission decreases from 9.1% to 7.9%, respectively.
Etik Beyan
Çalışma için etik kurul izni gerekmemektedir
Yazarlar, veri sağlayan GAZBİR-GAZMER'e (Türkiye Doğal Gaz Dağıtım Şirketleri Derneği Teknik Merkezi) ve deneysel çalışmalara mali destek sağlayan Türkiye Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu'na (EPDK) teşekkür eder.
- Beuth Publishing DIN. (2003). Gasförmige Brennstoffe und sonstige Gase (DIN 51857:1997-03). https://www.beuth.de/de/norm/din-51857/2918924
- Deheri, C., Acharya, S. K., Thatoi, D. N., & Mohanty, A. P. (2020). A review on performance of biogas and hydrogen on diesel engine in dual fuel mode. Fuel, 260, 116337. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116337
- Enbridgegas (22 Şubat 2022). Low-Carbon Energy Project. Enbridge. https://www.enbridgegas.com/about-enbridge-gas/projects/low-carbon-energy
- Energiedienst (22 Şubat 2022). Wasserstoffanlage am Wasserkraftwerk Wyhlen. Energie Dienst. https://www.energiedienst.de/produktion/wasserstoff/power-to-gas/
- EPDK. (2019). 2019 Yılı Doğal Gaz Piyasası Yıllık Sektör Raporu. https://www.gazbir.org.tr/2019-dogalgaz-sektor-raporu/files/downloads/2019_YILI_DOGAL_GAZ_DAGITIM_SEKTOOR_RAPORU.pdf
- EPDK. (2021). 2020 Yılı Doğal Gaz Piyasası Sektör Raporu. https://www.gazbir.org.tr/uploads/page/2020_Yili_Dogal_Gaz_Sektoor_Raporu.pdf
- Götz, M., Lefebvre, J., Mörs, F., Koch, A. M., Graf, F., Bajohr, S. & Kolb, T. (2016). Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1371-1390.
- H2ORIZON, (18 Şubat 2022). H2ORIZON – Mit Windstrom ins Weltall. Energie & Klimaschutz. https://www.energie-klimaschutz.de/h2orizon-mit-windstrom-ins-weltall/
- H2V PRODUCT (22 Şubat 2022). http://h2vproduct.net/en/h2v-industry-home/
- Hydrogenics (2019). State of Play and Developments of Power-To-Hydrogen Technologies [PowerPoint Sunusu]. Etip Wind. https://etipwind.eu/wp-content/uploads/A2-Hydrogenics_v2.pdf.
- HyDeploy (22 Şubat 2022). HyDeploy. https://hydeploy.co.uk/about/technology/.
- HyNet North West (22 Şubat 2022). HyNet. https://hynet.co.uk/.
- Aurtralian Gas Infrastructure Group. (19 Şubat 2022). Hydrogen Park South Australia. Aurtralian Gas Infrastructure Group. https://www.agig.com.au/hydrogen-park-south-australia
- Jupiter 1000 project (21 Şubat 2022). Jupiter 1000. https://www.jupiter1000.eu/english.
- Mahmood, H. A., Adam, N. M., Sahari, B. B., & Masuri, S. U. (2018). Development of a particle swarm optimisation model for estimating the homogeneity of a mixture inside a newly designed CNG-H2-AIR mixer for a dual fuel engine: An experimental and theoretic study. Fuel, 217, 131-150.
- Melaina, M. W., Antonia, O., & Penev, M. (2013). Blending hydrogen into natural gas pipeline networks: a review of key issues (NREL/TP-5600-51995). NREL. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/51995.pdf
- MéthyCentre (22 Şubat 2022). Meth Centre. https://methycentre.eu/
- Ozturk, M., & Dinçer, I. (2020). Development of renewable energy system integrated with hydrogen and natural gas subsystems for cleaner combustion. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 83, 103583.
- Sherif, S. A., Goswami, D. Y., Stefanakos, E. L., & Steinfeld, A. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of hydrogen energy. CRC Press.
- Sorgulu, F., & Dinçer, I. (2022). Thermoeconomic and impact assessments of trigeneration systems with various fuels. Fuel, 317, 123503.
- Stougie, L., Giustozzi, N., van der Kooi, H., & Stoppato, A. (2018). Environmental, economic and exergetic sustainability assessment of power generation from fossil and renewable energy sources. International Journal of Energy Research, 42(9), 2916-2926.
- UNFCCC S. (2015). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its twenty-first session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-first session, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Bonn; 2015.
- USS, 2030 Underground Sun Storage 2030. (22 Şubat 2022). Underground Sun Storage 2030. https://www.uss-2030.at/en/
- Zhang, X. R. (2017). Natural future of energy utilization. International Journal of Energy Research, 41(6), 757-760.
Hidrojen ve Doğal Gaz Karışımının Evsel Cihazlarda Kullanımının Deneysel ve Teorik Olarak İncelenmesi
Yıl 2022,
, 23 - 38, 30.03.2022
Fatih Sorgulu
Merve Öztürk
Nader Javani
İbrahim Dinçer
Günümüz ekonomilerinde nüfusun artışı ve yaşam kalitesindeki değişiklikler, enerji üretim altyapısında da büyük değişiklikleri beraberinde getirmektedir. Fosil yakıt kullanımı sonucu ortaya çıkan karbondioksit emisyonlarını azaltmak ve iklim değişikliği ile mücadele etmek için yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımı artmaktadır. Bu eğilimin nedeni, dünya genelinde artan enerji talebi ve fosil yakıt tüketimidir. Doğal gaz, toplam enerji talebinin üçte birini oluşturan ve küresel olarak en yüksek karbon emisyonunu üreten fosil yakıttır. Hidrojen ise, daha düşük sera gazı emisyonları ve sürdürülebilir enerji sağladığı için başta yenilenebilir enerji bazlı sistemler olmak üzere entegre enerji sistemlerinde büyük ilgi görmektedir. Bu bağlamda hidrojen, enerji güvenliği ve sürdürülebilirlik için kritik bir enerji taşıyıcısı olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada hidrojenin doğal gaza karıştırılmasının yanma üzerindeki etkileri deneysel ve teorik olarak araştırılmıştır. Doğal gaza hidrojen ilavesiyle hacim bazlı alt ısıl değer artarken, Wobbe indeksi ve yoğunluk değerleri düşmektedir. Doğal gazın içerisine karıştırılan hidrojen oranı hacimsel olarak %0’dan %20’ye çıkarıldığında; Wobbe indeksi 50.395 kJ/m3 değerinden 47.654 kJ/m3 değerine düşerken, çevreye olan karbondioksit emisyonları %9,1’den %7,9’a azalmaktadır.
- Beuth Publishing DIN. (2003). Gasförmige Brennstoffe und sonstige Gase (DIN 51857:1997-03). https://www.beuth.de/de/norm/din-51857/2918924
- Deheri, C., Acharya, S. K., Thatoi, D. N., & Mohanty, A. P. (2020). A review on performance of biogas and hydrogen on diesel engine in dual fuel mode. Fuel, 260, 116337. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116337
- Enbridgegas (22 Şubat 2022). Low-Carbon Energy Project. Enbridge. https://www.enbridgegas.com/about-enbridge-gas/projects/low-carbon-energy
- Energiedienst (22 Şubat 2022). Wasserstoffanlage am Wasserkraftwerk Wyhlen. Energie Dienst. https://www.energiedienst.de/produktion/wasserstoff/power-to-gas/
- EPDK. (2019). 2019 Yılı Doğal Gaz Piyasası Yıllık Sektör Raporu. https://www.gazbir.org.tr/2019-dogalgaz-sektor-raporu/files/downloads/2019_YILI_DOGAL_GAZ_DAGITIM_SEKTOOR_RAPORU.pdf
- EPDK. (2021). 2020 Yılı Doğal Gaz Piyasası Sektör Raporu. https://www.gazbir.org.tr/uploads/page/2020_Yili_Dogal_Gaz_Sektoor_Raporu.pdf
- Götz, M., Lefebvre, J., Mörs, F., Koch, A. M., Graf, F., Bajohr, S. & Kolb, T. (2016). Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1371-1390.
- H2ORIZON, (18 Şubat 2022). H2ORIZON – Mit Windstrom ins Weltall. Energie & Klimaschutz. https://www.energie-klimaschutz.de/h2orizon-mit-windstrom-ins-weltall/
- H2V PRODUCT (22 Şubat 2022). http://h2vproduct.net/en/h2v-industry-home/
- Hydrogenics (2019). State of Play and Developments of Power-To-Hydrogen Technologies [PowerPoint Sunusu]. Etip Wind. https://etipwind.eu/wp-content/uploads/A2-Hydrogenics_v2.pdf.
- HyDeploy (22 Şubat 2022). HyDeploy. https://hydeploy.co.uk/about/technology/.
- HyNet North West (22 Şubat 2022). HyNet. https://hynet.co.uk/.
- Aurtralian Gas Infrastructure Group. (19 Şubat 2022). Hydrogen Park South Australia. Aurtralian Gas Infrastructure Group. https://www.agig.com.au/hydrogen-park-south-australia
- Jupiter 1000 project (21 Şubat 2022). Jupiter 1000. https://www.jupiter1000.eu/english.
- Mahmood, H. A., Adam, N. M., Sahari, B. B., & Masuri, S. U. (2018). Development of a particle swarm optimisation model for estimating the homogeneity of a mixture inside a newly designed CNG-H2-AIR mixer for a dual fuel engine: An experimental and theoretic study. Fuel, 217, 131-150.
- Melaina, M. W., Antonia, O., & Penev, M. (2013). Blending hydrogen into natural gas pipeline networks: a review of key issues (NREL/TP-5600-51995). NREL. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/51995.pdf
- MéthyCentre (22 Şubat 2022). Meth Centre. https://methycentre.eu/
- Ozturk, M., & Dinçer, I. (2020). Development of renewable energy system integrated with hydrogen and natural gas subsystems for cleaner combustion. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 83, 103583.
- Sherif, S. A., Goswami, D. Y., Stefanakos, E. L., & Steinfeld, A. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of hydrogen energy. CRC Press.
- Sorgulu, F., & Dinçer, I. (2022). Thermoeconomic and impact assessments of trigeneration systems with various fuels. Fuel, 317, 123503.
- Stougie, L., Giustozzi, N., van der Kooi, H., & Stoppato, A. (2018). Environmental, economic and exergetic sustainability assessment of power generation from fossil and renewable energy sources. International Journal of Energy Research, 42(9), 2916-2926.
- UNFCCC S. (2015). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its twenty-first session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-first session, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Bonn; 2015.
- USS, 2030 Underground Sun Storage 2030. (22 Şubat 2022). Underground Sun Storage 2030. https://www.uss-2030.at/en/
- Zhang, X. R. (2017). Natural future of energy utilization. International Journal of Energy Research, 41(6), 757-760.