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Yıl 2021, , 108 - 122, 31.12.2021



  • Akkuş, S., and Yıldırım, Ş. (2018). Investigating the factors affecting man’s physical violence to women. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 17(4): 1368-1388.
  • Alper, Z., Ergin, N., Selimoglu, K., and Bilgel, N. (2005). Domestic violence: A study among a group of Turkish women. European Journal of General Practice, 11(2): 48–54.
  • Altınay, A. G., and Arat, Y. (2008). Violence against women in Turkey, Metis Yayınları. (2nd Ed.). Istanbul.
  • Asian Development Bank. (2016). Gender statistics, the pacific and timor leste. Retrieved from
  • Ayan, S. (2007). Aggressiveness tendencies of the children exposed to domestic violence. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 8(3): 206-214.
  • Babu, B. V., and Kar, S. K. (2010). Domestic violence in Eastern India: Factors associated with victimization and perpetration. Public Health, 124: 136-148.
  • Bedir, N., Ekerbiçer, H. Ç., İnci, M. B., Köse, E., Karatepe, T. U., Demirbaş, M., … Kılıç, Z. (2017).Violence perceptions of a group of women living in Sakarya and ınfluential factors. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi, 7(4): 188-196.
  • Bilican-Gökkaya, V. (2011). Economic violence towards women: Sample of Sivas (Cumhuriyet University). Journal of World of Turks, 3(3): 129-145.
  • Boz, B., Acar, K., and Kurtuluş, A. (2008). Intra familiar violence cases of Pamukkale University School of Medicine Department of Legal Medicine between May 2003-July 2004. Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı Anabilim Dalı, Pamukkale Tıp Dergisi, Denizli, 1: 13-16.
  • Cengiz-Özyurt, B., and Deveci, A. (2010). The relationship between domestic violence and the prevalence of depressive symptoms in married women between 15 and 49 years of age in a rural area of Manisa, Turkey. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 22(1): 10-6. doi: 10.5080/u6350
  • Devries, K. M., Mak, J. Y., Bacchus, L. J., Child, J. C., Falder, G., Petzold, M., … Watts, C. H. (2013). Intimate partner violence and ıncident depressive symptoms and suicide attempts: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. PLOS Medicine 10(5):e1001439. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001439. Epub 2013 May 7
  • Directorate General on The Status of Women. (2012-2015). National action plan for combating violence against women. T. C. Ministry Of Family And Social Policies. Retrieved from
  • Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey. (2009). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey Survey. (2015). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Available from URL:
  • Ediz, A., and Altan, Ş. (2017). A field study on violence against women in Turkey. TBB Dergisi (Özel Sayı). Retrieved from
  • Ellsberg, M., Jansen, H. A., Heise, L., Watts, C. H., and Garcia-Moreno, C. (2008). Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: An observational study. Lancet, 371(9619): 1165-72. doi:
  • Fernandez, M. D., Silva, I. M. M., Vazquez-Portomene, F., and Calvo, M. S. R. (2017). Features and consequences of gender violence: Study of cases confirmed by a conviction. Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine, 43(3): 115-122.
  • Garcia-Moreno, C., Jansen, H. A., Ellsberg, M., Heise, L., and Watts, C. (2005). WHO multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence against women: Initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women’s responses. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • General Statistics Office. (GSO). of Viet Nam (2010) Keeping silent is dying: Results from the national study on domestic violence against women in Viet Nam. Summary Report. Global Health Observatory. (GHO). Data (2010) World Health Organization. Retrieved from
  • Güler, N. (2010). Physical, emotional, sexual, and economic violence by spouse during pregnancy and associated factors background. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 3(2): 72-77.
  • Hattery, A. J. (2009). Intimate partner violence. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 222.
  • Heise, L. (2011). What works to prevent partner violence? An evidence overview. STRIVE, London School of hygiene and tropical medicine, London.
  • Holden, G. W. (2003). Children exposed to domestic violence and child abuse: terminology and taxonomy. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 6(3): 151-160.
  • Jewkes, R. K., Flood, M. G., and Lang, J. (2015). From work with men and boys to changes of social norms and reduction of inequities in gender relations: A conceptual shift in prevention of violence against women and girls. The Lancet, 385(9977): 1580-1589.
  • Kanbay, Y., Aslan, O., Işık, E., and Tektaş, P. (2017). “Development study on ISKEBE violence against women attitude scale (ISKEBE Attitude Scale)”, 18(5): 453-459. doi: 10.5455/apd.256374
  • Kanbay, Y., Işık, E., Yavuzaslan, M., and Keleş, S. (2012). Determination of the opinions and attitudes of nursing students about domestic violence against women. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2): 107-119.
  • Karınca, E. (2008). The application examples and legal status of related domestic violence against women. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of the Status of Women, Ankara, 179.
  • Kitzmann, K. M., Gaylord, N. K., Holt, A. R., and Kenny, E. D. (2003). Child witnesses to domestic violence: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(2): 339-52.
  • Kocacık, F., and Çağlayandereli, M. (2009). Domestic violence towards women: Denizli case study. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6(2): 24–43.
  • Kocacık, F., and Doğan, O. (2006). Domestic violence against women in Sivas, Turkey: Survey study. Croatian Medical Journal, 47(5): 742–749.
  • Kocacık, F., Kutlar, A., and Erselcan, F. (2007). Domestic violence against women: A field study in Turkey. The Social Science Journal, 44(2): 698–720.
  • Lewis, I., Maruia, B., and Walker, S. (2008). Violence against women in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Family Studies, 14: 183-197. McCue, M. L. (2008). Domestic violence. Contemporary world ıssues, ABC-CLIO, California, 328.
  • Noroien, A. I., and Schei, B. (2008). Partner violence and health: Result from the first national study on violence against women in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 36(2): 161-8.
  • Parish, W. L., Wang, T., Laumann, E. O., Pan, S., and Luo, Y. (2004). Intimate partner violence in China: National prevalence, risk factors and associated health problems. International Family Planning Perspectives, 30(4): 174-81. doi: 10.1363/ifpp.30.174.04
  • Rahmatian, A. A. (2009). Breaking down the social learning of domestic violence. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 3(1): 62-66.
  • Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Family Research Council. (1995). Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence. Bizim Ofis Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Research of Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey. (2014). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Summary Report, Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Şahin, E. M., Yetim, D., and Öyekçin, D. G. (2012). Rate of intimate partner violence against women and attitudes of women towards violence in Edirne Turkey. Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi, 34(1): 23-32.
  • Turk, R., Senol-Celik, S., Çetin, M., and Soydan, G. (2017). Experiences and views of married women about domestic violence. International Journal of Nursing Practice. ijn.12543
  • United Nations General Assembly. (1993). Declaration on the elimination of violence against women. Sexual and gender-based violence, UN General Assembly. A/RES/48/104. Retrieved from
  • Vahip, I., and Doğanavşargil, Ö. (2006). Domestic physical violence and female patients. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 17(2): 107-114.
  • World Health Organization. (1996). Global Consultation on Violence and Health. Violence: a public health priority. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • World Health Organization. (2013). Global and regional estimates of violence against women. Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence, Department of reproductive health and research, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • World Health Organization. (2017). Violence against Women. Retrieved from
  • Yanık, A., Hanbaba, Z., Soygür, S., Ayaltı, B., and Doğan, M. (2014). Evaluation of violent behavior against women: Evidence from Turkey. Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 4(4): 104-111.

Male Attitudes in Kars, Turkey Toward Violence Against Women

Yıl 2021, , 108 - 122, 31.12.2021


We conducted this study to determine the attitudes of men living in the city of Kars, Turkey toward violence against women. This descriptive research was conducted from January 30, 2019 to March 30, 2019 in Family Practice Centers under the Kars Provincial Directorate of Health, Department of Public Health Services, and the Public Health Center. The study sample consisted of 380 male individuals. In data collection for the study, the “Sociodemographic Characteristics” form and “İSKEBE Scale of Attitudes Toward Violence Against Women” were used. Our study determined that men are against violence toward women. According to the findings, 43,9% of study participants had witnessed violence during childhood. We also found that attitudes toward violence against women were high in married, individuals aged 46 and above, men with primary school education and men who had witnessed violence during childhood. To combat violence against women, regular training and education should be provided to families and individuals by health personnel and experts in this field, non-governmental organizations and recognized religious leaders in the community. The goal of regular training and education of the public concerning the topic of domestic violence is to promote and protect the health of women and children and all members of society. In addition, programs should be developed which would support psychosocial and legal approaches for men who commit violence.


  • Akkuş, S., and Yıldırım, Ş. (2018). Investigating the factors affecting man’s physical violence to women. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 17(4): 1368-1388.
  • Alper, Z., Ergin, N., Selimoglu, K., and Bilgel, N. (2005). Domestic violence: A study among a group of Turkish women. European Journal of General Practice, 11(2): 48–54.
  • Altınay, A. G., and Arat, Y. (2008). Violence against women in Turkey, Metis Yayınları. (2nd Ed.). Istanbul.
  • Asian Development Bank. (2016). Gender statistics, the pacific and timor leste. Retrieved from
  • Ayan, S. (2007). Aggressiveness tendencies of the children exposed to domestic violence. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 8(3): 206-214.
  • Babu, B. V., and Kar, S. K. (2010). Domestic violence in Eastern India: Factors associated with victimization and perpetration. Public Health, 124: 136-148.
  • Bedir, N., Ekerbiçer, H. Ç., İnci, M. B., Köse, E., Karatepe, T. U., Demirbaş, M., … Kılıç, Z. (2017).Violence perceptions of a group of women living in Sakarya and ınfluential factors. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi, 7(4): 188-196.
  • Bilican-Gökkaya, V. (2011). Economic violence towards women: Sample of Sivas (Cumhuriyet University). Journal of World of Turks, 3(3): 129-145.
  • Boz, B., Acar, K., and Kurtuluş, A. (2008). Intra familiar violence cases of Pamukkale University School of Medicine Department of Legal Medicine between May 2003-July 2004. Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı Anabilim Dalı, Pamukkale Tıp Dergisi, Denizli, 1: 13-16.
  • Cengiz-Özyurt, B., and Deveci, A. (2010). The relationship between domestic violence and the prevalence of depressive symptoms in married women between 15 and 49 years of age in a rural area of Manisa, Turkey. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 22(1): 10-6. doi: 10.5080/u6350
  • Devries, K. M., Mak, J. Y., Bacchus, L. J., Child, J. C., Falder, G., Petzold, M., … Watts, C. H. (2013). Intimate partner violence and ıncident depressive symptoms and suicide attempts: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. PLOS Medicine 10(5):e1001439. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001439. Epub 2013 May 7
  • Directorate General on The Status of Women. (2012-2015). National action plan for combating violence against women. T. C. Ministry Of Family And Social Policies. Retrieved from
  • Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey. (2009). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey Survey. (2015). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Available from URL:
  • Ediz, A., and Altan, Ş. (2017). A field study on violence against women in Turkey. TBB Dergisi (Özel Sayı). Retrieved from
  • Ellsberg, M., Jansen, H. A., Heise, L., Watts, C. H., and Garcia-Moreno, C. (2008). Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: An observational study. Lancet, 371(9619): 1165-72. doi:
  • Fernandez, M. D., Silva, I. M. M., Vazquez-Portomene, F., and Calvo, M. S. R. (2017). Features and consequences of gender violence: Study of cases confirmed by a conviction. Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine, 43(3): 115-122.
  • Garcia-Moreno, C., Jansen, H. A., Ellsberg, M., Heise, L., and Watts, C. (2005). WHO multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence against women: Initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women’s responses. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • General Statistics Office. (GSO). of Viet Nam (2010) Keeping silent is dying: Results from the national study on domestic violence against women in Viet Nam. Summary Report. Global Health Observatory. (GHO). Data (2010) World Health Organization. Retrieved from
  • Güler, N. (2010). Physical, emotional, sexual, and economic violence by spouse during pregnancy and associated factors background. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 3(2): 72-77.
  • Hattery, A. J. (2009). Intimate partner violence. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 222.
  • Heise, L. (2011). What works to prevent partner violence? An evidence overview. STRIVE, London School of hygiene and tropical medicine, London.
  • Holden, G. W. (2003). Children exposed to domestic violence and child abuse: terminology and taxonomy. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 6(3): 151-160.
  • Jewkes, R. K., Flood, M. G., and Lang, J. (2015). From work with men and boys to changes of social norms and reduction of inequities in gender relations: A conceptual shift in prevention of violence against women and girls. The Lancet, 385(9977): 1580-1589.
  • Kanbay, Y., Aslan, O., Işık, E., and Tektaş, P. (2017). “Development study on ISKEBE violence against women attitude scale (ISKEBE Attitude Scale)”, 18(5): 453-459. doi: 10.5455/apd.256374
  • Kanbay, Y., Işık, E., Yavuzaslan, M., and Keleş, S. (2012). Determination of the opinions and attitudes of nursing students about domestic violence against women. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2): 107-119.
  • Karınca, E. (2008). The application examples and legal status of related domestic violence against women. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of the Status of Women, Ankara, 179.
  • Kitzmann, K. M., Gaylord, N. K., Holt, A. R., and Kenny, E. D. (2003). Child witnesses to domestic violence: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(2): 339-52.
  • Kocacık, F., and Çağlayandereli, M. (2009). Domestic violence towards women: Denizli case study. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6(2): 24–43.
  • Kocacık, F., and Doğan, O. (2006). Domestic violence against women in Sivas, Turkey: Survey study. Croatian Medical Journal, 47(5): 742–749.
  • Kocacık, F., Kutlar, A., and Erselcan, F. (2007). Domestic violence against women: A field study in Turkey. The Social Science Journal, 44(2): 698–720.
  • Lewis, I., Maruia, B., and Walker, S. (2008). Violence against women in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Family Studies, 14: 183-197. McCue, M. L. (2008). Domestic violence. Contemporary world ıssues, ABC-CLIO, California, 328.
  • Noroien, A. I., and Schei, B. (2008). Partner violence and health: Result from the first national study on violence against women in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 36(2): 161-8.
  • Parish, W. L., Wang, T., Laumann, E. O., Pan, S., and Luo, Y. (2004). Intimate partner violence in China: National prevalence, risk factors and associated health problems. International Family Planning Perspectives, 30(4): 174-81. doi: 10.1363/ifpp.30.174.04
  • Rahmatian, A. A. (2009). Breaking down the social learning of domestic violence. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 3(1): 62-66.
  • Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Family Research Council. (1995). Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence. Bizim Ofis Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Research of Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey. (2014). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Summary Report, Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Şahin, E. M., Yetim, D., and Öyekçin, D. G. (2012). Rate of intimate partner violence against women and attitudes of women towards violence in Edirne Turkey. Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi, 34(1): 23-32.
  • Turk, R., Senol-Celik, S., Çetin, M., and Soydan, G. (2017). Experiences and views of married women about domestic violence. International Journal of Nursing Practice. ijn.12543
  • United Nations General Assembly. (1993). Declaration on the elimination of violence against women. Sexual and gender-based violence, UN General Assembly. A/RES/48/104. Retrieved from
  • Vahip, I., and Doğanavşargil, Ö. (2006). Domestic physical violence and female patients. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 17(2): 107-114.
  • World Health Organization. (1996). Global Consultation on Violence and Health. Violence: a public health priority. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • World Health Organization. (2013). Global and regional estimates of violence against women. Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence, Department of reproductive health and research, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • World Health Organization. (2017). Violence against Women. Retrieved from
  • Yanık, A., Hanbaba, Z., Soygür, S., Ayaltı, B., and Doğan, M. (2014). Evaluation of violent behavior against women: Evidence from Turkey. Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 4(4): 104-111.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çevre Bilimleri
Bölüm Caucasian Journal of Science

Mehmet Utkan 0000-0003-4362-6903

Rukiye Türk 0000-0002-1424-1564

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ocak 2021
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Utkan, M., & Türk, R. (2021). Male Attitudes in Kars, Turkey Toward Violence Against Women. Caucasian Journal of Science, 8(2), 108-122.

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