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New Findings Regarding the The Early Iron Age Carian Material Culture and the Emergence of Fibula Production in the Region

Yıl 2024, , 207 - 226, 29.12.2024


In recent years, our knowledge of the Early Iron Age material culture in the Carian region has significantly increased through studies conducted on the Leleg Peninsula and the Keramos Chora. In 2019, one of the fibulae among the metal finds in a rectangular chamber tomb unearthed in Belentepe / Kavaklı in the Keramos Chora drew attention as a 'new' type of fibula not previously encountered in the region. The artifacts recovered from the burial chamber indicate that the tomb was used almost throughout the Early Iron Age. Fibulae consistently and regularly appear as characteristic finds in Carian burial contexts from the middle of 11th century BC to the first half of the seventh century BC. The fibula from Grave 78 should be considered as an example produced and used just before the standardization phase of Caner Type II d fibulae. The early series fibulae of Caner Type II d, produced in two different sizes, should be seen as indisputable evidence of the widespread use of fibulae in Caria and the production of local forms. Establishing a connection with the asymmetrical twisted bow fibulae known from Sub-Mycenaean burial contexts and exhibiting sufficient similarities that indicate it as a precursor to Caner Type II d fibulae, the fibula from Grave 78 in Belentepe/Kavaklı should be dated to the first half of the 11th century BC, likely its early years. Fibulae, along with Nau II type swords and other metal artifacts, indicate the inclusion of the Carian region in the commonality observed in metal objects across the Mediterranean world. The similarity of fibulae from the Lelegian Peninsula and the Keramos Chora to comparable examples in the early centuries of the Iron Age serves as evidence of shared production sites. The copper used in regional bronzes and the techniques employed in metal production are indicators of the proximity of relations with Cyprus. If we presume that this fibula is an imported find, then we should consider the possibility of it being of Cypriot origin.


  • Akarca, A. 1971 Beçin Altındaki Eskiçağ Mezarlığı. Belleten 137:1-37.
  • Arslan, N., Kızıl, A. 2007 A Late Geometric Carian Grave from Beçin. Anatolia Antiqua 15:83-93. Batziou-Efstathiou, A. 1999
  • Το νεκροταφείο της Νέας Ιωνίας (Βόλου) κατά τη μετάβαση από της ΥΕ ΙΙΙΓ στην ΠΓ εποχή. In Η περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου: Α Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συμπόσιο, Λαμία, 25-29 Σεπτεμβρίου 1994 / [επιμέλεια κειμένων και εποπτικού υλικού Ελένη Φρούσσου], Ph. Dakõronia (ed.), Lamia: E. P. K. A.:117-30.
  • Benter, M. 2009a Das mykenische Kammergrab vom Pilavtepe. In Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin, 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Bonn, F. Rumscheid (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 349-58.
  • - 2009b Hydas, einebefestigte Höhensiedlungauf der Bozburun-Halbinsel. In Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin, 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Bonn, F. Rumscheid (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 481-501.
  • Benzi, M. 2013 The Southeast Aegean in the Age of the Sea Peoples. In The Philistines and other “sea peoples” in text and archaeology, A. E. Killebrew, G. Lehmann (ed.), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature: 509-42.
  • Birmingham, J. 1963 The Development of the Fibula in Cyprus and the Levant. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 95: 80-112.
  • Blinkenberg, Chr. 1926 Fibules Grècques et Orientales. Kopenhage: A. F. Høst
  • Boysal, Y. 1964 Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Müsgebi Kazısı 1963 Yılı Kısa Raporu. TürkArkDerg 13(2): 81-85.
  • - 1965 1964 Müsgebi kazıları hakkında kısa rapor. TürkArkDerg 14: 123-24.
  • - 1967 Karya Bölgesi’nde Yeni Araştırmalar. Anadolu 11: 1-29.
  • - 1968 Turgut Kazısı 1969 Yılı Raporu. Anadolu 12: 63-93.
  • - 1969 Katalog Der Vasen im Museum in Bodrum I Mykenisch-Protogeometrisch. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafyası Fakültesi Yayımları No: 190, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Caner, E. 1983 Fibeln in Anatolien I. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV. Band 8. Munich: CH Beck.
  • Carstens, A. M. 2008 Tombs of the Halikarnassos Peninsula-The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Halicarnassian Studies V: Odense: Portland, OR: University Press of Southern Denmark: 52-118.
  • Catling, H. W. 1964 Cypriot bronzework in the Mycenaean world. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Catling, H. W., Catling, E.A. 1980 Objects of Bronze, Iron and Lead. In Lefkandi I, The Iron Age. M. R. Popham, L. H. Sackett, P. G.
  • Themelis (ed.), British School at Athens, Supplementary Vol. 22, London: Thames and Hudson / the British School of Archaeology at Athens: 231-64.
  • Demetriou, A. 1989 Cypro-Aegean relations in the early Iron Age. Gothenburg: P. Åströms Förlag.
  • Desborough, V. R. D’A. 1964 The Last Mycenaeans and Their Successors, An Archaeological Survey c. 1200-c. 1000 B.C. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Diler, A. 2009 Tombs and Burials in Damlıboğaz (Hydai) and Pedasa: Preliminary Report in the Light of Surface Investigations and Excavations. In Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin, 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Bonn, F. Rumscheid (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 359-76.
  • - 2015 Agricultural land use in Lelegian Termera: Change in settlement model in agricultural landscape. In Antikçağ’da Doğu Akdeniz’de Zeytinyağı ve Şarap Üretimi: Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildirileri, 17.-19 Kasım 2011, Urla-Izmir, A. Diler, A. K. Şenol, Ü. Aydınoğlu (ed.), Izmir: Ege Üniversitesi: 1-30.
  • -2019 Early Iron Age Termera (Asarlik): Some Notes On The Lelegian Settlements And Their Impacts On The Karian Identity. In KARIA ARKHAIA - La Carie, des origines à la période préhékatomnide, 4èmes Rencontres d’Archéologie de l’IFÉA Istanbul 14-16 Novembre 2013, O. Henry, K. Konuk (ed.), Istanbul: Institut Français d’Étude Anatoliennes Georges Dumézil: 507-46.
  • -2020 Taşların Efendisi Leleg Halkının Ana Kenti Pedasa’da Geç Tunç-Erken Demir Çağı’nda Yaşam ve Ölüm. In Karialılar Denizcilerden Kent Kuruculara, O. C. Henry, A. B Henry (ed.), Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları: 254-73.
  • Diler, A., Özer, B., Bulut, H., Gümüş, Ş., Adıgüzel, G., Kasar, Ö., Eryılmaz, N. S., Çur, M. 2014
  • Pedasa 2011-2012. KST 35.3: 536-538.
  • Diler, A., Özer, B., Gümüş, Ş., Adıgüzel, G., Yıldız, S. Z. 2019 Pedasa 2018. KST 41.1: 42-46.
  • Ekici, M. 2012 Karya Bölgesi Mengefe Mevkii’nden Bir Mezar. Stratonikeia’dan Lagina’ya, Ahmet Adil Tırpan Armağanı, B. Söğüt (ed.), Istanbul: Ege Yayınları: 241-48.
  • Erdoğan, A., Aytaçlar, N. 2012 Milas-TKİ Kazıları. In Ege Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Kazıları, Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi, Klasik Arkeolojisi, Sanat Tarihi, A. Çilingiroğlu, Z. Mercangöz (ed.) Izmir: Ege Üniversitesi Kültür Yayınları: 357-75.
  • Giesen, K. 2001 Zyprische Fibeln, Typologie und Chronologie. Jonsered: P. Åströms Förlag.
  • Gürbüzer, M. 2022 The Traces of The Early Iron Age at Amos. TÜBA-AR 31: 27-38.
  • Harding, A. F. 1984 The Mycenaeans and Europe. London: Academic Press.
  • Iakovides, S. 1969 / 1970 Περατή: τo νεκρoταφείoν, Α, Β, Γ, Athens: Η εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία.
  • Jacopi, G. 1932 / 1933 Esplorazione archeologica di Camiro, II, Clara Rhodos VI-VII. Rodi: Istituto storico-archeologico.
  • Kalaitzoglou, G. 2013 Methodische Anmerkungen zur Identifizierung mykenischer Gräber in Westanatolien. In Petasos: Festschrift für Hans Lohmann, G. Kalaitzoglou, G. Lüdorf (ed.), Paderborn: Brill Schöningh: 303-316.
  • Karageorghis, V., Raptou, E. 2016 PALAEPAPHOS-SKALES Tombs of the Late Cypriote IIIB and CyproGeometric Periods (Excavations of 2008 and 2011). Nicosia: The Cyprus Institute.
  • Karantzali, E. 2001 The Mycenaean cemetery at Pylona on Rhodos, British Archeological Reports. International Series 988, Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • Kraiker, K., Kübler, W. 1939 Die Nekropolen des 12. bis 10. Jahrhunderts. Kerameikos 1, Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Lemos, I. S. 2002 The Protogeometric Aegean, The Archaeology of the Late Eleventh and Tenth Centuries BC. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Malakasioti, Z., Tsiouka, F. 2011 Ζητήματα ταφικών πρακτικών στα νεκροταφεία της Εποχής του Σιδήρουστην περιοχή της αρχαίας Άλου, θέση «Βουλοκαλύβα. In The “Dark Ages” revisited: acts of an internationalsymposium in memory of William D. E. Coulson, Uni- versity of Thessaly, Volos, 14-17 June 2007, A. Mazarakis Ainian (ed.), Volos: University of Thessaly Press: 609-23.
  • Mee, C. 1978 Aegean Trade and Settlement in Anatolia in the Second Millenium B.C.. AnatSt 28: 121-56.
  • Mehofer, M., Jung, R. 2017 Weapons and Metals– Interregional Contacts between Italy and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age. In “Seapeoples” up-to-date. New research on transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 13th–11th centuries BCE, Proceedings of the ESF Workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 3-4 November 2014, P. M. Fischer, T. Bürge (ed.), Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 81. Contributions to the Chronology of Eastern Mediterranean 35. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press: 389-400.
  • Morricone, L. 1978 Sepolture della prima età del ferro a Coo. ASAtene 56: 9-408.
  • Mountjoy, P. A. 1995 Mycanaean Athens. Jonsered: P. Åström Förlag.
  • Müller-Karpe, H. 1962 Die Metallbeigaben der früheisenzeitlichen Kerameikos-Gräber. JdI 77: 59-129.
  • Özbey, A.S. 2014 TKİ-GELİ-YLİ Kurtarma Kazıları 2011-2012 Yılı Çalışmaları. Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Sempozyumu 22: 37-66.
  • Özer, B. 2017 Kıyı Karia Arkaik Seramiği: Karia Kaseleri ve Denizaşırı Dağılımları. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 156: 71-76.
  • - 2018 Pedasa’dan Erken Demir Çağ Başlarına Ait Mezar Platformları ve Urne Pithoslar. TÜBA-AR 22: 35-55.
  • - 2019 Erken Demir Çağı’nda Karia’da Mezar Mimarisi ve Ölü Gömme Gelenekleri: Keramos Kırsalı, Hüsamlar Nekropolisi’nden MÖ 12. Yüzyılın İlk Sakinlerine Ait Dikdörtgen Planlı Oda Mezarlar. OLBA XXVII: 133-168.
  • - 2020 Erken Demir Çağı Başlarına Ait Karia Fibulaları. In Metallurgica Anatolica: Festschrift für Ünsal Yalçın Anlasslich Seines 65. Geburtstags, H. G. Yalçın, H. Stegemeier (ed.), Istanbul: Ege Yayınları: 225-44.
  • Özer, B., Şimşek-Özer, Ö. 2017 Asarlık Paton Tomb O: Some Observations on Funerary Practices of Lelegian Peninsula in 12 th century BC and the Arrival of Newcomers. CollAn 16: 139-162.
  • Özgünel, C. 2013 Anadolu’da Miken Seramiği, Anadolu Ek Dizi II.1 Monografi Serisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih – Coğrafya Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Dergisi, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Pabst, S. 2018 Spätbronzezeitliche Violinbogenfibeln zwischen Donau, mittlerer Adria und Ägäis / Poznobronastodobnefibule v obliki violinskega loka med Donavo, srednjim Jadranom in egejskim prostorom. A r h Ve s t 69: 135-178.
  • Papadoupoulos, J. K. 2005 The Early Iron Age Cemetery at Torone. Los Angeles: Cotsen. Institute of Archaeology.
  • - 2017 Small Finds Other Than Pottery. In The Early Iron Age: The Cemeteries (Agora XXXVI), J. K. Papadopoulos, E. L. Smithson (ed.), Princeton, New Jersey:American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 899-955.
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  • Paton, W. R. 1887 Excavations in Caria. JHS 8: 64-82.
  • Peddle, F. 2001 Development and Expansion of Near Eastern Fibulae in the Iron Age. In Migration und Kulturtransfer. Der Wandel vorder- und zentralasiatischer Kulturen im Umbruch vom 2. zum 1. vorchristlichen Jahrtausend, Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums Berlin, 23. bis 26. November 1999, R. Eichmann, H. Parzinger (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 485-496.
  • Piteros, X. 2001 Ταφές και τεφροδόχα αγγεία τύμβουτης ΥΕ ΙΙΙΓ στοΆργος. In Πρακτικά τουσυνεδρίου «Καύσειςστην Εποχή του Χαλκού και τηνΠρώιμη Εποχή τουΣιδήρου», Ρόδος, 29 Απριλίου – 2 Μαΐου1999, N. X. Stampolidis (ed.), Athens: Panepistemio Kretes: 99–120.
  • Popham, M.R., Lemos, I. S. 1996 Lefkandi III: the Toumba Cemetery: The Excavations of 1981, 1984, 1986 and 1992-4. Athens: British School at Athens.
  • Pruss, A. 2002 Ein Licht in der Nacht? Die Amuq-Ebene während des Dark Ages. In Die nahöstlichen Kulturen und Griechenland an der Wendevom 2. zum 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.: Kontinuität und Wandel von Strukturen und Mechanismen kultureller Interaktion. Kolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereiches 295 “Kulturelle und sprachliche Kontakte” der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 11.-12.Dezember 1998, E. A. Braun-Holzinger, H. Matthäus (ed.), Möhnesee: Bibliopolis: 161-76.
  • Radt, W. 1974. Die früheisenzeitliche Hügelnekropole bei Vergina in Makedonien. In Beiträge zu italienischen und griechischen Bronzefunden, H. Müller-Karpe (ed.), Prähistorische Bronzefunde XX, Band 1, Munich: CH Beck: 98-147.
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  • Sapouna-Sakellarakis, E. 1978 Die Fibeln der Griechischen Inseln. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV Band 4. Munich: CH Beck.
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  • Lumb, D., Roames, J. 2019 Shifting Networks and Community Identity at Tell Tayinat in the Iron Age I (ca. 12 thCentury B.C.E.). AJA 123/2: 291-333.

New Findings Regarding the The Early Iron Age Carian Material Culture and the Emergence of Fibula Production in the Region

Yıl 2024, , 207 - 226, 29.12.2024


In recent years, our knowledge of the Early Iron Age material culture in the Carian region has significantly increased through studies conducted on the Leleg Peninsula and the Keramos Chora. In 2019, one of the fibulae among the metal finds in a rectangular chamber tomb unearthed in Belentepe / Kavaklı in the Keramos Chora drew attention as a 'new' type of fibula not previously encountered in the region. The artifacts recovered from the burial chamber indicate that the tomb was used almost throughout the Early Iron Age. Fibulae consistently and regularly appear as characteristic finds in Carian burial contexts from the middle of 11th century BC to the first half of the seventh century BC. The fibula from Grave 78 should be considered as an example produced and used just before the standardization phase of Caner Type II d fibulae. The early series fibulae of Caner Type II d, produced in two different sizes, should be seen as indisputable evidence of the widespread use of fibulae in Caria and the production of local forms. Establishing a connection with the asymmetrical twisted bow fibulae known from Sub-Mycenaean burial contexts and exhibiting sufficient similarities that indicate it as a precursor to Caner Type II d fibulae, the fibula from Grave 78 in Belentepe/Kavaklı should be dated to the first half of the 11th century BC, likely its early years. Fibulae, along with Nau II type swords and other metal artifacts, indicate the inclusion of the Carian region in the commonality observed in metal objects across the Mediterranean world. The similarity of fibulae from the Lelegian Peninsula and the Keramos Chora to comparable examples in the early centuries of the Iron Age serves as evidence of shared production sites. The copper used in regional bronzes and the techniques employed in metal production are indicators of the proximity of relations with Cyprus. If we presume that this fibula is an imported find, then we should consider the possibility of it being of Cypriot origin.


  • Akarca, A. 1971 Beçin Altındaki Eskiçağ Mezarlığı. Belleten 137:1-37.
  • Arslan, N., Kızıl, A. 2007 A Late Geometric Carian Grave from Beçin. Anatolia Antiqua 15:83-93. Batziou-Efstathiou, A. 1999
  • Το νεκροταφείο της Νέας Ιωνίας (Βόλου) κατά τη μετάβαση από της ΥΕ ΙΙΙΓ στην ΠΓ εποχή. In Η περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου: Α Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συμπόσιο, Λαμία, 25-29 Σεπτεμβρίου 1994 / [επιμέλεια κειμένων και εποπτικού υλικού Ελένη Φρούσσου], Ph. Dakõronia (ed.), Lamia: E. P. K. A.:117-30.
  • Benter, M. 2009a Das mykenische Kammergrab vom Pilavtepe. In Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin, 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Bonn, F. Rumscheid (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 349-58.
  • - 2009b Hydas, einebefestigte Höhensiedlungauf der Bozburun-Halbinsel. In Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin, 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Bonn, F. Rumscheid (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 481-501.
  • Benzi, M. 2013 The Southeast Aegean in the Age of the Sea Peoples. In The Philistines and other “sea peoples” in text and archaeology, A. E. Killebrew, G. Lehmann (ed.), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature: 509-42.
  • Birmingham, J. 1963 The Development of the Fibula in Cyprus and the Levant. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 95: 80-112.
  • Blinkenberg, Chr. 1926 Fibules Grècques et Orientales. Kopenhage: A. F. Høst
  • Boysal, Y. 1964 Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Müsgebi Kazısı 1963 Yılı Kısa Raporu. TürkArkDerg 13(2): 81-85.
  • - 1965 1964 Müsgebi kazıları hakkında kısa rapor. TürkArkDerg 14: 123-24.
  • - 1967 Karya Bölgesi’nde Yeni Araştırmalar. Anadolu 11: 1-29.
  • - 1968 Turgut Kazısı 1969 Yılı Raporu. Anadolu 12: 63-93.
  • - 1969 Katalog Der Vasen im Museum in Bodrum I Mykenisch-Protogeometrisch. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafyası Fakültesi Yayımları No: 190, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Caner, E. 1983 Fibeln in Anatolien I. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV. Band 8. Munich: CH Beck.
  • Carstens, A. M. 2008 Tombs of the Halikarnassos Peninsula-The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Halicarnassian Studies V: Odense: Portland, OR: University Press of Southern Denmark: 52-118.
  • Catling, H. W. 1964 Cypriot bronzework in the Mycenaean world. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Catling, H. W., Catling, E.A. 1980 Objects of Bronze, Iron and Lead. In Lefkandi I, The Iron Age. M. R. Popham, L. H. Sackett, P. G.
  • Themelis (ed.), British School at Athens, Supplementary Vol. 22, London: Thames and Hudson / the British School of Archaeology at Athens: 231-64.
  • Demetriou, A. 1989 Cypro-Aegean relations in the early Iron Age. Gothenburg: P. Åströms Förlag.
  • Desborough, V. R. D’A. 1964 The Last Mycenaeans and Their Successors, An Archaeological Survey c. 1200-c. 1000 B.C. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Diler, A. 2009 Tombs and Burials in Damlıboğaz (Hydai) and Pedasa: Preliminary Report in the Light of Surface Investigations and Excavations. In Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin, 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Bonn, F. Rumscheid (ed.), Bonn: R. Habelt Verlag: 359-76.
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Toplam 81 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bekir Özer 0000-0003-3706-6372

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Özer B (01 Aralık 2024) New Findings Regarding the The Early Iron Age Carian Material Culture and the Emergence of Fibula Production in the Region. Colloquium Anatolicum 23 207–226.