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Pediment Blocks in the Valley of Apollonia Pisidia

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 18, 209 - 231, 01.06.2019


Funerary material in Roman Pisidia has survived in abundance. Yet, few scholars have embarked upon a comprehensive study of dispersed and frequently decontextualized funerary monuments. This article presents an analysis of a specific category of grave monuments: ‘pediment blocks’. The first section discusses the material, iconographic and epigraphic characteristics of these pediment blocks, followed by an analysis of their social and funerary context in the second section. In the third section, the pediment blocks are compared with similar grave monuments from Phrygia. Conclusively, it is argued that these pediment blocks were not independent grave markers, but should be seen as parts of a composite grave monument which functioned as the entrance to tumulus graves. These monuments constituted prominent and distinctive characteristics of the rural landscape of the Valley of Apollonia, whilst combining cultural elements derived from Greco-Roman, Phrygian and local origin.


  • Brixhe, C. 2002 “Interactions between Greek and Phrygian under the Roman Empire”, J.N. Adams – M. Janse – S. Swain (eds.), Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language and Contact and the Written Word, Oxford: 246-266.
  • Bru, H. – G. Labarre – M. Özsait 2009 “La Constitution Civique de Tymandos”, Anatolia Antiqua 17: 187-207.
  • Buckler, W.H. – W.M. Calder – W.K.C. Guthrie 1933 Monuments and Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua IV, Manchester.
  • Cormack, S. 2004 The Space of Death in Roman Asia Minor, Vienna.
  • Coşkun Abuagla, A. 2011 “A Revised Gravestone from Pisidian Apollonia”, Gephyra 8: 129-132.
  • -2013 “Tymandos Antik Kentinden Beş Mezar Yazıtı”, B. Hürmüzlü – M. Fırat – A. Gerçek (eds.), Pisidia Araştırmaları I: Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı (05-06.11.2012), Isparta: 344-354.
  • Delemen, I. 1999 Anatolian Rider-Gods: a Study on Stone Finds from the Regions of Lycia, Pisidia, Isauria, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Lydia and Caria in the Late Roman period, Asia Minor Studien 35, Bonn.
  • De Jong, L. 2010 “Performing Death in Tyre: the Life and Afterlife of a Roman cemetery in the Province of Syria”, American Journal of Archaeology 114 (4): 597-630.
  • -2014-2015 “Displaying the Dead: Funerary Practices in Roman Lebanon”, G. Gernez (ed.), The Final Journey: Funerary Customs in Lebanon from Prehistory to the Roman Period, Archaeology and History in the Lebanon 40-41: 135-45.
  • 2017 The Archaeology of Death in Roman Syria. Burial, Commemoration, and Empire, Cambridge.
  • Hope, V. 2001 Constructing Identity: the Roman Funerary Monuments of Aquileia, Mainz and Nîmes, Oxford.
  • Horsley, G.H.R. – R.A. Kearsley 2007 The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum, London.
  • Hürmüzlü, B. 2007a “Pisidia Bölgesi’nde Ele Geçen Anthemion Tipi Steller”, Colloquium Anatolicum 6: 97-114.
  • -2007b “Pisidia’da ‘Gömü Geleneklerinin’ Işığında Kültürler Arası Ilişkiler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 15: 1-22.
  • -2009a “Remarks on Cultural Interactions in the Earlier Periods of Northwest Pisidia”, R. Einicke – S. Lehmann – H. Löhr – A. Mehnert – G. Mehnert – A. Slawish (eds.), Zurück zum Gegenstand: Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwrängler, Langenweißbach: 493-500.
  • -2009b “New Investigations at Pisidian Tymandos: Results of the Isparta Archaeological Survey”, Colloquium Anatolicum 8: 199-234.
  • -2015 “Display of Power. The Mortuary Landscapes of Pisidian Tumuli”, O. Henry – U. Kelp (eds.), Tumulus as Sema: Space, Politics and Religion in the First Millennium BC. Berlin: 487-496.
  • Hürmüzlü, B. – A. De Giorgi – P.A. Iversen 2009 “New Research in Northwest Pisidia: Ancient Konane (Conana) and its Territory”, Colloquium Anatolicum 8: 235-256.
  • Iversen, P.A. 2012 “Inscriptions from Pisidian Konane (Conana) and the Surrounding Area”, Epigraphica Anatolica 45: 103-152.
  • Jes, K. 1997 “‘Gebaute’ Türgrabsteine in Aizanoi“, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 47: 231-250.
  • -2001 “Türgrabsteine in Aizanoi II: Fassadenmonumente mit Scheintür”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 51: 279-318.
  • Kelp, U. -2008 “Das Phänomen der Türfassaden in Phrygien. Zu Lokalen Identität anhand Einiger Grabtypen Römischer Zeit”, E. Schwertheim – E. Winter (eds.), Neue Funde und Forschungen in Phrygien, Asia Minor Studien 61, Bonn: 69-92. -2013
  • “Grave Monuments and Local Identities in Roman Phrygia”, P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society, Cambridge/New York: 70-94.
  • -2014 Grabdenkmal und Lokale Identität. Ein Bild der Landschaft Phrygien in der Römischen Kaiserzeit, Asia Minor Studien 74, Bonn.
  • Köse, V. 2005 Nekropolen und Grabdenkmäler von Sagalassos in Pisidien in Hellenistischer und Römischer Zeit, Turnhout.
  • -2007 “Sarkophage in Pisidien”, G. Koch – K. Fittschen – O. Dally (eds.), Akten des Symposiums des Sarkophag-Corpus 2001, Marburg 2.-7. Juli 2001, Mainz: 291-297.
  • Labarre, G. – M. Özsait – N. Özsait – I. Güceren 2011 “D’Askania à Aulutrene: Nouvelles Inscriptions et Monuments de Pisidie”, Anatolia Antiqua 19: 113-147.
  • -2012 “La Collection du Musee d’Uluborlu: Nouvelles Inscriptions d’Apollonia Mordiaon”, Anatolia Antiqua 20: 121-146.
  • Masséglia, J. 2013 “Phrygians in Relief: Trends in Self-Representation”, P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society, Cambridge: 95-123.
  • Mitchell, S. 1993 Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor. Volume I: The Celts and the Impact of Roman Rule, Oxford.
  • Özcan, F. 2014 “Isparta Müzesi’ndeki Yerel Stilde Bazı Roma Dönemi Mezar Stelleri”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 32: 143-154.
  • Özhanlı, M. 2015 “Pisidia Antiokheiası Nekropolleri”, H. Metin – B. Ayça Polat Becks – R. Becks – M. Fırat (eds.), Pisidia Yazıları. Hacı Ali Ekinci Armağanı/Pisidian Essays in Honour of Hacı Ali Ekinci, Istanbul: 93-98.
  • Özlem-Aytaçlar, P. 2010 “Some Unpublished Inscriptions in the Isparta Museum”, Adalya 13: 223-241.
  • Özsait, M. 2009 “Burdur ve Isparta 2008 Yılı Yüzey Araştırmaları / Surveys in Burdur and Isparta in 2008,” ANMED 7: 115-121.
  • Özsait, M. – N. Özsait – I. Baytak 2010 “2008 Yılı Isparta ve Burdur Yüzey Araştırmaları”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 27, 2. Cilt: 419-438.
  • Özsait, M. – G. Labarre – N. Özsait 2011 “Nouvelles Inscriptions et Monuments de la Vallée d’Apollonia (Phrygie-Pisidie)”, Adalya 14: 267-286.
  • Özsait, M. – G. Labarre – M. Arık – I. Güceren 2013 “Nouvelles Inscriptions sur le Territoire d’Apollonia Mordiaion”, Adalya 16: 225-239.
  • Roosevelt, C.H. 2006 “Symbolic Door Stelae and Graveside Monuments in Western Anatolia”, American Journal of Archaeology 110/1: 65-91.
  • Sterrett, J.R.S. 1888 The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 3, Boston.
  • Strubbe, J.H.M. 1997 ARAI EPITYMBIOI: Imprecations against Desecrators of the Grave in the Greek Epitaphs of Asia Minor: a Catalogue, Bonn.
  • Thonemann, P. 2013 “Phrygia: an Anarchist History, 950 BC-AD 100”, P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society, Oxford: 1-40.
  • von Hesberg, H. – P. Zanker (eds.) 1988 Römische Gräberstraßen. Selbstdarstellung, Status, Standard. Kolloquium in München vom 28.-30.
  • Oktober 1985. Veröffentlichen der Kommission zur Erforschung des Antiken Städtewesens, München.
  • Waelkens, M. 1986 Die Kleinasiatischen Türsteine. Typologische und epigraphische Untersuchungen der Kleinasiatischen Grabreliefs mit Scheintür, Mainz.
  • Yılmaz, N. 2007 “Necropoleis and Funerary Monuments in Pisidia during the Roman Period”, Adalya 10: 155-204.
Yıl 2019, Sayı: 18, 209 - 231, 01.06.2019


Roma Dönemi Pisidia’sında çok sayıda mezar kalıntısının bugüne ulaştığı bilinmektedir. Yine de, oldukça az sayıda araştırmacı bu dağınık ve orijinal bağlamından koparılmış mezar anıtları üzerine kapsayıcı çalışma yürütmüştür. Bu makalede özel bir kategorinin analizi sunulmaktadır: pediment blokları. Birinci bölümde pediment bloklarının materyalistik, ikonografik ve epigrafik karakteristikleri incelenirken, ikinci bölümde bu blokların sosyal ve mezarsal bağlamlarının bir analizi sunulmaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde, bu pediment blokları Frigya’daki benzer mezar anıtları ile karşılaştırılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak pediment bloklarının kontekstinden bağımsız mezar taşları olarak değil, tümülüs mezarlarının girişi olarak kullanılan kompozit mezar anıtlarının bir parçası olarak görülmesi gerektiği öne sürülmektedir. Bu anıtlar Greko-Roman, Frigli ve yerel köklerinin kültürel elementlerini birleştirirken Apollonia vadisi kırsalının önemli ve kendine özgü karakteristiğini oluşturmaktadır


  • Brixhe, C. 2002 “Interactions between Greek and Phrygian under the Roman Empire”, J.N. Adams – M. Janse – S. Swain (eds.), Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language and Contact and the Written Word, Oxford: 246-266.
  • Bru, H. – G. Labarre – M. Özsait 2009 “La Constitution Civique de Tymandos”, Anatolia Antiqua 17: 187-207.
  • Buckler, W.H. – W.M. Calder – W.K.C. Guthrie 1933 Monuments and Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua IV, Manchester.
  • Cormack, S. 2004 The Space of Death in Roman Asia Minor, Vienna.
  • Coşkun Abuagla, A. 2011 “A Revised Gravestone from Pisidian Apollonia”, Gephyra 8: 129-132.
  • -2013 “Tymandos Antik Kentinden Beş Mezar Yazıtı”, B. Hürmüzlü – M. Fırat – A. Gerçek (eds.), Pisidia Araştırmaları I: Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı (05-06.11.2012), Isparta: 344-354.
  • Delemen, I. 1999 Anatolian Rider-Gods: a Study on Stone Finds from the Regions of Lycia, Pisidia, Isauria, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Lydia and Caria in the Late Roman period, Asia Minor Studien 35, Bonn.
  • De Jong, L. 2010 “Performing Death in Tyre: the Life and Afterlife of a Roman cemetery in the Province of Syria”, American Journal of Archaeology 114 (4): 597-630.
  • -2014-2015 “Displaying the Dead: Funerary Practices in Roman Lebanon”, G. Gernez (ed.), The Final Journey: Funerary Customs in Lebanon from Prehistory to the Roman Period, Archaeology and History in the Lebanon 40-41: 135-45.
  • 2017 The Archaeology of Death in Roman Syria. Burial, Commemoration, and Empire, Cambridge.
  • Hope, V. 2001 Constructing Identity: the Roman Funerary Monuments of Aquileia, Mainz and Nîmes, Oxford.
  • Horsley, G.H.R. – R.A. Kearsley 2007 The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum, London.
  • Hürmüzlü, B. 2007a “Pisidia Bölgesi’nde Ele Geçen Anthemion Tipi Steller”, Colloquium Anatolicum 6: 97-114.
  • -2007b “Pisidia’da ‘Gömü Geleneklerinin’ Işığında Kültürler Arası Ilişkiler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 15: 1-22.
  • -2009a “Remarks on Cultural Interactions in the Earlier Periods of Northwest Pisidia”, R. Einicke – S. Lehmann – H. Löhr – A. Mehnert – G. Mehnert – A. Slawish (eds.), Zurück zum Gegenstand: Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwrängler, Langenweißbach: 493-500.
  • -2009b “New Investigations at Pisidian Tymandos: Results of the Isparta Archaeological Survey”, Colloquium Anatolicum 8: 199-234.
  • -2015 “Display of Power. The Mortuary Landscapes of Pisidian Tumuli”, O. Henry – U. Kelp (eds.), Tumulus as Sema: Space, Politics and Religion in the First Millennium BC. Berlin: 487-496.
  • Hürmüzlü, B. – A. De Giorgi – P.A. Iversen 2009 “New Research in Northwest Pisidia: Ancient Konane (Conana) and its Territory”, Colloquium Anatolicum 8: 235-256.
  • Iversen, P.A. 2012 “Inscriptions from Pisidian Konane (Conana) and the Surrounding Area”, Epigraphica Anatolica 45: 103-152.
  • Jes, K. 1997 “‘Gebaute’ Türgrabsteine in Aizanoi“, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 47: 231-250.
  • -2001 “Türgrabsteine in Aizanoi II: Fassadenmonumente mit Scheintür”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 51: 279-318.
  • Kelp, U. -2008 “Das Phänomen der Türfassaden in Phrygien. Zu Lokalen Identität anhand Einiger Grabtypen Römischer Zeit”, E. Schwertheim – E. Winter (eds.), Neue Funde und Forschungen in Phrygien, Asia Minor Studien 61, Bonn: 69-92. -2013
  • “Grave Monuments and Local Identities in Roman Phrygia”, P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society, Cambridge/New York: 70-94.
  • -2014 Grabdenkmal und Lokale Identität. Ein Bild der Landschaft Phrygien in der Römischen Kaiserzeit, Asia Minor Studien 74, Bonn.
  • Köse, V. 2005 Nekropolen und Grabdenkmäler von Sagalassos in Pisidien in Hellenistischer und Römischer Zeit, Turnhout.
  • -2007 “Sarkophage in Pisidien”, G. Koch – K. Fittschen – O. Dally (eds.), Akten des Symposiums des Sarkophag-Corpus 2001, Marburg 2.-7. Juli 2001, Mainz: 291-297.
  • Labarre, G. – M. Özsait – N. Özsait – I. Güceren 2011 “D’Askania à Aulutrene: Nouvelles Inscriptions et Monuments de Pisidie”, Anatolia Antiqua 19: 113-147.
  • -2012 “La Collection du Musee d’Uluborlu: Nouvelles Inscriptions d’Apollonia Mordiaon”, Anatolia Antiqua 20: 121-146.
  • Masséglia, J. 2013 “Phrygians in Relief: Trends in Self-Representation”, P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society, Cambridge: 95-123.
  • Mitchell, S. 1993 Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor. Volume I: The Celts and the Impact of Roman Rule, Oxford.
  • Özcan, F. 2014 “Isparta Müzesi’ndeki Yerel Stilde Bazı Roma Dönemi Mezar Stelleri”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 32: 143-154.
  • Özhanlı, M. 2015 “Pisidia Antiokheiası Nekropolleri”, H. Metin – B. Ayça Polat Becks – R. Becks – M. Fırat (eds.), Pisidia Yazıları. Hacı Ali Ekinci Armağanı/Pisidian Essays in Honour of Hacı Ali Ekinci, Istanbul: 93-98.
  • Özlem-Aytaçlar, P. 2010 “Some Unpublished Inscriptions in the Isparta Museum”, Adalya 13: 223-241.
  • Özsait, M. 2009 “Burdur ve Isparta 2008 Yılı Yüzey Araştırmaları / Surveys in Burdur and Isparta in 2008,” ANMED 7: 115-121.
  • Özsait, M. – N. Özsait – I. Baytak 2010 “2008 Yılı Isparta ve Burdur Yüzey Araştırmaları”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 27, 2. Cilt: 419-438.
  • Özsait, M. – G. Labarre – N. Özsait 2011 “Nouvelles Inscriptions et Monuments de la Vallée d’Apollonia (Phrygie-Pisidie)”, Adalya 14: 267-286.
  • Özsait, M. – G. Labarre – M. Arık – I. Güceren 2013 “Nouvelles Inscriptions sur le Territoire d’Apollonia Mordiaion”, Adalya 16: 225-239.
  • Roosevelt, C.H. 2006 “Symbolic Door Stelae and Graveside Monuments in Western Anatolia”, American Journal of Archaeology 110/1: 65-91.
  • Sterrett, J.R.S. 1888 The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 3, Boston.
  • Strubbe, J.H.M. 1997 ARAI EPITYMBIOI: Imprecations against Desecrators of the Grave in the Greek Epitaphs of Asia Minor: a Catalogue, Bonn.
  • Thonemann, P. 2013 “Phrygia: an Anarchist History, 950 BC-AD 100”, P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society, Oxford: 1-40.
  • von Hesberg, H. – P. Zanker (eds.) 1988 Römische Gräberstraßen. Selbstdarstellung, Status, Standard. Kolloquium in München vom 28.-30.
  • Oktober 1985. Veröffentlichen der Kommission zur Erforschung des Antiken Städtewesens, München.
  • Waelkens, M. 1986 Die Kleinasiatischen Türsteine. Typologische und epigraphische Untersuchungen der Kleinasiatischen Grabreliefs mit Scheintür, Mainz.
  • Yılmaz, N. 2007 “Necropoleis and Funerary Monuments in Pisidia during the Roman Period”, Adalya 10: 155-204.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Lınde DVD (01 Haziran 2019) Pediment Blocks in the Valley of Apollonia Pisidia. Colloquium Anatolicum 18 209–231.