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A New Part of Horse Trapping Belonging to Urartian King Minua from Adana Archaeology Museum and on Urišḫi-Urišḫusi-Ururda Words in Urartian

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 17, 116 - 124, 01.06.2018


In the first part of this article, a horse’s collar with cuneiform inscription from the Adana Museum is discussed. First, use of collars by Urartians is described in the light of examples known from excavated sites and museums and depictions in Urartian figurative art. Bronze horse’s collars consisting of two metal plates connected by a hinge mechanism used on the necks of horses comprised an important part of Urartian horse harness. These parts, which were decorated with mythological figures or were plain and undecorated, often feature cuneiform inscriptions, as we see on various Urartian bronze artifacts. The cuneiform inscriptions on the bronze collar discussed in this article indicate that this piece belongs to the reign of Urartian king Minua. The second part of the article discusses the cuneiform inscription in Urar- tian language on the collar. New considerations on the words urišḫi-urišḫusi-ururda are shared in light of the cuneiform inscribed objects that are encountered as a quite common tradition in the Kingdom of Urartu. The discussion and evaluation conclude that the expressions urišḫi-urišḫusi-ururda encoun- tered in Urartian inscriptions are associated with bronze, and mean bronze, bronze house/workshop and bronze manufacturers in Urartian


  • Belli, O. 1976-77 “Van Bölge Müzesi’ndeki Çivi Yazılı Urartu Tunç Eserleri”, AnAr 4-5: 177-212.
  • Belli, O. 1983 “Urartu Kralı İšpuini’ye Ait Çiviyazılı ve Resimli Tunç Eserler”, AnAr IX: 325-357.
  • Belli, O. 1991 “Inscribed Urartian Metal Objects (with Appendix I)”, Merhav R. (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem: 44-49.
  • Belli, O. 1992 “Beschriftete Bronzegegenstände des Königs Išpuini im Museum von Gaziantep”, Otten, H. – E. Akurgal – H. Ertem – A. Süel (eds.) Hittite and Other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, Ankara: 45-54.
  • Belli, O. 1999 “Urartu Krallığında Çivi Yazılı Metal Eşya ve Silahlar”, N. Başgelen – G. Celgin – A.V. Celgin (eds.) Anatolian/Thracian Studies in Honour of Zafer Taşlıklıoğlu Armağanı Anadolu ve Trakya Çalışmaları, Volume I, Istanbul, 271-287.
  • Belli, O. – A. Dinçol – B. Dinçol 2005 “Bronze Door Rings with Cuneiform Inscriptions of Sarduri II from the Upper Anzaf Fortress”, Anatolica XXXI: 217-226.
  • Belli, O. and Salvini, M. 2010 “Bronze Bowls with Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from Van Museum”, SMEA 52: 41-48.
  • Bernbeck, R. 2003-2004 “Organizational Aspects of Bronze Production in Urartu”, Nāme-ye Irān-e Bāstān 3/2: 43-63.
  • Borger, R. 2004 Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon (AOAT 305). Münster.
  • Born, H. – U. Seidl 1995 Schutzwaffen aus Assyrien und Urartu (Sammlung Axel Gutmann IV). Mainz.
  • CAD 1971 The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. K /Volume 8, Chicago.
  • CAD 2006 The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. T /Volume 18, Chicago.
  • CTU I 2008 Salvini, M. Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia, Volume I (Documenta Asiana VIII), Roma.
  • CTU II 2008 Salvini, M. Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia thesaurus, Volume II (Documenta Asiana VIII), Roma.
  • CTU IV 2012 Salvini, M. Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Iscrizioni su bronzi, argilla e altri supporti, nuove inscrizioni su pietra, paleografia generale. Volume IV (Documenta Asiana VIII), Roma.
  • Çavuşoğlu, R. – K. Işık – B. Gökce 2014 “Women and Their Status in Urartu: A Critical Review”, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 51: 237-263.
  • Diakonoff, I. M. 1971 Hurrisch und Urartäisch. München.
  • Diakonoff, I. M. 1991 “Sacrifices in the city of Teiseba (UKN 448) - Lights on the social history of Urartu”, Archäologischer Mitteilungen aus Iran 24: 13-21.
  • Friedrich, J. 1954-1956 “Urartäisch Éurišḫi - und (É )urišḫusi”, AfO 17: 367-368.
  • Gökce, B. – K. Işık 2014 “Horses and Horse-Breading in Urartian Civilisation”, Ancient West & East 13: 1-28.
  • Khanzaq R. B. – R. Biscione – A.R. Hejebri-Nobari – M. Salvini 2001 “Haldi’s Garrison - Haldi’s Protection. The newly Found Rock Inscription of Argišti II in Shisheh, near Ahar /East Azerbaijan, Iran”, Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici 43: 25-37.
  • Kellner, H. J. 1991 “Grouping and Dating of Bronze Belts”, Merhav R. (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem: 142-161.
  • König, F.W. 1955-57 Handbuch der chaldischen Inschriften (AfO Beiheft 8). Graz.
  • Labat, R. – F. Malbran-Labat 1988 Manuel d’Épigraphie Akkadienne, Signes, Syllabaire, Idéogrammes (6e édition). Paris
  • Mayer, W. 1983 “Sargons Feldzug gegen Urartu - 714 v. Chr. Text und Übersetzung”, MDOG 115: 65-132.
  • Melikişvili, G. A. 1971 Die Urartäische Sprache. Roma.
  • Merhav, R. 1991 “Pairing and Grouping of Chariot and Horse Gear”, R. Merhav (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem: 97-113.
  • Özgen, E. 1983 “The Urartian Chariot Reconsidere: I Representational Evidence 9th-7th Centuries B.C.”, Anatolica X: 111-133.
  • Özgen, E. 1984 “The Urartian Chariot Reconsidered: II. Archaeological Evidence, 9th-7th Centuries B.C.”, Anatolica XI: 91-154.
  • Piotrovsky, B.B. 1969 The Ancient Civilization of Urartu: An Archaeological Adventure, London.
  • Richter, T. 2012 Bibliographisches Glossar des Hurritischen, Wiesbaden.
  • Roaf, M. 2012. “Towers with plants or spears on altars: some thoughts on an Urartian motif ”, S. Kroll – C. Gruber – U. Hellwag – M. Roaf – P. Zimansky (eds.) Biainili-Urartu, The Proceedings of the Symposium held in Munich12-14 October 2007. Acta Iranica 51, Peeters: 351-372.
  • Salvini, M. 1980 “Iscrizioni cuneiformi urartee su oggetti di metallo”, SMEA 22: 181-190.
  • Salvini, M. 2002 “Una stele di Rusa III Erimenahi dalla zona di Van”, SMEA 44: 115-143.
  • Salvini, M. 2012 “An Urartian Queen of the VIIth Century BC (Appendix of A. Çilingiroğlu, New Contributions to Urartian Archaeology from the Fortress at Ayanis)”, A. Çilingiroğlu – A. Sagona (eds.) Anatolian Iron Ages 7 The Proceedings of the Seventh Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium Held at Edirne, 19-24 April 2010. Peeters: 106-111.
  • Salvini, M. – I. Wegner 2014 Einführung in die urartäische Sprache. Wiesbaden.
  • Schramm, W. 2010 Akkadische Logogramme (Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient Band 5), Göttingen.
  • Seidl U. 1988 “Urartu as a Bronzeworking Centre”, J. Curtis (ed.) Bronzeworking Centres of Western Asia c. 1000 - 539 B.C. London – New York: 169-175.
  • Seidl U. 1991 “Horse Trappings”, R. Merhav (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem:79-96.
  • Seidl U. 2004 Bronzekunst Urartus. Mainz Am Rhein.
  • Tarhan Ç. M. 2009 “Ayanis Aslan Başlı Kalkanı Üzerinden Urartu Bronz Eser Üretiminin Değerlendirilmesi”, H. Sağlamtimur, – E. Abay – Z. Derin, – A.Ü. Erdem – A. Batmaz – F. Dedeoğlu –M. Erdalkıran – M.B. Baştürk – E. Konakçı (eds). Altan Çilingiroğlu’na Armağan: Yukarı Denizin Kıyısında Urartu Krallığı’na Adanmış Bir Hayat. İstanbul: 691-702.
  • Thureau-Dangin, F. 1912 Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.). Paris.
  • Wegner, I. 2007 Hurritisch. Eine Einführung 2., überarbeitete Aujlage. Harrassowitz- Wiesbaden.
  • Wilhelm, G. 2008 “Urartu”, R. D. Woodard (ed.) The Ancient Languages of Asia Minor. Cambridge: 105-123.
  • Yakar, J. 2011 “The Ethnoarchaeology of the Socio-Economic Structure of East Anatolia in the Urartian Period”, K. Köroğlu – E. Konyar (eds.), Urartu: Transformation in the East. Istanbul: 126-149.
Yıl 2018, Sayı: 17, 116 - 124, 01.06.2018


Makalenin ilk bölümünde, Adana Müzesi’nden çivi yazıtlı bir at yakalığı değerlendirilmiştir. Önce - likli olarak Urartular’da yakalık kullanımı; kazı alanları ve müzelerden bilinen örnekler ile Urartu betimleme sanatındaki tasvirler ışığında anlatılmıştır. Bir menteşe düzeneği ile birleştirilen iki metal plakadan oluşan ve atların boyun kısmında kullanılmış olan bronz yakalıklar Urartu at koşum takım - larının önemli parçalarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Çoğu zaman mitolojik tasvirler yanında sade ve bezemesiz örneklerini de bildiğimiz bu parçaların üzerinde, birçok farklı Urartu bronz eseri üzerinde de gördüğümüz üzere, çivi yazıtları yer almaktadır


  • Belli, O. 1976-77 “Van Bölge Müzesi’ndeki Çivi Yazılı Urartu Tunç Eserleri”, AnAr 4-5: 177-212.
  • Belli, O. 1983 “Urartu Kralı İšpuini’ye Ait Çiviyazılı ve Resimli Tunç Eserler”, AnAr IX: 325-357.
  • Belli, O. 1991 “Inscribed Urartian Metal Objects (with Appendix I)”, Merhav R. (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem: 44-49.
  • Belli, O. 1992 “Beschriftete Bronzegegenstände des Königs Išpuini im Museum von Gaziantep”, Otten, H. – E. Akurgal – H. Ertem – A. Süel (eds.) Hittite and Other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, Ankara: 45-54.
  • Belli, O. 1999 “Urartu Krallığında Çivi Yazılı Metal Eşya ve Silahlar”, N. Başgelen – G. Celgin – A.V. Celgin (eds.) Anatolian/Thracian Studies in Honour of Zafer Taşlıklıoğlu Armağanı Anadolu ve Trakya Çalışmaları, Volume I, Istanbul, 271-287.
  • Belli, O. – A. Dinçol – B. Dinçol 2005 “Bronze Door Rings with Cuneiform Inscriptions of Sarduri II from the Upper Anzaf Fortress”, Anatolica XXXI: 217-226.
  • Belli, O. and Salvini, M. 2010 “Bronze Bowls with Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from Van Museum”, SMEA 52: 41-48.
  • Bernbeck, R. 2003-2004 “Organizational Aspects of Bronze Production in Urartu”, Nāme-ye Irān-e Bāstān 3/2: 43-63.
  • Borger, R. 2004 Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon (AOAT 305). Münster.
  • Born, H. – U. Seidl 1995 Schutzwaffen aus Assyrien und Urartu (Sammlung Axel Gutmann IV). Mainz.
  • CAD 1971 The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. K /Volume 8, Chicago.
  • CAD 2006 The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. T /Volume 18, Chicago.
  • CTU I 2008 Salvini, M. Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia, Volume I (Documenta Asiana VIII), Roma.
  • CTU II 2008 Salvini, M. Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia thesaurus, Volume II (Documenta Asiana VIII), Roma.
  • CTU IV 2012 Salvini, M. Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Iscrizioni su bronzi, argilla e altri supporti, nuove inscrizioni su pietra, paleografia generale. Volume IV (Documenta Asiana VIII), Roma.
  • Çavuşoğlu, R. – K. Işık – B. Gökce 2014 “Women and Their Status in Urartu: A Critical Review”, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 51: 237-263.
  • Diakonoff, I. M. 1971 Hurrisch und Urartäisch. München.
  • Diakonoff, I. M. 1991 “Sacrifices in the city of Teiseba (UKN 448) - Lights on the social history of Urartu”, Archäologischer Mitteilungen aus Iran 24: 13-21.
  • Friedrich, J. 1954-1956 “Urartäisch Éurišḫi - und (É )urišḫusi”, AfO 17: 367-368.
  • Gökce, B. – K. Işık 2014 “Horses and Horse-Breading in Urartian Civilisation”, Ancient West & East 13: 1-28.
  • Khanzaq R. B. – R. Biscione – A.R. Hejebri-Nobari – M. Salvini 2001 “Haldi’s Garrison - Haldi’s Protection. The newly Found Rock Inscription of Argišti II in Shisheh, near Ahar /East Azerbaijan, Iran”, Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici 43: 25-37.
  • Kellner, H. J. 1991 “Grouping and Dating of Bronze Belts”, Merhav R. (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem: 142-161.
  • König, F.W. 1955-57 Handbuch der chaldischen Inschriften (AfO Beiheft 8). Graz.
  • Labat, R. – F. Malbran-Labat 1988 Manuel d’Épigraphie Akkadienne, Signes, Syllabaire, Idéogrammes (6e édition). Paris
  • Mayer, W. 1983 “Sargons Feldzug gegen Urartu - 714 v. Chr. Text und Übersetzung”, MDOG 115: 65-132.
  • Melikişvili, G. A. 1971 Die Urartäische Sprache. Roma.
  • Merhav, R. 1991 “Pairing and Grouping of Chariot and Horse Gear”, R. Merhav (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem: 97-113.
  • Özgen, E. 1983 “The Urartian Chariot Reconsidere: I Representational Evidence 9th-7th Centuries B.C.”, Anatolica X: 111-133.
  • Özgen, E. 1984 “The Urartian Chariot Reconsidered: II. Archaeological Evidence, 9th-7th Centuries B.C.”, Anatolica XI: 91-154.
  • Piotrovsky, B.B. 1969 The Ancient Civilization of Urartu: An Archaeological Adventure, London.
  • Richter, T. 2012 Bibliographisches Glossar des Hurritischen, Wiesbaden.
  • Roaf, M. 2012. “Towers with plants or spears on altars: some thoughts on an Urartian motif ”, S. Kroll – C. Gruber – U. Hellwag – M. Roaf – P. Zimansky (eds.) Biainili-Urartu, The Proceedings of the Symposium held in Munich12-14 October 2007. Acta Iranica 51, Peeters: 351-372.
  • Salvini, M. 1980 “Iscrizioni cuneiformi urartee su oggetti di metallo”, SMEA 22: 181-190.
  • Salvini, M. 2002 “Una stele di Rusa III Erimenahi dalla zona di Van”, SMEA 44: 115-143.
  • Salvini, M. 2012 “An Urartian Queen of the VIIth Century BC (Appendix of A. Çilingiroğlu, New Contributions to Urartian Archaeology from the Fortress at Ayanis)”, A. Çilingiroğlu – A. Sagona (eds.) Anatolian Iron Ages 7 The Proceedings of the Seventh Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium Held at Edirne, 19-24 April 2010. Peeters: 106-111.
  • Salvini, M. – I. Wegner 2014 Einführung in die urartäische Sprache. Wiesbaden.
  • Schramm, W. 2010 Akkadische Logogramme (Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient Band 5), Göttingen.
  • Seidl U. 1988 “Urartu as a Bronzeworking Centre”, J. Curtis (ed.) Bronzeworking Centres of Western Asia c. 1000 - 539 B.C. London – New York: 169-175.
  • Seidl U. 1991 “Horse Trappings”, R. Merhav (ed.) Urartu: A Metalworking Center in the First Millenium B.C.E. Jerusalem:79-96.
  • Seidl U. 2004 Bronzekunst Urartus. Mainz Am Rhein.
  • Tarhan Ç. M. 2009 “Ayanis Aslan Başlı Kalkanı Üzerinden Urartu Bronz Eser Üretiminin Değerlendirilmesi”, H. Sağlamtimur, – E. Abay – Z. Derin, – A.Ü. Erdem – A. Batmaz – F. Dedeoğlu –M. Erdalkıran – M.B. Baştürk – E. Konakçı (eds). Altan Çilingiroğlu’na Armağan: Yukarı Denizin Kıyısında Urartu Krallığı’na Adanmış Bir Hayat. İstanbul: 691-702.
  • Thureau-Dangin, F. 1912 Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.). Paris.
  • Wegner, I. 2007 Hurritisch. Eine Einführung 2., überarbeitete Aujlage. Harrassowitz- Wiesbaden.
  • Wilhelm, G. 2008 “Urartu”, R. D. Woodard (ed.) The Ancient Languages of Asia Minor. Cambridge: 105-123.
  • Yakar, J. 2011 “The Ethnoarchaeology of the Socio-Economic Structure of East Anatolia in the Urartian Period”, K. Köroğlu – E. Konyar (eds.), Urartu: Transformation in the East. Istanbul: 126-149.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Kenan Işık Bu kişi benim

Rıfat Kuvanç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 17

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Işık K, Kuvanç R (01 Haziran 2018) A New Part of Horse Trapping Belonging to Urartian King Minua from Adana Archaeology Museum and on Urišḫi-Urišḫusi-Ururda Words in Urartian. Colloquium Anatolicum 17 116–124.