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Klazomenai Lahitleri Üzerinde Betimlenen Barbar Figürleri

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 14, 130 - 159, 01.06.2015


Makalenin konusunu figürlü Klazomenai lahitleri üzerindeki, savaş ve mücadele sahnelerinde tasvir edilen, görünümleri ile Yunan hoplitlerinden ayrılan figürlerin etnik kimliği oluşturur. Figürleri kimliklendirme çabası, bu figürlerin giydiği giysiler ve taşıdıkları silah ve diğer ekipmanların yanında figürlerin içerisinde yer aldığı kompozisyon üzerinde temellenir. Birbirini tekrar eden ve geleneksel bir çizim anlayışına sahip olan Klazomenai lahitleri üzerinde Yunan olmayan bu figürlerin resmedilme sebepleri ikonografik ve tarihsel zemin üzerinde araştırılmıştır. Çalışma ayrıca Yunan olmayan figürlerin yer aldığı sahnelerin İonia’nın geçirdiği tarihi olayları yansıtan resimler olup olmayacağını tartışır. Bu doğrultuda daha önceki çalışmalarda öne sürülen Kimmer-İonia ve Pers-İonia savaş resimleri olasılıklılarına İskit-İonia, Pers-Thrakia ve İskit-Thrakia savaşlarının olasılıkları eklenmiştir. Ancak olasılıkların artmasının da gösterdiği üzere söz konusu tasvirlerin direkt tarihi resim oldukları kanısının desteklenemeyeceği anlaşılmıştır.


  • Åkerström 1951 Architektonische Terrakottaplatten in Stockholm, Lund.
  • Baughan, E. P. 2010 “Persian Riders in Lydia? The Painted Frieze of the Aktepe Tomb Kline”, Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 22-26 September 2008, Rome. Bolettino di Archeologia on line 1: 24-36.
  • Beazley, J. D. 1942 Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford.
  • 1947 Etruscan Vase-Painting, Oxford.
  • 1963 Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters2 , Oxford.
  • Barringer, J. M. 2004 “Skythian Hunters on Attic Vases”, C. Marconi (ed.), Greek Vases: Images, Contexts and Controversies. Proceedings of the Conference. Sponsored by the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University, 23-24 March 2002. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Volume XXV, Leiden-Boston: 13-25.
  • Best, J. G. P. 1969 Thracian Peltasts and Their Influence on Greek Warfare, Groningen.
  • Bingöl, O. 1997 Malerei und Mosaik der Antike in der Türkei, Mainz am Rhein.
  • Boardman, J. 1970 Greek Gems and Finger Rings: Early Bronze Age to Late Classical, London.
  • 2000 Persia and the West: An Archaeological Investigation of the Genesis of Achaemenid Art, London.
  • 2002 Kırmızı Figürlü Atina Vazoları, İstanbul (Çeviri: Gürkan Ergin).
  • 2011 The Greeks Overseas: Their Early Colonies and Trade, New York.
  • von Bothmer, D. 1957 Amazons in Greek Art, Oxford.
  • Bovio, J. M. 1938 CVA Italia, Museo nazionale di Palermo, Italy 14, Roma.
  • Buyskikh, S. B. 2007 “Contacts between Greeks and non-Greeks on the Lower Bug in the Sixth and Fifth Centuries BC.” D. Braundand – S. D. Kryzhitskiy (eds.), Classical Olbia and the Scythian World from the Sixth Century BC to the Second Century AD. Proceedings of the British Academy 142, Oxford:17-22.
  • Cahn, H. A. 1973 “Dokimasia”, RA 6: 3-22.
  • Casson, L. 1977 “The Thracians”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 35. 2: 2-6.
  • Coleman, J. E. 1997 “Ancient Greek Ethnocentrism”, J. Coleman – C. Walz, (eds.), Greeks and Barbarians: Essays on the Interactions between Greeks and Non-Greeks in Antiquity and the Consequences for Eurocentrism, Bethesda Maryland: 175-220.
  • Cook, R. M. 1952 “Dogs in Battle”, Tobias Dohrn (ed.), Festschrift Andreas Rumpf. Zum 60. Geburstag dargebracht von Freuden und Schülern. Köln. Im Dezember 1950, Krefeld: 38-42.
  • 1954 “Clazomenian and Related East Greek Black-Figure”, CVA BM 8, London: 14-28.
  • 1965 “Old Smyrna: Ionic Black Figure and Other Sixth-Century Figured Wares”, BSA 60: 114-142.
  • 1981 Clazomenian Sarcophagi, Mainz.
  • Cook, J. M. – Nichols, R. V. 1998 Old Smyrna Excavations: The Temples of Athena with an Appendix by D. M. Pyle. BSA Suppl. No. 30, London.
  • Davis, T. 2013 Archery in Archaic Greece, Columbia University, Executive Committee of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Doğer, E. 2006 İzmir›in Smyrna›sı, Paleolitik Çağ›dan Türk Fethine Kadar, İstanbul.
  • Dusinberre, E. R. M. 2002 “King or God ? Imperial Iconography and the Tiarate Head Coins of Achaemenid Anatolia”, AASOR 57: 157-171.
  • Fuchs, W. 1969 Die Skulptur der Griechen, München.
  • Gaultier, F. 1995 Céramiques à figures noires d’Étrurie, CVA Louvre 24, Paris.
  • Grakov, B. N. 2008 İskitler, İstanbul (Çev. D. Ahsen Batur).
  • Greenhalgh, P. A. L. 1973 Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages, Cambridge.
  • Güngör, Ü. 2006 Klazomenai Yıldıztepe Nekropolisi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Klasik Arkeoloji Anabilim Dalı (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İzmir.
  • Hoppin, J. C. 1973 A handbook of Attic red-figured vases, signed by or attributed to the various masters of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. Washington, McGrath Pub. Co..
  • Hürmüzlü, B. 2010 “Die früheste Gruppe Klazomenischer Sarkophage aus Klazomenai”, Jdl 125: 89-153.
  • Isaac, B. 1986 The Greek Settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian Conquest. (Studies of the
  • Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 10), Leiden.
  • Ivantchik, A. 1993 “Les Guerriers-Chiens. Loups-garous et invasions skythes en Asie Mineure”, Revue de l’histoire des religions 210: 305-330.
  • 2001 Kimmerier und Skythen: kulturhistorische und chronologische Probleme der Archäologie der osteuropäischen Steppen und Kaukasiens in vor- und frühskythischer Zeit, Moskau.
  • 2006 “Scythian Archers On Archaic Attic Vases: Problems Of Interpretation”, G. Gnoli – A. Ivantchik (eds.), Ancient Cilvilizations from Scythia to Siberia 11: 197-271.
  • Jacopson, E. 1995 The Arts of the Scythians: The Interpenetration of Cultures at the Edge of the Hellenic World, Leiden.
  • Jarva, E. 1995 Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour, Studia Archaeologica Septentrionalia 3, Rovaniemi: Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys: Societas Historica Finlendiae Septentrionalis.
Yıl 2015, Sayı: 14, 130 - 159, 01.06.2015


This article aims to discuss the ethnical identity of the figures depicted on the Klazomenian Sarcophagi. The reliability of identities of the figures which mainly rise on the bases of their costumes, arms and equipments, is under question. It is also researched that the iconographic and historical contexts in which these figures took place. This study is discussed that the meaning of these figures on the sarcophagi, and because non-Ionian figures mostly take place in battle scenes it is also questioned that whether they picture the reflections of real events within the history of Ionia or not. As a result of this viewpoint, Skythian-Ionian, Thrakian-Persian and Thrakian-Skythian battles possibilities are analyzed beyond classical Kimmerian-Ionian and Persian-Ionian battles proposals. However, the inconsistencies between the cases make the possibility of the historical reality almost unlikely


  • Åkerström 1951 Architektonische Terrakottaplatten in Stockholm, Lund.
  • Baughan, E. P. 2010 “Persian Riders in Lydia? The Painted Frieze of the Aktepe Tomb Kline”, Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 22-26 September 2008, Rome. Bolettino di Archeologia on line 1: 24-36.
  • Beazley, J. D. 1942 Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford.
  • 1947 Etruscan Vase-Painting, Oxford.
  • 1963 Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters2 , Oxford.
  • Barringer, J. M. 2004 “Skythian Hunters on Attic Vases”, C. Marconi (ed.), Greek Vases: Images, Contexts and Controversies. Proceedings of the Conference. Sponsored by the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University, 23-24 March 2002. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Volume XXV, Leiden-Boston: 13-25.
  • Best, J. G. P. 1969 Thracian Peltasts and Their Influence on Greek Warfare, Groningen.
  • Bingöl, O. 1997 Malerei und Mosaik der Antike in der Türkei, Mainz am Rhein.
  • Boardman, J. 1970 Greek Gems and Finger Rings: Early Bronze Age to Late Classical, London.
  • 2000 Persia and the West: An Archaeological Investigation of the Genesis of Achaemenid Art, London.
  • 2002 Kırmızı Figürlü Atina Vazoları, İstanbul (Çeviri: Gürkan Ergin).
  • 2011 The Greeks Overseas: Their Early Colonies and Trade, New York.
  • von Bothmer, D. 1957 Amazons in Greek Art, Oxford.
  • Bovio, J. M. 1938 CVA Italia, Museo nazionale di Palermo, Italy 14, Roma.
  • Buyskikh, S. B. 2007 “Contacts between Greeks and non-Greeks on the Lower Bug in the Sixth and Fifth Centuries BC.” D. Braundand – S. D. Kryzhitskiy (eds.), Classical Olbia and the Scythian World from the Sixth Century BC to the Second Century AD. Proceedings of the British Academy 142, Oxford:17-22.
  • Cahn, H. A. 1973 “Dokimasia”, RA 6: 3-22.
  • Casson, L. 1977 “The Thracians”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 35. 2: 2-6.
  • Coleman, J. E. 1997 “Ancient Greek Ethnocentrism”, J. Coleman – C. Walz, (eds.), Greeks and Barbarians: Essays on the Interactions between Greeks and Non-Greeks in Antiquity and the Consequences for Eurocentrism, Bethesda Maryland: 175-220.
  • Cook, R. M. 1952 “Dogs in Battle”, Tobias Dohrn (ed.), Festschrift Andreas Rumpf. Zum 60. Geburstag dargebracht von Freuden und Schülern. Köln. Im Dezember 1950, Krefeld: 38-42.
  • 1954 “Clazomenian and Related East Greek Black-Figure”, CVA BM 8, London: 14-28.
  • 1965 “Old Smyrna: Ionic Black Figure and Other Sixth-Century Figured Wares”, BSA 60: 114-142.
  • 1981 Clazomenian Sarcophagi, Mainz.
  • Cook, J. M. – Nichols, R. V. 1998 Old Smyrna Excavations: The Temples of Athena with an Appendix by D. M. Pyle. BSA Suppl. No. 30, London.
  • Davis, T. 2013 Archery in Archaic Greece, Columbia University, Executive Committee of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Doğer, E. 2006 İzmir›in Smyrna›sı, Paleolitik Çağ›dan Türk Fethine Kadar, İstanbul.
  • Dusinberre, E. R. M. 2002 “King or God ? Imperial Iconography and the Tiarate Head Coins of Achaemenid Anatolia”, AASOR 57: 157-171.
  • Fuchs, W. 1969 Die Skulptur der Griechen, München.
  • Gaultier, F. 1995 Céramiques à figures noires d’Étrurie, CVA Louvre 24, Paris.
  • Grakov, B. N. 2008 İskitler, İstanbul (Çev. D. Ahsen Batur).
  • Greenhalgh, P. A. L. 1973 Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages, Cambridge.
  • Güngör, Ü. 2006 Klazomenai Yıldıztepe Nekropolisi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Klasik Arkeoloji Anabilim Dalı (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İzmir.
  • Hoppin, J. C. 1973 A handbook of Attic red-figured vases, signed by or attributed to the various masters of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. Washington, McGrath Pub. Co..
  • Hürmüzlü, B. 2010 “Die früheste Gruppe Klazomenischer Sarkophage aus Klazomenai”, Jdl 125: 89-153.
  • Isaac, B. 1986 The Greek Settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian Conquest. (Studies of the
  • Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 10), Leiden.
  • Ivantchik, A. 1993 “Les Guerriers-Chiens. Loups-garous et invasions skythes en Asie Mineure”, Revue de l’histoire des religions 210: 305-330.
  • 2001 Kimmerier und Skythen: kulturhistorische und chronologische Probleme der Archäologie der osteuropäischen Steppen und Kaukasiens in vor- und frühskythischer Zeit, Moskau.
  • 2006 “Scythian Archers On Archaic Attic Vases: Problems Of Interpretation”, G. Gnoli – A. Ivantchik (eds.), Ancient Cilvilizations from Scythia to Siberia 11: 197-271.
  • Jacopson, E. 1995 The Arts of the Scythians: The Interpenetration of Cultures at the Edge of the Hellenic World, Leiden.
  • Jarva, E. 1995 Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour, Studia Archaeologica Septentrionalia 3, Rovaniemi: Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys: Societas Historica Finlendiae Septentrionalis.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Barbar Figürleri Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 14

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Figürleri B (01 Haziran 2015) Klazomenai Lahitleri Üzerinde Betimlenen Barbar Figürleri. Colloquium Anatolicum 14 130–159.