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Üç Bölümlü Plan Tipi’nde ‘Resepsiyon Odası’ Kullanımı ve Tarih Devirler Mezopotamya Konut Mimarlığına Etkileri

Yıl 2011, Sayı: 10, 129 - 146, 01.06.2011


Türkçeye “Üç Bölümlü Plan” olarak çevrilen tripartite plan Mezopotamya mimarlığının en sevilen plan tipi olup Mezopotamya mimarisinde MÖ V. bin yıldan itibaren genel kuruluş ilkeleri aynı kalmakla birlikte mekansal evrim geçirerek evsel ve kamusal mimarlıkta yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır.


  • Andrae, W. 1938 Das Wiedererstandane, Leipzig.
  • Bongenaar, A.C.V.M. 2001 “Houses as institutional property of the Neo-Babylonian temples,” W.H. van Soldt (ed.), Veenhof Anniversary Volume. Studies Presented to Klaas R. Veenhof on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Istanbul: 9-12.
  • Brusasco, P. 1999-2000 “Family archives and the social use of space in Old Babylonian houses at Ur,” Mesopotamia 34–35: 3–173.
  • 2004 “Theory and practice in the study of Mesopotamian domestic space,” Antiquity78/299: 142–57.
  • Castel, C. 1992 Habitat urbain Néo-Assyrien et Néo-Babylonien. De l’espace bâti a l’espace vécu. 2 vols. Bibliotheque Archéologique et Historique 143, Paris.
  • Crawford, H. E. W. 1974 “Lagash”, Iraq 36: 234-256.
  • 1977 The Architecture of Iraq in the Third Millennium BC, Copenhagen.
  • Delougaz, P. – H. Hill. – S. Lloyd 1967 Private Houses and Graves in the Diyala Region, Oriental Institute Publications, No: 88, Chicago.
  • Driel, G.V. 2002 “Jebel Aruda: Variations on a Late Uruk Domestic Theme”, J. N. Postgate (ed.), Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, Archaeological Reports vol. 5. Warminster: 191-209.
  • Driel, G.V. – D. C. V. Murray 1979 “Jebel Aruda 1977-78”, Akkadica 12: 2-29.
  • 1983 “Jebel Aruda, The 1982 Seasons of Excavations Interim Repor”, Akkadica 33: 1-27.
  • Erarslan, A. 1996 Mezopotamya Bölgesi’nde Tarihi Çağlarda Görülen Konut Mimarisi Tipolojisi, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • 2010 “Tripartite Plan. Evsel ve Kamusal Mimaride Kullanımı (MÖ 5800- 3800)”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 135: 11-22.
  • Finet, A. 1975 “Les Temples Sumeriens du Tell Kannas”, Syria LII: 157-174.
  • Frangipane, M. 2002 “Non-Uruk Development and Uruk-Linked Features on the Northern Borders of Greater Mesopotamia”, J. N. Postgate (ed.), Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, Archaeological Reports vol. 5. Warminster: 123-148.
  • 2003 “Developments in Fourth Millennium Public Architecture in the Malatya Plain: From Simple Tripartite to Complex and Bipartite Pattern”, M. Özdoğan – H. Hauptmann (eds.). From Village to Cities. Early Villages in the Near East, İstanbul, 147-170.
  • Frangipane, M. – A. Palmieri 1988 “Aspects of Centralization in the Late Uruk Period in Mesopotamian Periphery”, Origini 14/2: 539-600.
  • Frankfort, H. 1933 Tell Asmar, Khafaje and Khorsabad, Oriental Institute Communications, No: 16, Chicago
  • Frankfort, H. – S. Lloyd – T. Jacobsen 1940 The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar, Oriental Institute Publication 43, Chicago.
  • Forest, J. D. 1987 “La Grande Architecture Odeidienne: Sa Forme et sa Fonction”, J. L. Huot (ed.), Prehistoire de la Mésepotamie, CNRS Publications, 385-425, Paris.
  • 1997 “L’habitat urukien du Djebel Aruda, approche fonctionnelle et arriereplans symboliques”, C. Castel M. al Maqdissi – F. Villeneuve (eds.), Les Maisons dans la Syrie Antique de IIIe Millenaire auxdebuts de I’Islam, Actes du Colloque International, Damas, 27-30 Juin 1992. IFAPOBeyrouth: 217- 233.
  • Forest, J. D. – R. Vallet 2008 “Uruk Architecture from Abroad: Some Thoughts about Hassek Höyük”, J. M. Cordoba – M. Molist – M. C. Perez – I. Rubio - S. Martinez (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Arhaeology of the Ancient Near East (3-8 April 2006), Vol. II, Madrid: 39-54.
  • Fuensanta, J. G. 1995 “Some Architectural Relations between Eastern Antolia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Iran during the End of Fourth Millennium BC”, A. Erkanal – H. Erkanal – H. Hüryılmaz – A. T. Ökse (eds.), Memoriam İ. Metin Akyurt, Bahattin Devam, 127-134.
  • Gibson, M. 1988 Patterns of Occupations at Nippur, Papers read at the 35e Rencontre Assyriologiqu Internationale, Philadelphia.
  • Haines, R. C. – D. E. McCown 1960 Nippur I, Chicago.
  • Helwing, B. 2002 Hassek Höyük II. Die Spätchalkolitsche Keramik, Istanbuler Forschungen, Band 45, Tübingen.
  • Heinrich, E. 1982 Die Tempel und Heiligtümer im Alten Mesopotamien. Typologie, Morphologic und Geschicte, Benkmaler Antiker, Architektur 14, Berlin.
  • 1984 Die Palaste im alten Mesopotamien, De Gruyter. Denkmäler Antiker Architektur 15, Berlin.
  • Hill, H. – T. Jacobsen – P. Delougaz 1990 Old Babylonian Buildings in the Diyala Region, Oriental Institute. Oriental Institute Publication 98, Chicago.
  • Jahn, B. 2005 Altbabylonischer Wohnhäuser. Orient-Archäologie 16, Rahden/Westf.
  • Jasim, S. A. 1985 The Ubaid Period in Iraq, BAR International Series 267(i) Oxford. 1989 “Structure and Function in an Ubaid Village”, E. F. Henrickson – I. Thuesen (eds.), Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, Copenhagen: 79-91.
  • Koldewey, R. 1913 Das Wieder Erstehende Babylon, Leipzig.
  • 1996 “Houses in Habuba Kabira South. Spatial Organisation and Planning of Late Uruk Residental Architecture”, K.R.Veenhof (ed.), Houses and Household in Ancient Mesopotamia, Papers Read at the 40th Rencontre Assyriologiue Internationale, Berlin: 89-103.
  • 1996a „Späturukzeitliche Wohn und Verwaltungsbauten: Ein Vergleich zwischen Habuba-Süd und Anatolien“, Y. Sey (ed.), Çağlar Boyunca Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme. Bildiriler, İstanbul: 267-279.
  • Krafeld-Daugherty, M. 1994 Wohnen im alten Orient: eine Untersuchung zur Verwendung von Räumen in Altorientalischen Wohnhäusern, Altertumskunde des vorderen Orients 3, Münster.
  • Kubba, S. A. A. 1987 Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning, BAR International Series.
  • 1998 Architecture and Linear Measurement During the Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia, BAR International Series 707, Oxford.
  • Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C. 1999 “Houehold, Land Tenure and Communication Systems in the 6th4th Millennia of Greater Mesopotamia”, B. Hudson – A. Levine (ed.), Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge: 167-197.
  • Loud, G. 1936 Khorsabad I: Excavations in the Palace and at a City Gate, OIP XXXVIII, Chicago.
  • Loud, G. – B. Altman 1938 Khorsabad II: The Citadel and the Town, OIP XL, Chicago.
  • Margueron, J. C. 1989 “Architecture et Societe a l’epoque d’Obeid”, E. F. Henrickson – I. Thuesen (eds.), Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, 43-77, Copenhagen.
  • Matthiae, P. 1990 “The Reception Suites of the Old Syrian Palaces”, Ö. Tunca (ed.), De la Babylonie à la Syrie, en passant par Mari, Mèlanges offerts à monsieur J.-R. Kupper à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Liège: 209-228.
  • Matthews, R. J. – J. N. Postgate 1986 “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1985-86”, Iraq 49: 91-121.
  • McClellan, T.L. 1997 “Houses and households in North Syria during the Late Bronze Age”, C. Castel – M. al-Maqdissi – F. Villeneuve (eds.), Les maisons dans la Syrie antique du IIIe millénaire aux débuts de l’Islam. Pratiques et représentation de l’espace domestique. Actes du Colloque International, Damas 27-30 Juin 1992. Beirut: 29–59.
  • Miglus, P. A. 1996 „Die raumliche Organisation des altbabylonischen Hofhauses“, K. Veenhof (ed.), Houses and Households, (40e RAI, Leiden 1993), PIHANS 78, Leiden: 211-220.
  • 1994 „Das neuassyrische und das neubabylonische Wohnhaus. Die Frage nach dem Hof“, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 84: 262–81.
  • 1999 Stadtische Wohnarchitektur in Babylonien und Assyrien, Baghdader Forschungen 22, Berlin.
  • Postgate, J. N. 1990 Nippur Neighborhoods, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 80.
  • Preusser, C. 1954 Die Wohnhäuser in Assur, WVDOG 64, Berlin.
  • Roaf, M. 1984 “Ubaid Houses and Temples”, Sumer XLIII: 80-90.
  • Schmandt-Besserat, D. 1992 Before Writing. From Counting to Cuniform, Austin.
  • Sevin, V. 1991 Yeni Assur Sanatı I Mimarlık, Ankara.
  • Sieversten, U. 1998 Untersuchungen zur Pfeiler Nischen-Architektur in Mesopotamien und Syrien von ihren Anfangen in 6. Jahrtausend bis zum Ende der Frühdynastichen Zeit, BAR Series 743, Oxford.
  • Sürenhagen, D. 1986 “The Dry-Farming Belt. The Uruk Period and Subsequent Developments”, H. Weiss (ed.), The Origins of Cities in Dry-Farming Syria and Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium, 7-45, Guilford.
  • Starr, R. F. S. 1938 Nuzi, vol. 2, London.
  • Stone, E. C. 1981 “Texts, Architecture and Ethnographic Analogy: Patterns of Residence in Old Babylonian Nippur”, Iraq 43: 19-33.
  • 1987 Nippur Neighnorhoods, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, No: 44, Chicago 1991 “The spacial organisation of Mesopotamian cities,” Aula Orientalis 9: 235-42.
  • Stone, E. C. – B. Stony. 1999 “Houses, Households and Neighborhoods in the Old Babylonian Period: The Role of Extended Families”, A. Levine (ed.), Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East, B. Hudson, Cambridge: 229-235.
  • Strommenger, E. 1968 Private Houses and Graves in the Diyala Region, Archiv für Orientforschung, 22.
  • 1980 Habuba Kabira: Eine Stadt vor 5000 Jahren: Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft am Euphrat in Habuba Kabira, Syrien, Mainz.
  • Turner, G. 1970 “The State Apartments of Late Assyrian Palaces”, Iraq 32/2: 177-213.
  • Vallet, R. 1996 “Habuba Kebira (Syrie) ou la Naissance de l’Urbanisme”, Paleorient 22: 45-76.
  • Woolley, L. 1974 The Buildings of the Third Dynasty, The Trustees of the British Museum and the University Museum, Ur Excavations VI, London and Philadephia.
  • Zettler, R. L. 1988 Excavations at Nippur, the University of Pennsylania, Papers read at the 35e Rencontre Assyriologiqu Internationale, Philadelphia.

“The Reception Room” in the Tripartite Plan and Its Effects on the Mesopotamian Domestic Architecture in the Historical Times

Yıl 2011, Sayı: 10, 129 - 146, 01.06.2011


Tripartite plan is the most popular plan type of Mesopotamian architecture. It is widely used in the Ubaid and Uruk Periods between the V-IV millennium BC both in domestic and public architecture. This plan scheme, which has emerged with Ubaid Culture 5800-4200 BC , named after Tell-al Ubaid in the South Mesopotamian region, has kept on being used undergoing spatial evolutions while preserving the general establishment principles thereof during V-IV millennium BC.


  • Andrae, W. 1938 Das Wiedererstandane, Leipzig.
  • Bongenaar, A.C.V.M. 2001 “Houses as institutional property of the Neo-Babylonian temples,” W.H. van Soldt (ed.), Veenhof Anniversary Volume. Studies Presented to Klaas R. Veenhof on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Istanbul: 9-12.
  • Brusasco, P. 1999-2000 “Family archives and the social use of space in Old Babylonian houses at Ur,” Mesopotamia 34–35: 3–173.
  • 2004 “Theory and practice in the study of Mesopotamian domestic space,” Antiquity78/299: 142–57.
  • Castel, C. 1992 Habitat urbain Néo-Assyrien et Néo-Babylonien. De l’espace bâti a l’espace vécu. 2 vols. Bibliotheque Archéologique et Historique 143, Paris.
  • Crawford, H. E. W. 1974 “Lagash”, Iraq 36: 234-256.
  • 1977 The Architecture of Iraq in the Third Millennium BC, Copenhagen.
  • Delougaz, P. – H. Hill. – S. Lloyd 1967 Private Houses and Graves in the Diyala Region, Oriental Institute Publications, No: 88, Chicago.
  • Driel, G.V. 2002 “Jebel Aruda: Variations on a Late Uruk Domestic Theme”, J. N. Postgate (ed.), Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, Archaeological Reports vol. 5. Warminster: 191-209.
  • Driel, G.V. – D. C. V. Murray 1979 “Jebel Aruda 1977-78”, Akkadica 12: 2-29.
  • 1983 “Jebel Aruda, The 1982 Seasons of Excavations Interim Repor”, Akkadica 33: 1-27.
  • Erarslan, A. 1996 Mezopotamya Bölgesi’nde Tarihi Çağlarda Görülen Konut Mimarisi Tipolojisi, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • 2010 “Tripartite Plan. Evsel ve Kamusal Mimaride Kullanımı (MÖ 5800- 3800)”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 135: 11-22.
  • Finet, A. 1975 “Les Temples Sumeriens du Tell Kannas”, Syria LII: 157-174.
  • Frangipane, M. 2002 “Non-Uruk Development and Uruk-Linked Features on the Northern Borders of Greater Mesopotamia”, J. N. Postgate (ed.), Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, Archaeological Reports vol. 5. Warminster: 123-148.
  • 2003 “Developments in Fourth Millennium Public Architecture in the Malatya Plain: From Simple Tripartite to Complex and Bipartite Pattern”, M. Özdoğan – H. Hauptmann (eds.). From Village to Cities. Early Villages in the Near East, İstanbul, 147-170.
  • Frangipane, M. – A. Palmieri 1988 “Aspects of Centralization in the Late Uruk Period in Mesopotamian Periphery”, Origini 14/2: 539-600.
  • Frankfort, H. 1933 Tell Asmar, Khafaje and Khorsabad, Oriental Institute Communications, No: 16, Chicago
  • Frankfort, H. – S. Lloyd – T. Jacobsen 1940 The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar, Oriental Institute Publication 43, Chicago.
  • Forest, J. D. 1987 “La Grande Architecture Odeidienne: Sa Forme et sa Fonction”, J. L. Huot (ed.), Prehistoire de la Mésepotamie, CNRS Publications, 385-425, Paris.
  • 1997 “L’habitat urukien du Djebel Aruda, approche fonctionnelle et arriereplans symboliques”, C. Castel M. al Maqdissi – F. Villeneuve (eds.), Les Maisons dans la Syrie Antique de IIIe Millenaire auxdebuts de I’Islam, Actes du Colloque International, Damas, 27-30 Juin 1992. IFAPOBeyrouth: 217- 233.
  • Forest, J. D. – R. Vallet 2008 “Uruk Architecture from Abroad: Some Thoughts about Hassek Höyük”, J. M. Cordoba – M. Molist – M. C. Perez – I. Rubio - S. Martinez (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Arhaeology of the Ancient Near East (3-8 April 2006), Vol. II, Madrid: 39-54.
  • Fuensanta, J. G. 1995 “Some Architectural Relations between Eastern Antolia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Iran during the End of Fourth Millennium BC”, A. Erkanal – H. Erkanal – H. Hüryılmaz – A. T. Ökse (eds.), Memoriam İ. Metin Akyurt, Bahattin Devam, 127-134.
  • Gibson, M. 1988 Patterns of Occupations at Nippur, Papers read at the 35e Rencontre Assyriologiqu Internationale, Philadelphia.
  • Haines, R. C. – D. E. McCown 1960 Nippur I, Chicago.
  • Helwing, B. 2002 Hassek Höyük II. Die Spätchalkolitsche Keramik, Istanbuler Forschungen, Band 45, Tübingen.
  • Heinrich, E. 1982 Die Tempel und Heiligtümer im Alten Mesopotamien. Typologie, Morphologic und Geschicte, Benkmaler Antiker, Architektur 14, Berlin.
  • 1984 Die Palaste im alten Mesopotamien, De Gruyter. Denkmäler Antiker Architektur 15, Berlin.
  • Hill, H. – T. Jacobsen – P. Delougaz 1990 Old Babylonian Buildings in the Diyala Region, Oriental Institute. Oriental Institute Publication 98, Chicago.
  • Jahn, B. 2005 Altbabylonischer Wohnhäuser. Orient-Archäologie 16, Rahden/Westf.
  • Jasim, S. A. 1985 The Ubaid Period in Iraq, BAR International Series 267(i) Oxford. 1989 “Structure and Function in an Ubaid Village”, E. F. Henrickson – I. Thuesen (eds.), Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, Copenhagen: 79-91.
  • Koldewey, R. 1913 Das Wieder Erstehende Babylon, Leipzig.
  • 1996 “Houses in Habuba Kabira South. Spatial Organisation and Planning of Late Uruk Residental Architecture”, K.R.Veenhof (ed.), Houses and Household in Ancient Mesopotamia, Papers Read at the 40th Rencontre Assyriologiue Internationale, Berlin: 89-103.
  • 1996a „Späturukzeitliche Wohn und Verwaltungsbauten: Ein Vergleich zwischen Habuba-Süd und Anatolien“, Y. Sey (ed.), Çağlar Boyunca Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme. Bildiriler, İstanbul: 267-279.
  • Krafeld-Daugherty, M. 1994 Wohnen im alten Orient: eine Untersuchung zur Verwendung von Räumen in Altorientalischen Wohnhäusern, Altertumskunde des vorderen Orients 3, Münster.
  • Kubba, S. A. A. 1987 Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning, BAR International Series.
  • 1998 Architecture and Linear Measurement During the Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia, BAR International Series 707, Oxford.
  • Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C. 1999 “Houehold, Land Tenure and Communication Systems in the 6th4th Millennia of Greater Mesopotamia”, B. Hudson – A. Levine (ed.), Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge: 167-197.
  • Loud, G. 1936 Khorsabad I: Excavations in the Palace and at a City Gate, OIP XXXVIII, Chicago.
  • Loud, G. – B. Altman 1938 Khorsabad II: The Citadel and the Town, OIP XL, Chicago.
  • Margueron, J. C. 1989 “Architecture et Societe a l’epoque d’Obeid”, E. F. Henrickson – I. Thuesen (eds.), Upon this Foundation. The Ubaid Reconsidered, 43-77, Copenhagen.
  • Matthiae, P. 1990 “The Reception Suites of the Old Syrian Palaces”, Ö. Tunca (ed.), De la Babylonie à la Syrie, en passant par Mari, Mèlanges offerts à monsieur J.-R. Kupper à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Liège: 209-228.
  • Matthews, R. J. – J. N. Postgate 1986 “Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1985-86”, Iraq 49: 91-121.
  • McClellan, T.L. 1997 “Houses and households in North Syria during the Late Bronze Age”, C. Castel – M. al-Maqdissi – F. Villeneuve (eds.), Les maisons dans la Syrie antique du IIIe millénaire aux débuts de l’Islam. Pratiques et représentation de l’espace domestique. Actes du Colloque International, Damas 27-30 Juin 1992. Beirut: 29–59.
  • Miglus, P. A. 1996 „Die raumliche Organisation des altbabylonischen Hofhauses“, K. Veenhof (ed.), Houses and Households, (40e RAI, Leiden 1993), PIHANS 78, Leiden: 211-220.
  • 1994 „Das neuassyrische und das neubabylonische Wohnhaus. Die Frage nach dem Hof“, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 84: 262–81.
  • 1999 Stadtische Wohnarchitektur in Babylonien und Assyrien, Baghdader Forschungen 22, Berlin.
  • Postgate, J. N. 1990 Nippur Neighborhoods, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 80.
  • Preusser, C. 1954 Die Wohnhäuser in Assur, WVDOG 64, Berlin.
  • Roaf, M. 1984 “Ubaid Houses and Temples”, Sumer XLIII: 80-90.
  • Schmandt-Besserat, D. 1992 Before Writing. From Counting to Cuniform, Austin.
  • Sevin, V. 1991 Yeni Assur Sanatı I Mimarlık, Ankara.
  • Sieversten, U. 1998 Untersuchungen zur Pfeiler Nischen-Architektur in Mesopotamien und Syrien von ihren Anfangen in 6. Jahrtausend bis zum Ende der Frühdynastichen Zeit, BAR Series 743, Oxford.
  • Sürenhagen, D. 1986 “The Dry-Farming Belt. The Uruk Period and Subsequent Developments”, H. Weiss (ed.), The Origins of Cities in Dry-Farming Syria and Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium, 7-45, Guilford.
  • Starr, R. F. S. 1938 Nuzi, vol. 2, London.
  • Stone, E. C. 1981 “Texts, Architecture and Ethnographic Analogy: Patterns of Residence in Old Babylonian Nippur”, Iraq 43: 19-33.
  • 1987 Nippur Neighnorhoods, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, No: 44, Chicago 1991 “The spacial organisation of Mesopotamian cities,” Aula Orientalis 9: 235-42.
  • Stone, E. C. – B. Stony. 1999 “Houses, Households and Neighborhoods in the Old Babylonian Period: The Role of Extended Families”, A. Levine (ed.), Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East, B. Hudson, Cambridge: 229-235.
  • Strommenger, E. 1968 Private Houses and Graves in the Diyala Region, Archiv für Orientforschung, 22.
  • 1980 Habuba Kabira: Eine Stadt vor 5000 Jahren: Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft am Euphrat in Habuba Kabira, Syrien, Mainz.
  • Turner, G. 1970 “The State Apartments of Late Assyrian Palaces”, Iraq 32/2: 177-213.
  • Vallet, R. 1996 “Habuba Kebira (Syrie) ou la Naissance de l’Urbanisme”, Paleorient 22: 45-76.
  • Woolley, L. 1974 The Buildings of the Third Dynasty, The Trustees of the British Museum and the University Museum, Ur Excavations VI, London and Philadephia.
  • Zettler, R. L. 1988 Excavations at Nippur, the University of Pennsylania, Papers read at the 35e Rencontre Assyriologiqu Internationale, Philadelphia.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Alev Erarslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 10

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Erarslan A (01 Haziran 2011) “The Reception Room” in the Tripartite Plan and Its Effects on the Mesopotamian Domestic Architecture in the Historical Times. Colloquium Anatolicum 10 129–146.