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Propionic Acidemia and Nutrition Therapy

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 93 - 100, 30.12.2024


Propionic acidemia, an autosomal recessive disorder, is caused by a deficiency of propionyl CoA
carboxylase. Propionic acidemia is a genetic condition that can occur at any time in a person's life and
leads to a variety of symptoms. In healthy individuals, propionyl CoA is synthesized from the amino
acids valine, methionine, threonine and isoleucine. Propionyl CoA is converted to methylmalonyl CoA
by the enzyme propionyl CoA carboxylase (biotin-dependent). However, in patients with propionic
acidemia, propionic acid accumulates and plasma levels rise due to a deficiency in the enzyme
propionyl CoA carboxylase. Treatments for propionic acidemia include dietary restrictions limiting
methionine, threonine, valine, isoleucine and single-chain fatty acids. It is very important to ensure
adequate energy intake to prevent catabolism. In addition, l-carnitine supplementation has been
reported to be used in symptomatic treatments for hypoglycemia, acidosis and hyperammonemia.
There are two main approaches to protein restriction. The first approach involves a combination of
total daily protein intake, natural protein from food or standard infant formula, and synthetic amino
acid mixtures (usually at least 50% natural/synthetic). The second approach primarily involves the
use of natural protein alone in amounts close to or less than the recommended diet. Breast milk is
a generally recommended food source for infants with propionic acidemia. During the transition
to supplementary food in infants, it is reported to be beneficial to encourage supplementary food
consumption by gradually decreasing the amount of breast milk or medical formula and it is
recommended that this process be managed according to clinical and laboratory evaluations. The
role of dietitians is critical in this process, and it is important to establish a personalized diet plan
with regular monitoring and necessary adjustments to manage the metabolic status correctly.


  • Jurecki E, Ueda K, Frazier D, Rohr F, Thompson A, Hussa C, et al. Nutrition management guideline for propionic acidemia: An evidence- and consensus-based approach. Mol Genet Metab. 2019;126(4):341–54.
  • Zayed H. Propionic acidemia in the Arab World. Gene. 2015;564(2):119–24.
  • Richard E, Pérez B, Pérez-Cerdá C, Desviat LR. Understanding molecular mechanisms in propionic acidemia and investigated therapeutic strategies. Expert Opin Orphan Drugs. 2015;3(12):1427–38.
  • Marchuk H, Wang Y, Ladd ZA, Chen X, Zhang GF. Pathophysiological mechanisms of complications associated with propionic acidemia. Pharmacol Ther. 2023;249:108501.
  • Shchelochkov OA, Carillo N, Venditti C. Propionic Acidemia. Encycl Mov Disord. 2016;485–8.
  • Kızılsoy ÖF, Arslan D, Civan AB, Tutanç M, Tunç G. A case of propionic acidemia during late infancy presenting with metabolic acidosis. Pediatr Acad Case Reports. 2024;3(2):032–5.
  • Ayyıldız H. Yeni doğan taramaları ve hastalıkları. Yücel D, editör. Güncel Biyokimya Çalışmaları I. Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2019. s. 89–102.
  • Zhang Y, Peng C, Wang L, Chen S, Wang J, Tian Z, et al. Prevalence of propionic acidemia in China. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2023;18(1):1–21.
  • Armstrong AJ, Collado MS, Henke BR, Olson MW, Hoang SA, Hamilton CA, et al. A novel small molecule approach for the treatment of propionic and methylmalonic acidemias. Mol Genet Metab. 2021;133(1):71–82.
  • Saudubray JM, Baumgartner MR, García-Cazorla Á, Walter JH. Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment. Inborn Metab Dis Diagnosis Treat. 2022;1–894.
  • Chapman KA, Bush WS, Zhang Z. Gene expression in cell lines from propionic acidemia patients, carrier parents, and controls. Mol Genet Metab. 2015;115(4):174–9.
  • Grünert SC, Müllerleile S, De Silva L, Barth M, Walter M, Walter K, et al. Propionic acidemia: Clinical course and outcome in 55 pediatric and adolescent patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2013;8(1):1–9.
  • Kovacevic A, Garbade SF, Hoffmann GF, Gorenflo M, Kölker S, Staufner C. Cardiac phenotype in propionic acidemia – Results of an observational monocentric study. Mol Genet Metab. 2020;130(1):41–8.
  • Haijes HA, Jans JJM, Tas SY, Verhoeven-Duif NM, van Hasselt PM. Pathophysiology of propionic and methylmalonic acidemias. Part 1: Complications. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2019;42(5):730–44.
  • Zhou GP, Jiang YZ, Wu SS, Kong YY, Sun LY, Zhu ZJ. Liver Transplantation for Propionic Acidemia: Evidence From a Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. Transplantation. 2021;105(10):2272–82.
  • Baumgartner MR, Hörster F, Dionisi-Vici C, Haliloglu G, Karall D, Chapman KA, et al. Proposed guidelines for the diagnosis and management of methylmalonic and propionic acidemia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9(1):1–36.
  • Ribas GS, Biancini GB, Mescka C, Wayhs CY, Sitta A, Wajner M, et al. Oxidative stress parameters in urine from patients with disorders of propionate metabolism: A beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2012;32(1):77–82.
  • Sutton VR, Chapman KA, Gropman AL, MacLeod E, Stagni K, Summar ML, et al. Chronic management and health supervision of individuals with propionic acidemia. Mol Genet Metab. 2012;105(1):26–33.
  • Barshes NR, Vanatta JM, Patel AJ, Carter BA, O’Mahony CA, Karpen SJ, et al. Evaluation and management of patients with propionic acidemia undergoing liver transplantation: A comprehensive review. Pediatr Transplant. 2006;10(7):773–81.
  • Aldubayan SH, Rodan LH, Berry GT, Levy HL. Acute Illness Protocol for Organic Acidemias: Methylmalonic Acidemia and Propionic Acidemia. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2017;33(2):142–6.
  • Leonard J V. The management and outcome of propionic and methylmalonic acidaemia. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1995;18(4):430–4.
  • Boyer SW, Barclay LJ, Burrage LC. Inherited Metabolic Disorders. Nutr Clin Pract. 2015;30(4):502–10.
  • Daly A, Pinto A, Evans S, Almeida MF, Assoun M, Belanger-Quintana A, et al. Dietary practices in propionic acidemia: A European survey. Mol Genet Metab Reports. 2017;13:83–9.
  • Mobarak A, Stockler S, Salvarinova R, Van Karnebeek C, Horvath G. Long term follow-up of the dietary intake in propionic acidemia. Mol Genet Metab Reports. 2021;27:100757.
  • Bülbül S. Bebek Beslenmesinde Formül Sütler ve Özel Durumlarda Kullanılan Mamalar. Çocuk Beslenmesi. 2020;1:35–42.
  • Vitoria-Miñana I, Couce ML, GonzálezLamuño D, García-Peris M, Correcher-Medina P. Breastfeeding and Inborn Errors of Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism: A Spreadsheet to Calculate Optimal Intake of Human Milk and Disease-Specific Formulas. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3566.
  • Kowalik A, Gudej-Rosa S, Nogalska M, Myszkowska-Ryciak J, Sykut-Cegielska J. Breastfeeding in PKU and Other Amino Acid Metabolism Disorders—A Single Centre Experience. Nutr. 2024;16(15):2544.
  • Bordugo A, Salvetti E, Rodella G, Piazza M, Dianin A, Amoruso A, et al. Assessing gut microbiota in an infant with congenital propionic acidemia before and after probiotic supplementation. Microorganisms. 2021;9(12):2599.
  • İnci A, Ezgü FŞ. Kalıtsal metabolik hastalıklara yaklaşım. Eminoglu FT, Haspolat YK, Çeltik Ç, Çarman KB, Akbulut UE, Taş T, editörler. Kalıtsal Metabolik Hastalıklarda Beslenme Tedavisi. Orient Yayınevi; 2021. s. 19-27.
  • López-Mejía L, Guillén-López S, Vela-Amieva M, Carrillo-Nieto RI. Actualización sobre la lactancia materna en los recién nacidos con errores innatos del metabolismo intermediario. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2022;79(3):141–51.
  • Baumgartner MR, Hörster F, Dionisi-Vici C, Haliloglu G, Karall D, Chapman KA, et al. Proposed guidelines for the diagnosis and management of methylmalonic and propionic acidemia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9(1):1–36.
  • van Calcar S. Nutrition Management of Propionic Acidemia and Methylmalonic Acidemia. Nutr Manag Inherit Metab Dis. 2015;221–8.
  • Pfeuffer M, Jaudszus A. Pentadecanoic and Heptadecanoic Acids: Multifaceted Odd-Chain Fatty Acids. Adv Nutr. 2016;7(4):730–4.
  • Koptagel E, Serement Kürklü N. Tek Zincirli Doymuş Yağ Asitleri ve Sağlık İlişkisi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Fakültesi Derg. 2020;5(3):307–12.
  • Motta M, Rahman MM, Athalye-Jape G, Kaushal M. Organic Acidemias: Clinical Presentation in Neonates. Newborn. 2024;2(4):263–78.
  • 36. Saleemani H, Egri C, Horvath G, StocklerIpsiroglu S, Elango R. Dietary management and growth outcomes in children with propionic acidemia: A natural history study. JIMD Rep. 2021;61(1):67–75.

Propiyonik Asidemi ve Beslenme Tedavisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 93 - 100, 30.12.2024


Otozomal resesif geçişli bir hastalık olan propiyonik asidemi, propiyonil CoA karboksilaz eksikliğinden
kaynaklanmaktadır. Propiyonik asidemi, kişinin hayatının herhangi bir döneminde ortaya çıkabilen
ve çeşitli semptomlara yol açabilen genetik bir durumdur. Sağlıklı bireylerde valin, metiyonin, treonin
ve izolösin aminoasitlerinden propiyonil CoA sentezlenmektedir. Propiyonil CoA, propiyonil CoA
karboksilaz (biyotin bağımlı) enzimi yardımıyla metilmalonil CoA'ya dönüştürülür. Ancak propiyonik
asidemi hastalarında, propiyonil CoA karboksilaz enzimindeki eksiklik nedeniyle propiyonik asit
birikir ve plazma seviyeleri yükselir. Propiyonik asidemi tedavileri, metionin, treonin, valin, izolösin
ve tek zincirli yağ asitlerini sınırlayan diyet kısıtlamalarını kapsamaktadır. Katabolizmayı önlemek
için yeterli enerji alımının sağlanması çok önemlidir. Ek olarak, l-karnitin takviyesinin hipoglisemi,
asidoz ve hiperammonemiye yönelik semptomatik tedavilerde de kullanıldığı bildirilmektedir.
Protein kısıtlamasında iki ana yaklaşım bulunmaktadır. Birinci yaklaşım, günlük alınması gereken
toplam protein, besinlerden veya standart infant formüladan elde edilen doğal proteinin ve sentetik
amino asit karışımlarının birleştirilmesini (genellikle en az %50 doğal/sentetik) içermektedir.
İkinci yaklaşım, öncelikle önerilen diyete yakın veya daha az miktarlarda tek başına doğal protein
kullanımını içermektedir. Anne sütü, Propiyonik asidemi hastası bebekler için genellikle önerilen
bir besin kaynağı olarak bildirilmektedir. Bebeklerde ek gıdaya geçiş sürecinde, anne sütü veya tıbbi
formül mama miktarının kademeli olarak azaltılarak ek gıda tüketiminin teşvik edilmesinin yararlı
olduğu bildirilmekte ve bu sürecin klinik ve laboratuvar değerlendirmelerine göre yönetilmesi
önerilmektedir. Bu süreçte diyetisyenlerin rolü kritik olup, metabolik durumun doğru yönetilmesi
için düzenli izleme ve gerekli düzenlemeler ile kişiye özel bir diyet planının oluşturulması önem arz


  • Jurecki E, Ueda K, Frazier D, Rohr F, Thompson A, Hussa C, et al. Nutrition management guideline for propionic acidemia: An evidence- and consensus-based approach. Mol Genet Metab. 2019;126(4):341–54.
  • Zayed H. Propionic acidemia in the Arab World. Gene. 2015;564(2):119–24.
  • Richard E, Pérez B, Pérez-Cerdá C, Desviat LR. Understanding molecular mechanisms in propionic acidemia and investigated therapeutic strategies. Expert Opin Orphan Drugs. 2015;3(12):1427–38.
  • Marchuk H, Wang Y, Ladd ZA, Chen X, Zhang GF. Pathophysiological mechanisms of complications associated with propionic acidemia. Pharmacol Ther. 2023;249:108501.
  • Shchelochkov OA, Carillo N, Venditti C. Propionic Acidemia. Encycl Mov Disord. 2016;485–8.
  • Kızılsoy ÖF, Arslan D, Civan AB, Tutanç M, Tunç G. A case of propionic acidemia during late infancy presenting with metabolic acidosis. Pediatr Acad Case Reports. 2024;3(2):032–5.
  • Ayyıldız H. Yeni doğan taramaları ve hastalıkları. Yücel D, editör. Güncel Biyokimya Çalışmaları I. Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2019. s. 89–102.
  • Zhang Y, Peng C, Wang L, Chen S, Wang J, Tian Z, et al. Prevalence of propionic acidemia in China. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2023;18(1):1–21.
  • Armstrong AJ, Collado MS, Henke BR, Olson MW, Hoang SA, Hamilton CA, et al. A novel small molecule approach for the treatment of propionic and methylmalonic acidemias. Mol Genet Metab. 2021;133(1):71–82.
  • Saudubray JM, Baumgartner MR, García-Cazorla Á, Walter JH. Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment. Inborn Metab Dis Diagnosis Treat. 2022;1–894.
  • Chapman KA, Bush WS, Zhang Z. Gene expression in cell lines from propionic acidemia patients, carrier parents, and controls. Mol Genet Metab. 2015;115(4):174–9.
  • Grünert SC, Müllerleile S, De Silva L, Barth M, Walter M, Walter K, et al. Propionic acidemia: Clinical course and outcome in 55 pediatric and adolescent patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2013;8(1):1–9.
  • Kovacevic A, Garbade SF, Hoffmann GF, Gorenflo M, Kölker S, Staufner C. Cardiac phenotype in propionic acidemia – Results of an observational monocentric study. Mol Genet Metab. 2020;130(1):41–8.
  • Haijes HA, Jans JJM, Tas SY, Verhoeven-Duif NM, van Hasselt PM. Pathophysiology of propionic and methylmalonic acidemias. Part 1: Complications. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2019;42(5):730–44.
  • Zhou GP, Jiang YZ, Wu SS, Kong YY, Sun LY, Zhu ZJ. Liver Transplantation for Propionic Acidemia: Evidence From a Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. Transplantation. 2021;105(10):2272–82.
  • Baumgartner MR, Hörster F, Dionisi-Vici C, Haliloglu G, Karall D, Chapman KA, et al. Proposed guidelines for the diagnosis and management of methylmalonic and propionic acidemia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9(1):1–36.
  • Ribas GS, Biancini GB, Mescka C, Wayhs CY, Sitta A, Wajner M, et al. Oxidative stress parameters in urine from patients with disorders of propionate metabolism: A beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2012;32(1):77–82.
  • Sutton VR, Chapman KA, Gropman AL, MacLeod E, Stagni K, Summar ML, et al. Chronic management and health supervision of individuals with propionic acidemia. Mol Genet Metab. 2012;105(1):26–33.
  • Barshes NR, Vanatta JM, Patel AJ, Carter BA, O’Mahony CA, Karpen SJ, et al. Evaluation and management of patients with propionic acidemia undergoing liver transplantation: A comprehensive review. Pediatr Transplant. 2006;10(7):773–81.
  • Aldubayan SH, Rodan LH, Berry GT, Levy HL. Acute Illness Protocol for Organic Acidemias: Methylmalonic Acidemia and Propionic Acidemia. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2017;33(2):142–6.
  • Leonard J V. The management and outcome of propionic and methylmalonic acidaemia. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1995;18(4):430–4.
  • Boyer SW, Barclay LJ, Burrage LC. Inherited Metabolic Disorders. Nutr Clin Pract. 2015;30(4):502–10.
  • Daly A, Pinto A, Evans S, Almeida MF, Assoun M, Belanger-Quintana A, et al. Dietary practices in propionic acidemia: A European survey. Mol Genet Metab Reports. 2017;13:83–9.
  • Mobarak A, Stockler S, Salvarinova R, Van Karnebeek C, Horvath G. Long term follow-up of the dietary intake in propionic acidemia. Mol Genet Metab Reports. 2021;27:100757.
  • Bülbül S. Bebek Beslenmesinde Formül Sütler ve Özel Durumlarda Kullanılan Mamalar. Çocuk Beslenmesi. 2020;1:35–42.
  • Vitoria-Miñana I, Couce ML, GonzálezLamuño D, García-Peris M, Correcher-Medina P. Breastfeeding and Inborn Errors of Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism: A Spreadsheet to Calculate Optimal Intake of Human Milk and Disease-Specific Formulas. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3566.
  • Kowalik A, Gudej-Rosa S, Nogalska M, Myszkowska-Ryciak J, Sykut-Cegielska J. Breastfeeding in PKU and Other Amino Acid Metabolism Disorders—A Single Centre Experience. Nutr. 2024;16(15):2544.
  • Bordugo A, Salvetti E, Rodella G, Piazza M, Dianin A, Amoruso A, et al. Assessing gut microbiota in an infant with congenital propionic acidemia before and after probiotic supplementation. Microorganisms. 2021;9(12):2599.
  • İnci A, Ezgü FŞ. Kalıtsal metabolik hastalıklara yaklaşım. Eminoglu FT, Haspolat YK, Çeltik Ç, Çarman KB, Akbulut UE, Taş T, editörler. Kalıtsal Metabolik Hastalıklarda Beslenme Tedavisi. Orient Yayınevi; 2021. s. 19-27.
  • López-Mejía L, Guillén-López S, Vela-Amieva M, Carrillo-Nieto RI. Actualización sobre la lactancia materna en los recién nacidos con errores innatos del metabolismo intermediario. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2022;79(3):141–51.
  • Baumgartner MR, Hörster F, Dionisi-Vici C, Haliloglu G, Karall D, Chapman KA, et al. Proposed guidelines for the diagnosis and management of methylmalonic and propionic acidemia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9(1):1–36.
  • van Calcar S. Nutrition Management of Propionic Acidemia and Methylmalonic Acidemia. Nutr Manag Inherit Metab Dis. 2015;221–8.
  • Pfeuffer M, Jaudszus A. Pentadecanoic and Heptadecanoic Acids: Multifaceted Odd-Chain Fatty Acids. Adv Nutr. 2016;7(4):730–4.
  • Koptagel E, Serement Kürklü N. Tek Zincirli Doymuş Yağ Asitleri ve Sağlık İlişkisi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Fakültesi Derg. 2020;5(3):307–12.
  • Motta M, Rahman MM, Athalye-Jape G, Kaushal M. Organic Acidemias: Clinical Presentation in Neonates. Newborn. 2024;2(4):263–78.
  • 36. Saleemani H, Egri C, Horvath G, StocklerIpsiroglu S, Elango R. Dietary management and growth outcomes in children with propionic acidemia: A natural history study. JIMD Rep. 2021;61(1):67–75.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Beslenme Bilimi, Klinik Beslenme, Beslenme ve Diyetetik (Diğer)
Bölüm Derleme

İlsu Aldatmaz 0000-0002-9915-9825

Kübra Derya İpek 0000-0002-1037-4095

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Aldatmaz İ, Derya İpek K. Propiyonik Asidemi ve Beslenme Tedavisi. SBGY. 2024;5(3):93-100.