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Enformel Ekonomide Çalışanların Örgütlenmesi ve Sendikalar

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 12, 83 - 117, 01.01.2007



  • ACTRAV, “Conclusions and recommendations”, International Symposium on Trade Unions and the Informal Sector (18-22 October 1999), Geneva. (
  • ACTRAV, “The Role of Trade Unions in the Global Economy and the Fight against Poverty”, Symposium Background Paper International Workers (17-21 October 2005), International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2005.
  • ACTRAV, Beyond Survival: Organizing the Informal Economy, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers' Activities, Geneva, 2000.
  • ACTRAV, Trade Unions and the Informal Sector: Towards a Comprehensive Strategy, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers' Activities, Geneva, 1999.
  • Agarwala, Rina, “From Work to Welfare: The State and Informal Workers’ Organizations in India”, The Center for Migration and Development Working Paper Series Princeton University CMD Working Paper #04-07, 2004.
  • Amin, Nurul, “The Informal Sector in Asia from the Decent Work Perspective”, Employment Sector Working Paper on the Informal Economy 2002/4, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • Castillo, Gerardo vd., “Union Education for Informal Workers in Latin America”, Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Chen, Martha Alter vd., “Supporting Workers in the Informal Economy: A Policy Framework”, Employment Sector Working Paper on the Informal Economy 2002/2, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • David, Natacha, “Organising the Informal Sector”, Trade Union World archives, 2000. (
  • Devenish, Annie–Skinner, Caroline, “Organising Workers in the Informal Economy: The Experience of the Self Employed Women’s Union, 1994-2004”, School of Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
  • Fletcher, Bill, “Canlanan Sendikal Hareketin Görevleri”, Küreselleşme ve Sendikal Örgütlenme, Petrol-İş Sendikası, Dünya Sendikal Hareketi Dosyası 6, Şubat 2003, İstanbul.
  • Ford, Michele, “Organizing the Unorganizable: Unions, NGOs, and Indonesian Migrant Labour”, International Migration Vol. 42 (5), 2004.
  • Gallin, Dan, “Organizing in the Global Informal Economy”, Bogaziçi University Social Policy Forum: Changing Role of Unions in the Contemporary World of Labour, November 26-27, İstanbul, 2004. (
  • Gallin, Dan, “Organizing in the Informal Economy”, Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, ILO Bureau for Workers’ Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Gallin, Dan, “Propositions on Trade Unions and Informal Employmentin Times of Globalisation”, Antipode, Vol. 33, Number 3 (July 2001).
  • Gallin, Dan–Horn, Pat, “Organizing Informal Women Workers”, Paper prepared for UNRISD Gender Policy Report, 2005. (
  • Goldman, Tanya, “Organizing in South Africa’s Informal Economy: An Overview of Four Sectoral Case Studies”, Working Paper No. 60, InFocus Programme on Boosting Employment through Small Enterprise Development Job Creation and Enterprise Department International Labour Office, Geneva, 2003.
  • Gothoskar, Sujata, “Organising Informal Women Workers”, Asia Monitor Resource Centre Asian Labour Update, Issue No. 41, (October - December 2001). (
  • Grumiau, Samuel–David, Natacha, “The Informal Sector: Unions Must Seize the Opportunity”, Trade Union World Archives, 1999. (
  • Hlela, Kenneth Siphelelo, “Dilemmas of Collective Action in the Informal Economy: How the Other Quarter Lives?”, Centre for Policy Studies, Policy: Issues & Actors, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2003).
  • Horn, Pat, “Organising the Informal Sector: Lessons for Labour”, Global Labour Institute, 2002. (
  • ICFTU, Globalising Social Justice: Trade Unionism in the Twenty-First Century, International Confederation of Trade Unions, Brussels, 2000.
  • ILO, “World Labour Report 1997-98: Industrial Relations, Democracy and Social Stability”, International Labour Office, 271st Session Governing Body, Committee on Employment and Social Policy, GB.271/ESP/1 Geneva, 1998.
  • ILO, Decent Work and the Informal Economy, International Labour Conference 90th Session 2002, Report VI, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • ILO, Organized Unorganized: Informal Economy and Other Unprotected Workers, A Resource Kit for Trade Unions, Gender Promotion Programme, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • ILO, Organizing for Social Justice-Global Report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Report Of The Dırector-General, Internatıonal Labour Conference 92nd Session 2004 Report I (B), Internatıonal Labour Offıce, Geneva.
  • ILO, Organizing out of Poverty: The Role of Trade Unions, Features Service Articles (October 2005), International Labour Organization Department of Communication. (
  • ILO, Resolution Concerning Decent Work and the Informal Economy, International Labour Office, 285th Session Governing Body, GB.285/7/2, Geneva, 2002.
  • Jackson, M.P. (Çev. ErinçBilginoğlu), Sendikalar, Öteki Yayınları, Ankara, 1991.
  • Jose, A. V., “İşçi Hareketinin Geleceği: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler”, Sendikal Notlar, S.13 (Şubat 2002).
  • Jose, A. V., “Organized Labour in the 21st Century -Some Lessons for Developing Countries”, Organized Labour in the 21st Century (Edit., A. V. Jose), International Institute for Labour Studies Geneva, 2002.
  • Justice, Dwight W., “Work, law and the “informality” concept”, Unprotected labour: What role for unions in the informal economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Koonings, Kees vd., “Tarihin Uzun Yürüyüşü”, Küreselleşme ve Üçüncü Dünya Sendikaları, (Der. Henk Thomas), Türk Harb-İş Sendikası Ya., Ankara, 1999.
  • Makal, Ahmet “Sosyal Politika, Sendikal Haklar ve Demokrasi”, I. Ulusal Sosyal Politika Kongresi (22-24 Ocak 2004-Ankara), Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu Ya., Ankara(2004).
  • Meiksins, Peter, “Same As It Ever Was? The Structure of the Working Class”, Rising from the Ashes? Labor in the Age of Global Capitalism, (Edit. Ellen Meiksins Wood vd.), Montly Review Pres, New York, 1998.
  • Miguelez, Faustino, “İspanya’da Sendikaların Yenilenmesi”, Avrupa Ülkelerinde Sendikalar, Petrol-İş Sendikası, Dünya Sendikal Hareketi Dosyası 4 (Mayıs 2002), İstanbul.
  • Miguelez, Faustino, “İspanya’da Sendikaların Yenilenmesi”, Avrupa Ülkelerinde Sendikalar, Petrol-İş Sendikası, Dünya Sendikal Hareketi Dosyası 4 (Mayıs 2002), İstanbul.
  • Musiolek, Bettina, “Decent Work in the Informal Sector: CEE/CIS Region”, Employment Sector, Working Paper on the Informal Economy, No. 2002/7, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • Naidoo, Ravi, Worker rights in a hostile environment: Going beyond competitiveness Economic Integration and Inequality in the Global Economy 19 – 22 June 2000 Bellagio, Italy.
  • Nathan, Christine, “Informal Work: From Concept to Action”, Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Ratnam, C. S.Venkata–Jain, Harish C., “Women in trade unions in India”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2002).
Yıl 2007, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 12, 83 - 117, 01.01.2007


The many working in the informal economy endure precarious work and irregular and insecure income with little or no access to the means of social protection. As the right to form unions is a fundamental human right every worker should have the protection provided by trade unions and this right must be protected by the labour law. In practice, legal restrictions and changing work patterns often make it difficult or impossible for informal workers to organize under the umbrella of a trade union. Conditions of informal work and the heterogeneity of the workforce as well as informal employment relationships are the challenges faced by trade unions which aim to organize informal workers. Therefore, trade union must be adapted to the situation of informal workers and working conditions, by targeting the membership of in particular women and young workers which are the two largest and unprotected groups in the informal economy


  • ACTRAV, “Conclusions and recommendations”, International Symposium on Trade Unions and the Informal Sector (18-22 October 1999), Geneva. (
  • ACTRAV, “The Role of Trade Unions in the Global Economy and the Fight against Poverty”, Symposium Background Paper International Workers (17-21 October 2005), International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2005.
  • ACTRAV, Beyond Survival: Organizing the Informal Economy, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers' Activities, Geneva, 2000.
  • ACTRAV, Trade Unions and the Informal Sector: Towards a Comprehensive Strategy, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers' Activities, Geneva, 1999.
  • Agarwala, Rina, “From Work to Welfare: The State and Informal Workers’ Organizations in India”, The Center for Migration and Development Working Paper Series Princeton University CMD Working Paper #04-07, 2004.
  • Amin, Nurul, “The Informal Sector in Asia from the Decent Work Perspective”, Employment Sector Working Paper on the Informal Economy 2002/4, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • Castillo, Gerardo vd., “Union Education for Informal Workers in Latin America”, Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Chen, Martha Alter vd., “Supporting Workers in the Informal Economy: A Policy Framework”, Employment Sector Working Paper on the Informal Economy 2002/2, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • David, Natacha, “Organising the Informal Sector”, Trade Union World archives, 2000. (
  • Devenish, Annie–Skinner, Caroline, “Organising Workers in the Informal Economy: The Experience of the Self Employed Women’s Union, 1994-2004”, School of Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
  • Fletcher, Bill, “Canlanan Sendikal Hareketin Görevleri”, Küreselleşme ve Sendikal Örgütlenme, Petrol-İş Sendikası, Dünya Sendikal Hareketi Dosyası 6, Şubat 2003, İstanbul.
  • Ford, Michele, “Organizing the Unorganizable: Unions, NGOs, and Indonesian Migrant Labour”, International Migration Vol. 42 (5), 2004.
  • Gallin, Dan, “Organizing in the Global Informal Economy”, Bogaziçi University Social Policy Forum: Changing Role of Unions in the Contemporary World of Labour, November 26-27, İstanbul, 2004. (
  • Gallin, Dan, “Organizing in the Informal Economy”, Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, ILO Bureau for Workers’ Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Gallin, Dan, “Propositions on Trade Unions and Informal Employmentin Times of Globalisation”, Antipode, Vol. 33, Number 3 (July 2001).
  • Gallin, Dan–Horn, Pat, “Organizing Informal Women Workers”, Paper prepared for UNRISD Gender Policy Report, 2005. (
  • Goldman, Tanya, “Organizing in South Africa’s Informal Economy: An Overview of Four Sectoral Case Studies”, Working Paper No. 60, InFocus Programme on Boosting Employment through Small Enterprise Development Job Creation and Enterprise Department International Labour Office, Geneva, 2003.
  • Gothoskar, Sujata, “Organising Informal Women Workers”, Asia Monitor Resource Centre Asian Labour Update, Issue No. 41, (October - December 2001). (
  • Grumiau, Samuel–David, Natacha, “The Informal Sector: Unions Must Seize the Opportunity”, Trade Union World Archives, 1999. (
  • Hlela, Kenneth Siphelelo, “Dilemmas of Collective Action in the Informal Economy: How the Other Quarter Lives?”, Centre for Policy Studies, Policy: Issues & Actors, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2003).
  • Horn, Pat, “Organising the Informal Sector: Lessons for Labour”, Global Labour Institute, 2002. (
  • ICFTU, Globalising Social Justice: Trade Unionism in the Twenty-First Century, International Confederation of Trade Unions, Brussels, 2000.
  • ILO, “World Labour Report 1997-98: Industrial Relations, Democracy and Social Stability”, International Labour Office, 271st Session Governing Body, Committee on Employment and Social Policy, GB.271/ESP/1 Geneva, 1998.
  • ILO, Decent Work and the Informal Economy, International Labour Conference 90th Session 2002, Report VI, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • ILO, Organized Unorganized: Informal Economy and Other Unprotected Workers, A Resource Kit for Trade Unions, Gender Promotion Programme, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • ILO, Organizing for Social Justice-Global Report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Report Of The Dırector-General, Internatıonal Labour Conference 92nd Session 2004 Report I (B), Internatıonal Labour Offıce, Geneva.
  • ILO, Organizing out of Poverty: The Role of Trade Unions, Features Service Articles (October 2005), International Labour Organization Department of Communication. (
  • ILO, Resolution Concerning Decent Work and the Informal Economy, International Labour Office, 285th Session Governing Body, GB.285/7/2, Geneva, 2002.
  • Jackson, M.P. (Çev. ErinçBilginoğlu), Sendikalar, Öteki Yayınları, Ankara, 1991.
  • Jose, A. V., “İşçi Hareketinin Geleceği: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler”, Sendikal Notlar, S.13 (Şubat 2002).
  • Jose, A. V., “Organized Labour in the 21st Century -Some Lessons for Developing Countries”, Organized Labour in the 21st Century (Edit., A. V. Jose), International Institute for Labour Studies Geneva, 2002.
  • Justice, Dwight W., “Work, law and the “informality” concept”, Unprotected labour: What role for unions in the informal economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Koonings, Kees vd., “Tarihin Uzun Yürüyüşü”, Küreselleşme ve Üçüncü Dünya Sendikaları, (Der. Henk Thomas), Türk Harb-İş Sendikası Ya., Ankara, 1999.
  • Makal, Ahmet “Sosyal Politika, Sendikal Haklar ve Demokrasi”, I. Ulusal Sosyal Politika Kongresi (22-24 Ocak 2004-Ankara), Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu Ya., Ankara(2004).
  • Meiksins, Peter, “Same As It Ever Was? The Structure of the Working Class”, Rising from the Ashes? Labor in the Age of Global Capitalism, (Edit. Ellen Meiksins Wood vd.), Montly Review Pres, New York, 1998.
  • Miguelez, Faustino, “İspanya’da Sendikaların Yenilenmesi”, Avrupa Ülkelerinde Sendikalar, Petrol-İş Sendikası, Dünya Sendikal Hareketi Dosyası 4 (Mayıs 2002), İstanbul.
  • Miguelez, Faustino, “İspanya’da Sendikaların Yenilenmesi”, Avrupa Ülkelerinde Sendikalar, Petrol-İş Sendikası, Dünya Sendikal Hareketi Dosyası 4 (Mayıs 2002), İstanbul.
  • Musiolek, Bettina, “Decent Work in the Informal Sector: CEE/CIS Region”, Employment Sector, Working Paper on the Informal Economy, No. 2002/7, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
  • Naidoo, Ravi, Worker rights in a hostile environment: Going beyond competitiveness Economic Integration and Inequality in the Global Economy 19 – 22 June 2000 Bellagio, Italy.
  • Nathan, Christine, “Informal Work: From Concept to Action”, Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?, Labour Education 2002/2, No. 127, International Labour Organization, Bureau for Workers Activities, Geneva, 2002.
  • Ratnam, C. S.Venkata–Jain, Harish C., “Women in trade unions in India”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2002).
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Kapar, R. (2007). Enformel Ekonomide Çalışanların Örgütlenmesi ve Sendikalar. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 1(12), 83-117.