İş etiği konusundaki duyarlılık, günümüz küresel dünyasında örgütlere giderek daha çok değer kazandırmaktadır. Kurumsal etik profesyonel bir davranış standardına uyarak, insan zararını en aza indirmeye ve insan yararını maksimize etmeye yönelik kurumsal eylemler ya da politikalarla ilgilenmelidir. İş yaşamındaki davranışların daha etik hale getirilmesi konusundaki ana yaklaşımlardan biri olan etiğin kurumsallaştırılması, etiğin biçimsel ve aynı zamanda anlaşılır bir şekilde günlük iş yaşamına dâhil edilmesi girişimlerini ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, örgütlerin etiği kurumsallaştırmaya yönelik çabaları ele alınmakta, “etik” ile “etiğin kurumsallaştırılması” kavramları üzerinden etiği kurumsallaştırmaya yönelik girişimler tanımlanmakta ve literatürdeki bazı uygulamalar incelenerek örgütlerin kendi içlerinde etik değerler oluşturma girişimleri kurumsallaştırılması üzerine daha önce yapılmış olan bazı çalışmaların bulguları ve araştırmacıların örgütlerde etiğin kurumsallaştırılması girişimlerini daha etkin hale getirmek için verdikleri bazı uygulama önerileri incelenmekte ve böylece örgütlere etiği kurumsallaştırma konusunda bir yol haritası sunulması amaçlanmaktadır
Acar, A.G. (2000). Etik Değerlerin Kurumsallaştırılması Üzerine Bir Araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
Anand, V., Ashforth, B.E., Josh, M. (2005). Business as Usual: The Acceptance and Perpetuation of Corruption in Organizations, The Academy of Management Executive 19(4), 9–23.
Austin, N.K. (1994). The New Corporate Watch Dogs, Working Woman, 19(1), 19-20.
Bakoğlu Deliorman, R., Üstünoldu Kandemir, A. (2009). Kamu Kurumu Niteliğinde Meslek Kuruluşları ve Etik, Yolsuzluğun Önlenmesi için Etik Projesi: Kamu Etiği Akademik Araştırmaları (Avrupa Birliği İnsan Hakları Komisyonu ve Başbakanlık Kamu Görevlileri Etik Kurulu Projesi), Cilt 2, (13-103). Ankara: Fersa Ofset.
Baltaş, Z. (2019, Haziran 12). http://www.kaynakdergisi.net/makaleler.asp?sayi=16&sira=121[Erişim 19.11.2019] Türkiye’den Araştırma Sonuçları. tarihi
Beeri, I., Dayan, R., Vigoda-Gadot, E., Werner, S.B. (2013). Advancing Ethics in Public Organizations: The Impact of an Ethics Program on Employees’ Perceptions and Behaviors in a Regional Council, Journal of Business Ethics, 112(1), 59–78.
Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (2013). Kamu Kurumlarında Kurumsal Etik ve Kurumsal Etik Kültürünün Oluşumunda İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminin Önemi ve BTK İçin Bir Model Önerisi. Ankara: Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu.
Brenner, S.N. (1992). Ethics Programs and Their Dimensions, Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 391-399.
Brimmer, S.E. (2007). The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations, Leadership Advance Online, 6, 1-6.
Carlson, D.S., Perrewe, P.L. (1995). Institutionalization of Organizational Ethics Through Transformational Leadership, Journal of Business Ethics, 14(10), 829- 838.
Center for Business Ethics (1986). Are Corporations Institutionalizing Ethics? 5(2), 85-91.
Center for Business Ethics (1992). Instilling Ethical Values in Large Corporations, Journal of Business Ethics, 11(11), 863-867.
DeMars, N. (1999). Etik Değerlere Uygun İşyeri. İstanbul: Rota Yayınları.
Epstein, E.M. (1989). Business Ethics, Corporate Good Citizenship and the Corporate Social Policy Process: A View from the United States, Journal of Business Ethics, 8(8), 583-595.
Etebarian, A., Yazdi, N.M. (2016). The Relationship between Institutionalization of Ethics and Quality of Work Life with Managers’ Job Satisfaction, International Business Management, 10(7), 1177-1182. Ethics Resource Center (2000). National Business Ethics Survey. http://d2f5upgbvkx8pz.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/inline-files/national- business-ethics-survey-volume1-2.pdf [Erişim tarihi 28.07.2019]
Etik Değerler Merkezi Derneği (2012). Gençlerin Gözüyle Etik Araştırması. https://www.edmer.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Gençlerin-Gözüyle- Etik-2012.pdf [Erişim tarihi 28.07.2019]
Etik Değerler Merkezi Derneği (2013). Yöneticilerin Gözüyle Etik Araştırması. https://www.edmer.org.tr/assets/file/91da650f-189f-4d4b-acd0- 1ea805bbe306.pdf [Erişim tarihi 30.09.2019]
Etik ve İtibar Derneği - TEİD (2017a). Etik ve Uyum Programı Etkililiği Araştırması. http://www.tice.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Compliance- Effectiveness-Survey-Report.pdf [Erişim tarihi 19.11.2019]
Etik ve İtibar Derneği - TEİD (2017b). Yolsuzluk Algı Araştırması. http://www.tice.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/TEiD-Yolsuzluk-Algi- Arastirmasi-Sunumu_2017.pdf [Erişim tarihi 19.11.2019]
Ferrell, O.C., Ferrell, L. (2009). Historical Developments of Business Ethics: Then to Now. G. Svensson & G. Wood (Ed.) Business Ethics Through Time and Across Contexts içinde (65-78). Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur Publishing.
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J., Ferrell, L. (2015). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Floyd, K.S. (2010). Leadership Styles, Ethics Institutionalization, Ethical Work, Climate, and Employee Attitudes toward Information Technology Misuse in Higher Education: A Correlational Study, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 339. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/339 [Erişim tarihi 30.09.2019]
Foote, M.F., Ruona, W.E.A. (2008). Institutionalizing Ethics: A Synthesis of Frameworks and the Implications for HRD, Human Resource Development Review, 7(3), 292-308.
Goodpaster, K.E. (1991). Ethical Imperatives and Corporate Leadership. R.E. Freeman (Ed.) Business Ethics: The State of the Art içinde (89-110). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goosen, X., Van Vuuren, L.V. (2005). Institutionalising Ethics in Organisations: The Role of Mentoring, SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 3(3), 61-71.
Grigoropoulos, J.E. (2019). The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations, International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(2), 167-175.
Guillén, M., Melé, D., Murphy, P. (2002). European vs American Approaches to Institutionalization of Business Ethics: The Spanish Case, Business Ethics: A European Review, 11(2), 167–178.
Hunt S.D, Wood, V.R, Chonko, L.B. (1989). Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 53(3), 79–90.
İktisadî Girişim ve İş Ahlâkı Derneği (2018). İGİAD 2018 Türkiye İş Ahlakı. İstanbul: İGİAD İktisadî Girişim ve İş Ahlâkı Derneği.
Jose, A., Thibodeaux, M.S. (1999). Institutionalization of Ethics: The Perspective of Managers, Journal of Business Ethics, 22(2), 133-143.
Joseph, J. (2002). Integrating Business Ethics and Compliance Programs: A Study of Ethics Officers in Leading Organizations, Business and Society Review, 107(3), 309–347.
Kaptein, M. (2015). The Effectiveness of Ethics Programs: The Role of Scope, Composition, and Sequence, Journal of Business Ethics, 132(2), 415–431.
Kelly, M. (2005). The Ethics Revolution, Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 19(2), 6.
Koonmee, K., Singhapakdi, A., Virakul, B., Lee, D.J. (2010). Ethics Institutionalizaton, Quality of Work Life, and Employee Job-related Outcomes: A Survey of Human Resource Managers in Thailand, Journal of Business Research, 63(1), 20-26.
Kuçuradi, İ. (2003). Prof. Dr. İonna Kuçuradi’nin Konuşması. 1. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Kitabı içinde (15-20). Ankara: Tüba.
Lee, D.J., Yu, G.B., Sirgy, M.J., Singhapakdi, A., Lucianett, L. (2018). The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Ethics Institutionalization on Employee Life Satisfaction and Happiness: The Mediating Effects of Employee Experiences in Work Life and Moderating Effects of Work–Family Life Conflict, Journal of Business Ethics, 147(4), 855–874.
Long, B.S., Driscoll, C. (2008). Codes of Ethics and the Pursuit of Organizational Legitimacy: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions, Journal of Business Ethics, 77(2), 173-189.
Lozano, J.M. (2000). Ethics and Organizations: Understanding Business Ethics as a Learning Process. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
Majluf, N.S., Navarrete, C.M. (2011). A Two-Component Compliance and Ethics Program Model: An Empirical Application to Chilean Corporations, Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 567–579.
Marta, J.K.M., Singhapakdi, A., Lee, D.J., Sirgy, M.J., Koonmee, K., Virakul, B. (2013). Perceptions about Ethics Institutionalization and Quality of Work Life: Thai versus American Marketing Managers, Journal of Business Research, 66(3), 381- 389.
Mercier, S. (2011). The Institutionalization of Ethics in Corporate Governance: Between Efficiency and Legitimacy, 2011 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings - April 2011, 150-154.
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Institutionalization of Ethics in Turkey and Worldwide
In today’s global world, the awareness on business ethics is increasingly adding value to organizations. Corporate ethics should deal with corporate actions or policies in order to minimize human harm and maximize human benefit by complying with a standard of professional conduct. The institutionalization of ethics, which is one of the main approaches in making business behavior more ethical, refers to the attempts to integrate ethics formally and clearly in daily business life. The present study deals with the efforts of organizations to institutionalize ethics and defines the attempts to institutionalize ethics through the concepts of “ethics” and “institutionalization of ethics” and furthermore examines some practices in the literature in order to investigate the initiatives of organizations to create ethical values within themselves. This study finally reviews the findings of previous research on the institutionalization of ethics and practical implications of researchers to make the efforts of institutionalization of ethics within organizations more effective and in this way, it aims to provide organizations with a roadmap on institutionalizing ethics
Acar, A.G. (2000). Etik Değerlerin Kurumsallaştırılması Üzerine Bir Araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
Anand, V., Ashforth, B.E., Josh, M. (2005). Business as Usual: The Acceptance and Perpetuation of Corruption in Organizations, The Academy of Management Executive 19(4), 9–23.
Austin, N.K. (1994). The New Corporate Watch Dogs, Working Woman, 19(1), 19-20.
Bakoğlu Deliorman, R., Üstünoldu Kandemir, A. (2009). Kamu Kurumu Niteliğinde Meslek Kuruluşları ve Etik, Yolsuzluğun Önlenmesi için Etik Projesi: Kamu Etiği Akademik Araştırmaları (Avrupa Birliği İnsan Hakları Komisyonu ve Başbakanlık Kamu Görevlileri Etik Kurulu Projesi), Cilt 2, (13-103). Ankara: Fersa Ofset.
Baltaş, Z. (2019, Haziran 12). http://www.kaynakdergisi.net/makaleler.asp?sayi=16&sira=121[Erişim 19.11.2019] Türkiye’den Araştırma Sonuçları. tarihi
Beeri, I., Dayan, R., Vigoda-Gadot, E., Werner, S.B. (2013). Advancing Ethics in Public Organizations: The Impact of an Ethics Program on Employees’ Perceptions and Behaviors in a Regional Council, Journal of Business Ethics, 112(1), 59–78.
Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (2013). Kamu Kurumlarında Kurumsal Etik ve Kurumsal Etik Kültürünün Oluşumunda İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminin Önemi ve BTK İçin Bir Model Önerisi. Ankara: Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu.
Brenner, S.N. (1992). Ethics Programs and Their Dimensions, Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 391-399.
Brimmer, S.E. (2007). The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations, Leadership Advance Online, 6, 1-6.
Carlson, D.S., Perrewe, P.L. (1995). Institutionalization of Organizational Ethics Through Transformational Leadership, Journal of Business Ethics, 14(10), 829- 838.
Center for Business Ethics (1986). Are Corporations Institutionalizing Ethics? 5(2), 85-91.
Center for Business Ethics (1992). Instilling Ethical Values in Large Corporations, Journal of Business Ethics, 11(11), 863-867.
DeMars, N. (1999). Etik Değerlere Uygun İşyeri. İstanbul: Rota Yayınları.
Epstein, E.M. (1989). Business Ethics, Corporate Good Citizenship and the Corporate Social Policy Process: A View from the United States, Journal of Business Ethics, 8(8), 583-595.
Etebarian, A., Yazdi, N.M. (2016). The Relationship between Institutionalization of Ethics and Quality of Work Life with Managers’ Job Satisfaction, International Business Management, 10(7), 1177-1182. Ethics Resource Center (2000). National Business Ethics Survey. http://d2f5upgbvkx8pz.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/inline-files/national- business-ethics-survey-volume1-2.pdf [Erişim tarihi 28.07.2019]
Etik Değerler Merkezi Derneği (2012). Gençlerin Gözüyle Etik Araştırması. https://www.edmer.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Gençlerin-Gözüyle- Etik-2012.pdf [Erişim tarihi 28.07.2019]
Etik Değerler Merkezi Derneği (2013). Yöneticilerin Gözüyle Etik Araştırması. https://www.edmer.org.tr/assets/file/91da650f-189f-4d4b-acd0- 1ea805bbe306.pdf [Erişim tarihi 30.09.2019]
Etik ve İtibar Derneği - TEİD (2017a). Etik ve Uyum Programı Etkililiği Araştırması. http://www.tice.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Compliance- Effectiveness-Survey-Report.pdf [Erişim tarihi 19.11.2019]
Etik ve İtibar Derneği - TEİD (2017b). Yolsuzluk Algı Araştırması. http://www.tice.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/TEiD-Yolsuzluk-Algi- Arastirmasi-Sunumu_2017.pdf [Erişim tarihi 19.11.2019]
Ferrell, O.C., Ferrell, L. (2009). Historical Developments of Business Ethics: Then to Now. G. Svensson & G. Wood (Ed.) Business Ethics Through Time and Across Contexts içinde (65-78). Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur Publishing.
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J., Ferrell, L. (2015). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Floyd, K.S. (2010). Leadership Styles, Ethics Institutionalization, Ethical Work, Climate, and Employee Attitudes toward Information Technology Misuse in Higher Education: A Correlational Study, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 339. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/339 [Erişim tarihi 30.09.2019]
Foote, M.F., Ruona, W.E.A. (2008). Institutionalizing Ethics: A Synthesis of Frameworks and the Implications for HRD, Human Resource Development Review, 7(3), 292-308.
Goodpaster, K.E. (1991). Ethical Imperatives and Corporate Leadership. R.E. Freeman (Ed.) Business Ethics: The State of the Art içinde (89-110). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goosen, X., Van Vuuren, L.V. (2005). Institutionalising Ethics in Organisations: The Role of Mentoring, SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 3(3), 61-71.
Grigoropoulos, J.E. (2019). The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations, International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(2), 167-175.
Guillén, M., Melé, D., Murphy, P. (2002). European vs American Approaches to Institutionalization of Business Ethics: The Spanish Case, Business Ethics: A European Review, 11(2), 167–178.
Hunt S.D, Wood, V.R, Chonko, L.B. (1989). Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 53(3), 79–90.
İktisadî Girişim ve İş Ahlâkı Derneği (2018). İGİAD 2018 Türkiye İş Ahlakı. İstanbul: İGİAD İktisadî Girişim ve İş Ahlâkı Derneği.
Jose, A., Thibodeaux, M.S. (1999). Institutionalization of Ethics: The Perspective of Managers, Journal of Business Ethics, 22(2), 133-143.
Joseph, J. (2002). Integrating Business Ethics and Compliance Programs: A Study of Ethics Officers in Leading Organizations, Business and Society Review, 107(3), 309–347.
Kaptein, M. (2015). The Effectiveness of Ethics Programs: The Role of Scope, Composition, and Sequence, Journal of Business Ethics, 132(2), 415–431.
Kelly, M. (2005). The Ethics Revolution, Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 19(2), 6.
Koonmee, K., Singhapakdi, A., Virakul, B., Lee, D.J. (2010). Ethics Institutionalizaton, Quality of Work Life, and Employee Job-related Outcomes: A Survey of Human Resource Managers in Thailand, Journal of Business Research, 63(1), 20-26.
Kuçuradi, İ. (2003). Prof. Dr. İonna Kuçuradi’nin Konuşması. 1. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Kitabı içinde (15-20). Ankara: Tüba.
Lee, D.J., Yu, G.B., Sirgy, M.J., Singhapakdi, A., Lucianett, L. (2018). The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Ethics Institutionalization on Employee Life Satisfaction and Happiness: The Mediating Effects of Employee Experiences in Work Life and Moderating Effects of Work–Family Life Conflict, Journal of Business Ethics, 147(4), 855–874.
Long, B.S., Driscoll, C. (2008). Codes of Ethics and the Pursuit of Organizational Legitimacy: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions, Journal of Business Ethics, 77(2), 173-189.
Lozano, J.M. (2000). Ethics and Organizations: Understanding Business Ethics as a Learning Process. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
Majluf, N.S., Navarrete, C.M. (2011). A Two-Component Compliance and Ethics Program Model: An Empirical Application to Chilean Corporations, Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 567–579.
Marta, J.K.M., Singhapakdi, A., Lee, D.J., Sirgy, M.J., Koonmee, K., Virakul, B. (2013). Perceptions about Ethics Institutionalization and Quality of Work Life: Thai versus American Marketing Managers, Journal of Business Research, 66(3), 381- 389.
Mercier, S. (2011). The Institutionalization of Ethics in Corporate Governance: Between Efficiency and Legitimacy, 2011 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings - April 2011, 150-154.
Metcalf, J., Moss, E., Boyd, D. (2019). Owning Ethics: Corporate Logics, Silicon Valley, and the Institutionalization of Ethics, Social Research: An International Quarterly, 82(2), 449-476.
Nakano, C. (1999). Attempting to Institutionalize Ethics: Case Studies from Japan, Journal of Business Ethics, 18(4), 335-343.
Nicholson, N. (1994). Ethics in Organizations: A Framework for Theory and Research, Journal of Business Ethics, 13(8), 581-596.
Özdemir, S. (2009). Günümüz Türkiye’sinde Akademik İş Ahlakı Çalışmalarına Genel Bakış. S. Orman & Z. Parlak (Ed). İşletmelerde İş Etiği içinde (302-336). İstanbul: İTO Yayınları.
Paine, L.S. (1994). Managing for Organizational Integrity, Harvard Business Review, 72(2), 106–117.
Pelletier, K.L., Bligh, M.C. (2006). Rebounding from Corruption: Perceptions of Ethics Program Effectiveness in a Public Sector Organization, Journal of Business Ethics, 67(4), 359–374.
Popoola, I.T., Garner, B., Ammeter, A., Krey, N., Ammeter, D.B., Schafer, S. (2017). How does Ethics Institutionalization Reduce Academic Cheating?, Journal of Education for Business, 92(1), 29-35.
Preston, A.M., Cooper, D.J., Scarbrough, D.P., Chilton, R.C. (1995). Changes in the Code of Ethics of the U.S. Accounting Profession, 1917 and 1998: The Continual Quest for Legitimation, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 20(6), 507–546.
Purcell, T. (1985). Institutionalizing Business Ethics: A Case History, Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 4(2), 39-51.
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