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Çocukluk çağı lösemilerinde CD38 ekspresyonunun prognoz ile ilişkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 9 - 11, 30.06.2022


Çocukluk çağında en sık görülen akut lenfoblastik lösemiler ( ALL) tüm akut lösemilerin %80 ini oluştururken akut myeloid lösemi’ler (AML) %20 sini oluşturur. ALL’ler geliştikleri hücre kökenlerine göre gruplara ayrılabilir. Tüm lösemilerde ayrım tanı anındaki akım sitometrik incelemelerdeki yüzey belirteçleri ile yapılır.Pediatrik akut lösemilerin prognozunu belirlemek için genetik,laboratuar,yaş ve cinsiyet gibi birçok faktör mevcuttur.B-ALL. T-ALL ve AML’de her hücre tipinin kendine özgü yüzey belirteçleri olup, bu derlemede amaç bir yüzey belirteci olan CD38 expresyonunun prognoza etkisi tartışmaktır.CD38 expresyonunun prognoza etkisini incelemek için yapılan çalışmalar literatürde sınırlı olup elde edilen sonuçlar yüksek CD38 expresyonunun tedaviye yanıtının azlığı ve kötü prognoz ile ilişkisi olabileceğini göstermiştir.Bir anti-CD38 antikoru olan Daratumumab’ın klinik kullanımı çocukluk çağı lösemileri için kısıtlıdır.Bu tartışmada ise çocukluk çağı lösemilerinde CD38 expresyonunun varlığı ve prognoza etkisi irdelenmiştir.


Uzman DR NİHAL KARABEL BOZ'a destekleri için teşekkürler


  • 1. P. Pallavi Madhusoodhan, William L. Carroll, Teena Bhatla Progress and Prospects in Pediatric Leukemia. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care.2016 229-241.
  • 2. Ahmet Yöntem,İbrahim Bayram Çocukluk Çağında Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemi. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi. 2018 27(4): 483-499.
  • 3. Zhiwu Jiang, Di Wu, Shouheng Lin, Peng Li CD34 and CD38 are prognostic biomarkers for acute B lymphoblastic leukemia. Biomarker Research. 2016 4(23)
  • 4. Gertjan JL Kaspers Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy. 2012 12(3): 405-413.
  • 5. Jae Wook Lee, Bin Cho Prognostic factors and treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Korean J Pediatr. 2017 60(5) 129-137.
  • 6. Soheil Meshinchi,Robert .J. Arceci Prognostic Factors and Risk-Based Therapy in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The Oncologist. 2007 12: 341-355.
  • 7. Chan Liao, Di-Ying Shen, Xiao-Jun Xu, Hua Song, Wei-Qun Xu, Fen-Ying Zhao et al High CD38 expression in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia is not associated with prognosis. Cancer Biomarkers. 2019 277-284.
  • 8. Vitória Brum da Silva Nunes, Camila Kehl Dias, Marco Antônio De Bastiani, Mariela Granero Farias, Fabiane Spagnol,Ana Paula Alegretti et al NT5E gene and CD38 protein as potential prognostic biomarkers for childhood B‑acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Purinerging Signalling. 2022
  • 9. Prashant Ramesh Tembhare, Harshini Sriram, Twinkle Khanka, Gaurav Chatterjee, Devasis Panda, Sitaram Ghogale et al Flow cytometric evaluation of CD38 expression levels in the newly diagnosed T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the effect of chemotherapy on its expression in measurable residual disease, refractory disease and relapsed disease: an implication for antiCD38 immunotherapy. Journal for ImmunoTheraphy of Cancer.2020
  • 10. Bride KL, Vincent TL, Im SY, Aplenc R, Barrett DM, Carroll WL, et al. Preclinical efficacy of daratumumab in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2018;131:995-999.
  • 11. H.M. Lokhorst, T. Plesner, J.P. Laubach, H. Nahi, P. Gimsing, M. Hansson et al Targeting CD38 with Daratumumab Monotherapy in Multiple Myeloma. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2015 373:1207-1219

Association of CD38 expression with prognosis in childhood leukemia

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 9 - 11, 30.06.2022


Pediatric acute leukemia ALL comprises up to %80, AML comprices up to %20 of all childhood acute leukemias. ALL may classified according to taking an orijin of stem cells. In all leukemias classification is determined by surface antigens on flow cytometric studies at the time of diagnosis.There are several factors to determine the diagnosis of pediatric acute leukemias-which are genetic,gender,age and lab.Every cell type expresses identifical surface antigens on B-ALL,T-ALL and AML. In the review, the aim is to discuss expression of surface antigen CD38’s effect on prognosis.Studies conducted to examine the effect of CD38 expression on prognosis are limited in the literature and the results have shown that high CD38 expression may be associated with poor response to treatment and poor prognosis.The clinical use of Daratumumab,an anti CD38 antibody,is limited for childhood leukemias. In this discussion,the prensense of CD38 expression in childhood leukemia and its effect on prognosis were discussed.


  • 1. P. Pallavi Madhusoodhan, William L. Carroll, Teena Bhatla Progress and Prospects in Pediatric Leukemia. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care.2016 229-241.
  • 2. Ahmet Yöntem,İbrahim Bayram Çocukluk Çağında Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemi. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi. 2018 27(4): 483-499.
  • 3. Zhiwu Jiang, Di Wu, Shouheng Lin, Peng Li CD34 and CD38 are prognostic biomarkers for acute B lymphoblastic leukemia. Biomarker Research. 2016 4(23)
  • 4. Gertjan JL Kaspers Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy. 2012 12(3): 405-413.
  • 5. Jae Wook Lee, Bin Cho Prognostic factors and treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Korean J Pediatr. 2017 60(5) 129-137.
  • 6. Soheil Meshinchi,Robert .J. Arceci Prognostic Factors and Risk-Based Therapy in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The Oncologist. 2007 12: 341-355.
  • 7. Chan Liao, Di-Ying Shen, Xiao-Jun Xu, Hua Song, Wei-Qun Xu, Fen-Ying Zhao et al High CD38 expression in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia is not associated with prognosis. Cancer Biomarkers. 2019 277-284.
  • 8. Vitória Brum da Silva Nunes, Camila Kehl Dias, Marco Antônio De Bastiani, Mariela Granero Farias, Fabiane Spagnol,Ana Paula Alegretti et al NT5E gene and CD38 protein as potential prognostic biomarkers for childhood B‑acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Purinerging Signalling. 2022
  • 9. Prashant Ramesh Tembhare, Harshini Sriram, Twinkle Khanka, Gaurav Chatterjee, Devasis Panda, Sitaram Ghogale et al Flow cytometric evaluation of CD38 expression levels in the newly diagnosed T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the effect of chemotherapy on its expression in measurable residual disease, refractory disease and relapsed disease: an implication for antiCD38 immunotherapy. Journal for ImmunoTheraphy of Cancer.2020
  • 10. Bride KL, Vincent TL, Im SY, Aplenc R, Barrett DM, Carroll WL, et al. Preclinical efficacy of daratumumab in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2018;131:995-999.
  • 11. H.M. Lokhorst, T. Plesner, J.P. Laubach, H. Nahi, P. Gimsing, M. Hansson et al Targeting CD38 with Daratumumab Monotherapy in Multiple Myeloma. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2015 373:1207-1219
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Derleme

Özgür Kaya

Nurdan Zeytun 0000-0002-5539-0451

Serhan Küpeli 0000-0001-7271-1803

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Kaya Ö, Zeytun N, Küpeli S. Çocukluk çağı lösemilerinde CD38 ekspresyonunun prognoz ile ilişkisi. Çukurova Tıp Öğrenci Derg. Haziran 2022;2(1):9-11.