Comparison of the effects of TIVA and inhalation anesthetic techniques on olfactory functions and olfactory memory: a randomized prospective study
Year 2023,
, 11 - 19, 31.03.2023
Üstün Sezer
Rahşan Dilek Okyay
Hilal Ayoğlu
Bengü Gülhan Köksal
Gamze Küçükosman
Özcan Pişkin
Nilay Nur Gençoğlu
Ferruh Ayoğlu
Fikret Çınar
Işıl Özkoçak Turan
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of different general anesthesia procedures on postoperative olfactory functions and olfactory memory.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted with 97 patients. Patients were divided into three groups based on anesthesia induction and maintenance technique: Group P (induction and maintenance with propofol), Group PS (induction with propofol, maintenance with sevoflurane), and Group S (induction with sevoflurane, maintenance with sevoflurane). Butanol threshold and olfactory identification tests were administered 30 minutes (min) before the operation (T1) and 30 min (T2), 8 hours (h) (T3) and 24 h (T4) after the operation.
Results: Butanol threshold values were increased at the T2 time point compared to baseline in all groups, which returned to baseline values at T3 only in Group P. There was a significant difference between Group P and Group S in terms of butanol threshold values at all time points except T1. When olfactory identification increased at T3 and T4 compared to baseline in Group P, there was a significant difference between T2, T3, and T4 time points in Group S, and between T2 and T3 time points in Group PS as compared to Group P.
Conclusion: Propofol only causes a temporary impairment in olfactory functions in the early period and does not alter olfactory memory.
- Hoskison EE. Olfaction, pheromones and life. J Laryngol Otol. 2013;127:1156-9.
- Çırpar Ö, Muluk NB, Arıkan OK. Koku bozuklukları. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi. 2012;4:37-44.
- Konstantinidis I, Tsakiropoulou E, Iakovou I, A Douvantzi, S Metaxas. Anosmia after general anaesthesia: a case report. Anaesthesia 2009;64:1367-70.
- Henkin RI. Altered taste and smell after anesthesia: cause and effect. Anesthesiology 1995; 83:648-9.
- Dhanani NM, Jiang Y. Anosmia and hypogeusia as a complication of general anesthesia. J Clin Anesth 2012;24:231-3.
- Elterman KG, Mallampati SR, Kaye AD, Urman RD. Postoperative alterations in taste and smell. Anesth Pain Med 2014;4(4):e18527.
- Yiğit VB, Çınar F, Evren C, Uğur MB, Özdemir Y. Türk toplumu için koku tanımlama testi. KBB Uygulamaları 2015;3:91-6.
- Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D. CONSORT 2010 Statement: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. J Clin Epidemiol 2010;63:834-40.
- Doty RL, Bartoshuk LM, Snow JB Jr. Causes of olfactory and gustatory disorders. In: Getchell TV, Doty RL, Bartoshuk LM, Snow JB Jr, editors. Smell and Taste in Health and Disease. New York: Raven Press; 1991. p. 449-62.
- Salmi E, Kaisti KK, Metsahonkala L, Oikonen V, Aalto S, Någren K, et al. Sevoflurane and propofol increase 11C-flumazenil binding to gammaaminobutyric acidA receptors in humans. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2004;99:1420-6.
- Levy L, Henkin R. Brain gamma-aminobutyric acid levels are decreased in patients with phantageusia and phantosmia demonstrated by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 2004;28:721-7.
- Jugovac I, Imas O, Hudetz AG. Supraspinal anesthesia: behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of intracerebroventricularly infused pentobarbital, propofol, fentanyl, and midazolam. Anesthesiology 2006;105:764-78.
- Cooper GM. Unexpected benefits of anaesthesia, Anaesthesia 1998;53:830
- Farzana N, Tewari P, Sureka S, Dixit A. Parosmia and dysgeusia after intravenous propofol-based general anesthesia: A case report. Ann Card Anaesth. 2022;25:112-5.
- Du W, Xu Z, Wang W, Liu Z. A case of anosmia and hypogeusia as a complication of propofol. .J Anesth. 2018;32:293-6.
- Kostopanagiotou G, Kalimeris K, Kesidis K, Matsota P, Dima C, Economou M, et al. Sevoflurane impairs post-operative olfactory memory but preserves olfactory function. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2011;28:63-8.
- Ram E, Vishne TH, Weinstein T, Beilin B, Dreznik Z. General anesthesia for surgery influences melatonin and cortisol levels. World J Surg. 2005;29:826-9.
- Saravanan B, Kundra P, Mishra SK, Surianarayanan G, Parida PK. Effect of anaesthetic agents on olfactory threshold and identification – A single blinded randomised controlled study. Indian J Anaesth. 2018 ; 62: 592-8.
- Dispersyn G, Pain L, Touitou Y. Propofol anesthesia significantly alters plasma blood levels of melatonin in rats. Anesthesiology. 2010;112: 333-7.
- Arai YC, Ueda W, Okatani Y, Fukaya T, Manabe M. Isoflurane increases, but sevoflurane decreases blood concentrations of melatonin in women. J Anesth. 2004;18:228-31.
- Fassoulaki A, Kostopanagiotou G, Meletiou P, Chasiakos D, Markantonis S. No change in serum melatonin, or plasma beta-endorphin levels after sevoflurane anesthesia. J Clin Anesth. 2007;19:120-4.
TİVA ile inhalasyon anestezi yöntemlerinin koku fonksiyonlarına ve koku hafızası üzerine etkisinin karşılaştırılması: randomize prospektif bir çalışma
Year 2023,
, 11 - 19, 31.03.2023
Üstün Sezer
Rahşan Dilek Okyay
Hilal Ayoğlu
Bengü Gülhan Köksal
Gamze Küçükosman
Özcan Pişkin
Nilay Nur Gençoğlu
Ferruh Ayoğlu
Fikret Çınar
Işıl Özkoçak Turan
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, farklı genel anestezi uygulamalarının postoperatif koku fonksiyonları ve koku hafızası üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma prospektif olarak 97 hasta ile yapıldı. Hastalar anestezi indüksiyonu ve idame yöntemine göre üç gruba ayrıldı; Grup P (propofol ile indüksiyon ve idame), Grup PS (propofol ile indüksiyon, sevofluran ile idame), Grup S (sevofluran ile indüksiyon ve idame). Butanol eşik ve koku identifikasyon testleri ameliyattan 30 dakika (dk) önce (bazal=T1), ameliyattan 30 dk (T2), 8 saat (s) (T3) ve 24 s sonra (T4) uygulandı.
Bulgular: Tüm gruplarda butanol eşik testi değerlerinin bazale göre T2 zamanında arttığı ve bu artışın sadece Grup P'de T3’te bazale döndüğü gözlendi. Butanol eşik testi değerleri açısından Grup P ile Grup S arasında, T1 hariç tüm zamanlarda anlamlı farklılık saptandı. Koku identifikasyonunun Grup P'de bazale göre T3 ve T4’de arttığı, Grup P ile karşılaştırıldığında ise; Grup S’de T2, T3 ve T4, Grup PS’de ise T2 ve T3 arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu gözlendi.
Sonuç: Propofolün sadece erken dönemde koku fonksiyonlarında geçici bir bozukluğa sebep olur.
- Hoskison EE. Olfaction, pheromones and life. J Laryngol Otol. 2013;127:1156-9.
- Çırpar Ö, Muluk NB, Arıkan OK. Koku bozuklukları. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi. 2012;4:37-44.
- Konstantinidis I, Tsakiropoulou E, Iakovou I, A Douvantzi, S Metaxas. Anosmia after general anaesthesia: a case report. Anaesthesia 2009;64:1367-70.
- Henkin RI. Altered taste and smell after anesthesia: cause and effect. Anesthesiology 1995; 83:648-9.
- Dhanani NM, Jiang Y. Anosmia and hypogeusia as a complication of general anesthesia. J Clin Anesth 2012;24:231-3.
- Elterman KG, Mallampati SR, Kaye AD, Urman RD. Postoperative alterations in taste and smell. Anesth Pain Med 2014;4(4):e18527.
- Yiğit VB, Çınar F, Evren C, Uğur MB, Özdemir Y. Türk toplumu için koku tanımlama testi. KBB Uygulamaları 2015;3:91-6.
- Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D. CONSORT 2010 Statement: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. J Clin Epidemiol 2010;63:834-40.
- Doty RL, Bartoshuk LM, Snow JB Jr. Causes of olfactory and gustatory disorders. In: Getchell TV, Doty RL, Bartoshuk LM, Snow JB Jr, editors. Smell and Taste in Health and Disease. New York: Raven Press; 1991. p. 449-62.
- Salmi E, Kaisti KK, Metsahonkala L, Oikonen V, Aalto S, Någren K, et al. Sevoflurane and propofol increase 11C-flumazenil binding to gammaaminobutyric acidA receptors in humans. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2004;99:1420-6.
- Levy L, Henkin R. Brain gamma-aminobutyric acid levels are decreased in patients with phantageusia and phantosmia demonstrated by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 2004;28:721-7.
- Jugovac I, Imas O, Hudetz AG. Supraspinal anesthesia: behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of intracerebroventricularly infused pentobarbital, propofol, fentanyl, and midazolam. Anesthesiology 2006;105:764-78.
- Cooper GM. Unexpected benefits of anaesthesia, Anaesthesia 1998;53:830
- Farzana N, Tewari P, Sureka S, Dixit A. Parosmia and dysgeusia after intravenous propofol-based general anesthesia: A case report. Ann Card Anaesth. 2022;25:112-5.
- Du W, Xu Z, Wang W, Liu Z. A case of anosmia and hypogeusia as a complication of propofol. .J Anesth. 2018;32:293-6.
- Kostopanagiotou G, Kalimeris K, Kesidis K, Matsota P, Dima C, Economou M, et al. Sevoflurane impairs post-operative olfactory memory but preserves olfactory function. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2011;28:63-8.
- Ram E, Vishne TH, Weinstein T, Beilin B, Dreznik Z. General anesthesia for surgery influences melatonin and cortisol levels. World J Surg. 2005;29:826-9.
- Saravanan B, Kundra P, Mishra SK, Surianarayanan G, Parida PK. Effect of anaesthetic agents on olfactory threshold and identification – A single blinded randomised controlled study. Indian J Anaesth. 2018 ; 62: 592-8.
- Dispersyn G, Pain L, Touitou Y. Propofol anesthesia significantly alters plasma blood levels of melatonin in rats. Anesthesiology. 2010;112: 333-7.
- Arai YC, Ueda W, Okatani Y, Fukaya T, Manabe M. Isoflurane increases, but sevoflurane decreases blood concentrations of melatonin in women. J Anesth. 2004;18:228-31.
- Fassoulaki A, Kostopanagiotou G, Meletiou P, Chasiakos D, Markantonis S. No change in serum melatonin, or plasma beta-endorphin levels after sevoflurane anesthesia. J Clin Anesth. 2007;19:120-4.