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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 621 - 635, 13.05.2015



  • Adamsen, F. J., & Coffelt, T. A. (2005). Planting date effects on flowering, seed yield and oil content of rape and crambe cultivars. Ind. Crops Prod. 21: 293– 307.
  • Anvare, M. T. (1996). Study sowing of date effect on yield and yield components of winter rapeseed cultivars. M.Sc. Thesis, Gorgan University Agric Sci and Natur Resour. Pp. 76. (In Persian).
  • Anonymous. (2009). Internal Marnamh Agriculture Organization of Mazandaran province. P 140.
  • Angadi, S. V., Cutforth, H. W., McConkey, B. G., & Gan, Y. (2003). Yield adjustment by canola grown at different plant population under semi-arid conditions. Crop Sci. 43: 1358-1366. [5] Al-Barrak, Kh. M. (2006). Irrigation interval and nitrogen level effects on growth and yield of canola (Brassica napus L.). Sci. J. King Faisal U. Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia. 7(1): 87-102.
  • Allen, D. J., Morgan, D. G., & Rigdman, W. J. (1971). A physiological analysis of the growth of oilseed. J. Agric Sci. Camb. 77: 339-341.
  • Alhani, A. (2002). Seventh Congress of Agronomy abstracts. Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj. Pp. 53.
  • Alyari, H., Shekari, F., & Shekari, F. M. (2001). Oil Seeds (Agronomy and Physiology). Amidi Press, Tabriz. Iran. (In Persian).
  • Bagheri, M. (1995). Effects of sowing day on yield and yield components of safflower varieties. MSc. Thesis of Agron, Facul. Agric, Esfahan Univ. Technol, 78 p.
  • Bagheri, H., Saeedi, G., and Ehsanzade, P. (2006). Evaluation of agronomic traits of selected genotypes from native accessions of safflower in spring and summer sowing dates. J. Sci. Technol. Agric. Nat Res. 10: 375-390.
  • Bilsborrow, P. E., & Norton, G. (1993). A consideration of factors affecting the yield of oilseed rape. Asp. App. Bio. 6: 91-99.
  • Campble, D. C., & Kondra, Z. P. (1987). Relationships among growth patterns yield components and yield of rapeseed. Can. J. Plant. Sci. 58: 87-93.
  • Clarke, J. M., & Simpson, G. M. (1978). Growth analysis of Brassica napus cv. Tower. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 58: 587-595.
  • Christmas, E. P. (1996). Evaluation of planting date for winter canola production in Indiana.
  • Dadashi, N. (2001). Effects of sowing date on yield and yield components of safflower. MSc. Thesis of Agron, Facul. Agric, Esfahan Univ. Technol. 126 p.
  • Dadashi, N., & Khajepour, M. R. (2004). Effects of sowing date on yield and yield components of safflower in Esfahan. J. Sci. Technol. Agric. Natural Res.8: 95-111.
  • Daneshian, A. M., Ahmadzadeh, A. R., Shahriar, H. A., & Khanizadeh, A. R. (2008). Effect of sowing dates on grain and biological yield, oil and meal protein percentage in three cultivars of rape (Brassica napus L.). Res. J. Biol. Sci. 3: 729-732.
  • Diepenbrock, W. (2000). Yield analysis of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Field Crop Res. 67: 35-49.
  • Epplin, F. M., Hossain, I., & Krenzer, E. G. (2000). Winter wheat fall winter forage yield and grain yield response to planting date in dual-purpose system. Agric. Sys. 63: 161-173.
  • Faraji, A., Latifi, N., Soltani, A., & Shiranirad, A. H. (2009). Seed yield and water use efficiency of canola (Brassica napus L.) as affected by high temperature stress and supplemental irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 96: 132-140.
  • Fathi, G., Siadat, S. A., & Hemaiaty, S. S. (2003). Effect of sowing date on yield and yield components of three oilseed rape varieties. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 51(3): 249-255.
  • Fanaei, H. R., Galavi, M., Ghanbari Bongar, A., Solouki, M., & Naruoei-Rad, M. R. (2008). Effect of planting date and seeding rate on grain yield and yield components in two rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars under Sistan conditions. Iranian J. Crop Sci. 10 (2): 15- 30.
  • Food & Agriculture Organization (F.A.O)., (2007). Availabe at htt:// faostat. F. A. O. Org/Site/567/efault. ASPX. Last acssess on 01.12.2008.
  • Gabrielle, B., Denoroy, P., Gosse, G., Justes, E., & Andersen, M. N. (1998). A model of leaf area development and senescence for winter oilseed rape. Field Crops Res. 57: 209-222.
  • Gardner, F., Valle, O. R., & Mccloud , D. E. (1990). Yield characteristics of ancient races of maize compared to a modern hybrid. Agron J. 82: 864-868.
  • Habekotte, B. (1993). Quantitative analysis of pod formation, seed set and seed filling in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) under field conditions. Field Crops Research 35: 21-33.
  • Hocking, P. J., Kirkegaard, A., Angus, J. F., Bernardi, A., & Mason, L. M. (2002). Comparison of canola, Indian mustard and Lionola in two contrasting environments. III. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen uptake by plants and on soil nitrogen extraction. Crop Science 79: 153-172.
  • Iqbal, M., Akhtar, N., Zafar, S., & Ali, I. (2008). Genotypic responses for yield and seed oil quality of tow Brassica species under semi-arid envirmental conditions. South Afri. J. Botany. 74: 567-571.
  • Kuchtova, P., Barany, K. P., Vasak, J., & Fabry, J. (1996). Yield forming factor oil seed repe. Rosliny oleiste. 17:223-234.
  • Khajepour, M. R. (2001). Principals and Essentials of Crop Production. JD Press. Isfahan University. Pp. 201. (In Persian)
  • Lunn, G. D., Spink, J., Stores, H., Clare, D. T., Wade, R. W., & Scott, R. K. (2001). Canopy management in winter oil seed rape. Project report. No. OS 47. Home Grown Cereals Authority, London.
  • Mendham, N. J., Shipway, P. A., & Scott, R. K. (1981). the effect of delayed sowing and weather on growth, development and yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). journal of agricultural science 96 : 389-416.
  • Nabavi, A. (1997). Effect of sowing date on yield, yield components and growth characteristics of three autumn oilseed rape cultivars in Mashhad condition. MSc. Thesis, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran (in Farsi).
  • Nuttal, W. F., Moulin, A. P., & Townley Smith, L. J. (1992). Yield response of canola to nitrogen, phosphorous, precipitation and temperature. Agron. J. 84: 765-768.
  • Norton, G., Bilsborrow, P. E., & Shipway, P. A. (1991).Comparative physiology of divergent types of winter rapeseed. Organizing Committee, Saskatoon. 578-582.
  • Ozer, H. (2003). Sowing date and nitrogen rate effects on growth, yield and yield components of two summer rapeseed cultivars. Europ. J. Agron. 19: 453-463.
  • Pasban Eslam, B. (2008). Evaluation of yield and its components of superior winter oilseed rape genotypes under normal and late planting dates. J. Agric. Sci18(2):37-47.
  • Rabba, B. K., & Uprety, D. C. (1998). Effects of elevated Co2 and moisture stress on Brassica jrassica. Photosynthetica. 35: 597-602.
  • Rajaram, S. (1988). Breeding and testing strategies to develop wheats for rice wheat rotation areas, wheat production constraints in tropical environments. CIMMYT, Mexico.
  • Rajput, R. L., Sharma, M. M., Verma, O. P., & Chouhan, D. V. (1991). Response of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and musrard (Brassica juncea L.) varieties to date of sowing. Ind. J. Agron. 36: 153-155.
  • Rao, M. S. S., & Mendham, N. J. (1991). Comparison of chinoll (B. compestris, B.oliefera subsp. Chinensis) and B. napus oilseed rape using different growth regulators, plant population densities and irrigation treatment. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 117: 177-187.
  • Robertson, M. J., Holland, J. F., & Bambach, R. (2004). Response of canola and Indian mustard to sowing date in the grain belt of north-eastern Australia. Aust. Expt. J. Agric. 44: 43- 52.
  • Sarmadnia G. H., & Koucheki, A. (1989). Crop physiology. Mashhad Jahad-e- Daneshgahi Press. 400 p.
  • Scarisbrick, D. H., Daniels, R. W., & Alcock, M. (1981).The effect of sowing date on the yield and yield components of spring oilseed rape. Journal of Agricultural Science 97: 189-195. [45] Shirani rad, A. H., & Dahshiri, A. (2002). Help rapeseed (planting, Was & harvesting). Dissemination of agricultural education. Page 16.
  • Tusar, P., Maiti, S., & Mitra, B. (2006). Variability, correlation and path analysis of the yield attributing characters of mustard (Brassica spp.). Res. on Crops. 7(1):191-193.
  • Tollenaar, M., & Brulsema, T. W. (1988). Efficienty of maize dry matter production during periods of complete leaf area expansion. Agron. J.80: 580-585.

Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province)

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 621 - 635, 13.05.2015


Abstract. This investigation was carried out to evaluate the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape). The experiment was conducted as split plots in completely randomized blockdesign with three replications at the Agricultural Research Station of Islamic Azad University of Arak in 2007. Main plots were planting dates at two levels (September 18thandOctober 15th respectively) and sub plots were considered 11 genotypes of winter canola (LICORD, OLARA, SUNDAY, MODERN, SLM046, OPERA, OKAPI, ELITE, R.COBRA, EBONIT and MILLENA) respectively. Main parameters such as plant height, number of pod on main branch, number of pod on sub branch, number of pod on whole plant, number of grain in pod, podlength, grainweight, grain yield and oil yield were measured. Mean comparison results showed that the highest cultivation date in mentioned parameters has been obtained on october18th. as well asthe most genotypes were obtained in parameters such asplant height, dry weightandtotal plantbiomass yield, respectively (91.15cm, 70.33g and105.5kg persquare meter) in ELITEgenotype. The maximum grain yield was in SLM046 genotype(4479kg), the maximum number of pod on main branch and, number of pod on sub branch, number of pod on plant were in MODERN and ROCOBRA genotypes (33.22, 56.67 and 74) respectively,the maximum number of grains in podwere in LICORD genotype (27). The least oil yield was relatedto LICORDGenotype (1.74 kg/hg). The interaction effects between cultivation date and genotype on mentioned parameters showed significant differences.


  • Adamsen, F. J., & Coffelt, T. A. (2005). Planting date effects on flowering, seed yield and oil content of rape and crambe cultivars. Ind. Crops Prod. 21: 293– 307.
  • Anvare, M. T. (1996). Study sowing of date effect on yield and yield components of winter rapeseed cultivars. M.Sc. Thesis, Gorgan University Agric Sci and Natur Resour. Pp. 76. (In Persian).
  • Anonymous. (2009). Internal Marnamh Agriculture Organization of Mazandaran province. P 140.
  • Angadi, S. V., Cutforth, H. W., McConkey, B. G., & Gan, Y. (2003). Yield adjustment by canola grown at different plant population under semi-arid conditions. Crop Sci. 43: 1358-1366. [5] Al-Barrak, Kh. M. (2006). Irrigation interval and nitrogen level effects on growth and yield of canola (Brassica napus L.). Sci. J. King Faisal U. Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia. 7(1): 87-102.
  • Allen, D. J., Morgan, D. G., & Rigdman, W. J. (1971). A physiological analysis of the growth of oilseed. J. Agric Sci. Camb. 77: 339-341.
  • Alhani, A. (2002). Seventh Congress of Agronomy abstracts. Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj. Pp. 53.
  • Alyari, H., Shekari, F., & Shekari, F. M. (2001). Oil Seeds (Agronomy and Physiology). Amidi Press, Tabriz. Iran. (In Persian).
  • Bagheri, M. (1995). Effects of sowing day on yield and yield components of safflower varieties. MSc. Thesis of Agron, Facul. Agric, Esfahan Univ. Technol, 78 p.
  • Bagheri, H., Saeedi, G., and Ehsanzade, P. (2006). Evaluation of agronomic traits of selected genotypes from native accessions of safflower in spring and summer sowing dates. J. Sci. Technol. Agric. Nat Res. 10: 375-390.
  • Bilsborrow, P. E., & Norton, G. (1993). A consideration of factors affecting the yield of oilseed rape. Asp. App. Bio. 6: 91-99.
  • Campble, D. C., & Kondra, Z. P. (1987). Relationships among growth patterns yield components and yield of rapeseed. Can. J. Plant. Sci. 58: 87-93.
  • Clarke, J. M., & Simpson, G. M. (1978). Growth analysis of Brassica napus cv. Tower. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 58: 587-595.
  • Christmas, E. P. (1996). Evaluation of planting date for winter canola production in Indiana.
  • Dadashi, N. (2001). Effects of sowing date on yield and yield components of safflower. MSc. Thesis of Agron, Facul. Agric, Esfahan Univ. Technol. 126 p.
  • Dadashi, N., & Khajepour, M. R. (2004). Effects of sowing date on yield and yield components of safflower in Esfahan. J. Sci. Technol. Agric. Natural Res.8: 95-111.
  • Daneshian, A. M., Ahmadzadeh, A. R., Shahriar, H. A., & Khanizadeh, A. R. (2008). Effect of sowing dates on grain and biological yield, oil and meal protein percentage in three cultivars of rape (Brassica napus L.). Res. J. Biol. Sci. 3: 729-732.
  • Diepenbrock, W. (2000). Yield analysis of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Field Crop Res. 67: 35-49.
  • Epplin, F. M., Hossain, I., & Krenzer, E. G. (2000). Winter wheat fall winter forage yield and grain yield response to planting date in dual-purpose system. Agric. Sys. 63: 161-173.
  • Faraji, A., Latifi, N., Soltani, A., & Shiranirad, A. H. (2009). Seed yield and water use efficiency of canola (Brassica napus L.) as affected by high temperature stress and supplemental irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 96: 132-140.
  • Fathi, G., Siadat, S. A., & Hemaiaty, S. S. (2003). Effect of sowing date on yield and yield components of three oilseed rape varieties. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 51(3): 249-255.
  • Fanaei, H. R., Galavi, M., Ghanbari Bongar, A., Solouki, M., & Naruoei-Rad, M. R. (2008). Effect of planting date and seeding rate on grain yield and yield components in two rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars under Sistan conditions. Iranian J. Crop Sci. 10 (2): 15- 30.
  • Food & Agriculture Organization (F.A.O)., (2007). Availabe at htt:// faostat. F. A. O. Org/Site/567/efault. ASPX. Last acssess on 01.12.2008.
  • Gabrielle, B., Denoroy, P., Gosse, G., Justes, E., & Andersen, M. N. (1998). A model of leaf area development and senescence for winter oilseed rape. Field Crops Res. 57: 209-222.
  • Gardner, F., Valle, O. R., & Mccloud , D. E. (1990). Yield characteristics of ancient races of maize compared to a modern hybrid. Agron J. 82: 864-868.
  • Habekotte, B. (1993). Quantitative analysis of pod formation, seed set and seed filling in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) under field conditions. Field Crops Research 35: 21-33.
  • Hocking, P. J., Kirkegaard, A., Angus, J. F., Bernardi, A., & Mason, L. M. (2002). Comparison of canola, Indian mustard and Lionola in two contrasting environments. III. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen uptake by plants and on soil nitrogen extraction. Crop Science 79: 153-172.
  • Iqbal, M., Akhtar, N., Zafar, S., & Ali, I. (2008). Genotypic responses for yield and seed oil quality of tow Brassica species under semi-arid envirmental conditions. South Afri. J. Botany. 74: 567-571.
  • Kuchtova, P., Barany, K. P., Vasak, J., & Fabry, J. (1996). Yield forming factor oil seed repe. Rosliny oleiste. 17:223-234.
  • Khajepour, M. R. (2001). Principals and Essentials of Crop Production. JD Press. Isfahan University. Pp. 201. (In Persian)
  • Lunn, G. D., Spink, J., Stores, H., Clare, D. T., Wade, R. W., & Scott, R. K. (2001). Canopy management in winter oil seed rape. Project report. No. OS 47. Home Grown Cereals Authority, London.
  • Mendham, N. J., Shipway, P. A., & Scott, R. K. (1981). the effect of delayed sowing and weather on growth, development and yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). journal of agricultural science 96 : 389-416.
  • Nabavi, A. (1997). Effect of sowing date on yield, yield components and growth characteristics of three autumn oilseed rape cultivars in Mashhad condition. MSc. Thesis, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran (in Farsi).
  • Nuttal, W. F., Moulin, A. P., & Townley Smith, L. J. (1992). Yield response of canola to nitrogen, phosphorous, precipitation and temperature. Agron. J. 84: 765-768.
  • Norton, G., Bilsborrow, P. E., & Shipway, P. A. (1991).Comparative physiology of divergent types of winter rapeseed. Organizing Committee, Saskatoon. 578-582.
  • Ozer, H. (2003). Sowing date and nitrogen rate effects on growth, yield and yield components of two summer rapeseed cultivars. Europ. J. Agron. 19: 453-463.
  • Pasban Eslam, B. (2008). Evaluation of yield and its components of superior winter oilseed rape genotypes under normal and late planting dates. J. Agric. Sci18(2):37-47.
  • Rabba, B. K., & Uprety, D. C. (1998). Effects of elevated Co2 and moisture stress on Brassica jrassica. Photosynthetica. 35: 597-602.
  • Rajaram, S. (1988). Breeding and testing strategies to develop wheats for rice wheat rotation areas, wheat production constraints in tropical environments. CIMMYT, Mexico.
  • Rajput, R. L., Sharma, M. M., Verma, O. P., & Chouhan, D. V. (1991). Response of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and musrard (Brassica juncea L.) varieties to date of sowing. Ind. J. Agron. 36: 153-155.
  • Rao, M. S. S., & Mendham, N. J. (1991). Comparison of chinoll (B. compestris, B.oliefera subsp. Chinensis) and B. napus oilseed rape using different growth regulators, plant population densities and irrigation treatment. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 117: 177-187.
  • Robertson, M. J., Holland, J. F., & Bambach, R. (2004). Response of canola and Indian mustard to sowing date in the grain belt of north-eastern Australia. Aust. Expt. J. Agric. 44: 43- 52.
  • Sarmadnia G. H., & Koucheki, A. (1989). Crop physiology. Mashhad Jahad-e- Daneshgahi Press. 400 p.
  • Scarisbrick, D. H., Daniels, R. W., & Alcock, M. (1981).The effect of sowing date on the yield and yield components of spring oilseed rape. Journal of Agricultural Science 97: 189-195. [45] Shirani rad, A. H., & Dahshiri, A. (2002). Help rapeseed (planting, Was & harvesting). Dissemination of agricultural education. Page 16.
  • Tusar, P., Maiti, S., & Mitra, B. (2006). Variability, correlation and path analysis of the yield attributing characters of mustard (Brassica spp.). Res. on Crops. 7(1):191-193.
  • Tollenaar, M., & Brulsema, T. W. (1988). Efficienty of maize dry matter production during periods of complete leaf area expansion. Agron. J.80: 580-585.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Derleme

Reza Rezaei Sokht-abandani

Shadi Sadat Mohajerani Bu kişi benim

Mona Mohtashami Bu kişi benim

Mojtaba Ebrahimi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Rezaei Sokht-abandani, R., Sadat Mohajerani, S., Mohtashami, M., Ebrahimi, M. (2015). Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province). Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), 621-635.
AMA Rezaei Sokht-abandani R, Sadat Mohajerani S, Mohtashami M, Ebrahimi M. Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province). Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. Mayıs 2015;36(3):621-635.
Chicago Rezaei Sokht-abandani, Reza, Shadi Sadat Mohajerani, Mona Mohtashami, ve Mojtaba Ebrahimi. “Investigation the Effects of Cultivation Season and Genotypes on Some of Agronomic Parameters of Rape Plant With Delayed Cultivation in Arak Climate Condition (Markazi Province)”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36, sy. 3 (Mayıs 2015): 621-35.
EndNote Rezaei Sokht-abandani R, Sadat Mohajerani S, Mohtashami M, Ebrahimi M (01 Mayıs 2015) Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province). Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36 3 621–635.
IEEE R. Rezaei Sokht-abandani, S. Sadat Mohajerani, M. Mohtashami, ve M. Ebrahimi, “Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province)”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 36, sy. 3, ss. 621–635, 2015.
ISNAD Rezaei Sokht-abandani, Reza vd. “Investigation the Effects of Cultivation Season and Genotypes on Some of Agronomic Parameters of Rape Plant With Delayed Cultivation in Arak Climate Condition (Markazi Province)”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36/3 (Mayıs 2015), 621-635.
JAMA Rezaei Sokht-abandani R, Sadat Mohajerani S, Mohtashami M, Ebrahimi M. Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province). Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;36:621–635.
MLA Rezaei Sokht-abandani, Reza vd. “Investigation the Effects of Cultivation Season and Genotypes on Some of Agronomic Parameters of Rape Plant With Delayed Cultivation in Arak Climate Condition (Markazi Province)”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 36, sy. 3, 2015, ss. 621-35.
Vancouver Rezaei Sokht-abandani R, Sadat Mohajerani S, Mohtashami M, Ebrahimi M. Investigation the effects of cultivation season and genotypes on some of agronomic parameters of rape plant with delayed cultivation in Arak climate condition (Markazi province). Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;36(3):621-35.