Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 847 - 868, 13.05.2015
Atefeh Abdollahı
Ramin Rahmany
Ataollah Malekı
- Adendorff, R. (1996). The functions of code-switching among high school teachers and students in KwaZulu and implications for teacher education. In K. Biley & D. Nunan (eds.). Voices from the language classroom: Qualitative research in second language education. pp. 388-406. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Agheyisi, R. N. (1977). Language Interlarding in the Speech of Nigerians. In P. Kotey and H. Der-Houssikian (eds.). Language and Linguistic Problems in Africa. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, 99-110.
- Al-Hejin, B. (Undated) Attention and Awareness: Evidence from Cognitive and Second Language Acquisition Research. Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 1 Teachers College, Columbia University
- Appel, R. & Muysken, P. (1987). Language Contact and bilingualism. London: Edward Arnold.
- Ashwell, T. (2000). Patterns of Teacher Response to Student Writing in a Multiple-Draft Composition Classroom: Is Content Feedback Followed by Form Feedback the Best Method? Journal of Second Language Writing, 9 (3), 227 – 257.
- Auer, P. (1995). The pragmatics of code-switching: a sequential approach. In: Milroy, L. and Muysken, P. (eds.) One speaker, two languages: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on code switching. Cambridge: University Press.
- Auer, P. (1998). Code-switching in conversation: language, interaction and identity. London: Routledge.
- Azhar, M. S. & Bahiyah, A H. (1994). English in Malaysia: The case of two myths. Proceedings of International English Language Education Conference. pp. 129-144. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Badrul Hisham, A & Kamaruzaman, J. (2009). Teachers’ Code-Switching in Classroom Instructions for Low English Proficient Learners. English Language Teaching Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2009 p.46. Retrieved from www.ccsenet.org
- Bani-Shoraka, H. (2003). A revitalization of the Azerbaijani language and identity? Orientalia Suecana 51, 17-24.
- Bentahila, A., and Davies, Eileen D. (1983). The syntax of Arabic-French code-switching. Lingua 59: 301-30.
- Bokamba, E. (1988). Code Mixing, Language Variation and Linguistic Theory: Evidence from Bantu languages. Lingua, 76, 21-62.
- Brooks, F. B. & Donato, R. (1994). Vygotskyan approaches to understanding foreign language learner discourse during communicative vases. Hispania, 77, 262-274.
- Burden, P. (2001). When do native English speakers and Japanese college students disagree about the use of Japanese in the English conversation classroom? The Language Teacher,
- publications.org/tlt/articles/2001/04/burden 2001. Retrieved from:
- http://www.jalt- [15] Burgess, J., and Etherington, S. (2002) Focus on grammatical form: explicit or implicit? System 30 433–458
- Clair, S., Robert N. & Giles, H. (1980). The Social and psychological contexts of language. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
- Clyne, M. (1987) Constraints on Code-Switching: how universal are they? Linguistics 25:739-64.
- Cook, V. (2001). Second language learning and teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Cromdal, J. (2001). Overlap in bilingual play: some implications of code-switching for overlap resolution. Research on Language and Social Interaction 34(4), 421-451.
- David, M. K. (1999). Trading in an intercultural context: the case of Malaysia. International Scope Review, 2, 1-15.
- Del P. and Garcia M. (2002). Interaction in advanced EFL pedagogy: a comparison of form-focused activities. International Journal of Educational Research, 37, 323–341
- Di Sciullo, A. M., Muysken, P. & Singh, R. (1986). Government and code-switching, Journal of Linguistics, 22, 1-24.
- Doughty, C., Williams, J., (1998b). Pedagogical choices in focus on form. In: Doughty, C., Williams, J. (Eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 197–261.
- Duff, P. A. and Li, D. (2004) Issues in Mandarin language instruction: theory, research, and practice. System 32 443–456.
- Ellis, R. (2005) Principles of instructed language learning in System, 33, 209–224.
- Ellis, R. Basturkmen, H., Loewen S. (2002) Doing focus-on-form in System, 30, 419–432
- Flyman, A. (1997). Communication strategies in French as a foreign language. Working Papers, 46, 57-75. Department of Linguistics, Lund University.
- Flyman-Mattsson, A., & Burenhult-Mattsson, N. (1999). Code-switching in second language teaching of French. Working Papers, 47, 59-72. Department of Linguistics, Lund University.
- Francis, N. (2002) Literacy, Second Language Learning, and the Development of Metalinguistic Awareness: A Study of Bilingual Children’s Perceptions of Focus on Form, Linguistics and Education 13(3): 373–404
- Gal, S. (1979). Language shift: social determinants of linguistic change in bilingual Austria. New York: Academic Press.
- Grice, H. P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In Peter Cole and Jerry L. Morgan (eds.): Speech Acts, 41-55. New York: Academic Press.
- Gulzar, M. Farooq, M & Umer, M. (2013). Inter-Sentential Patterns of Code-Switching: A Gender-Based Investigation of Male and Female EFL Teachers. International Education Studies, Vol. 6, No. 11.
- Gumperz, J. (1982). Discourse strategies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Gumperz, J. J. (1976). The sociolinguistic significance of conversational code-switching. (Working Papers of the Language Behavior Research Laboratory, No. 46). Berkeley: University of Califomia.
- Gysels, M. (1992). French in urban Lubumbashi Swahili: Code switching, borrowing, or both. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 13: 41-55.
- Hancock, M. (1997). Behind classroom code switching: Layering and language choice in L2 learner interaction. TESOL Quarterly, 31, 217-235.
- Heller, M., (1988). Codeswitching: anthropological and sociolinguistic perspectives (pp. 97-149). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Retrieved on September 7, 2012, from http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110849615.77
- Hyland, F. (2003). Focusing on form: student engagement with teacher feedback. System, 31, 217-230
- Ife, A. (2007). A role for English as lingua franca in the foreign language classroom. In A. Soler & S. Jordà (Eds), Intercultural language use and language learning (pp.79-100). Netherland: Springer.
- Jacobson, R. (2004). The broadening spectrum of a Malaysian experience: From informal code mixing to formal code switching. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
- Jamshidi, A & Navehebrahim, N. (2013). Learners Use of Code Switching in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(1): 186- 190.
- Jan-Petter, B. & Gumperz, J. (1972). Social meaning in linguistic structures: Code switching in Northern Norway. In: John Gumperz and Del Hymes (eds.): Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, 407-434. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
- Kebeya, H., 2013. Inter- and Intra-Sentential Switching: Are they really Comparable? 5. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyatta University
- Koziol, J. M. (2000). Code-Switching between Spanish and English in Contemporary American Society. Unpublished thesis. St Mary’s College of Maryland.
- Krashen, S. D. (1987). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Prentice- Hall International.
- Li, W. (2000). Dimensions of bilingualism. In Li (Ed). The bilingualism reader (pp. 2-21). London: Routledge.
- Libben, G. (2000). Representation and processing in the second language lexicon: the homogeneity hypothesis. In J. Archibald (Ed.), Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory (pp. 228-248). Oxford: Blackwell.
- Lightbown, P. (1998). The importance of timing in focus on form. In: Doughty, C., Williams, J. (Eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 177–196.
- Long, M., Robinson, P., (1998). Focus on Form: Theory, research and practice. In: Doughty, C., Williams, J. (Eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 15–41.
- Macaro, E. (1997). Target Language, Collaborative Learning and Autonomy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
- Mangubhai, F. (2001) Book floods and comprehensible input floods: providing ideal conditions for second language acquisition International Journal of Educational Research 35, 147–156
- Merritt, M., A. Cleghorn, J. O. Abagi & G. Bunyi. (1992). Socializing multilingualism: determinants of codeswitching in Kenyan primary classrooms’. In C. M. Eastman (ed.), Codeswitching, 103-21. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters Ltd.
- Meskill, C. and Anthony, N. (2005). Foreign language learning with CMC: forms of online instructional discourse in a hybrid Russian class. System, 33, 89–105.
- Milroy, L & Muysken, P. (ed.) (1995). One speaker, two languages: cross-disciplinary perspectives on code-switching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Milroy, L. (1987). Observing and analysing natural language. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Momenian, M & Ghafar Samar, R. (2011). Functions of code-switching among Iranian advanced and elementary teachers and students. Vol. 6(13), pp. 769-777. Iran:Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University
- Moodley, V. (2007). Code switching in the multilingual English first language classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10, 707-722.
- Mori, J. (2004). Negotiating sequential boundaries and learning opportunities: A case from a Japanese language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 88, 536-5500.
- Myers-Scotton, C., (2006). Multiple voices: an introduction to Bilingualism, Blackwell publishing.
- Myers-Scotton, C. (1988). Self-enhancing code switching as interactional power. Language and Communication, 8(3): 199 – 211.
- Naseh, L. (1997). Codeswitching between Persian and Swedish, Eurosla 7 Proceedings: 201-211Muysken (2000:1) refers to codswitching as “the rapid succession of several languages in a single speech event”
- Nassaji H. (2000) Towards Integrating Form-Focused Instruction and Communicative Interaction in the Second Language Classroom: Some Pedagogical Possibilities The Modern Language Journal, 84, 2, 241-250
- Novianti, W. (2003). The Use of Code Switching in Twitter. (A Case Study in English Education Department) 2. 1-10
- Numan, D. & Carter, D. (2001). Teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: CUP.
- O'Malley, J. M., & Chamot, A. U. (1990). Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Park, E. S. (Undated) Constraints of Implicit Focus on Form: Insights from a Study of Input Enhancement Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 2 Teachers College, Columbia University
- Platt, J. & Platt, H. (1975). The social significance of speech: An introduction and workbook in sociolinguistics. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, Inc.
- Poplack, S. (1980). Sometimes I'll start a sentence in Spanish y la termino en español. Linguistics, 18, 581-618.
- Radwan, A. A. (2005) The effectiveness of explicit attention to form in language learning System 33 69–87.
- Rahimi, A., & Jafari, Z. (2011). Iranian students' attitudes towards the facilitative and debilitative role of code-switching; types and moments of code-switching at EFL classroom. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics, Vol 4. 15-28.
- Romaine, S. (1995). Bilingualism. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Schweers, W. Jr. (1999). Using L1 in the L2 Classroom. English Teaching Forum, 37(2), 6-9.
- Scotton, C.M., & Ury, W. (1977). Bilingual strategies: The Social functions of code switching Linguistics, 193, 5-20.
- Simin, S., Teimouri, F., Kasmaee, H., & Rezaei, S. (2005). The role and the effects of code-switching in material learning. The first national conference on research in teaching English, translation, and linguistics.
- Simon, L. (2001). Towards a new understanding of code-switching in the foreign language classroom. In: R. Jacobson, ed. 2000. Trends in Linguistics: Code-switching Worldwide II. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Skiba, R. (1997). Code switching as a countenance of language interference. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(8). Retrieved from http://iteslj.org/Articles/Skiba-CodeSwitching.html
- Spada, N., (1997), Form-Focused Instruction and Second Language Acquisition: A Review of Classroom and Laboratory Research Language Teaching, 30, 73-87
- Stockwell, P. (2002). Sociolinguistics: A resource book for students. London: Routledge.
- Stroud, C. (1998). Perspectives on cultural variability of discourse and some implications for code-switching.” In Peter Auer (ed.): Code-switching in conversation: language, interaction and identity, 321-348. London: Routledge.
- Thomas, S, G., (2001). Language contact, an introduction. [e-book] Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd. Available through: http://books.google.com/. [Accessed 10 December].
- Tien, C and Liu, K. (2006). Code-switching in two EFL classes in Taiwan. In Azirah Hashim & Norizah Hassan. (Eds). English in Southeast Asia: prospects, perspectives and possibilities. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press.
- Timm, Lenora A. (1975). Spanish-English code-switching. El porqué y how-not-to. Romance Philology 28. 33-45.
- Wardaugh, R. (1998). An introduction to sociolingusitics. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 3rd Edition.
- Wei, L. (1998). The why and how questions in the analysis of conversational code- switching. In: Auer, J. C. P. (ed.) (1998). Code-switching in Conversation: language, interaction and identity. London: Routledge.
- Weinreich, U. (1953). Languages in contact, findings and problems. New York, NY: Linguistic Circle of New York
- Williams, J. (2001) The effectiveness of spontaneous attention to form System, 29, 325– 340
- Woolford, E. (1983). Bilingual code-switching and syntactic theory. Linguistic Inquiry, 14. 520-536.
- Zabrodskaja, A. (2007). Russian-Estonian code-switching in the university. Arizona Working Papers in SLA & Teaching, 14, 123-139
The Effect of Intra-sentential, Inter-sentential and Tag- sentential Switching on Teaching Grammar
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 847 - 868, 13.05.2015
Atefeh Abdollahı
Ramin Rahmany
Ataollah Malekı
Abstract. The present study examined the comparative effect of different types of code-switching, i.e., intra-sentential, inter-sentential, and tag-sentential switching on EFL learners grammar learning and teaching. To this end, a sample of 60 Iranian female and male students in two different institutions in Qazvin was selected. They were assigned to four groups. Each group was randomly assigned to one of the afore-mentioned treatment conditions. After the experimental period, a post-test was taken from students to examine the effect of different types of code-switching on students’ learning of grammar. The results showed that the differences among the effects of the above-mentioned techniques were statistically significant. These findings can have implications for EFL learners, EFL teachers, and materials’ developers.
- Adendorff, R. (1996). The functions of code-switching among high school teachers and students in KwaZulu and implications for teacher education. In K. Biley & D. Nunan (eds.). Voices from the language classroom: Qualitative research in second language education. pp. 388-406. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Agheyisi, R. N. (1977). Language Interlarding in the Speech of Nigerians. In P. Kotey and H. Der-Houssikian (eds.). Language and Linguistic Problems in Africa. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, 99-110.
- Al-Hejin, B. (Undated) Attention and Awareness: Evidence from Cognitive and Second Language Acquisition Research. Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 1 Teachers College, Columbia University
- Appel, R. & Muysken, P. (1987). Language Contact and bilingualism. London: Edward Arnold.
- Ashwell, T. (2000). Patterns of Teacher Response to Student Writing in a Multiple-Draft Composition Classroom: Is Content Feedback Followed by Form Feedback the Best Method? Journal of Second Language Writing, 9 (3), 227 – 257.
- Auer, P. (1995). The pragmatics of code-switching: a sequential approach. In: Milroy, L. and Muysken, P. (eds.) One speaker, two languages: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on code switching. Cambridge: University Press.
- Auer, P. (1998). Code-switching in conversation: language, interaction and identity. London: Routledge.
- Azhar, M. S. & Bahiyah, A H. (1994). English in Malaysia: The case of two myths. Proceedings of International English Language Education Conference. pp. 129-144. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Badrul Hisham, A & Kamaruzaman, J. (2009). Teachers’ Code-Switching in Classroom Instructions for Low English Proficient Learners. English Language Teaching Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2009 p.46. Retrieved from www.ccsenet.org
- Bani-Shoraka, H. (2003). A revitalization of the Azerbaijani language and identity? Orientalia Suecana 51, 17-24.
- Bentahila, A., and Davies, Eileen D. (1983). The syntax of Arabic-French code-switching. Lingua 59: 301-30.
- Bokamba, E. (1988). Code Mixing, Language Variation and Linguistic Theory: Evidence from Bantu languages. Lingua, 76, 21-62.
- Brooks, F. B. & Donato, R. (1994). Vygotskyan approaches to understanding foreign language learner discourse during communicative vases. Hispania, 77, 262-274.
- Burden, P. (2001). When do native English speakers and Japanese college students disagree about the use of Japanese in the English conversation classroom? The Language Teacher,
- publications.org/tlt/articles/2001/04/burden 2001. Retrieved from:
- http://www.jalt- [15] Burgess, J., and Etherington, S. (2002) Focus on grammatical form: explicit or implicit? System 30 433–458
- Clair, S., Robert N. & Giles, H. (1980). The Social and psychological contexts of language. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
- Clyne, M. (1987) Constraints on Code-Switching: how universal are they? Linguistics 25:739-64.
- Cook, V. (2001). Second language learning and teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Cromdal, J. (2001). Overlap in bilingual play: some implications of code-switching for overlap resolution. Research on Language and Social Interaction 34(4), 421-451.
- David, M. K. (1999). Trading in an intercultural context: the case of Malaysia. International Scope Review, 2, 1-15.
- Del P. and Garcia M. (2002). Interaction in advanced EFL pedagogy: a comparison of form-focused activities. International Journal of Educational Research, 37, 323–341
- Di Sciullo, A. M., Muysken, P. & Singh, R. (1986). Government and code-switching, Journal of Linguistics, 22, 1-24.
- Doughty, C., Williams, J., (1998b). Pedagogical choices in focus on form. In: Doughty, C., Williams, J. (Eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 197–261.
- Duff, P. A. and Li, D. (2004) Issues in Mandarin language instruction: theory, research, and practice. System 32 443–456.
- Ellis, R. (2005) Principles of instructed language learning in System, 33, 209–224.
- Ellis, R. Basturkmen, H., Loewen S. (2002) Doing focus-on-form in System, 30, 419–432
- Flyman, A. (1997). Communication strategies in French as a foreign language. Working Papers, 46, 57-75. Department of Linguistics, Lund University.
- Flyman-Mattsson, A., & Burenhult-Mattsson, N. (1999). Code-switching in second language teaching of French. Working Papers, 47, 59-72. Department of Linguistics, Lund University.
- Francis, N. (2002) Literacy, Second Language Learning, and the Development of Metalinguistic Awareness: A Study of Bilingual Children’s Perceptions of Focus on Form, Linguistics and Education 13(3): 373–404
- Gal, S. (1979). Language shift: social determinants of linguistic change in bilingual Austria. New York: Academic Press.
- Grice, H. P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In Peter Cole and Jerry L. Morgan (eds.): Speech Acts, 41-55. New York: Academic Press.
- Gulzar, M. Farooq, M & Umer, M. (2013). Inter-Sentential Patterns of Code-Switching: A Gender-Based Investigation of Male and Female EFL Teachers. International Education Studies, Vol. 6, No. 11.
- Gumperz, J. (1982). Discourse strategies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Gumperz, J. J. (1976). The sociolinguistic significance of conversational code-switching. (Working Papers of the Language Behavior Research Laboratory, No. 46). Berkeley: University of Califomia.
- Gysels, M. (1992). French in urban Lubumbashi Swahili: Code switching, borrowing, or both. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 13: 41-55.
- Hancock, M. (1997). Behind classroom code switching: Layering and language choice in L2 learner interaction. TESOL Quarterly, 31, 217-235.
- Heller, M., (1988). Codeswitching: anthropological and sociolinguistic perspectives (pp. 97-149). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Retrieved on September 7, 2012, from http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110849615.77
- Hyland, F. (2003). Focusing on form: student engagement with teacher feedback. System, 31, 217-230
- Ife, A. (2007). A role for English as lingua franca in the foreign language classroom. In A. Soler & S. Jordà (Eds), Intercultural language use and language learning (pp.79-100). Netherland: Springer.
- Jacobson, R. (2004). The broadening spectrum of a Malaysian experience: From informal code mixing to formal code switching. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
- Jamshidi, A & Navehebrahim, N. (2013). Learners Use of Code Switching in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(1): 186- 190.
- Jan-Petter, B. & Gumperz, J. (1972). Social meaning in linguistic structures: Code switching in Northern Norway. In: John Gumperz and Del Hymes (eds.): Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, 407-434. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
- Kebeya, H., 2013. Inter- and Intra-Sentential Switching: Are they really Comparable? 5. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyatta University
- Koziol, J. M. (2000). Code-Switching between Spanish and English in Contemporary American Society. Unpublished thesis. St Mary’s College of Maryland.
- Krashen, S. D. (1987). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Prentice- Hall International.
- Li, W. (2000). Dimensions of bilingualism. In Li (Ed). The bilingualism reader (pp. 2-21). London: Routledge.
- Libben, G. (2000). Representation and processing in the second language lexicon: the homogeneity hypothesis. In J. Archibald (Ed.), Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory (pp. 228-248). Oxford: Blackwell.
- Lightbown, P. (1998). The importance of timing in focus on form. In: Doughty, C., Williams, J. (Eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 177–196.
- Long, M., Robinson, P., (1998). Focus on Form: Theory, research and practice. In: Doughty, C., Williams, J. (Eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 15–41.
- Macaro, E. (1997). Target Language, Collaborative Learning and Autonomy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
- Mangubhai, F. (2001) Book floods and comprehensible input floods: providing ideal conditions for second language acquisition International Journal of Educational Research 35, 147–156
- Merritt, M., A. Cleghorn, J. O. Abagi & G. Bunyi. (1992). Socializing multilingualism: determinants of codeswitching in Kenyan primary classrooms’. In C. M. Eastman (ed.), Codeswitching, 103-21. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters Ltd.
- Meskill, C. and Anthony, N. (2005). Foreign language learning with CMC: forms of online instructional discourse in a hybrid Russian class. System, 33, 89–105.
- Milroy, L & Muysken, P. (ed.) (1995). One speaker, two languages: cross-disciplinary perspectives on code-switching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Milroy, L. (1987). Observing and analysing natural language. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Momenian, M & Ghafar Samar, R. (2011). Functions of code-switching among Iranian advanced and elementary teachers and students. Vol. 6(13), pp. 769-777. Iran:Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University
- Moodley, V. (2007). Code switching in the multilingual English first language classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10, 707-722.
- Mori, J. (2004). Negotiating sequential boundaries and learning opportunities: A case from a Japanese language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 88, 536-5500.
- Myers-Scotton, C., (2006). Multiple voices: an introduction to Bilingualism, Blackwell publishing.
- Myers-Scotton, C. (1988). Self-enhancing code switching as interactional power. Language and Communication, 8(3): 199 – 211.
- Naseh, L. (1997). Codeswitching between Persian and Swedish, Eurosla 7 Proceedings: 201-211Muysken (2000:1) refers to codswitching as “the rapid succession of several languages in a single speech event”
- Nassaji H. (2000) Towards Integrating Form-Focused Instruction and Communicative Interaction in the Second Language Classroom: Some Pedagogical Possibilities The Modern Language Journal, 84, 2, 241-250
- Novianti, W. (2003). The Use of Code Switching in Twitter. (A Case Study in English Education Department) 2. 1-10
- Numan, D. & Carter, D. (2001). Teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: CUP.
- O'Malley, J. M., & Chamot, A. U. (1990). Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Park, E. S. (Undated) Constraints of Implicit Focus on Form: Insights from a Study of Input Enhancement Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 2 Teachers College, Columbia University
- Platt, J. & Platt, H. (1975). The social significance of speech: An introduction and workbook in sociolinguistics. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, Inc.
- Poplack, S. (1980). Sometimes I'll start a sentence in Spanish y la termino en español. Linguistics, 18, 581-618.
- Radwan, A. A. (2005) The effectiveness of explicit attention to form in language learning System 33 69–87.
- Rahimi, A., & Jafari, Z. (2011). Iranian students' attitudes towards the facilitative and debilitative role of code-switching; types and moments of code-switching at EFL classroom. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics, Vol 4. 15-28.
- Romaine, S. (1995). Bilingualism. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Schweers, W. Jr. (1999). Using L1 in the L2 Classroom. English Teaching Forum, 37(2), 6-9.
- Scotton, C.M., & Ury, W. (1977). Bilingual strategies: The Social functions of code switching Linguistics, 193, 5-20.
- Simin, S., Teimouri, F., Kasmaee, H., & Rezaei, S. (2005). The role and the effects of code-switching in material learning. The first national conference on research in teaching English, translation, and linguistics.
- Simon, L. (2001). Towards a new understanding of code-switching in the foreign language classroom. In: R. Jacobson, ed. 2000. Trends in Linguistics: Code-switching Worldwide II. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Skiba, R. (1997). Code switching as a countenance of language interference. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(8). Retrieved from http://iteslj.org/Articles/Skiba-CodeSwitching.html
- Spada, N., (1997), Form-Focused Instruction and Second Language Acquisition: A Review of Classroom and Laboratory Research Language Teaching, 30, 73-87
- Stockwell, P. (2002). Sociolinguistics: A resource book for students. London: Routledge.
- Stroud, C. (1998). Perspectives on cultural variability of discourse and some implications for code-switching.” In Peter Auer (ed.): Code-switching in conversation: language, interaction and identity, 321-348. London: Routledge.
- Thomas, S, G., (2001). Language contact, an introduction. [e-book] Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd. Available through: http://books.google.com/. [Accessed 10 December].
- Tien, C and Liu, K. (2006). Code-switching in two EFL classes in Taiwan. In Azirah Hashim & Norizah Hassan. (Eds). English in Southeast Asia: prospects, perspectives and possibilities. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press.
- Timm, Lenora A. (1975). Spanish-English code-switching. El porqué y how-not-to. Romance Philology 28. 33-45.
- Wardaugh, R. (1998). An introduction to sociolingusitics. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 3rd Edition.
- Wei, L. (1998). The why and how questions in the analysis of conversational code- switching. In: Auer, J. C. P. (ed.) (1998). Code-switching in Conversation: language, interaction and identity. London: Routledge.
- Weinreich, U. (1953). Languages in contact, findings and problems. New York, NY: Linguistic Circle of New York
- Williams, J. (2001) The effectiveness of spontaneous attention to form System, 29, 325– 340
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