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Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes

Yıl 2024, , 27 - 32, 29.02.2024


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions and attitudes of nursing students regarding parental presence in the care of hospitalized children.
Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from January to March 2020 with 572 nursing students who volunteered to participate. Data were collected using a Demographic Form and the Parent Participation Attitude Scale (PPAS). Data analysis was performed using means, percentages, and chi-squared tests.
Results: The study participants had a mean age of 20.89±1.53 years; 80.4% (n=460) were female, and 36.75% (n=210) were juniors. Students reported a mean PPAS score of 76.04±7.68. It was found that 63% (n=360) of the students were aware of the family-centered approach to care, with 81.1% (n=292) attributing their knowledge to coursework. Most students believed parents should be involved in care practices within the hospital setting (90.9%; n=520) and in decision-making (93.5%; n=535).
Conclusion: This study reveals a limited awareness among nursing students about parental presence in caring for hospitalized children. Most students believed parents should be actively involved in care practices and decision-making processes in the hospital setting. However, it was observed that they were uncertain about this issue in practice. These results emphasize the importance of awareness and positive attitudes toward family-centered care in nursing education.


  • 1. Yavaş-Çelik M. Family-centered care in child diseases and nursing. Sağlık ve Toplum 2018;28(1):26-31. google scholar
  • 2. Boztepe H, Çınar S, Ertug N. An ınvestigation of nursing students’ views about the presence of family members and parents during painful procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J Educ Res Nurs 2016;13(3):264-71. google scholar
  • 3. Ball JW, Bindler RC, Cowen KJ. Principles of Pediatric Nursing Caring for Children. 5th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc; 2017. p. 231. google scholar
  • 4. Törüner E, Büyükgönenc L. Çocuk sağlığı temel hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Ankara: Göktuğ yayıncılık; 2012. p. 22-30. google scholar
  • 5. Harrison TM. Family-centered pediatric nursing care: state of the science. J Pediatr Nurs 2010;25(5):335-43. google scholar
  • 6. Al-Motlaq MA, Shields L. Family-centered care as a western-centric model in developing countries: luxury versus necessity. Holist Nurs Pract 2017;31(5):343-7. google scholar
  • 7. Azak M, Aksucu G, Çağlar S. The effect of parental presence on pain levels of children during ınvasive procedures: a systematic review. Pain Manag Nurs 2022;23(5):682-8. google scholar
  • 8. Brown EA, De Young A, Kimble R, Kenardy J. Review of a parent’s ınfluence on pediatric procedural distress and recovery. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 2018;21(2):224-45. google scholar
  • 9. Boztepe H, Kerimoğlu Yıldız G, Çınar S, Ay A. Çocuğu hastanede yatan ebeveynlerin aile merkezli bakım alma durumlarını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi. AUHSJ 2019;10(4):748-55. google scholar
  • 10. Smith J, Swallow V, Coyne I. Involving parents in managing their child’s long-term condition—a concept synthesis of family-centered care and partnership-in-care. J Pediatr Nurs 2015;30(1):143-59. google scholar
  • 11. Foster M, Whitehead L, Maybee P. The parents’, hospitalized child’s, and health care providers’ perceptions and experiences of family-centered care within a pediatric critical care setting: a synthesis of quantitative research. J Fam Nurs 2015;22(1):6-73. google scholar
  • 12. AAP. Joint policy statement—guidelines for care of children in the emergency department. J Emerg Nurs 2013;39(2):116-31. google scholar
  • 13. Egberts MR, de Jong AEE, Hofland HWC, Geenen R, van Loey NEE. Parental presence or absence during paediatric burn wound care procedures. Burns 2018;44(4):850-60. google scholar
  • 14. Giannini A, Miccinesi G. Parental presence and visiting policies in Italian pediatric intensive care units: A national survey. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011;12(2):e46-50. google scholar
  • 15. Ayyıldız-Kuzlu T, Kalıncı N, Köse-Topan A. Üniversite hastanesinde çocuklara verilen bakımın aile merkezli bakım yönünden incelenmesi. FSHD 2011;6(16):1-17. google scholar
  • 16. Liang HF, Wu KM, Hung CC, Wang YH, Peng NH. Resilience enhancement among student nurses during clinical practices: A participatory action research study. Nurse Educ Today 2019;75:22-7. google scholar
  • 17. Dabney K, McClarin L, Romano E, Fitzgerald D, Bayne L, Oceanic P, et al. Cultural competence in pediatrics: Health care provider knowledge, awareness, and skills. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015;13(1):14. google scholar
  • 18. Bhana VM. Interpersonal skills development in Generation Y student nurses: A literature review. Nurse Educ Today 2014;34:1430-4. google scholar
  • 19. Holtslander L, Solar J, Smith NR. The 15-minute family ınterview as a learning strategy for senior undergraduate nursing students. J Fam Nurs 2013;19(2):230-48. google scholar
  • 20. Seidl FW, Pillitteri A. Development of an attitude scale on parent participation. Nurs Res 1967;16(1):71-3. google scholar
  • 21. Gill KM. Nurses’ attitudes toward parent participation: Personal and professional characteristics. Child Health Care 1987;15(3):149-51. google scholar
  • 22. Özbodur-Yıldırım S, Elçigil A. A validity and reliability study of parent participation attitude scale in Turkey. Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Health Sciences, Master’s Thesis. 2008. google scholar
  • 23. Alabdulaziz H, Cruz JP. Perceptions of female Saudi undergraduate nursing students toward family-centered care. Nurse Educ Today 2020;89:104421. google scholar
  • 24. Çağlar S, Ar I, Yaşa B, Kurt Ş. Family-centered care in the neonatal ıntensive care unit: mothers’ opinions. STED 2019;28(2):120-6. google scholar
  • 25. Güdücü-Tüfekci F, Erci B. The opinion of children, parents and health staff about parental presence during painful procedures. Journal of Nursology 2010;10(4):52-62. google scholar
  • 26. Fisher MJ, Taylor EA, High PL. Parent-nursing student communication practice: Role-play and learning outcomes. J Nurs Educ 2012;51(2):115-9. google scholar
  • 27. Daneman S, Macaluso J, Guzzetta CE. Healthcare providers’ attitudes toward parent participation in the care of the hospitalized child. J Spec Pediatr Nurs 2004;8(3):90-8. google scholar
  • 28. Zimmermann E, Alfes CM. Simulating the role of the parent: Promoting family-centered nursing care. Nurs Educ Perspect 2019;40(2):121-2. google scholar
  • 29. Pancekauskaite G, Jankauskaite L. Paediatric pain medicine: pain differences, recognition and coping acute procedural pain in paediatric emergency room. Medicina 2018;54(6):94. google scholar
  • 30. Özkan S, Taş Arslan F. Nurses’ views about parent participation in the care of hospitalized children. J Contemp Med 2017;7(4):355-64. google scholar
  • 31. Yayan EH, Suna Dağ Y, Düken ME. Examination of the effect of the family-centered approach of the empathic trends of children’s nurses and student. Archives of Health Science and Research. 2018;5(2):179-87. google scholar
Yıl 2024, , 27 - 32, 29.02.2024



  • 1. Yavaş-Çelik M. Family-centered care in child diseases and nursing. Sağlık ve Toplum 2018;28(1):26-31. google scholar
  • 2. Boztepe H, Çınar S, Ertug N. An ınvestigation of nursing students’ views about the presence of family members and parents during painful procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J Educ Res Nurs 2016;13(3):264-71. google scholar
  • 3. Ball JW, Bindler RC, Cowen KJ. Principles of Pediatric Nursing Caring for Children. 5th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc; 2017. p. 231. google scholar
  • 4. Törüner E, Büyükgönenc L. Çocuk sağlığı temel hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Ankara: Göktuğ yayıncılık; 2012. p. 22-30. google scholar
  • 5. Harrison TM. Family-centered pediatric nursing care: state of the science. J Pediatr Nurs 2010;25(5):335-43. google scholar
  • 6. Al-Motlaq MA, Shields L. Family-centered care as a western-centric model in developing countries: luxury versus necessity. Holist Nurs Pract 2017;31(5):343-7. google scholar
  • 7. Azak M, Aksucu G, Çağlar S. The effect of parental presence on pain levels of children during ınvasive procedures: a systematic review. Pain Manag Nurs 2022;23(5):682-8. google scholar
  • 8. Brown EA, De Young A, Kimble R, Kenardy J. Review of a parent’s ınfluence on pediatric procedural distress and recovery. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 2018;21(2):224-45. google scholar
  • 9. Boztepe H, Kerimoğlu Yıldız G, Çınar S, Ay A. Çocuğu hastanede yatan ebeveynlerin aile merkezli bakım alma durumlarını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi. AUHSJ 2019;10(4):748-55. google scholar
  • 10. Smith J, Swallow V, Coyne I. Involving parents in managing their child’s long-term condition—a concept synthesis of family-centered care and partnership-in-care. J Pediatr Nurs 2015;30(1):143-59. google scholar
  • 11. Foster M, Whitehead L, Maybee P. The parents’, hospitalized child’s, and health care providers’ perceptions and experiences of family-centered care within a pediatric critical care setting: a synthesis of quantitative research. J Fam Nurs 2015;22(1):6-73. google scholar
  • 12. AAP. Joint policy statement—guidelines for care of children in the emergency department. J Emerg Nurs 2013;39(2):116-31. google scholar
  • 13. Egberts MR, de Jong AEE, Hofland HWC, Geenen R, van Loey NEE. Parental presence or absence during paediatric burn wound care procedures. Burns 2018;44(4):850-60. google scholar
  • 14. Giannini A, Miccinesi G. Parental presence and visiting policies in Italian pediatric intensive care units: A national survey. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011;12(2):e46-50. google scholar
  • 15. Ayyıldız-Kuzlu T, Kalıncı N, Köse-Topan A. Üniversite hastanesinde çocuklara verilen bakımın aile merkezli bakım yönünden incelenmesi. FSHD 2011;6(16):1-17. google scholar
  • 16. Liang HF, Wu KM, Hung CC, Wang YH, Peng NH. Resilience enhancement among student nurses during clinical practices: A participatory action research study. Nurse Educ Today 2019;75:22-7. google scholar
  • 17. Dabney K, McClarin L, Romano E, Fitzgerald D, Bayne L, Oceanic P, et al. Cultural competence in pediatrics: Health care provider knowledge, awareness, and skills. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015;13(1):14. google scholar
  • 18. Bhana VM. Interpersonal skills development in Generation Y student nurses: A literature review. Nurse Educ Today 2014;34:1430-4. google scholar
  • 19. Holtslander L, Solar J, Smith NR. The 15-minute family ınterview as a learning strategy for senior undergraduate nursing students. J Fam Nurs 2013;19(2):230-48. google scholar
  • 20. Seidl FW, Pillitteri A. Development of an attitude scale on parent participation. Nurs Res 1967;16(1):71-3. google scholar
  • 21. Gill KM. Nurses’ attitudes toward parent participation: Personal and professional characteristics. Child Health Care 1987;15(3):149-51. google scholar
  • 22. Özbodur-Yıldırım S, Elçigil A. A validity and reliability study of parent participation attitude scale in Turkey. Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Health Sciences, Master’s Thesis. 2008. google scholar
  • 23. Alabdulaziz H, Cruz JP. Perceptions of female Saudi undergraduate nursing students toward family-centered care. Nurse Educ Today 2020;89:104421. google scholar
  • 24. Çağlar S, Ar I, Yaşa B, Kurt Ş. Family-centered care in the neonatal ıntensive care unit: mothers’ opinions. STED 2019;28(2):120-6. google scholar
  • 25. Güdücü-Tüfekci F, Erci B. The opinion of children, parents and health staff about parental presence during painful procedures. Journal of Nursology 2010;10(4):52-62. google scholar
  • 26. Fisher MJ, Taylor EA, High PL. Parent-nursing student communication practice: Role-play and learning outcomes. J Nurs Educ 2012;51(2):115-9. google scholar
  • 27. Daneman S, Macaluso J, Guzzetta CE. Healthcare providers’ attitudes toward parent participation in the care of the hospitalized child. J Spec Pediatr Nurs 2004;8(3):90-8. google scholar
  • 28. Zimmermann E, Alfes CM. Simulating the role of the parent: Promoting family-centered nursing care. Nurs Educ Perspect 2019;40(2):121-2. google scholar
  • 29. Pancekauskaite G, Jankauskaite L. Paediatric pain medicine: pain differences, recognition and coping acute procedural pain in paediatric emergency room. Medicina 2018;54(6):94. google scholar
  • 30. Özkan S, Taş Arslan F. Nurses’ views about parent participation in the care of hospitalized children. J Contemp Med 2017;7(4):355-64. google scholar
  • 31. Yayan EH, Suna Dağ Y, Düken ME. Examination of the effect of the family-centered approach of the empathic trends of children’s nurses and student. Archives of Health Science and Research. 2018;5(2):179-87. google scholar
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Merve Azak 0000-0003-4299-3322

İrem Cafri 0000-0003-1107-290X

Emine Ünver 0000-0002-7938-6836

Seda Çağlar 0000-0001-8768-9282

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Şubat 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 22 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Azak, M., Cafri, İ., Ünver, E., Çağlar, S. (2024). Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes. CURARE Journal of Nursing(4), 27-32.
AMA Azak M, Cafri İ, Ünver E, Çağlar S. Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes. CURARE Journal of Nursing. Şubat 2024;(4):27-32. doi:10.26650/CURARE.2024.1391588
Chicago Azak, Merve, İrem Cafri, Emine Ünver, ve Seda Çağlar. “Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes”. CURARE Journal of Nursing, sy. 4 (Şubat 2024): 27-32.
EndNote Azak M, Cafri İ, Ünver E, Çağlar S (01 Şubat 2024) Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes. CURARE Journal of Nursing 4 27–32.
IEEE M. Azak, İ. Cafri, E. Ünver, ve S. Çağlar, “Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes”, CURARE Journal of Nursing, sy. 4, ss. 27–32, Şubat 2024, doi: 10.26650/CURARE.2024.1391588.
ISNAD Azak, Merve vd. “Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes”. CURARE Journal of Nursing 4 (Şubat 2024), 27-32.
JAMA Azak M, Cafri İ, Ünver E, Çağlar S. Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024;:27–32.
MLA Azak, Merve vd. “Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes”. CURARE Journal of Nursing, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 27-32, doi:10.26650/CURARE.2024.1391588.
Vancouver Azak M, Cafri İ, Ünver E, Çağlar S. Parental Presence in the Care of Hospitalized Children: Nursing Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024(4):27-32.