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Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review

Yıl 2024, , 47 - 52, 29.02.2024


Self-efficacy is the belief in achieving a task/performance that affects all periods of the lives of individuals and varies according to the individual, time, and performance, depending on many internal factors such as family/social environment, educational environment, and experience. Academic self-efficacy is the belief that academic tasks will be completed. Self-efficacy is closely related to problem-solving skills and academic achievement. The development of nursing students’ self-efficacy will provide positive contributions to their academic and post-graduate professional lives. This review examines self-efficacy, academic- self-efficacy concepts, related factors, and studies conducted on nursing students’ self-efficacy. It is intended to guide the efforts to enhance nursing students’ self-efficacy.


  • 1. Seçer E, Korucu TŞ, Uzunlar, H, Dinç G, Özer D. Investigating the relationship between academic self-efficacy levels and problem solving skills of university students studying in the field of health and self-esteem and decision-making styles in decision-making. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 2022; 9(1): 223-35. doi: 10.21020/husbfd. 996260 google scholar
  • 2. Bandura A. Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American Psychologist 1982; 37(2): 122-47. google scholar
  • 3. Cuartero N, Tur AM. Emotional intelligence, resilience and personality traits neuroticism and extraversion: predictive capacity in perceived academic efficacy. Nurse Education Today 2021;102: 104933. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104933. google scholar
  • 4. Warshawski S. (2022) Academic self-efficacy, resilience and social support among first-year Israeli nursing students learning in online environments during COVID-19 pandemic. Nurse Education Today 2022; 110: 105267. doi: 10.1016/j. nedt.2022.105267 google scholar
  • 5. Baykal D, Yildirim D. Investigating the effect of personality traits and academic self-efficacies on malpractice tendencies in health college students. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2020; 23: 1721-27. doi: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_677_19. google scholar
  • 6. Zhou Z, Liu H, Zhang D, Wei H, Zhang M, Huang A. Mediating effects of academic self-efficacy and smartphone addiction on the relationship between professional attitude and academic burnout in nursing students: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today 2022; 116: 105471. doi: 10.1016/j. nedt.2022.105471 google scholar
  • 7. Bandura A. Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist 1993; 28(2): 117-48. google scholar
  • 8. Schunk DH. Self-efficacy, motivation, and performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1995;7(2): 112-37. google scholar
  • 9. Bouih A, Nadif B, Benattabou, D. Assessing the effect of general self-efficacy on academic achievement using path analysis: A preliminary study. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 2021; (3): 18-24. doi: 10.32996/ jeltal.2021.3.4.3 google scholar
  • 10. Karabacak Ü, Serbest Ş, Kan Öntürk Z, Eti Aslan F, Olgun N. Relationship between student nurses’ self-efficacy and psychomotor skills competence. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2013; 19(2): 124-30. doi: 10.1111/ijn.12051 google scholar
  • 11. Sachitra V, Bandara U. Measuring the academic self-efficacy of undergraduates: The role of gender and academic year experience. International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences2017; 11(11): 2608-13. google scholar
  • 12. Wilson F, Kickul J, Marlino D. Gender, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial career intentions: Implications for entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2007; 31(3): 387-406. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2007.00179.x google scholar
  • 13. Ersoy NC, Peker M. The role of academic integration and time management in the relationship between self-efficacy and GPA. Turkish Journal of Psychology 2020; 35(85): 85-96. doi: 10.31828/tpd1300443320190205m000017 google scholar
  • 14. Honicke T, Broadbent J. The influence of academic self-efficacy on academic performance: A systematic review. Educational Research Review 2016; 17: 63-84. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2015.11.002 google scholar
  • 15. Atılgan M, Güngörmüş Z. Examining the relationship between academic procrastination behaviours, academic self-efficacy and academic motivation of day and night education students. Atlas Journal 2018; 4(15): 1771-83. google scholar
  • 16. Bulfone G, Iovino P, Mazzotta R, Sebastian M, Macale L, Sili A, ... Alvaro R. (2022). Self-efficacy, burnout and academic success in nursing students: A counterfactual mediation analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2022; 78(10): 3217-24. doi: 10.1111/jan.1523 google scholar
  • 17. Özvurmaz S, Mandıracıoğlu A. Evaluation of students’ perceptions of the clinical education environment and academic self-efficacy: a cross-sectional study. Medical Education World 2018; (53): 51-9. doi: 10.25282/ted.433398 google scholar
  • 18. Kaplan M. Güngörmüş Z. Academic procrastination behavior in nursing students: the role of academic motivation, academic self-efficacy, and academic attributional style. Anatolian Journal of Health Research 2022; 3(2): 53-9. doi: 10.29228/ anatoljhr.57730 google scholar
  • 19. Uzdil N, Günaydın Y. The effect of sense of coherence on mindful attention awareness and academic self-efficacy in nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice 2022; 64: 103429. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103429 google scholar
  • 20. Urgancı S, Gürgan U. Investigation of the relationship between decision-making skills and academic self-efficacy in young people according to some variables. Eurasian Journal of Social and Economic Research 2019; 6(6): 243-62. google scholar
  • 21. Aloufi MA., Jarden RJ, Gerdtz MF, & Kapp S. Reducing stress, anxiety and depression in undergraduate nursing students: Systematic review. Nurse Education Today 2021; 102: 104877. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104877 google scholar
  • 22. Ngoc NB, & Tuan NV. Stress among nursing students in Vietnam: Prevalence and associated factors. International Nursing Review 2023;1-7. doi:10.1111/inr.12831 google scholar
  • 23. Baran L, Güneş Ü, Khorshid L. Investigation of the relationship between self-efficacy levels and psychomotor skills of nursing students. Life Sciences,2020; 15(4): 55-63. doi: 10.12739/ NWSA.2020.15.4.4B0036 google scholar
  • 24. Açıksöz S, Uzun Ş, Arslan F. nvestigation of the relationship between self-efficacy perception and anxiety and stress related to clinical practice in nursing students. Gulhane Medical Journal 2016; 58(1): 129-35. doi: 10.5455/gulhane. 169643 google scholar
  • 25. Sarıkoc G, Oksuz E. Academic motivations and academic self-efficacy of nursing students. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 2017;18(69): 47-51. doi: 10.4328/JCAM.4654 google scholar
  • 26. Fertelli TK., Tuncay FO. The effect of peer assessment method on the perception of nursing diagnosis and academic self-efficacy in nursing process teaching. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2020; 13(2): 812-9. google scholar
  • 27. Ülgen H, Köksoy S. Effect of academic self-sufficiency on vocational motivation levels of nursing students. Current Perspectives on Health Sciences 2022; 3(3); 109-14 google scholar
  • 28. El-Sayed MM., Mousa MAEG, Abd-Elhamid, EAEF. Academic motivation, academic self-efficacy and perceived social support among undergraduate nursing students, Alexandria University, Egypt. Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal 2021; 9(24.0): 76-86. google scholar
  • 29. Bulfone G, Fida R, Ghezzi V, Macale L, Sili A, Alvaro R, & Palese A. Nursing student self-efficacy in psychomotor skills: Findings from a validation, longitudinal, and correlational study. Nurse Educator 2016; 41(6): E1-E6. doi: 10.1097/ NNE.0000000000000285 google scholar
  • 30. Zengin N, Pınar R. Akinci AC, Yildiz H. Psychometric properties of the self-efficacy for clinical evaluation scale in Turkish nursing students. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2014; 23(7-8): 976-84. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12257 google scholar
  • 31. Huang C. Gender differences in academic self-efficacy: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychology of Education 2013;28: 1-35. doi: 10.1007/s10212-011-0097-y google scholar
  • 32. Seki H, Ayhan D, Söyünmez S. The relationship between academic competences and meaning of life of final year students of faculty of health sciences. Yasar University E-Journal 2021;16(61): 264-77. google scholar
  • 33. Bulfone G, Badolamenti S, Biagioli V, Maurici M, Macale L, Sili A, ... Alvaro R. Nursing students’ academic self-efficacy: A longitudinal analysis of academic self-efficacy changes and predictive variables over time. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2021;77(5): 2353-62. doi: 10.1111/jan.14771 google scholar
  • 34. Özgül F, Diker G. Investigation of academic self-efficacy and motivation of postgraduate education candidates (Cumhuriyet University case). Journal of Human Sciences 2017;14(2): 212939. doi: 10.14687/jhs.v14i2.4411 google scholar
  • 35. Yorulmaz M. Academic self-efficacy research in health management students. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal 2019; 7(1): 172-89. doi: 10.15295/bmij. v7i1.1056 google scholar
  • 36. Vahedian-Azimi A, Moayed MS. The relationship between self-esteem and academic motivation among postgraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences 2021;15(1): 113-19. doi: 10.30491/ IJBS.2021.262883.1447 google scholar
  • 37. Richardson M, Abraham C, Bond R. Psychological correlates of university students’ academic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin 2012; 138(2): 353. google scholar
  • 38. Ökten Ç, Seferoğlu EG. The effect of concept map use in nursing education on creative thinking tendencies and academic self-efficacy levels. Journal of Health Sciences 2022; 31(2): 229-34. doi: 10.34108/eujhs.96481 google scholar
  • 39. Karaoğlan-Yılmaz FG., Yılmaz R, Üstün AB, Keser H. Examination of critical thinking standards and academic self-efficacy of teacher candidates as a predictor of metacognitive thinking skills through structural equation modelling. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science 2019;12(4): 1239-56. doi: 10.30831/ akukeg.467435 google scholar
  • 40. Roshangar F, Azar EF, Sarbakhsh P, Azarmi R. The effect of case-based learning with or without conceptual mapping method on critical thinking and academic self-efficacy of nursing students. Journal of Biochemical Technology 2020;11(1): 37-44 google scholar
  • 41. Panadero E, Jonsson A, Botella J. Effects of self-assessment on self-regulated learning and self-efficacy: Four meta-analyses. Educational Research Review 2017; (22): 74-98. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2017.08.004. google scholar
  • 42. Sitzmann T, Ely K, Brown KG, Bauer, KN. Self-assessment of knowledge: A cognitive learning or affective measure? Academy of Management Learning & Education 2010;9(2): 169-91. google scholar
  • 43. Palsson Y, Martensson G, Swenne CL, Âdel E, Engström M. A peer learning intervention for nursing students in clinical practice education: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today 2017; (51): 81-87. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2017.01.011 google scholar
Yıl 2024, , 47 - 52, 29.02.2024



  • 1. Seçer E, Korucu TŞ, Uzunlar, H, Dinç G, Özer D. Investigating the relationship between academic self-efficacy levels and problem solving skills of university students studying in the field of health and self-esteem and decision-making styles in decision-making. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 2022; 9(1): 223-35. doi: 10.21020/husbfd. 996260 google scholar
  • 2. Bandura A. Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American Psychologist 1982; 37(2): 122-47. google scholar
  • 3. Cuartero N, Tur AM. Emotional intelligence, resilience and personality traits neuroticism and extraversion: predictive capacity in perceived academic efficacy. Nurse Education Today 2021;102: 104933. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104933. google scholar
  • 4. Warshawski S. (2022) Academic self-efficacy, resilience and social support among first-year Israeli nursing students learning in online environments during COVID-19 pandemic. Nurse Education Today 2022; 110: 105267. doi: 10.1016/j. nedt.2022.105267 google scholar
  • 5. Baykal D, Yildirim D. Investigating the effect of personality traits and academic self-efficacies on malpractice tendencies in health college students. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2020; 23: 1721-27. doi: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_677_19. google scholar
  • 6. Zhou Z, Liu H, Zhang D, Wei H, Zhang M, Huang A. Mediating effects of academic self-efficacy and smartphone addiction on the relationship between professional attitude and academic burnout in nursing students: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today 2022; 116: 105471. doi: 10.1016/j. nedt.2022.105471 google scholar
  • 7. Bandura A. Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist 1993; 28(2): 117-48. google scholar
  • 8. Schunk DH. Self-efficacy, motivation, and performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1995;7(2): 112-37. google scholar
  • 9. Bouih A, Nadif B, Benattabou, D. Assessing the effect of general self-efficacy on academic achievement using path analysis: A preliminary study. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 2021; (3): 18-24. doi: 10.32996/ jeltal.2021.3.4.3 google scholar
  • 10. Karabacak Ü, Serbest Ş, Kan Öntürk Z, Eti Aslan F, Olgun N. Relationship between student nurses’ self-efficacy and psychomotor skills competence. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2013; 19(2): 124-30. doi: 10.1111/ijn.12051 google scholar
  • 11. Sachitra V, Bandara U. Measuring the academic self-efficacy of undergraduates: The role of gender and academic year experience. International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences2017; 11(11): 2608-13. google scholar
  • 12. Wilson F, Kickul J, Marlino D. Gender, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial career intentions: Implications for entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2007; 31(3): 387-406. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2007.00179.x google scholar
  • 13. Ersoy NC, Peker M. The role of academic integration and time management in the relationship between self-efficacy and GPA. Turkish Journal of Psychology 2020; 35(85): 85-96. doi: 10.31828/tpd1300443320190205m000017 google scholar
  • 14. Honicke T, Broadbent J. The influence of academic self-efficacy on academic performance: A systematic review. Educational Research Review 2016; 17: 63-84. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2015.11.002 google scholar
  • 15. Atılgan M, Güngörmüş Z. Examining the relationship between academic procrastination behaviours, academic self-efficacy and academic motivation of day and night education students. Atlas Journal 2018; 4(15): 1771-83. google scholar
  • 16. Bulfone G, Iovino P, Mazzotta R, Sebastian M, Macale L, Sili A, ... Alvaro R. (2022). Self-efficacy, burnout and academic success in nursing students: A counterfactual mediation analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2022; 78(10): 3217-24. doi: 10.1111/jan.1523 google scholar
  • 17. Özvurmaz S, Mandıracıoğlu A. Evaluation of students’ perceptions of the clinical education environment and academic self-efficacy: a cross-sectional study. Medical Education World 2018; (53): 51-9. doi: 10.25282/ted.433398 google scholar
  • 18. Kaplan M. Güngörmüş Z. Academic procrastination behavior in nursing students: the role of academic motivation, academic self-efficacy, and academic attributional style. Anatolian Journal of Health Research 2022; 3(2): 53-9. doi: 10.29228/ anatoljhr.57730 google scholar
  • 19. Uzdil N, Günaydın Y. The effect of sense of coherence on mindful attention awareness and academic self-efficacy in nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice 2022; 64: 103429. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103429 google scholar
  • 20. Urgancı S, Gürgan U. Investigation of the relationship between decision-making skills and academic self-efficacy in young people according to some variables. Eurasian Journal of Social and Economic Research 2019; 6(6): 243-62. google scholar
  • 21. Aloufi MA., Jarden RJ, Gerdtz MF, & Kapp S. Reducing stress, anxiety and depression in undergraduate nursing students: Systematic review. Nurse Education Today 2021; 102: 104877. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104877 google scholar
  • 22. Ngoc NB, & Tuan NV. Stress among nursing students in Vietnam: Prevalence and associated factors. International Nursing Review 2023;1-7. doi:10.1111/inr.12831 google scholar
  • 23. Baran L, Güneş Ü, Khorshid L. Investigation of the relationship between self-efficacy levels and psychomotor skills of nursing students. Life Sciences,2020; 15(4): 55-63. doi: 10.12739/ NWSA.2020.15.4.4B0036 google scholar
  • 24. Açıksöz S, Uzun Ş, Arslan F. nvestigation of the relationship between self-efficacy perception and anxiety and stress related to clinical practice in nursing students. Gulhane Medical Journal 2016; 58(1): 129-35. doi: 10.5455/gulhane. 169643 google scholar
  • 25. Sarıkoc G, Oksuz E. Academic motivations and academic self-efficacy of nursing students. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 2017;18(69): 47-51. doi: 10.4328/JCAM.4654 google scholar
  • 26. Fertelli TK., Tuncay FO. The effect of peer assessment method on the perception of nursing diagnosis and academic self-efficacy in nursing process teaching. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2020; 13(2): 812-9. google scholar
  • 27. Ülgen H, Köksoy S. Effect of academic self-sufficiency on vocational motivation levels of nursing students. Current Perspectives on Health Sciences 2022; 3(3); 109-14 google scholar
  • 28. El-Sayed MM., Mousa MAEG, Abd-Elhamid, EAEF. Academic motivation, academic self-efficacy and perceived social support among undergraduate nursing students, Alexandria University, Egypt. Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal 2021; 9(24.0): 76-86. google scholar
  • 29. Bulfone G, Fida R, Ghezzi V, Macale L, Sili A, Alvaro R, & Palese A. Nursing student self-efficacy in psychomotor skills: Findings from a validation, longitudinal, and correlational study. Nurse Educator 2016; 41(6): E1-E6. doi: 10.1097/ NNE.0000000000000285 google scholar
  • 30. Zengin N, Pınar R. Akinci AC, Yildiz H. Psychometric properties of the self-efficacy for clinical evaluation scale in Turkish nursing students. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2014; 23(7-8): 976-84. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12257 google scholar
  • 31. Huang C. Gender differences in academic self-efficacy: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychology of Education 2013;28: 1-35. doi: 10.1007/s10212-011-0097-y google scholar
  • 32. Seki H, Ayhan D, Söyünmez S. The relationship between academic competences and meaning of life of final year students of faculty of health sciences. Yasar University E-Journal 2021;16(61): 264-77. google scholar
  • 33. Bulfone G, Badolamenti S, Biagioli V, Maurici M, Macale L, Sili A, ... Alvaro R. Nursing students’ academic self-efficacy: A longitudinal analysis of academic self-efficacy changes and predictive variables over time. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2021;77(5): 2353-62. doi: 10.1111/jan.14771 google scholar
  • 34. Özgül F, Diker G. Investigation of academic self-efficacy and motivation of postgraduate education candidates (Cumhuriyet University case). Journal of Human Sciences 2017;14(2): 212939. doi: 10.14687/jhs.v14i2.4411 google scholar
  • 35. Yorulmaz M. Academic self-efficacy research in health management students. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal 2019; 7(1): 172-89. doi: 10.15295/bmij. v7i1.1056 google scholar
  • 36. Vahedian-Azimi A, Moayed MS. The relationship between self-esteem and academic motivation among postgraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences 2021;15(1): 113-19. doi: 10.30491/ IJBS.2021.262883.1447 google scholar
  • 37. Richardson M, Abraham C, Bond R. Psychological correlates of university students’ academic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin 2012; 138(2): 353. google scholar
  • 38. Ökten Ç, Seferoğlu EG. The effect of concept map use in nursing education on creative thinking tendencies and academic self-efficacy levels. Journal of Health Sciences 2022; 31(2): 229-34. doi: 10.34108/eujhs.96481 google scholar
  • 39. Karaoğlan-Yılmaz FG., Yılmaz R, Üstün AB, Keser H. Examination of critical thinking standards and academic self-efficacy of teacher candidates as a predictor of metacognitive thinking skills through structural equation modelling. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science 2019;12(4): 1239-56. doi: 10.30831/ akukeg.467435 google scholar
  • 40. Roshangar F, Azar EF, Sarbakhsh P, Azarmi R. The effect of case-based learning with or without conceptual mapping method on critical thinking and academic self-efficacy of nursing students. Journal of Biochemical Technology 2020;11(1): 37-44 google scholar
  • 41. Panadero E, Jonsson A, Botella J. Effects of self-assessment on self-regulated learning and self-efficacy: Four meta-analyses. Educational Research Review 2017; (22): 74-98. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2017.08.004. google scholar
  • 42. Sitzmann T, Ely K, Brown KG, Bauer, KN. Self-assessment of knowledge: A cognitive learning or affective measure? Academy of Management Learning & Education 2010;9(2): 169-91. google scholar
  • 43. Palsson Y, Martensson G, Swenne CL, Âdel E, Engström M. A peer learning intervention for nursing students in clinical practice education: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today 2017; (51): 81-87. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2017.01.011 google scholar
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Olga İncesu 0000-0003-3961-239X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Şubat 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA İncesu, O. (2024). Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review. CURARE Journal of Nursing(4), 47-52.
AMA İncesu O. Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review. CURARE Journal of Nursing. Şubat 2024;(4):47-52. doi:10.26650/CURARE.2024.1398194
Chicago İncesu, Olga. “Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review”. CURARE Journal of Nursing, sy. 4 (Şubat 2024): 47-52.
EndNote İncesu O (01 Şubat 2024) Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review. CURARE Journal of Nursing 4 47–52.
IEEE O. İncesu, “Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review”, CURARE Journal of Nursing, sy. 4, ss. 47–52, Şubat 2024, doi: 10.26650/CURARE.2024.1398194.
ISNAD İncesu, Olga. “Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review”. CURARE Journal of Nursing 4 (Şubat 2024), 47-52.
JAMA İncesu O. Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024;:47–52.
MLA İncesu, Olga. “Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review”. CURARE Journal of Nursing, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 47-52, doi:10.26650/CURARE.2024.1398194.
Vancouver İncesu O. Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: Traditional Review. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024(4):47-52.