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Monitoring the Nitrate Concentrations in Drainage in Irrigated Akarsu Irrigation District

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 31 Sayı: 3, 153 - 163, 30.12.2016


Drainage water quality could be classified based on its solute content and various influencing factors, and it varies in time. Nitrate (NO3) and salt concentrations leached to the drainage water, as a result of the intensive agriculture, are important criteria in determination of the water quality. Nitrate concentration of drainage water is function of applied nitrogen (N) fertilizers rate, soil type, amount of irrigation water rainfall, and changes during the hydrological year. The experiment was carried out in Lower Seyhan Plain, Akarsu Irrigation District (9495.0 ha) during 2014 hydrological years (HY). The water samples were collected in different dates, and analyzed for nitrate concentrations. Nitrate concentration was 35.2 mg L-1 in Feb., highest concentrations were recorded in irrigation season (summer months). There was 28.7 kg N ha-1 N movement to drainage in a hydrological year. Cropping pattern, rainfall and water supply to the study area became important criteria in determining the nitrate concentration in groundwater. Monitoring the concentrations during the HY is important for establishment of suitable fertilization programs and also environmental health.


  • Addıscot, T.M., Whıtmore, A.P. and Powlson, D.S., 1991. Farming fertilizers and the nitrate problem. CABI Publ. Wallingford, UK.
  • Andraskı, W., Bundy, G. And Brye, R., 2000. Crop Management and Corn Nitrogen Rate Effects on Nitrate Leaching. Journal of Environmental Quality. 29(4): 1095-1103. ISSN 0047-2425.
  • Andraskı, T.W. and Bundy, L.G., 2002. Using the Presidedress Soil Nitrate Test and Organic Nitrogen Crediting to Improve Corn Nitrogen Recommendations. Agronomy Journal. 94: 1411-1418.
  • Aranıbar, J.N., Anderson, I.C., Rıngrose, S. and Macko, S.A., 2003. Importance of nitrogen fixation in soil crusts of southern African arid ecosystems: acetylene reduction and stable isotope studies. Journal af Arid Environments. 54: 345-358.
  • Babıker, I.S., Mohamed, M.A.A., Terao, H., Kato, K. and Ohta, K., 2004. Assessment of groundwater contamination by nitrate leaching from intensive vegetable cultivation using geographical information system. Environment International. 29: 1009-1017.
  • Byre, K.R., Norman, J.M., Bundy, L.G. and Gower, S.T., 2001. Nitrogen and Carbon Leaching in Agroecosystems and Their role in Denitrification Potential. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30: 58-70.
  • Cepuder, P. and Shukla, M.K., 2002. Groundwater nitrate in Austria: a case study in Tullnerfeld. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 64: 301-315.
  • Cepuder, P., Nolz, R. and Aus Der Schmitten, V., 2005. Evaluation of Land Use with Respect to Nitrogen Leaching. Geophysical Research Abstracts. (7): 06821.
  • Dinç, U., Sarı, M., Şenol, S., Kapur, S., Sayın, M., Derici, M.R., Çavuşgil, V., Gök, M., Aydın, M., Ekinci, H., Ağca, N. ve Schlıchtıng, E., 1995. Çukurova Bölgesi Toprakları, Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat fakültesi yardımcı ders kitabı, No: 26. 2. baskı.
  • Devrıes, J.J. and Sımmers, I., 2002. Groundwater recharge: an overview of processes and challenges. Hydrogeology Journal. 10: 5-17.
  • Dodds, K.L. and Welch, E.B., 2000. Establishing nutrient criteria in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 19: 186-196.
  • E.U., 1991. Directive of the Council of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution by nitrate from agricultural sources, Directive number 91/676/EG. Brussels: European Union. (In Dutch.).
  • Hudak, P.F., 1999. Chloride and nitrate distributions in the Hickory aquifer, Central Texas, USA. Environment International. 25: 393-401.
  • Isidoro, D., Quilez, D. and Aragues, R., 2006. Environmental impact of irrigation in La Violada District (Spain): II. Nitrogen fertilization and nitrate expeot in darinage water. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35: 776-785.
  • Ju, X.T. Lıu, X.J. and Zhang, F.S., 2003. Accumulation and movement of NNO−−3in soil profile in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system. Acta Pedologica Sinica 40: 538-546 (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Ju, X.T., Kou, C.L., Zhang, F.S. and Christie, P., 2006. Nitrogen balance and groundwater nitrate contamination: Comparison among three intensive cropping systems on the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution. 143: 117-125.
  • Kaplan, M., Sönmez, S. and Tokmak, S., 1999. Antalya-Kumluca yöresi kuyu sularının nitrat içerikleri. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 23: 309-313.
  • Kraft, G.J. and Stites, W., 2003. Nitrate impacts on groundwater from an irrigated-vegetable systems in a humid north-central US sand plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 100: 63-74.
  • Laegreid, M., Bockman, O.C. and Kaarstad, O., 1999. Agriculture, Fertilizers and the Environment. CABI Publishing in association with Norsk Hydro ASA. Norsk Hydro ASA. Porsgrunn, Norway.
  • Lıu, X.H., Ju, X.T., Zhang, F.S., Pan, J.R. and Chrıstıe, P., 2003. Nitrogen dynamics and budgets in a winter wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 83(2): 111-124.
  • Lıu, G.D., Wu, W.L. and Zhang, J., 2005. Regional differentiation of non-point source pollution of agriculture-derived nitrate nitrogen in groundwater in northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 107: 211-220.
  • Mahvı, A.H., Nourı, J., Babaeı, A.A. and Nabızadeh, R., 2005. Agricultural activities impact on groundwater nitrate pollution. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. (2)1: 41-47.
  • Mclay, C.D.A., Dragten, R., Sparling, G. and Selvarajah, N., 2001. Predicting groundwater nitrate concentrations in a region of mixed agricultural land use: a comparison of three approaches. Environmental Pollution. 115: 191-204.
  • Nas, B. and Berktay, A., 2006. Groundwater contamination by nitrates in the city of Konya, (Turkey): A GIS perspective.Journal of Environmental Management. 79: 30-37.
  • Öztekin, M.E., 2009. Kuzey Yüreğir bölgesi bitki deseninin düşük maliyetli ASTER sayısal uydu verisi ile izlenebilirliğinin araştırılması. Proje No: ZF2007BAP2. Çukurova Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Projesi. Adana.
  • Praharaj, T., Swaın, S.P., Powell, M.A., Hart, B.R. and Trıpathy, S., 2002. Delineation of groundwater contamination around an ashpond Geochemical and GIS approach. Environment International. 27: 631-8.
  • QUALIWATER Projesi, FP6, 2010. Sonuç raporu. dos/reports.htm.
  • Rabalaıs, N.N., Wıseman, W.J., Turner, R.E., Sen Gupta, B.K. and Dortch, Q., 1996. Nutrient changes in the Mississippi River and system responses on the adjacent continental shelf. Estuaries. 19: 386-407.
  • Ramos, C., Agut, A. and Lidon, A.L., 2002. Nitrate leaching in important crops of the Valencian Community region (Spain). Environmental Pollution. 118: 215-223.
  • Schilling, K.E. and Wolter, C.F., 2007. A GIS-based groundwater travel time model to evaluate stream nitrate concentration reductions from land use change. Environmental Geology. 53: 433-443.
  • Schwiede, M., 2007. Erkundung der Prozesse der Nitratanreicherung in Aquiferen des südlichen Afrikas-Ermittlung von Ursache und Ausmaß der Nitratauswaschung aus Böden ins Grundwasser im Projektgebiet Serowe/Orapa. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hannover, Germany.
  • Stadler, S., Osenbrück, K., Knöller, K., Suckow, A., Sültenfub, J., Oster, H., Himmelsbach, T. and Hötzl, H., 2008. Understanding the origin and fate of nitrate in groundwater of semi-arid environments. Journal of Arid Environments. 72: 1830-1842.
  • Standard Methods, 1998, Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association. American Water Works Association. Water Environment Federation USA.
  • TSE, Drinking Water Turkish Standards, 1997. Turkish Standards (TSE-266). Ankara.
  • Walvoord, M.A., Philips, F.M., Stonestrom, D.A., Evans, R.D., Hartsough, P.C., Newman, B.D. and Striegl, R.G., 2003. A reservoir of nitrate beneath desert soils. Science. 302(7): 1021-1024.
  • World Health Organızatıon (Who), 1998. Anon. 1998. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. World Health Organization. Geneva.

Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 31 Sayı: 3, 153 - 163, 30.12.2016


Drenaj sularının kalitesi, içeriğine ve çeşitli faktörlere bağlı olarak sınıflandırılmakta ve zaman içerisinde değişkenlik göstermektedir. Tarımsal faaliyetlerin yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak, drenaj suyuna karışan tuz ve nitrat (NO3) konsantrasyonu, su kirliliğinin ve yeniden kullanım olasılığının belirlenmesinde önemli birer kriterdir. Nitrat konsantrasyonu, toprağa uygulanan azotlu (N) gübre miktarına, toprak yapısına, uygulanan sulama suyu ve yağış miktarına bağlı olarak yıl içesinde değişkenlik göstermektedir. Aşağı Seyhan Ovası, Akarsu Sulama Sahasında (9495.0 ha) 2014 hidrolojik yılında (HY) drenajdan alınan su örneklerinde nitrat konsantrasyonları ölçülmüştür. Drenaj suyundaki nitrat konsantrasyonu Şubat ayında 35.2 mg L-1‘ye ulaşmıştır, ancak yaz aylarında daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Çalışma sahasında 2014 hidrolojik yılında hektardan 28.7 kg’lık azot yıkanması olmuştur. Söz konusu yılın kurak olmasına rağmen, bu denli bir yıkanmanın olması ciddi bir sorundur. Bitki deseninin, yağışın ve alana giren su miktarının, drenaj suyunda nitrat konsantrasyonunu belirlemede önemli birer kriter oldukları belirlenmiştir. Drenaj sularındaki bu konsantrasyon değişimlerinin yıl içerisinde izlenmesi, gerek uygun gübreleme programları, gerekse çevre sağlığı açısından önem taşımaktadır.


  • Addıscot, T.M., Whıtmore, A.P. and Powlson, D.S., 1991. Farming fertilizers and the nitrate problem. CABI Publ. Wallingford, UK.
  • Andraskı, W., Bundy, G. And Brye, R., 2000. Crop Management and Corn Nitrogen Rate Effects on Nitrate Leaching. Journal of Environmental Quality. 29(4): 1095-1103. ISSN 0047-2425.
  • Andraskı, T.W. and Bundy, L.G., 2002. Using the Presidedress Soil Nitrate Test and Organic Nitrogen Crediting to Improve Corn Nitrogen Recommendations. Agronomy Journal. 94: 1411-1418.
  • Aranıbar, J.N., Anderson, I.C., Rıngrose, S. and Macko, S.A., 2003. Importance of nitrogen fixation in soil crusts of southern African arid ecosystems: acetylene reduction and stable isotope studies. Journal af Arid Environments. 54: 345-358.
  • Babıker, I.S., Mohamed, M.A.A., Terao, H., Kato, K. and Ohta, K., 2004. Assessment of groundwater contamination by nitrate leaching from intensive vegetable cultivation using geographical information system. Environment International. 29: 1009-1017.
  • Byre, K.R., Norman, J.M., Bundy, L.G. and Gower, S.T., 2001. Nitrogen and Carbon Leaching in Agroecosystems and Their role in Denitrification Potential. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30: 58-70.
  • Cepuder, P. and Shukla, M.K., 2002. Groundwater nitrate in Austria: a case study in Tullnerfeld. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 64: 301-315.
  • Cepuder, P., Nolz, R. and Aus Der Schmitten, V., 2005. Evaluation of Land Use with Respect to Nitrogen Leaching. Geophysical Research Abstracts. (7): 06821.
  • Dinç, U., Sarı, M., Şenol, S., Kapur, S., Sayın, M., Derici, M.R., Çavuşgil, V., Gök, M., Aydın, M., Ekinci, H., Ağca, N. ve Schlıchtıng, E., 1995. Çukurova Bölgesi Toprakları, Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat fakültesi yardımcı ders kitabı, No: 26. 2. baskı.
  • Devrıes, J.J. and Sımmers, I., 2002. Groundwater recharge: an overview of processes and challenges. Hydrogeology Journal. 10: 5-17.
  • Dodds, K.L. and Welch, E.B., 2000. Establishing nutrient criteria in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 19: 186-196.
  • E.U., 1991. Directive of the Council of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution by nitrate from agricultural sources, Directive number 91/676/EG. Brussels: European Union. (In Dutch.).
  • Hudak, P.F., 1999. Chloride and nitrate distributions in the Hickory aquifer, Central Texas, USA. Environment International. 25: 393-401.
  • Isidoro, D., Quilez, D. and Aragues, R., 2006. Environmental impact of irrigation in La Violada District (Spain): II. Nitrogen fertilization and nitrate expeot in darinage water. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35: 776-785.
  • Ju, X.T. Lıu, X.J. and Zhang, F.S., 2003. Accumulation and movement of NNO−−3in soil profile in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system. Acta Pedologica Sinica 40: 538-546 (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Ju, X.T., Kou, C.L., Zhang, F.S. and Christie, P., 2006. Nitrogen balance and groundwater nitrate contamination: Comparison among three intensive cropping systems on the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution. 143: 117-125.
  • Kaplan, M., Sönmez, S. and Tokmak, S., 1999. Antalya-Kumluca yöresi kuyu sularının nitrat içerikleri. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 23: 309-313.
  • Kraft, G.J. and Stites, W., 2003. Nitrate impacts on groundwater from an irrigated-vegetable systems in a humid north-central US sand plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 100: 63-74.
  • Laegreid, M., Bockman, O.C. and Kaarstad, O., 1999. Agriculture, Fertilizers and the Environment. CABI Publishing in association with Norsk Hydro ASA. Norsk Hydro ASA. Porsgrunn, Norway.
  • Lıu, X.H., Ju, X.T., Zhang, F.S., Pan, J.R. and Chrıstıe, P., 2003. Nitrogen dynamics and budgets in a winter wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 83(2): 111-124.
  • Lıu, G.D., Wu, W.L. and Zhang, J., 2005. Regional differentiation of non-point source pollution of agriculture-derived nitrate nitrogen in groundwater in northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 107: 211-220.
  • Mahvı, A.H., Nourı, J., Babaeı, A.A. and Nabızadeh, R., 2005. Agricultural activities impact on groundwater nitrate pollution. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. (2)1: 41-47.
  • Mclay, C.D.A., Dragten, R., Sparling, G. and Selvarajah, N., 2001. Predicting groundwater nitrate concentrations in a region of mixed agricultural land use: a comparison of three approaches. Environmental Pollution. 115: 191-204.
  • Nas, B. and Berktay, A., 2006. Groundwater contamination by nitrates in the city of Konya, (Turkey): A GIS perspective.Journal of Environmental Management. 79: 30-37.
  • Öztekin, M.E., 2009. Kuzey Yüreğir bölgesi bitki deseninin düşük maliyetli ASTER sayısal uydu verisi ile izlenebilirliğinin araştırılması. Proje No: ZF2007BAP2. Çukurova Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Projesi. Adana.
  • Praharaj, T., Swaın, S.P., Powell, M.A., Hart, B.R. and Trıpathy, S., 2002. Delineation of groundwater contamination around an ashpond Geochemical and GIS approach. Environment International. 27: 631-8.
  • QUALIWATER Projesi, FP6, 2010. Sonuç raporu. dos/reports.htm.
  • Rabalaıs, N.N., Wıseman, W.J., Turner, R.E., Sen Gupta, B.K. and Dortch, Q., 1996. Nutrient changes in the Mississippi River and system responses on the adjacent continental shelf. Estuaries. 19: 386-407.
  • Ramos, C., Agut, A. and Lidon, A.L., 2002. Nitrate leaching in important crops of the Valencian Community region (Spain). Environmental Pollution. 118: 215-223.
  • Schilling, K.E. and Wolter, C.F., 2007. A GIS-based groundwater travel time model to evaluate stream nitrate concentration reductions from land use change. Environmental Geology. 53: 433-443.
  • Schwiede, M., 2007. Erkundung der Prozesse der Nitratanreicherung in Aquiferen des südlichen Afrikas-Ermittlung von Ursache und Ausmaß der Nitratauswaschung aus Böden ins Grundwasser im Projektgebiet Serowe/Orapa. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hannover, Germany.
  • Stadler, S., Osenbrück, K., Knöller, K., Suckow, A., Sültenfub, J., Oster, H., Himmelsbach, T. and Hötzl, H., 2008. Understanding the origin and fate of nitrate in groundwater of semi-arid environments. Journal of Arid Environments. 72: 1830-1842.
  • Standard Methods, 1998, Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association. American Water Works Association. Water Environment Federation USA.
  • TSE, Drinking Water Turkish Standards, 1997. Turkish Standards (TSE-266). Ankara.
  • Walvoord, M.A., Philips, F.M., Stonestrom, D.A., Evans, R.D., Hartsough, P.C., Newman, B.D. and Striegl, R.G., 2003. A reservoir of nitrate beneath desert soils. Science. 302(7): 1021-1024.
  • World Health Organızatıon (Who), 1998. Anon. 1998. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. World Health Organization. Geneva.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hayriye İbrikçi

Mahmut Çetin

Hande Sağır Bu kişi benim

Mert Uçan Bu kişi benim

M. Said Gölpınar Bu kişi benim

Ebru Karnez

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 31 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA İbrikçi, H., Çetin, M., Sağır, H., Uçan, M., vd. (2016). Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 31(3), 153-163.
AMA İbrikçi H, Çetin M, Sağır H, Uçan M, Gölpınar MS, Karnez E. Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. Aralık 2016;31(3):153-163.
Chicago İbrikçi, Hayriye, Mahmut Çetin, Hande Sağır, Mert Uçan, M. Said Gölpınar, ve Ebru Karnez. “Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi”. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 31, sy. 3 (Aralık 2016): 153-63.
EndNote İbrikçi H, Çetin M, Sağır H, Uçan M, Gölpınar MS, Karnez E (01 Aralık 2016) Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 31 3 153–163.
IEEE H. İbrikçi, M. Çetin, H. Sağır, M. Uçan, M. S. Gölpınar, ve E. Karnez, “Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi”, Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der., c. 31, sy. 3, ss. 153–163, 2016.
ISNAD İbrikçi, Hayriye vd. “Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi”. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 31/3 (Aralık 2016), 153-163.
JAMA İbrikçi H, Çetin M, Sağır H, Uçan M, Gölpınar MS, Karnez E. Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. 2016;31:153–163.
MLA İbrikçi, Hayriye vd. “Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi”. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 31, sy. 3, 2016, ss. 153-6.
Vancouver İbrikçi H, Çetin M, Sağır H, Uçan M, Gölpınar MS, Karnez E. Sulu Tarımın Yapıldığı Akarsu Sulama Havzasında Drenajla Oluşan Azot Kayıplarının Zamansal İzlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. 2016;31(3):153-6.

Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi” yayın hayatına 1 Ocak 2016 tarihi itibariyle “Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi” adıyla devam etmektedir.

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