Effect of Different Types of Boron Application on Pollen Quality and Quantity in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.)
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 510 - 518, 30.12.2024
Mihriban Namlı
Pınar Adıgüzel
Şenay Karabıyık
İlknur Solmaz
Seed development in watermelon depends on pollen quality. In study, the effects of boron application from foliar, soil and soil+foliar on pollen viability-germination levels, pollen quantity and normally developed pollen rate were investigated in three different watermelon. Also, pollens were sampled in 2 different periods and it was investigated in which period boron started to affect the flowers and how long the effect lasted. Consequently, it was determined that boron positively affected the pollen germination rate and amount but not significant effect on pollen vitality and rate of normally developed pollen. Also an easy method to apply boron in soil.
- Adıgüzel, P., Karabıyık Ş., Namlı, M., Solmaz İ. (2023) Karpuzda (Citrullus lanatus L.) bor uygulamasının çiçek tozu kalitesi, miktarı ve çim borusu gelişimine etkisi. Alatarım 22(2):76-85.
- Adıgüzel, P., Solmaz, İ., Karabıyık, Ş. Sarı, N. (2022) Comparison on flower, fruit and seed characteristics of tetraploid and diploid watermelons (Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Matsum. and Nakai). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 6(4):704-710.
- Ansari, A. M., Chowdhary, B. M. (2018) Effects of boron and plant growth regulators on bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standle.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7(1):202-206.
- Anvari, S. F. (1977) Untersuchungen über das pollenschlauchwachstum und die entwicklung der samenanlagen in bezihung zum fruchtansatz bei sauerkirchen (Prunus cerasus L.) Diss. Univ. Hohenhein. 105.
- Atlı, E., Solmaz, İ., Sarı, N. Kelebek, H. (2021) Determination of some agronomic and fruit quality characteristics of some watermelon accessions from turkish watermelon germplasm. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 9(8):1322-1328.
- Barut, H., Aykanat, S., Aşıklı, S., Selim, E. (2018) Bitkisel üretimde bor. International Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research 1(1): 33-46.
- Chapman, L. A., and Goring, D. R. (2010) Pollen–pistil interactions regulating successful fertilization in the Brassicaceae. Journal of Experimental Botany 61(7):1987-1999.
- Chatterjee, R., Sarkar, S., Rao, G. N. (2014) Improvised media for in vitro pollen germination of some Species of Apocynaceae. Int. J. Environ 3:146-153.
- Deepika, C., and Pitagi, A. (2015) Effect of zinc and boron on growth, seed yield and quality of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cv. Arka Nishanth. Current Agriculture Research Journal 3(1): 85-89.
- Dell, B., Huang, L. (1997) Physiological response of plants to low boron. Plant and Soil 193, 103-120.
- Dell, B., Huang, L., Bell, R. W. (2002) Boron in plant reproduction. In Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition, Springer, Boston, MA., 103-117
- Du, W., Pan, Z. Y., Hussain, S. B., Han, Z. X., Peng, S. A., & Liu, Y. Z. (2020) Foliar supplied boron can be transported to roots as a boron-sucrose complex via phloem in citrus trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 250.
- Fang, K., Zhang, W., Xing, Y., Zhang, Q., Yang, L., Cao, Q. (2016) Boron toxicity causes multiple effects on malus domestica pollen tube growth. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:208.
- FAOSTAT, 2023 http://www.fao.org (Erişim Tarihi: 25.06.2024
- Freeman, J. H., Olson, S. M., Kabelka, E. A. (2008) Pollen viability of selected diploid watermelon pollenizer cultivars. HortScience 43:274-275.
- Gaaliche, B., Majdoub, A. Trad, M., Mars, M. (2013) Assessment of pollen viability, germination, and tube growth in eight tunisian caprifig (Ficus carica L.) Cultivars. ISRN Agron. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/207434.
- Gok, P., Yetisir, H., Solmaz, I., Sari, N., & Eti, S. (2005, September) Pollen viability and germination rates of 45 watermelon genotypes. In III International Symposium on Cucurbits 731 (pp. 99-102).
- Goldberg, S., Shouse, P. J., Lesch, S. M., Grieve, C. M., Poss, J. A., Forster, H. S., Suarez, D. L. (2003) Effect of high boron application on boron content and growth of melons. Plant and Soil 256:403-411.
- Goli, E., Hiemstra, T., & Rahnemaie, R. (2019) Interaction of boron with humic acid and natural organic matter: Experiments and modeling. Chemical Geology 515, 1-8.
- Gürsöz, N. (1990) Kavun (Cucumis melo var. inodorus ve reticulatus) ve karpuzda (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf). ışınlanmış polenle uyartılan ın situ partenogenetik embriyolardan ın vitro kültürü ile haploid bitki eldesi. Yüksek Lisans tezi, 59 sayfa.
- Hidayat, C., Roosda, A. A., Fauziah, S. (2021) Various planting media and boron concentrations supporting growth and yield of melon on drip irrigation hydroponic system. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694(1):012025.
- Hrmova, M., Gilliham, M., & Tyerman, S. D. (2020) Plant transporters involved in combating boron toxicity: beyond 3D structures. Biochemical Society Transactions 48(4):1683-1696.
- Johri, B. M., and Vasil, I. K. (1960) The pollen and pollen tube (pp. 1-13). Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag.
- Karabıyık, Ş. (2022) Effects of temperature on pollen viability and in vivo pollen tube growth in Citrus sinensis. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 95:100-104.
- Karabıyık, Ş., Sarıdaş, M. A. (2023) Assessment of pollen quality and quantity in White and Black Turkish Myrtus communis L. accessions, through In Vitro pollen germination under varied boric acid concentrations.
International Journal of Minor Fruits, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Vol. 9 (2):167-176, December 2023.
- Kombo, M. D., & Sari, N. (2019) Rootstock effects on seed yield and quality in watermelon. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 60(3):303-312.
- Kumar, S., Yadav, M. K, Yadav, Y. C. (2012) Effect of Foliar application of boron on growth, yield, quality and seed production of radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) cv. Jaunpuri Local. Progressive Agriculture 12(19):199-202
- La Porta, N., & Roselli, G. (1991) Relationship between pollen germination in vitro and fluorochromatic reaction in cherry clone F12/1 (Prunus avium L.) and some of its mutants. Journal of horticultural science 66(2):171-175.
- Luo, Y., Zheng, M., Ni, R., Ling, Y., Lü, Y., & Song, G. (2020) The source of boron in Quaternary sediments of Dangxiong Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Paleolimnology 64:167-178.
- Nakamura, R. R., Wheeler, N. C. (1992) Pollen competition and paternal success in douglas-fir. Evolution 846-851.
- Norton, J. D. (1966). Testing of plum pollen viability with tetrazolium salts. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 89:132-134.
- Paris, H. S. 2023. The watermelon genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes 1-16.
- Rahayu, S., Firdhauzy, Y. L., Prasetyo, H., Setyohadi, D. P. S., and Cahyaningrum, D. G. (2023, April). Application of boron fertilizer and topping on female parent seed production of watermelon. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1168, No. 1, p. 012009) IOP Publishing.
- Razzaq, M. K., Rauf, S., Khurshid, M., Iqbal, S., Bhat, J.A., Farzand, A., Gai, J. (2019) Pollen viability an ındex of abiotic stresses tolerance and methods for the ımproved pollen viability. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 32(4).
- Razzaq, M. K., Rauf, S., Shahzad, M., Ashraf, I., Shah., F. (2017) Genetic analysis of pollen viability: an ındicator of heat stress in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L). International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 1(1):40-508.
- Rerkasem, B., Nirantrayagul, S., Jamjod, S. (2004) Increasing boron efficiency in ınternational bread wheat, durum wheat, triticale, and barley germplasm will boost production on soils low in boron. Field Crops Research 86:175-184.
- Sakhi, S., Okuno, K., Shahzad, A., Jamil, M. (2014) Evaluation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolour l) core collection for drought tolerance: pollen fertility and mean performance of yield traits and its components at reproductive stage. International Journal of Agriculture And Biology 16:251-260.
- Saragih, A. A., Puteh, A. B., Ismail, M. R. and Mondal, M. M. A. (2013) Pollen quality traits of cultivated ('Oryza sativa'L. Ssp. ındica) and weedy ('Oryza sativa'var. nivara) rice to water stress at reproductive stage. Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(8):1106-1112.
- Sarıdaş, M. A., Karabıyık, Ş., Eti, S., and Paydaş Kargı, S. (2021) Boron applications and bee pollinators increase strawberry yields. International Journal of Fruit Science 21(1):481-491.
- Shivanna, K. R., Rangaswamy, N. S. (1992) Pollen biology. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 119 s
- Shorrocks, V. M. (1997) The occurrence and correction of boron deficiency. Plant Soil 193:121-148.
- Sillanpaa, M. (1982) Micronutrients and nutrients status of soils, A Global Study, FAO Soils Bulletin, No, 48, Rome.
- Sulusoglu, M., Cavusoglu, A. (2014) In vitro pollen viability and pollen germination in cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L). Sci. World J. ID: 657123.
- Şensoy, A. S., Ercan, N., Ayar, F., Temirkaynak, M. (2003) Cucurbitaceae familyasındaki bazı sebze türlerinde çiçek tozlarının bazı morfolojik özellikleri ile canlılıklarının belirlenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1):1-6.
- Turner, N. C., T. D. Colmer, J. Quealy, R. Pushpavalli, L. Krishnamurthy, J. Kaur, V. Vadez (2013) Salinity tolerance and ion accumulation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subjected to salt stress. Plant and Soil 365:347-361.
- TÜİK. 2023. https://www.tuik.gov.tr/ (Erişim Tarihi: 13.06.2024)
- Vera-Maldonado, P., Aquea, F., Reyes-Díaz, M., Cárcamo-Fincheira, P., Soto-Cerda, B., Nunes-Nesi, A. and Inostroza-Blancheteau, C. (2024) Role of boron and its interaction with other elements in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1332459.
- Wijesinghe, S. A. E. C., Evans, L. J., Kirkland, L., and Rader, R. (2020) A global review of watermelon pollination biology and ecology: The increasing importance of seedless cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 271:109493.
- Wimmer, M. A. and Eichert, T. (2013) Mechanisms for boron deficiency-mediated changes in plant water relations. Plant science 203:25-32.
Karpuzda (Citrullus lanatus L.) Farklı Şekillerde Yapılan Bor Uygulamasının Çiçek Tozu Kalite ve Miktarı Üzerine Etkisi
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 510 - 518, 30.12.2024
Mihriban Namlı
Pınar Adıgüzel
Şenay Karabıyık
İlknur Solmaz
Meyve tutumunun tohum gelişimine bağlı olduğu karpuzda çiçek tozu kalite ve miktarının yüksek olması meyve verim ve kalitesini artırmaktadır. Çalışmada üç farklı karpuz çeşitlerinde yapraktan, topraktan ve toprak+yapraktan bor uygulamasının çiçek tozu canlılık-çimlenme düzeyleri, çiçek tozu miktarı ve normal gelişmiş çiçek tozu oranı üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca çiçek tozları 2 farklı dönemde örneklenerek borun çiçekleri hangi dönemde etkilemeye başladığı ve etkinin ne kadar sürdüğü araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda borun özellikle çiçek tozu çimlenme düzeyi ile çiçek tozu sayısını olumlu yönde etkilediği, çiçek tozu canlılık ve oranında önemli bir etki yapmadığı, topraktan bor uygulamasının uygulama kolaylığı açısından daha ön plana çıktığı söylenebilir.
- Adıgüzel, P., Karabıyık Ş., Namlı, M., Solmaz İ. (2023) Karpuzda (Citrullus lanatus L.) bor uygulamasının çiçek tozu kalitesi, miktarı ve çim borusu gelişimine etkisi. Alatarım 22(2):76-85.
- Adıgüzel, P., Solmaz, İ., Karabıyık, Ş. Sarı, N. (2022) Comparison on flower, fruit and seed characteristics of tetraploid and diploid watermelons (Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Matsum. and Nakai). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 6(4):704-710.
- Ansari, A. M., Chowdhary, B. M. (2018) Effects of boron and plant growth regulators on bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standle.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7(1):202-206.
- Anvari, S. F. (1977) Untersuchungen über das pollenschlauchwachstum und die entwicklung der samenanlagen in bezihung zum fruchtansatz bei sauerkirchen (Prunus cerasus L.) Diss. Univ. Hohenhein. 105.
- Atlı, E., Solmaz, İ., Sarı, N. Kelebek, H. (2021) Determination of some agronomic and fruit quality characteristics of some watermelon accessions from turkish watermelon germplasm. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 9(8):1322-1328.
- Barut, H., Aykanat, S., Aşıklı, S., Selim, E. (2018) Bitkisel üretimde bor. International Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research 1(1): 33-46.
- Chapman, L. A., and Goring, D. R. (2010) Pollen–pistil interactions regulating successful fertilization in the Brassicaceae. Journal of Experimental Botany 61(7):1987-1999.
- Chatterjee, R., Sarkar, S., Rao, G. N. (2014) Improvised media for in vitro pollen germination of some Species of Apocynaceae. Int. J. Environ 3:146-153.
- Deepika, C., and Pitagi, A. (2015) Effect of zinc and boron on growth, seed yield and quality of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cv. Arka Nishanth. Current Agriculture Research Journal 3(1): 85-89.
- Dell, B., Huang, L. (1997) Physiological response of plants to low boron. Plant and Soil 193, 103-120.
- Dell, B., Huang, L., Bell, R. W. (2002) Boron in plant reproduction. In Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition, Springer, Boston, MA., 103-117
- Du, W., Pan, Z. Y., Hussain, S. B., Han, Z. X., Peng, S. A., & Liu, Y. Z. (2020) Foliar supplied boron can be transported to roots as a boron-sucrose complex via phloem in citrus trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 250.
- Fang, K., Zhang, W., Xing, Y., Zhang, Q., Yang, L., Cao, Q. (2016) Boron toxicity causes multiple effects on malus domestica pollen tube growth. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:208.
- FAOSTAT, 2023 http://www.fao.org (Erişim Tarihi: 25.06.2024
- Freeman, J. H., Olson, S. M., Kabelka, E. A. (2008) Pollen viability of selected diploid watermelon pollenizer cultivars. HortScience 43:274-275.
- Gaaliche, B., Majdoub, A. Trad, M., Mars, M. (2013) Assessment of pollen viability, germination, and tube growth in eight tunisian caprifig (Ficus carica L.) Cultivars. ISRN Agron. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/207434.
- Gok, P., Yetisir, H., Solmaz, I., Sari, N., & Eti, S. (2005, September) Pollen viability and germination rates of 45 watermelon genotypes. In III International Symposium on Cucurbits 731 (pp. 99-102).
- Goldberg, S., Shouse, P. J., Lesch, S. M., Grieve, C. M., Poss, J. A., Forster, H. S., Suarez, D. L. (2003) Effect of high boron application on boron content and growth of melons. Plant and Soil 256:403-411.
- Goli, E., Hiemstra, T., & Rahnemaie, R. (2019) Interaction of boron with humic acid and natural organic matter: Experiments and modeling. Chemical Geology 515, 1-8.
- Gürsöz, N. (1990) Kavun (Cucumis melo var. inodorus ve reticulatus) ve karpuzda (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf). ışınlanmış polenle uyartılan ın situ partenogenetik embriyolardan ın vitro kültürü ile haploid bitki eldesi. Yüksek Lisans tezi, 59 sayfa.
- Hidayat, C., Roosda, A. A., Fauziah, S. (2021) Various planting media and boron concentrations supporting growth and yield of melon on drip irrigation hydroponic system. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694(1):012025.
- Hrmova, M., Gilliham, M., & Tyerman, S. D. (2020) Plant transporters involved in combating boron toxicity: beyond 3D structures. Biochemical Society Transactions 48(4):1683-1696.
- Johri, B. M., and Vasil, I. K. (1960) The pollen and pollen tube (pp. 1-13). Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag.
- Karabıyık, Ş. (2022) Effects of temperature on pollen viability and in vivo pollen tube growth in Citrus sinensis. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 95:100-104.
- Karabıyık, Ş., Sarıdaş, M. A. (2023) Assessment of pollen quality and quantity in White and Black Turkish Myrtus communis L. accessions, through In Vitro pollen germination under varied boric acid concentrations.
International Journal of Minor Fruits, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Vol. 9 (2):167-176, December 2023.
- Kombo, M. D., & Sari, N. (2019) Rootstock effects on seed yield and quality in watermelon. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 60(3):303-312.
- Kumar, S., Yadav, M. K, Yadav, Y. C. (2012) Effect of Foliar application of boron on growth, yield, quality and seed production of radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) cv. Jaunpuri Local. Progressive Agriculture 12(19):199-202
- La Porta, N., & Roselli, G. (1991) Relationship between pollen germination in vitro and fluorochromatic reaction in cherry clone F12/1 (Prunus avium L.) and some of its mutants. Journal of horticultural science 66(2):171-175.
- Luo, Y., Zheng, M., Ni, R., Ling, Y., Lü, Y., & Song, G. (2020) The source of boron in Quaternary sediments of Dangxiong Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. Journal of Paleolimnology 64:167-178.
- Nakamura, R. R., Wheeler, N. C. (1992) Pollen competition and paternal success in douglas-fir. Evolution 846-851.
- Norton, J. D. (1966). Testing of plum pollen viability with tetrazolium salts. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 89:132-134.
- Paris, H. S. 2023. The watermelon genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes 1-16.
- Rahayu, S., Firdhauzy, Y. L., Prasetyo, H., Setyohadi, D. P. S., and Cahyaningrum, D. G. (2023, April). Application of boron fertilizer and topping on female parent seed production of watermelon. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1168, No. 1, p. 012009) IOP Publishing.
- Razzaq, M. K., Rauf, S., Khurshid, M., Iqbal, S., Bhat, J.A., Farzand, A., Gai, J. (2019) Pollen viability an ındex of abiotic stresses tolerance and methods for the ımproved pollen viability. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 32(4).
- Razzaq, M. K., Rauf, S., Shahzad, M., Ashraf, I., Shah., F. (2017) Genetic analysis of pollen viability: an ındicator of heat stress in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L). International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 1(1):40-508.
- Rerkasem, B., Nirantrayagul, S., Jamjod, S. (2004) Increasing boron efficiency in ınternational bread wheat, durum wheat, triticale, and barley germplasm will boost production on soils low in boron. Field Crops Research 86:175-184.
- Sakhi, S., Okuno, K., Shahzad, A., Jamil, M. (2014) Evaluation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolour l) core collection for drought tolerance: pollen fertility and mean performance of yield traits and its components at reproductive stage. International Journal of Agriculture And Biology 16:251-260.
- Saragih, A. A., Puteh, A. B., Ismail, M. R. and Mondal, M. M. A. (2013) Pollen quality traits of cultivated ('Oryza sativa'L. Ssp. ındica) and weedy ('Oryza sativa'var. nivara) rice to water stress at reproductive stage. Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(8):1106-1112.
- Sarıdaş, M. A., Karabıyık, Ş., Eti, S., and Paydaş Kargı, S. (2021) Boron applications and bee pollinators increase strawberry yields. International Journal of Fruit Science 21(1):481-491.
- Shivanna, K. R., Rangaswamy, N. S. (1992) Pollen biology. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 119 s
- Shorrocks, V. M. (1997) The occurrence and correction of boron deficiency. Plant Soil 193:121-148.
- Sillanpaa, M. (1982) Micronutrients and nutrients status of soils, A Global Study, FAO Soils Bulletin, No, 48, Rome.
- Sulusoglu, M., Cavusoglu, A. (2014) In vitro pollen viability and pollen germination in cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L). Sci. World J. ID: 657123.
- Şensoy, A. S., Ercan, N., Ayar, F., Temirkaynak, M. (2003) Cucurbitaceae familyasındaki bazı sebze türlerinde çiçek tozlarının bazı morfolojik özellikleri ile canlılıklarının belirlenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1):1-6.
- Turner, N. C., T. D. Colmer, J. Quealy, R. Pushpavalli, L. Krishnamurthy, J. Kaur, V. Vadez (2013) Salinity tolerance and ion accumulation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subjected to salt stress. Plant and Soil 365:347-361.
- TÜİK. 2023. https://www.tuik.gov.tr/ (Erişim Tarihi: 13.06.2024)
- Vera-Maldonado, P., Aquea, F., Reyes-Díaz, M., Cárcamo-Fincheira, P., Soto-Cerda, B., Nunes-Nesi, A. and Inostroza-Blancheteau, C. (2024) Role of boron and its interaction with other elements in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1332459.
- Wijesinghe, S. A. E. C., Evans, L. J., Kirkland, L., and Rader, R. (2020) A global review of watermelon pollination biology and ecology: The increasing importance of seedless cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 271:109493.
- Wimmer, M. A. and Eichert, T. (2013) Mechanisms for boron deficiency-mediated changes in plant water relations. Plant science 203:25-32.