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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 21 - 41, 28.02.2021


Berlin, hem mimari ve kentsel yarışmaların geleneksel hale gelmesi nedeniyle yarışma mekanizmasıyla örnek teşkil eden, hem de modernitenin doğduğu coğrafyada yer alarak, ‘modern’ kente dair rasyonalite odaklı pratik ve söylemler açısından pek çok kez referans verilen bir kenttir. Bu çalışma, önemli siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel kırılmaların birinci elden hissedildiği Berlin kentinin, Aydınlanma ve pozitivist bakış açısının eylem planı olan modernite düşüncesinin arka planında önemli yer tutan rasyonalite olgusunu, ‘tutarlılık’ ve ‘dil’ kavramıyla ilişkilendirerek, yarışma projeleri aracılığıyla nasıl hayata geçirildiği ve tüm bu kültürel, düşünsel süreçlerin arkasında ortak aklın ne derece olduğu konusunu irdeler. Bu bağlamda çalışma, “Yarışmalar, Berlin kent dönüşümünde bir rasyonelleşme aracı olarak kullanılır ve bu kapsamda Berlin tutarlılık iddiasını doğrular” savı üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Rasyonalite olgusunun modernite düşüncesinin temel değerlerinden biri olduğu kabulünden yola çıkılarak, ‘dil’ kavramı ve dilin içerisindeki tutarlılıklara dayalı kuramsal çerçeve ve bu çerçeveden türeyen dilbilimsel metodoloji doğrultusunda Berlin, gerek kentin biçimini koşullandıran metinler, gerekse bu metinler ışığında belirlenen yarışma projeleriyle somutlaştırılan kentsel-mimari doku açısından önce ayrı ayrı, sonra ise karşılaştırmalı bir analize tabi tutulmuş ve sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Berlin kentinin 20.yy ortalarından itibaren gözlenebilen dönüşümü ve modernitenin kentin fiziksel biçimlenişine yansıyan içsel tutarlılık - tutarsızlıklarını göz önüne sermek amacıyla Berlin kentinin dönüşümü; Berlin Duvarı inşası öncesi, sırası ve sonrasını kapsayan 1945-1961, 1961-1989 ve 1989-2014 olmak üzere üç farklı zaman kesitinde kategorize edilerek, kartografik çalışmalar üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.


  • Adams, F., Steadman, A. (2004). Intentional Action in Ordinary Language: Core Concept or Pragmatic Understanding?. Analysis, 64, 173-181.
  • Adams, F., Steadman, A. (2004). Intentional Actions and Moral Considiratiıns: Still Pragmatic. Analysis, 64, 264-267.
  • Adams, F. (1986). Intention and Intentional Action: the Simple View. Mind & Language 1, 281-301.
  • Arın, C. (2003). Sanayi Devrimi Kenti Berlin I: Kent Gelişimi Sürecine Bir Bakış, Mimarlık Dergisi, 313.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve. (n.d.). Historical Maps on Land Use Planning in Berlin,, 3 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). 1940/1953/1989/2001/2014, 40-2014.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Schwarzplane (Abriss) 1940-1953/ 1953- 1989/1989-2001/1940-2001, 2001.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Schwarzplane (Neubau) 1940-1953/ 1953- 1989/1989-2001/1940-2001, 1940-2001.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Planwerk Innere Stad 2010, nere_stadt_2010.jpg, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Differenz Plan 2010, n_2010.jpg, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Vorlage zur Kenntnisnahme an das Abgeordnetenhaus vom 17.01.2011: Weiterentwicklung des Planwerks Innenstadt zum Planwerk Innere Stadt, nat_planwerk_innere_stadt.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Scwarzplan Planwerk Innerestadt 2010 - Bestand 2010 und aktüelle Plannung, _bestand_2010_und_plw_innere_stadt_5000pix.jpg, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (n.d). 2D Innenstadtplan, shtml; 5cm.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (n.d). Alexanderplatz von der Nachkriegzeit 1945 bis zur Wiedervereinigung 1990: Wiederaufbau unter neuen stadebaulichen Vorzeichen-Erste geseamtstadtische überlegungen, eschichte_1945_bis_1990/index.shtml, 3 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2006). Entwicklungskonzept Mauergrünzug zwischen Mauerpark und Naturpark, ept_2006/mauergruenzug_gesamt_leseversion.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Bodenschatz, H. (1996). Antworten West Berlins auf die Stalinallee. der. H. Engel ve W. Ribbe, Karl Marx Alle Magistale in Berlin: Die Wanderung der sozialistischen Prachtstrasse zur Hauptstrasse des Berliner Ostens, Akademie Verlag, Berlin.
  • Çağlar, N. (2013). Mimarlık Yarışmaları İyi Şeyler (mi)dir?, Mimari Proje Yarışmaları, Dosya 31, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, 4-9.
  • Eris, E. (2016). Modernitenin Tutarlılık Anlatısı Üzerinden Berlin Kent Dönüşümünün Mimari Yarışma Projeleri Üzerinden Okunması; Duvar Öncesi, Sırası ve Sonrası Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme. Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Eris, E., Ozer, Y.S. (2016). Architectural Competitions as an Instrument for ‘Urban Rationalization’ in the Context of the Discourse of ‘Consistency’ in Modernity; the Case of Berlin. Megaron, 11(2), 201- 216. DOI: 10.5505/megaron.2016.48243
  • Giedion, S. (1956). Architektur und Gemeinschaft: Tagebuch einer Entwicklung, Hamburg. Gomez, P. (1983). Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science, MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Klausmeier, A., Schmidt, L. (2004). Wall Remnants-Wall Traces; The Comprehensive Guide to the Berlin Wall, Westkreuz-Verlag, Berlin/Bonn.
  • Kuhnt, T. H. (2015). Competition as Impetus for German Building Culture, Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge: An International Inquirt. Ed.: Lean-Pierre Chuppin, Carmela Cucuzzella, Bechara Helal, Potential Architectural Book, Montreal, Canada, 300.
  • Kumar, K. (1999). Sanayi Sonrası Toplumdan Postmodern Topluma Çağdaş Dünyanın Yeni Kuramları, çev. Mehmet Küçük, Dost Kitapevi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Sudjic, D. (2006). Competitions: The Pitfalls and the Potentials, In the Politics of Design: The Competitions for Public Projects, Ed.: Catherine Malmberg, Princeton University, U.S.A., 53-66.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin (2005). Panorama Berlin, Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin (2005). Luftbildplan 1953 Berlin - Bereich: Ernst-Ruter Platz bis Stralau, Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin (2005). Luftbildplan 1984 Berlin mit Mauerverlauf - Bereich: Siegessaule bis Stralau, Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin, (2005). Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Mahler, K. (1952). Rede des West-Berliner Senators für Bau-und Wohnungswesen, zit. Nach Geist/Kürvers. Mietshaus, 3, 357.
  • Mahler, K. (2001). Internationale Bauausstellung 1956: Wiederaufbau eines inneren Stadtviertels” cited in “Building Culture in Divided Berlin: Globalization and the Cold War. Castillo, G., Hybrid Urbanism: on the identity discourse and the built environment, Ed.: AlSayyad, N., Praeger Publishers, Westport, 186.
  • Miller, W. (1993). IBA Models for a City; Housing and the Image of Cold War Berlin. Journal of Architecture Education, vol 46, no.4, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Association on Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 202-216.
  • Müller, P. (2005). Counter-Architecture and Building Pace: Cold War Politics and the Two Berlins. GHI Bulletin Supplement 2, Berlin, 101-114.
  • Müller, P. (2001). Zu viel altes Schema: Die Repräsentationsarchitektur in Ost-Berlin zwischen Abgrenzung und Anpassung. Ed. Heiner Timmermann, Die DDR in Deutschland: Ein Rückblick auf 50 Jahre, Dokumente und Schriften der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen, 93, Berlin, 363–80.
  • Neumeyer, F., Ortner, M. (1997) Guidelines for Urban Interventions in the City West. The Journal of Architecture, 2, 215- 217.
  • Ockman, J., Ergen, E. (1993). Architecture Culture - 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation: Rizolli, Newyork.
  • Schlusche, G., Stadtentwicklung im geteilten Berlin (n.d.), http://www.berliner- stadtentwicklung.pdf, 3 February 2016.
  • Siedler, W.J., Kleihues, J. P.,(1977) Berlin- Modelle für eine stadt: Nicht die Konkurse, die Fehlplanungen sind der Skandal der Baupolitik Berlins. Berliner Morgenpost, 18 Ocak 1977.
  • Sonne, W. (2006). Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities. Ed. David L. A. Gordon, Routledge, London and Newyork.
  • Strohmeyer, K. (2000). James Hobrecht (1825-1902) und die Modernisierung der Stadt, Verlag for Berlin - Brnderburg, Postdam.
  • Werner, F. (1969). Stadtebau Berlin-Ost. Kiepert, Berlin.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 21 - 41, 28.02.2021


Berlin is a city that takes as an important place as well as being a model with its competition mechanism due to having a traditionalized form in terms of architectural and urban competition. It has also been often referred among rationality-based practices and discourses regarding ‘modern’ cities that take places in the geography where modernity was born. This study addresses that how the city of Berlin, where important political, economic and cultural breaking points are experienced at first hand, puts into practice the notion of rationality, which plays important role in the background of notion of modernity that can also be considered as an action plan of enlightenment and positivist perspective, by associating with the concept of ‘consistency’ and ‘language’ via architectural competitions and to what extent a common wisdom is decisive in cultural and intellectual processes in Berlin. In this context, study is based on the argument that “Competitions are used as an instrument for ‘Urban Rationalization’ in the context of the discourse of ‘consistency’ in modernity. Firstly, Berlin has been analyzed both in respect to the texts that condition the city form and from the point of view of embodied urban-architectural pattern through competition projects that is determined in the light of the competition texts. With the assumption that the concept of rationality is a fundamental value of modernity, the concept of language and the theoretical framework based on the consistency in language and in accordance with linguistics methodology which is derived from this framework. Secondly, comparative analyses are evaluated. With the aim at introducing of the transformation of the city from 20th century onward and reflecting the idea of modernity on both consistency and inconsistency concept to the city form, assessments of entries in architectural competitions held between 1945- 2014 during 3 sub-periods (1945-1961,1961-1989,1989-2014) defined by critical political, economic, cultural inflection points are made using cartographical method of urban analysis.


  • Adams, F., Steadman, A. (2004). Intentional Action in Ordinary Language: Core Concept or Pragmatic Understanding?. Analysis, 64, 173-181.
  • Adams, F., Steadman, A. (2004). Intentional Actions and Moral Considiratiıns: Still Pragmatic. Analysis, 64, 264-267.
  • Adams, F. (1986). Intention and Intentional Action: the Simple View. Mind & Language 1, 281-301.
  • Arın, C. (2003). Sanayi Devrimi Kenti Berlin I: Kent Gelişimi Sürecine Bir Bakış, Mimarlık Dergisi, 313.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve. (n.d.). Historical Maps on Land Use Planning in Berlin,, 3 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). 1940/1953/1989/2001/2014, 40-2014.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Schwarzplane (Abriss) 1940-1953/ 1953- 1989/1989-2001/1940-2001, 2001.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Schwarzplane (Neubau) 1940-1953/ 1953- 1989/1989-2001/1940-2001, 1940-2001.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Planwerk Innere Stad 2010, nere_stadt_2010.jpg, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Differenz Plan 2010, n_2010.jpg, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Vorlage zur Kenntnisnahme an das Abgeordnetenhaus vom 17.01.2011: Weiterentwicklung des Planwerks Innenstadt zum Planwerk Innere Stadt, nat_planwerk_innere_stadt.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2014). Scwarzplan Planwerk Innerestadt 2010 - Bestand 2010 und aktüelle Plannung, _bestand_2010_und_plw_innere_stadt_5000pix.jpg, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (n.d). 2D Innenstadtplan, shtml; 5cm.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (n.d). Alexanderplatz von der Nachkriegzeit 1945 bis zur Wiedervereinigung 1990: Wiederaufbau unter neuen stadebaulichen Vorzeichen-Erste geseamtstadtische überlegungen, eschichte_1945_bis_1990/index.shtml, 3 February 2016.
  • Berlin Senate Planning Department Archieve (2006). Entwicklungskonzept Mauergrünzug zwischen Mauerpark und Naturpark, ept_2006/mauergruenzug_gesamt_leseversion.pdf, 10 February 2016.
  • Bodenschatz, H. (1996). Antworten West Berlins auf die Stalinallee. der. H. Engel ve W. Ribbe, Karl Marx Alle Magistale in Berlin: Die Wanderung der sozialistischen Prachtstrasse zur Hauptstrasse des Berliner Ostens, Akademie Verlag, Berlin.
  • Çağlar, N. (2013). Mimarlık Yarışmaları İyi Şeyler (mi)dir?, Mimari Proje Yarışmaları, Dosya 31, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, 4-9.
  • Eris, E. (2016). Modernitenin Tutarlılık Anlatısı Üzerinden Berlin Kent Dönüşümünün Mimari Yarışma Projeleri Üzerinden Okunması; Duvar Öncesi, Sırası ve Sonrası Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme. Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Eris, E., Ozer, Y.S. (2016). Architectural Competitions as an Instrument for ‘Urban Rationalization’ in the Context of the Discourse of ‘Consistency’ in Modernity; the Case of Berlin. Megaron, 11(2), 201- 216. DOI: 10.5505/megaron.2016.48243
  • Giedion, S. (1956). Architektur und Gemeinschaft: Tagebuch einer Entwicklung, Hamburg. Gomez, P. (1983). Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science, MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Klausmeier, A., Schmidt, L. (2004). Wall Remnants-Wall Traces; The Comprehensive Guide to the Berlin Wall, Westkreuz-Verlag, Berlin/Bonn.
  • Kuhnt, T. H. (2015). Competition as Impetus for German Building Culture, Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge: An International Inquirt. Ed.: Lean-Pierre Chuppin, Carmela Cucuzzella, Bechara Helal, Potential Architectural Book, Montreal, Canada, 300.
  • Kumar, K. (1999). Sanayi Sonrası Toplumdan Postmodern Topluma Çağdaş Dünyanın Yeni Kuramları, çev. Mehmet Küçük, Dost Kitapevi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Sudjic, D. (2006). Competitions: The Pitfalls and the Potentials, In the Politics of Design: The Competitions for Public Projects, Ed.: Catherine Malmberg, Princeton University, U.S.A., 53-66.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin (2005). Panorama Berlin, Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin (2005). Luftbildplan 1953 Berlin - Bereich: Ernst-Ruter Platz bis Stralau, Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin (2005). Luftbildplan 1984 Berlin mit Mauerverlauf - Bereich: Siegessaule bis Stralau, Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Luftbildkarte Berlin, (2005). Über Berlin: Luftbildplane, Ansichten, Übersichtskarten von 1237 bis heute, Verlag Bien & Giersch, Berlin.
  • Mahler, K. (1952). Rede des West-Berliner Senators für Bau-und Wohnungswesen, zit. Nach Geist/Kürvers. Mietshaus, 3, 357.
  • Mahler, K. (2001). Internationale Bauausstellung 1956: Wiederaufbau eines inneren Stadtviertels” cited in “Building Culture in Divided Berlin: Globalization and the Cold War. Castillo, G., Hybrid Urbanism: on the identity discourse and the built environment, Ed.: AlSayyad, N., Praeger Publishers, Westport, 186.
  • Miller, W. (1993). IBA Models for a City; Housing and the Image of Cold War Berlin. Journal of Architecture Education, vol 46, no.4, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Association on Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 202-216.
  • Müller, P. (2005). Counter-Architecture and Building Pace: Cold War Politics and the Two Berlins. GHI Bulletin Supplement 2, Berlin, 101-114.
  • Müller, P. (2001). Zu viel altes Schema: Die Repräsentationsarchitektur in Ost-Berlin zwischen Abgrenzung und Anpassung. Ed. Heiner Timmermann, Die DDR in Deutschland: Ein Rückblick auf 50 Jahre, Dokumente und Schriften der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen, 93, Berlin, 363–80.
  • Neumeyer, F., Ortner, M. (1997) Guidelines for Urban Interventions in the City West. The Journal of Architecture, 2, 215- 217.
  • Ockman, J., Ergen, E. (1993). Architecture Culture - 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation: Rizolli, Newyork.
  • Schlusche, G., Stadtentwicklung im geteilten Berlin (n.d.), http://www.berliner- stadtentwicklung.pdf, 3 February 2016.
  • Siedler, W.J., Kleihues, J. P.,(1977) Berlin- Modelle für eine stadt: Nicht die Konkurse, die Fehlplanungen sind der Skandal der Baupolitik Berlins. Berliner Morgenpost, 18 Ocak 1977.
  • Sonne, W. (2006). Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities. Ed. David L. A. Gordon, Routledge, London and Newyork.
  • Strohmeyer, K. (2000). James Hobrecht (1825-1902) und die Modernisierung der Stadt, Verlag for Berlin - Brnderburg, Postdam.
  • Werner, F. (1969). Stadtebau Berlin-Ost. Kiepert, Berlin.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İç Mimarlık
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Evin Eriş Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4790-814X

Yasemen Say Özer Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9497-9368

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Eriş, E., & Say Özer, Y. (2021). THE ROLE OF ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITIONS IN ACHIEVING URBAN TRANSFORMATION IN BERLIN. Tasarım Mimarlık Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 1(1), 21-41.